Author has written 73 stories for Chrono Cross, Kingdom Hearts, Greek Mythology, Loveless, Air Gear, D.Gray-Man, Lord of the Rings, Supernatural, and Thor. MOST IMPORTANT THING IF YOU READ THIS! If you are a fan of any of my stories, enough to favorite me as an author or the story itself, please leave an in-depth review of the story instead! (Or in addition to, because I know it's just easier to find things you like again using that system.) I know it's a lot more trouble but I'd rather hear what people think about my writing than seeing that they like it without me knowing why. I cherish smart, observant reviews deeply. If you leave me a review that impresses me with its insights, I'm always sure to write back. End imploration. I realize now this is terribly outdated...all right, editing away! August 14, 2009: Stuff that stayed the same: Some of my feelings on fanfiction: I don't care for romance if it's crappy, and beware, I assume that if it is a romance, it will be crappy. (I become extremely happy upon discovery of exceptions.)The following are the types of fics/aspects of fics I have varying degrees of dislike for, with the exception of really well-conceived or developed ones: Mary Sues, Out of Character (OOC), Alternate Universe (AU), Crappy humor (particularily those with random occurances) and self-insertions (Especially those that pair the author with the main guy/girl, or makes the self insertion super powerful or excrete an unusually high level of pheromones.) These objections do not pertain to all fics that go under these catagories. I just have an innate contempt for most of them, that's all. Stuff that's changed!: What I'm writing: Abandoned projects (sorry all who wanted to see them... just ran out of creative juices for them.) Shadowed Flight for Chrono Cross. Less for Loveless. I am no longer too skittish to write cough scenes of physical affection. (Although I haven't felt the inclination to get very graphic, as of yet.) Nor do I hesitate to write male/male, female/female, any kind of sentient (or unsentient) being/any kind of sentient (or unsentient) being, etc. shrugs What can I say, I got past a lot of hang-ups... I tend to write a lot of introspective one-shot type fics. The only series I'm working on now is a Kanda/Lavi one, "It's the last thing I wanted to say" The series I like (now) and am likely to write fics for are: Air Gear and D. Gray-man (Sorry, I have narrow focus...I wrote only Chrono Cross for what, two and a half years?) Series I like to read and will review but will probably not write for in the near future: Final Fantasy 6-10 and Advent Children, Kingdom Hearts, Saiyuki, Yu-gi-oh!, Death Note, Descendants of Darkness, Kyou Kara Maoh, Naruto, Spiral, Ouran Host Club, Saikano, Yakitate! Japan, Tenjo Tenge, Chrono Cross, D. Grayman, Hikaru no Go, Digimon, probably more I'm not thinking of... Feel free to make requests for these series, even though I'm not thinking of material for them on my own right now. Characters I like: (I don't like pairings in particular) Teru Mikami, Wolfram, Akito/Agito, Kanmuri, Kyouya Ootori, Riku (and Sora and Kairi), Gojyo, Tatsumi, Lavi/Labi/Rabi/Ravi whatever (actually, all of the four major exorcists), Masataka Mitsuomi. EDIT: Dammit, favorite pairing: Kanda x Lavi. T_T EDIT AGAIN: LAWLS!! I was cleaning out my email inbox and found this quote in an email I wrote MONTHS ago when I first started getting into D. Gray-man. "And I went on Ebay to check out D-grayman coz I say this cool pic of all the exorcists that I really want a poster for. All I could find were cosplay outfits or Allen x Kanda fancomics. That or Kanda x Lavi. T_T How does that even make any sense?! (They haven't met, at least as far as I am right now.) " Oh the irony. Not that I think it makes sense now, I just like it. I am a very honest reviewer, but I am also a good one. I'm interested especially in developing honest-to-god writing skills instead of pandering-to-fangirls skills, so if I review something you wrote I WILL make commentary on what needs improvement. (Although to be honest, I avoid reading crap, so it's more likely that I really, really liked your fic and read it to the end. Unless it's a fic I am so disgusted by I have to read the entire thing to leave a thorough list of what went wrong.) I like smart fics, mostly, which can exist in any category and in a number of ways. |