Author has written 11 stories for D.Gray-Man, Gundam Wing/AC, Bleach, and Hikaru no Go. What can I say... I didn't write anything for almost three years and changed my mail account so I am very sorry but instead of being plain lilla I am now lilla-bis? I promise to finish them Weiss stories sooner or later, as soon as work and inspiration allow? I am a dolt? (That works too...) Anyway I only plan to post a few occasional drabbles here because I have plenty of unfinished long stories I must see done and I do not want to start any other major project. So unless there are requests, birthdays or inspiration strikes big time I shall concentrate on finishing: 1) With my eyes wide open 2) The dark side of the force (which never got posted for various reasons.) I did promise a genesis of Schwartz fanfic. This is it. 3) May you live in interesting times. I will post these fics here too because, well... See above. Coughs. I will write drabbles to train myself back into this whole writing thing for a little while though. If you want to ask for anything go ahead. I will put up a notice on my LJ (lilla_chan) when I have some free writing time. I am not so sure I will be able to do any pairing justice. I have a tendency to be somewhat mono thematic. One series, one OTP. But I will give almost anything a try. I blame Sardius very much for the whole D.Gray man debacle. I started out thinking this series was the bastard love child of Fullmetal Alchemist and Hellsing. Then she got me into the manga. I have fallen so far down the rabbit-hole it is not even funny. I have, in general, a very weird sense of humour. It cannot be stopped. It can be dark. It is not likely to go away no matter what I do. I also fail completely at romance and fluff. Forewarned is forearmed... Read at your own peril! Edit: To everybody out there reading this. I will be out of contact due to some health issues in the family for a looong while (1 month at least) will get back to writing and replying ASAP. In the meantime here you have a GW 1x3 piece of insanity and a somewhat darkish D.GrayMan piece. Enjoy and thanks for reading! |