Disgrace, shame, coward, Loki had accepted these words upon his name ages ago. All those years of being taunted and called ergi must have been fate's cruel joke towards him. It seemed everyone had known what he would become but himself. For he was indeed ergi, feminine, the passive. So many times he had let himself be taken by Thor and now Thor wanted to regain their honor.

It was the most laughable thing he had ever heard of. To regain his honor would mean he had to slaughter Thor. He had entertained the idea at one point but after staying under his brother's protection for so long he wouldn't dare. While what Thor had done to him was shameful, Loki couldn't deny he still loved his brother. Before finding out he was a frost giant, back when they were still on good terms, he had enjoyed spending time with him.

Funny how Thor defiling him was the strongest argument he could have ever given him to their brotherhood. It would have been easier if they weren't. The only thing that would regain his honor would label him a kin-slayer and he no longer had any wish for that. They were brothers.

Yet, Thor was adamant on 'restoring their honor' and he was simply too exhausted to fight back. It was nauseating leaving the comfort of the bedroom after being tortured for doing so in the past but he didn't let it show. He was frustrated and angry at Thor's continued denial and he let every ounce of those emotions play across his face. Thor, driven by guilt or simply gone mad, Loki couldn't tell but he claimed they couldn't stay in the presence of his friends having been dishonored. That almost brought him relief. If it was just the pair of them perhaps he really didn't have to worry about being dragged to the fire. They found his friends in what looked like a gathering hall. They were all seated upon the giant cushioned chairs in conversation. Quiet occurred when they noticed them. "My friends." Thor spoke his voice heavy with regret.

"Forgive me for abusing your hospitality. I had not yet learned of our shame."

He gave a small bow and put his hand on Loki's forearm to pull him forward by his side. Loki just growled slightly and shoved him off choosing to stay where he was several paces behind. He was not sorry for anything involving them. It brought a small smile to Thor's face to see his brother taking charge for himself rather than the rag-doll behavior he had displayed earlier.

"We understand this has been a rough time for you. Tony got the tower back in order so you really shouldn't worry about it." Steve said as he smiled at them.

It must have been embarrassing for Thor to lose control over his power. On top of learning about what Loki had gone through, Steve had no doubt the brothers were in a rough patch but it comforted him knowing they were together. He had seen enough people come out of a battle with no one. He looked towards Tony and gestured at him which earned him an eye role.

"Tower's fine guys no harm no foul."

Thor only shook his head at them.

"No, whoever kept my brother in captivity raped him with a man bearing my appearance. We leave now to seek their death and ruin."

His voice had grown angry with each word. The avengers blanched in shock mingled with horror on their faces.

"What the actual…"

"That's terrible." Bruce jumped in having to yell over Tony's still obvious use of the f word. He glared heavily at Tony who continued to stare.

"It is indeed." Thor intoned. "By Odin's beard we shall not rest till we bath in their blood."

He growled to which Loki only growled in irritation.

"Then creep closer brother and I shall slice your throat with my blade." He snapped.

"No, their blood shall break this spell they have placed on your mind."

"What exactly are you talking about, Thor." Steve said a large frown now on his face.

Natasha had crept towards the exit examining them carefully while Clint had his eyes fixed on Thor who simply sighed.

"While under captivity someone used some kind of devilry to take my form. While they had him captive, beaten and weak, they raped him like the cowards they were instead of taking him at full strength. We have been tainted by them."

"That doesn't make you tainted." Clint snapped. "And how the fuck can you say something like that after he confided in you."

He thought back on all the things he had told Natasha while under the enemy's control. He could only imagine how betrayed he would feel having that brought to light and for Thor to reveal something so personal it only made him angrier. Loki began laughing behind Clint and stepped forward with a sneer on his face.

"Oh little hawk, you must be a Midgardian Ergi." He said mockingly and Thor's face turned red as he turned towards Loki.

"Watch your tongue." He growled but Loki only laughed.

"What other reason could he have for defending an Ergi besides being one himself?"

"Do not say…"

"I'm Ergi!? Why? Because now it's finally true?"

"This shame will not last." He spoke soothingly with a firm conviction.

"You're not shamed, Loki." Natasha spoke up fixing Thor with a huge glare.

Loki looked at her like she was an idiot.

"You're not tainted. You're not dirty and you don't have to run off. Now I know Thor is being a bastard right now but he was with us these past two years so why don't we sit down and put our stories together if you want to pursue this. Otherwise you have every damn right and support of everyone in this room to lock Thor out of your room and crawl back into bed."

The others gave an affirmative nod at her words all ready and willing to back up her threat.

"So, what part of being fucked like a bitch doesn't sound like shame and dishonor. Maybe you misunderstood, I was on the bottom."

"Loki" Thor growled and yanked his should to face him causing him to flinch.

"Fuck Thor, what type of fucked up things have you been telling him?"

"I'm not listening to this mockery," Loki growled out and started walking back towards their room.

"So you will roll over like a mare and.."

"I will not kill you!" He shrieked over him.


"Thor." Bruce dead toned as he stepped between the pair. Loki saw his opportunity to escape into the bedroom and slammed the door behind him.

A harsh pounding had formed between his brow and he leaned his face against the harsh wood of the door with a groan. That had gone terribly. Of course Thor's new friends would be even more obnoxious than the last ones. The idiots acted like they didn't even understand the most basic concepts surrounding a man's honor, unless they just did that to mock him. His shoulders stiffened and he growled in annoyance. Right, how stupid of him.

"Loki," Thor said and Loki huffed dramatically.

Couldn't he get a moments peace? As Thor's hand rested on the back of his neck he stiffened greatly and a moment later Thor had twisted him violently to slam his back into the wall.

"Do you have any idea how much trouble you've caused me!"

Loki felt the pressure on his windpipe and his head spun in confusion. His back was to the only door out of the room and Thor had not followed him in. In a panic he tried to claw Thor's hands off of him but he was still weak.

"Have you let the monster taken charge of you so much?"

He growled and lifted Loki up with both hands to toss him towards the bed. He fell backwards awkwardly. His head collided with the edge of the bed as his body fell on the floor in front. With wide eyes, he wasted no time in scampering away but Thor grasped his ankle keeping him in place. Loki fumbled with the foot of the bed but his hands shook too much for him to get a proper grip as he was pulled back towards Thor. His heart pounded in his ears and his magic began creating static around the room as he lost control in his panic.

"I will drive this demon from you. You will be free of its clenches little brother."

Shock overtook his brain slowing his reactions to Thor's advances. He felt his consciousness start to shift as if he was drifting above his own body but still connected. The sharp edge of Thor's nails scrapped across his waist and legs as he ripped off Loki's sweats and undergarments. The hand returned and dug underneath his lower back. Using this grip and the hold on his shoulder, Thor flipped him onto his stomach.

His vision swam as his head smashing into the floor. He groped around the floor to ground himself in reality. When the hand settled back on him it was like a train had crashed into his floating conscious sending him back into his body.

"Nooo!" He screamed.

His magic intensified to a deep green around him before it exploded throwing Thor crashing into the wall. Shock took over both of their faces. Loki never had his magic. Thanos had locked it away before giving him to the Chitauri. This wasn't a prison, he slowly began to realize. He wasn't back in either of them and Thor had never left the gathering room.

Thor rose anger spreading over his face like he was facing down an army of frost giants. But as Loki scrambled to his feet with his hands glowing green he observed the foul taste in the air. It stunk of blood magic.

"What is this devilry?"

Thor growled the lack of thunder as he spoke all the more biting. Thor never grew angry without the presence of thunder and the hammer retrieved from his belt held the same magical signature as Thor. They were always different. The world faded to the slow steady thrum of blood through his veins as Loki raised his hand and engraved two shining runes into the air. He couldn't just be crazy.

"Release my brother you monster!"

Thor roared and lunged at him but Loki was able to intersect him with three doubles and his true form vanished into the air. He stumbled around the room waiting for the rune to finish absorbing the energy in the room creating double after double to distract Thor as he raged across the room. He drove them on instinct as having complicated thoughts escaped him in his panic.

Please, don't be Thor.

He repeated over and over in his head as the ancient rune scripts sought out all magical threats to him in the room. He stumbled into the bathroom and watched withheld breath as the energy forming the runes twisted like snakes to form the riddle the land spirits provided.

Twist the one it wears, from the one who bears, Poison without feeling, Death without healing. Pollute that which matters most.

The word's swirled and burned over Thor as a dark black line was slowly revealed connecting them together. Blood dripped from every inch of the cord. That wasn't Thor. The fake Thor's hammer went flying and smashing into the glass walls of the shower. The shards scrapped against his arm revealing his true location at the end of the cord. The terror that had crippled him began to bleed away to a consuming rage.

It had never been Thor. This creature, this shadow of a being, had dishonored his brotherhood and had been driving him mad. With his magic back and the confirmation of the spell it was hard to miss. This was a doppelganger, created from sacrifice, some part of Thor, hair or blood most likely, and his memories. It latched onto the one thing he held most sacred in their relationship and perverted it anyway it could.

As the rage began to boil over his eyes he screamed and pounced upon the creature. It blocked his attack and in a furry of kicks and punches they began to fight. The hammer never returned for it wasn't mjolnir and this only made him more furious. The double was weaker than Thor, slower even, and, with added fire from his magic licking at its heels, he found himself quickly overpowering it.

"You."Loki spit at the creature he had pinned to the ground on its back. "I would take you like the mare you are if I had the patience for such attics."

"How dare…"

But Loki was quick to cut the air from his throat.

"Where is your strength now you raven starver? Where is your righteousness now?"

He growled low in the man's face and then pulled back to punch him again and again. His blood sung through his eyes as he grabbed the creature's arms and threw it onto its stomach. With a blood crazed roar, Loki twisted its arms above its head at such an angle that they popped. The creature let out a blood curling scream and Loki just threw his head back and laughed taking a fistful of the being's hair.

"You think that is painful, bitch? Did you think you could hide behind my brother's face?"

He conjured an ice dagger from the air and jammed it heavily into the creature's shoulders blades. His smile grew with each groan and gush of blood seeping from the wound.

"Loki…please you…"

"You will know pain!" He shrieked. "And then you'll lead me to your castor and I will water the earth with his blood."

With a wave of his hand fire licked the feet of the fake Thor. It raged and screamed but Loki kept his grip steady as he laughed and laughed drinking in each scream like a healing balm for his soul. He used the dagger to slice at the man over and over, till the flesh was hanging off the bones and the blood cleaving to his hands. He wiped the blood coating his hands onto his nose, to his ear's and through his hair like an oil. It left dark lines on his face against his ashy white skin. The fake Thor was still beneath him and he laughed again.

"Now," He panted from exhaustion his eyes turning wide with gleeful anticipation. "You'll help me find your maker."

He rolled the fake Thor onto his back and paused to take in the pale face of his brother covered in blood. He traced a shaking hand over his check in fascination. It looked just like Thor, just like his real brother. A shallow breath escaped its lips and the hype of the moment was leaving him in the wake of that face. An irrational fear gripped him in the pit of his stomach.

What if this really had been Thor?

Could he have mistaken the twist in the air?

Did he read the riddle wrong?

What if after being locked away for so long he had lost his mind?It looked just like him. A shiver ran through him as he gazed at the face now just inches from his own.


He cried to silence the doubts in his head and smacked the creature across its face.

"I am the monster!" He cried and hit it again and again. "I was always the monster!"

His hand's quickly found Thor's throat as he shook him violently

"Your cock can't change what I am!"

Tears slowly mingled with the blood on his face as he scooted down till he straddling Thor's waist with a hand on his chest. His face grew sharper as he wiped the emotions from his face his hand positioned below Thor's rib-cage.

"No," He whispered. "You won't stop me with those lies anymore. I am the god of lies. I know how to wear faces."

His breath picked up slowly as he concentrated his magic towards the tips of his fingers. The energy grew strong with each deep inhale he made forming claws. With an intake of breath he slowly pushed his hand into the creature's chest. His breath caught in his throat and he let out a shaky exhale his eyes fluttering closed as he broke flesh. Thor had awoken with a jolt pushing his hand further into his chest.

He tried to struggle but his arms remained useless by his side and every buck he made just rocked Loki forward towards his heart more. Thor cried and groaned words he could no longer understand. He felt the heart beneath his hand pumping furiously and caved forwards upon the man with a moan. He gripped the heart firmly as best he could and let his magic slowly cover every surface of the heart.

With a feral cry, his magic sliced through anything connecting the heart to the body and he burst his way through Thor's chest taking the heart with him. It continued to beat wildly in his hands, his magic fueling it and taking the place of blood. Thor gurgled words for a few more seconds and fell dead. Blood formed like a pool in his chest and overflowed softly upon the floor. His eyes remained crazed as he gazed upon the creature who stole his brother's face and he felt his nerves snap. He had killed Thor and stolen his heart from his body.

A deranged laugh erupted from his chest once more but the panic stayed at his breast. He needed to find Thor, his Thor, the real one, the one who had never defiled him, the one who only ever called him brother. He backed away from the body in horror at the flesh and blood upon the floor. With the heart clenched firmly in his hands he tried his best to open the door but his fingers where slippery with blood. He couldn't get a good grip while clenching the heart and he needed both hands to keep his magic flowing through the heart. Glancing back at the body on the floor, Loki shivered his panic only rising further.

"Thor?" He yelled at the door. "Thor!" He glanced once more at the body.

"Thor, brother! Open the door! Thor!"

He shrieked and turned fully towards the body and then back towards the door.

"Brother!" He screamed.

But nobody came.

He stayed glued to the spot by the door clenching the heart to his chest. After his eyes couldn't handle the sight of Thor open chested on the floor he turned his head towards the door. Thor would come. He had to come. He was looking after him. They were supposed to ride to battle for their honor. They were supposed to take revenge on those that had caused this between them. His eyes now remained fixed to the door in horror silently begging it to open and reveal his true brother.

The minutes stretched on forever as he gazed at the door. The heart thumped steadily in his hands. He heard the doorknob creak and jumped back with a start. He felt his heart clench and release a world wind of tension.


He cried in relief and began to laugh. A lone tear dripped down his face. Thor's face paled in the doorway as he beheld his brother standing in naught but his shirt, covered in blood with a beating heart in his hand.

"What? What has happened?"

He bellowed and with two large strides he brushed past Loki into the room. His gaze quickly turned to the dead man and he felt his breath leave him. He turned to his brother behind him who stayed gasping deeply through a faint sob. His eyes followed his every move as if to drink him in through his tears. Thor looked back towards the figure and knelt on the balls of his feet to gaze at the man. He tapped the figures face with batted breath daring it to shift out of Loki's many illusions but his face remained mirrored in the blood.


He questioned and turned his gaze to his brother who had crept so close his arms brushed against his side. Loki tilted his head down to gaze at him his cries stilling.

"What am I to you Thor?"

He boomed suddenly despite his timid stance. Thor stood quietly taking in his brother. He had flinched when he rose.

"You're my brother."

"It was a doppelganger." He replied shakily gesturing to the fake Thor on the floor. "Someone conjured it when I was held captive."

"That would explain why you believed it to be me." Thor said gravely and looked upon the thing with disgust. "Tis would be a lie for me to say I was glad it was vanquished. I had hoped to break its bones myself."

"Oh I did more than break its bones."

Loki supplied and Thor grinned at him. Loki's shaking was fading and the color was rising to his checks once more. The thrill of the battle was taking over as Thor gazed proudly at him.

"Yes, it seems the coward had no fight in him. He would make the raven's starve. Now who raised this devil so we may face the mare's head towards their dwelling?" Thor asked his voice cracking with thunder and malice.

"That's what this is for." He said and licked the bloody tears from his lips. Thor cocked his head at him curiously. "I only need your help to make the circle for the spell. The heart must be freshly beating so I cannot loosen my hold."

He said and moved the heart back and forth. Thor rested a warm hand on Loki's shoulder and for what seemed like forever he didn't flinch.

They rushed into the sitting room and Thor made short work of throwing all the furniture against the walls or into the hallway. Once finished he moved around the island into the kitchen where Loki was waiting.

"We need flour or something else to stop water from leaving the circle and salt."

Loki instructed so he began to search through the pantries for what was requested. He grabbed the salt shaker and a large tub of pancake mix.

"And now?"

Loki wordlessly turned and moved back into the sitting room. He stopped in the center of the room and took a deep breath. As he exhaled a stream of magic escaped from his mouth and formed a wide circle around him.

"Lay the flour on the line."

He instructed and Thor quickly began pouring the pancake mix.

"Now break the salt jar in the center of the circle."

He said and moved away. Thor walked up in his place and let the ceramic shaker shatter at his feet. Loki was at his side in an instant placing the heart in the pile of salt.

"Now get out of the circle."

He said hands still hovering over the heart.

"And don't step back in."

Thor scampered back and Loki turned in his place towards the eastern wall before the heart. He threw his arms off the heart and held them spread wide. He began to chant in their native tongue and Thor watched with a proud glow in his chest. Loki had regained his honor in slaying the doppelganger and now all that was left was for them to seek their revenge upon those who dared mess with the sons of Odin. His grin grew as Loki's eyes began to shine an eerie bright green. Black goop began to gurgle from the vein and arteries of the heart.

It flooded the circle as the magic lifted Loki into the air. The black bubbled and swirled at the edges of the circle but the pancake mix held it back. Loki's chant was cut short suddenly and Thor had to stop himself short from stepping into the circle. Loki's head fell back and his toes seemed to curl with him. The black began to crumble into ash as well as the heart and like the sudden blowing of a light-bulb the heart blew away in the wind and Loki crashed back upon his feet. He stumbled back but was quick to stand up straight with a grin in Thor's direction.

"Your vardøger was happy to tell us everything it could of those that enslaved and perverted it. It also showed me exactly where to go to and I quote 'bring carnage upon them'"

Thor's hammer whipped through the air with a crack and with a roar he raised it to the sky.

"Odin owns them all!" They both cried grinning with the lust of war.

"We will not disappoint!" Spoke Thor as a crack shook the room.

"I inform you only so you are prepared for the enemy we face. There are many of them, a clear army and at the head behind it most was the mad Titan Thanos."

"Ahh! May Hela bring him many year of pain." Growled Thor as he gripped Loki's shoulders.

"Let's give the raven's something to feast on." Loki cackled with glee as he began opening the portal. "For the honor they took."

"And we they defiled."

"No rest!"


As the portal closed the avengers where left gaping with their mouths open.

"What the fuck just happened in my living room." Tony yelled. "What fucking war?"

He cried and continued to swear at the mess on the floor. It wasn't until they heard Natasha swear that they grew concerned and ran to Thor's room where they found it covered in blood and ash.