I drew a picture...and well, this happened...
I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh characters, such as S. Kaiba (or his trench coat)
Moving on: -bangs head against corner of desk- please. Anyone. Update or make a SetoxJou fanifction with sex. It doesn't have to be Kinky, or hard core(though it'd be awesome if they were wink wink nudge nudge hint hint), Just cute, fluffy and have sex. I beg of you! (that was typed during five days of no updation when I started to type this fic, but the beg still stands)
He didn't know what really possessed him, but he couldn't help it. They were in the middle of lunch and it was spirit week so the school had let them loose on what they wanted to wear. He'd come to school in a more form fitting red shirt he'd just bought and a black-jean pair of his favorite skinny jeans.
In those very same clothes he'd walked over to Seto Kaiba's desk.
Seto never ate lunch in the classroom. It was always too noisy for the serious CEO; so the brunette, today, in his tight, black cashmere turtleneck and black leather pants, made his way to the roof with his laptop to eat lunch.
The white Battle-City trench coat Katsuya Jounouchi was picking up was left behind.
Again, he really had no idea what possessed him. It could of been the fact he was secretly-kinda dating Seto ('kinda' as in not really but they tended to do things like fuck buddies with a little less fucking and even less feeling on Kaiba's part). It could of been the naughty puppy inside of him that just wanted to get inside of his unknowing master's things. Or, it could of been Bakura's-who'd moved here from England right after all the Shadow chaos- subtle hint when he'd bluntly pointed out the trench coat resting alone on the back of the chair.
He looked at the group, Bakura had an evil, knowing smirk and Yugi looked almost pale. The others, they had no clue about Kaiba- Bakura was just overly observant- but he was sure they had some suspicion he and Kaiba had some kind of fucked up relationship-which they did- and they knew he liked Kaiba.
Smirking back, he twisted it on and walked to the front of the classroom and hopped on top of the obsessive compulsive teacher's desk and modeled for the class.
The class all looked at him, smiling and laughing as he twirled and made snide and silly remarks about how good he looked in Seto's slightly large, flaring trench.
When the owner walked in, holding his laptop brief case and a surprised look on his face, again, Katsuya couldn't help himself.
"Do I look sexy in trench?"
"It's warm an' surprisin'ly comfortable," Katsuya explained as everyone stared at him in his seat, again wearing Seto's trench coat. It was lunch the next day and Katsuya had seen the trench coat alone again and, without being able to help himself, he put it on again.
"Jeez, Retriever," Bakura said, taking a sip of his juice box, "if I didn't know any better..."
"But you don't," Katsuya hinted, stealing one of Bakura's cookies and getting away with it; it was something no one understood, if anyone else but Ryou tried to steal from the thief, they'd get their hand chopped off faster then an alley cat in heat could raise her tail.
"Oh, really now?" Bakura said, taking one of Katsuya's gummies, "I don't?"
"Nope." Katsuya replied and looked at Yugi sitting in Atemu's lap, "Hey, Yug', can I have a few chips?"
Yugi held out his chips and Katsuya took a few and cradled them in his hand. Yugi was such a good friend, giving up some of his chips for his starving friend.
"Let's list your top ten most crazy things you've ever done," Anzu stated, crossing her legs, "One: This."
"Nah," Honda said, "Definitely stealing the time when Jou went through with Bakura's dare and kissed Mokuba's cheek. Kaiba 'bout burst a vein when Mokuba played along and went to 'kiss' Katsuya on the lips."
"Oh! And there was the time when, while running from Mai after she found out he ate her valentine chocolates, he locked himself in the closet with Kaiba," Ryou mentioned and took a sip of Bakura's juice. It was apple, his favorite.
"Do ya guys notice you're all listin' things t'at involve Kaiba?" Katsuya question and finished his chips.
"Yes." The entire group stated. At the same exact time.
"But this is still in the top ten, and yesterday," Anzu stated, "That was dangerous. 'Do I look sexy in trench?' Really, Jou? Kaiba about killed you!"
"Nah," Katsuya stated, flicking his wrist, "It'd bring too many law suits."
"I don't know retriever, people can easily be bought," Bakura said. It was true, he knew for sure if Seto paid him enough he'd shut the hell up and take the money.
Katsuya blew a raspberry and set his forehead on his desk. Low blow, Bakura. "Shut up and let me win."
"But that wouldn't be Bakura's way," Ryou said and took another sip. He wiggled a bit in Bakura's lap and heard the male let out a husky groan. He was almost tempted to do it again, but that plan was shot to Hell when he thought about how Bakura would react.
"It's okay Jou," Yugi encouraged, reaching over and patting Katsuya's back, "I don't win much either."
"I do," Atemu reinforced, only to be elbowed by his Hikari...hard. "Ow!"
Katsuya and Bakura laughed as Honda let out a snort and Anzu smirked. Ryou just rolled his eyes, knowing exactly what Yugi was going through. Yamis could just be so...undisciplined.
"Either way-"
"'Either way,' you're wearing my trench coat," Seto said from behind Katsuya.
Katsuya leaned back and looked up and back at Seto who stared irritatedly down at him. He smiled, showing his sparkly white teeth, figuring he'd be irritating Seto more by doing so. It was just too much fun not to, and when Kaiba made that kind of face...
Well, Katsuya couldn't help himself even more.
"No matter how sexy you do or do not look in my trench coat, it'd be greatly appreciated if you didn't get your street dirt all over it, Mutt. If you haven't noticed, it's white."
"An' it's warm an' comfy," Katsuya said, "An' I guess ya'll jus' have ta have one of yer slaves wash it for ya. Ya'know: mutt germs."
Seto sighed, massaging the bridge of his nose and thinking it over. "Bring it tomorrow, Mutt. I've got to go and I don't have time for this."
And then the Dragon Master proceeded to turn around and grab the brief case on his desk and leave.
Katsuya watched in awe as the CEO just walked away without a 'Give it' or even some sort of dog command like 'Drop'. He'd half expected the brunette to grab his shirt and yank him up. He put his head back down and stared at the desk with his face the brightest red his friends had ever seen.
"Haha!" Bakura laughed, "Retriever's bright red! Wha' you imagining?"
"Nothin'! Bak'ra!" Katsuya squeaked, and the proceeded to stand and run to the door, "I'm goin' ta give it back."
The group watched him slam the door shut and looked at each other.
"Ten dollars Kaiba pushes him into the wall," Yugi said, shifting around for his wallet.
"Twenty if he does that and kisses him to a point Retriever comes back dazed," Bakura vouched, standing as much as he could with Ryou in his lap and getting out his wallet...that Katsuya must of taken earlier. "Stupid Retriever," he cursed, "He took my wallet."
"I have it, Bakura," Ryou said and reached into his school bag and gave the thief his wallet and rolling his eyes.
"Thirty he kisses, but no shoving," Anzu said, on the way to her desk for her school bag.
"Five says all of ya are wrong," Honda said, pulling a five from his pocket. Everyone looked at him, "What? If I'm wrong I'm not losing much but if I'm right I hit Jackpot."
"I put ten with Bakura," Ryou said and took out his own wallet. "I must admit, I feel slightly bad we use Jou as a gambling pool so often."
"Nah," Bakura said and wrapped his arms around Ryou's waist and leaning on him, "He's knows."
"How do you know, Thief," Atemu asked, "Five with Honda."
"'Cause he always makes me give him half my winnings." And Bakura smirked, "I lose more winning half the time then I do losing. Everyone make two piles for if you think he'll come back with the trench. Five a pop."
"Moneybags! Ya dumbshit! Wait!" Katsuya called after the male. He didn't really know why he was chasing after Seto. Hell, he didn't even know why he like the man, but it's just what seemed to happen.
"What is it? Stupid mutt," Seto glanced at his watch, "I'm going to be late."
"I-I-" Katsuya's words escaped him. The trench coat. The trench coat. His mind tried to tell him but the connection seemed to snap. Finally, after a minute of glaring and some insult tossing when Seto threw more dog comments at him-one particularly irking him as it involved Seto being his master- he remembered he was supposed to take off the trench coat and give it back.
"I'm givin' back yer trench! I don' wan' it!" He said and went to twist it off. He almost had an arm through and Seto slammed him against the wall. "The He-"
Seto briskly pushed his mouth against Katsuya's—something that had Katsuya's body react faster then the fucking Batman in the Bat-Mobile. It'd happened before, this weird slamming against walls and kissing thing; happening when only it was them two and it started with a heated conversation of insults. And though Seto was doing it to make Katsuya shut up for sure, Katsuya some of the time would rile the CEO up so it would happen.
Not that he'd ever tell anyone that.
Seto pushed his tongue against Katsuya's lips and the puppy obediently opened them, feeling Seto's tongue slide past to invade his territory—though when Katsuya said his, half the time he didn't know whose 'his' he was talking about. Seto's suitcase dropped from his hand and he pushed more against the boy between him and the white wall, sliding his hand up Katsuya's thigh in a way he knew made the boy whimper.
Katsuya weakly grabbed the boy's shoulders and wrinkled the cashmere in his fists, doing exactly as the Dragon Master had predicted, whimpering like a lost puppy. When the taller male rubbed up his long leg between Katsuya's and against the blonde's crotch, Katsuya gasped and allowed the business man to invade deeper, more into the back of his throat where he had an odd erogenous zone God only knew how Seto so quickly found out about.
When Seto feathered his hand under Katsuya's shirt, rubbing against the scarred, tone sides and sometimes around to his lower back, Katsuya trembled with the lust of everything going to his groin and the fear that someone might come out and see them.
And then it was at the point Seto always stopped.
It was where Katsuya was turned on, but not enough to show, and completely hazed by the actions he did nothing to fight against.
Smug at seeing this, Seto kissed the boy again with a small peck and sent him into a deeper haze before happily pat the boy to the classroom's direction. On his ass.
Katsuya 'eep'ed, covering his ass with his hands and looking at Kaiba with his face redder then a maraschino cherry and a glare. What the hell just happened?
"Get to class, Stupid Puppy," Kaiba said, walking away, "I have to go."
Katsuya watched the man leave before really turning back to the classroom, still completely stoned from the kiss, like usual.
With the trench coat.
Katsuya took his half of the winnings from Bakura's pick-pocketed wallet and walked past Ryou's desk and dropped the wallet in his bag. Decidedly, he was again wearing the trench coat, except he pretty much wore it to school and sitting in class with it. Sure, a lot of people looked at him weird through the halls, but his class had pretty much figured it was his rivalry and incessant need to bother the Kaiba Corpian that led him to wear it.
Seto stared at him through the classes, until the lunch bell when he got up and left for the roof.
"Do you think..."Yugi asked, lowering his voice, "that Kaiba may like you too?"
Katsuya frowned, only with a little blush. He thought about the kisses, but, as he continued to think, it was only to get him to shut his yapper for sure. "Nah, Kaiba wouldn' like me if I was the last person on earth."
"I don't know, Retriever...now that I think about it..." Bakura said, looking up as he was recalling something from Egypt, "There was..." He looked at Atemu and the Pharaoh smirked.
"Oh yes, I remember also. Cleopatra's spy that ratted himself out and became the slave," Atemu also recalled, "The one Seth protected."
Katsuya, Anzu, Honda and the Hikaris looked curiously at both of the teasing Egyptians. The two of them looked positively evil and it made Katsuya unsure if he really wanted to know.
"Well," Anzu said, "Would you please explain?"
Bakura looked at Katsuya demonically and Katsuya knew this would so not be good. "It's just as the Pharaoh said: There was a spy from Cleopatra that came forth and admitted it and as the punishment was being issued, the Priest stuck his foot in. Jouno, that slave, had fallen in love with the Priest and vice-versa. An endearing love story that makes people wanna vomit sand."
There was the dot dot dot silence for a moment. Katsuya's color drain partially from his face. He didn't believe it. "But...I was told my soul was Jouno an' Seth-Seth is-"
"Kaiba's! What the Hell man!" Honda yelled, rising his hands to the heavens in disbelief, "You guys are total bullshitters!"
"It's true," Ryou squeaked. "Bakura isn't lying."
"And neither is Atemu," Yugi said. "Sorry Jou."
Zombified, Katsuya stood. Everyone watched him stand there. He slowly shimmied off the trench coat and walked over to lay it neatly on Seto desk before he ran to the trash can and puked out his lunch.
"Jou!" Anzu yelped, grazing over to the boy with Honda, Yugi and Ryou on her heals.
"That...was slightly unexpected," Bakura commented. He knew Katsuya almost as well as he knew Ryou. This was not something he'd ever thought would come happening from Katsuya, especially not from something so...expected. It was obvious—at least to Bakura and Atemu— that Seto liked Katsuya. It could have been the Priest and slave in the back of their heads, but Bakura was pretty sure it mostly had to do with the way Seto often stared at Katsuya and, more often, Katsuya's ass...if you don't count the glances to the blonde's crotch during their 'arguments'.
"Are you alright Jou?" Yugi asked rubbing circles on the blonde's back. Katsuya wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and nodded.
"Yeah. I jus' guess dat de combination o' wha' I was eatin' didn' mix well," Katsuya replied, standing straight.
"Man, Jou," Honda said, giving Katsuya a napkin he was promptly thanked for, "You sure?"
"Bakura says you're lying," Ryou said, "Says that you're ears are down with your tail between your legs."
"Tell him ta shut it. It ain't his business," Katsuya shot back, glaring at Bakura across the room. He about went over and punched the thief when he smiled at Katsuya teasingly. That damn thief could be so annoying sometimes! "I'm goin' t' da water fountain, I'll be righ' back."
The troop watched as Katsuya stomped out of the classroom and slam the door shut with a earth-quaking boom.
"Ten bucks," Bakura shouted across the full classroom to Ryou and the others by the trash can, "That Kaiba finds 'im!"
Of course the water fountain closest to the classroom would be broken. It would be too nice for it not to be broken. No, it'd make him walk up the stairs to the empty teacher hallway where the teacher lounge and classes' storage rooms were.
And then he had to pass a girl that was running down the stairs sobbing. Great. Just amazing. So either her now ex-boyfriend or the boy who denied her confession was around, just what he needed. Better yet! It was goddamn Seto Kaiba that was up there, holding his briefcase and looking all serious and tough and—and Katsuya was going to stop there.
Stomping pass the CEO he headed farther towards the water fountain...to have his arm pulled to make him stop next to Seto, "What happened to you, Mutt? You look like you spewed out your entire lunch."
Katsuya yanked his arm from Seto grip. He was not in the mood, especially not after what he was told in the classroom, "I did, you asshole. Now leave me the hell alone."
An expression flashed past Seto's face, reminding Katsuya of some of the softer looks that Seth had given him and made Bakura's mocking voice tell the story inside his head all over again. What had he done to deserve this? Okay, he'd possibly done a lot of bad things in his life that could make him deserve this, but why did it have to be this!
"What could possibly make the starving mutt backfire his own food? Is your stomach becoming as weak as your dueling?" Seto mocked.
Katsuya clenched his fist, feeling his tears burn his eyes and fingernails break his skin. His heart was breaking, he knew that, and he wondered if the others had banned together and made the story to give him some courage just to be shot down. There was no way his and Seto's souls were compatible. There was no way a Priest would fall for a slave, let alone a male one.
There was no way he'd be lucky enough to be loved.
"Fuck you, Seth!" He shouted, despite the fact he was facing a business man, not an Egyptian Priest.
"What are you talking about, Mutt? Seth's back in Egypt where the other asylum fiends should be," Seto asked.
"Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!" Katsuya screamed and ran back down the stairs—leaving the stunned and confused Seto Kaiba, passing his classroom, and leaving his waiting friends. He was leaving school, and he didn't know when he would come back.
"The damn Thief demanded I come here and see you," Seto said, standing by the trunk of the tree Katsuya was comfortably nestled near the top in, "And then proceeded to take my laptop with all my important data I cannot lose. I haven't been able to copy it yet and I've made too much progress for it to all be erased; so come down and tell your 'friends' you are fine so I can get my laptop back."
Katsuya looked down. He couldn't really see Seto's face, being so high up, but he could tell from the tone Seto was irritated.
Deciding he didn't want to talk and let Seto hear his tear-choked voice, he scrambled out a piece of paper and a marker from his backpack and wrote a note, crumpled it, and dropped it to the ground.
Seto frowned, picking it up and unwrapping to see the note:
Dear Bakura,
Fuck You!
(Give back Seto's Fucking Laptop)
P.S. Fuck You again! I hate you!
"Real mature, Puppy," Seto responded, looking up...to have another piece of paper dropped on his face. Growling he picked it up. This was ridiculous, couldn't Katsuya just fucking talk back? It would certainly be easier then these dumb notes. Still growling, he unwrinkled the letter to see what the damn mutt had to say this time.
I'm sorry, Kaiba.
Seto's heart broke and he looked up to the top of the tree. If only he could see what Katsuya's face was like, but with the fresh wet stains on the papers, Seto was quick to imagine what it did.
Taking out the pen he always kept in his pocket, Kaiba scribbled a note on the back of the paper Katsuya had apologized on and stuck it in the pocket of his trench coat before shimmying it off and rolling it into a ball to throw up to Katsuya. He missed by three branches, but Katsuya scooped his arm down and caught it.
"There's a note in the pocket," Seto yelled, "I'll be back."
Katsuya scrummaged around inside the pockets until he found the one with the note and unscramble the paper.
I don't hate you.
Let the trench coat keep you warm.
Katsuya's heart melted. Decking the coat he continue to sit in the tree and watch passersbyers.
Stupid Atemu and stupid Bakura.
Seto knew what had possessed him to write 'I don't hate you,' it was that stupid little voice that had been the leader in a recent rein of wet dreams. It told him it was the right thing to write and not just say it because at times, spoken words meant nothing. This was written proof for Katsuya, all in Seto's horrible, barely legible handwriting, so if anyone asked Katsuya to prove that Seto didn't hate him, he'd just show them the paper. He knew that it'd be there for Katsuya after he left.
Another thing that the voice possessed him to do led him here. At the game shop. The same place Bakura Yami was holed up in with the rest of the puppy's geek squad.
He walked in, his chin high and his eyes glaring at each individual but Mokuba who was munching on a cookie and waving almost limply at Seto. Walking further in, he led himself to Bakura and handed the Thief the note.
"This is for you."
Bakura smirked before opening the note and turning his lips into a solid frown. He gave the note to Atemu, who he was hoping would notice the tear stains as much as he did, and almost looking to Ryou for help.
"I'm screwed," he stated, going behind Yugi's counter and grabbing the laptop to hand to the impatient Kaiba. "Here."
"I promise you're not the only one," Yugi said indignantly, looking over to Atemu with a fierce 'Nosexforyou!' glare that had Atemu's balls growing blue and his back already hurting.
"We were just trying to help, Aibou," Atemu defended, leaning against the counter. "Neither Bakura nor I would of predicted this. We figure his face would become red and that would be that."
"But you were wrong and hurt poor Jou's feelings," Ryou said, "And now he's stuck in a tree."
"Remember last time somethin' like this happened," Honda said, "He crawled through that tiny space in Yugi's stairwell and stayed in the small dark corner area under the stairs no one could reach him in because the only way you could was to go through the space between the crossing stairs and none of us were flexible and small enough to fit through it."
"But that was purely the stupid Pharaoh's fault last time!" Bakura shot out, "He's the one who set up the bet so Katsuya would lose and have to wear the puppy ears and proceeded to tell him how cute he looked and how he shou-oh, wait. The 'Master' thing was me, wasn't it?"
Ryou sighed and covered his face as most of the group nodded. Seto raised an eyebrow, half expecting the group to get out of their own little world on their own. Knowing that they wouldn't he spoke, "Do you realize, after he is done moping, he'll just go to his cubby? Just like any other damn stray."
His frowned deepened when he saw Bakura flinch but the others seemed to calm down.
"That's true," Yugi said, grabbing a cookie from the plate of cookies laying on the counter in front of him.
"Good point," Anzu agreed, taking a sip of milk. "He'll be down soon, too, anyways. He's Jou...but I'm still worried."
Most of the group nodded in agreement.
Seto sighed boredly, deciding he no longer had anything to do with this. "Mokuba, let's go."
Mokuba paused and started to fidget in the same way he would when he was asking for a new game or game console that was just released into the market. Already Seto knew what the boy was going to ask. There would be no school tomorrow and by the looks on how all the Motou's squad was here, there was going to be a sleep over and his little brother was obviously invited.
"Fine," Seto said and walked out. It gave him time to see if he could get Katsuya down without his brother making fun of him and trying to get into his business the entire time. That would just make things more difficult.
Mokuba sat surprised, stunned as a sting-ray. His brother had said yes to a sleepover. Not too much after though a sneaky smile jumped onto his face. His brother was so going after Katsuya.
Bakura jumped up. "I'll be back," he said, running out the door.
The rest of the group stood silently, half focusing on the cookie they were eating or milk they were sipping.
Atemu sighed, "Ten dollars he's getting Kaiba and going to get Jou down."
Bakura walked next to Seto back to the park. Part of him wanted to tell Kaiba and the other half...not so much. The first half was quickly winning though, despite the chance his favorite little thief may never talk to him again, but Seto would be able to help, being the soul of the Priest and Katsuya...the soul of the slave.
Taking a deep breath, he screwed over the not-so-much part of his mentality, "He won't go home."
Seto glanced over, but didn't say anything.
"It's too late. Katsuya would be ripped like hell from all the beer bottles his pops would throw and the words he'd say to Katsuya."
Seto's heart dropped to be eaten away by his stomach acid. That must of been why Katsuya always smelt of cover-up when they kissed, or why his trench smelled like Katsuya's regular Almond-Extract and cover-up after the blond had worn it. He was abused.
The thought chanted through Seto's mind like tick-tocks from a clock. He'd been abused himself, before Gozaburo's existence had ended—and with it much of Seto's misery—and he knew what it was like. To do his best to be the best, just so someone was proud of you. So maybe that night you wouldn't get hit or yelled at or told—
Or told you were worthless.
"He doesn't really know I know...I'm a thief. I gotta watch people, and I care about him so I watch 'im a lot. I..notice things."
He turned his head to look at Bakura who had his eyes on the ground. The sudden continuation on Bakura's part took him from his thoughts, counting how many times in the past week he'd called the blonde worthless. He'd only gotten to thirteen and there were three more days of the week to go.
"I hate family," Bakura continued, "But he's become like a little brother to me and Ryou's...y'know. We need to get him down and at least bring him to Mini-Pharaoh's."
"We'll bring him to my mansion."
It was Bakura's turn to find himself looking at Seto for the abrupt correction. "What? Look, Light Priest, I don't know how much Dark Priest shared with you, but that's the entire reason we're in this mess!"
"Don't include me in your idiocy; this is completely your mess," Seto snapped and looked forward to the uprising park where Katsuya was snuggled up in a tree, "It will be best for him to be with me at my home."
"I'm not the one who slams him against a wall and makes him dazed enough that he trips over air when he re-enters the classroom and then turn into a complete bastard the next time I see him!" Bakura shouted, slamming his hands in the air. "Fucker, how would it be best at your home?"
Seto didn't answer, but by the darkened expression on Seto's face, Bakura could guess he'd been through something similar to Katsuya; that it would be best for Katsuya to be with Seto.
"Yeah, 'Oh'." Seto mocked, as they entered the park and were very quickly finding themselves under the tree Katsuya was in.
"Hey, Retriever," Bakura called up the tree. When Katsuya didn't answer he frowned and so did Seto. "Retriever!"
Katsuya wiggled a bit and looked over at them tiredly. He'd been napping! Hadn't Bakura done enough damage that he'd at least let Katsuya nap in peace?
"How ya doin'?" Bakura continue and got no response.
Seto smirked, "Puppy, there's no way we could toss paper that high and I highly doubt you want to waste all your paper throwing it down here with three lined notes."
Katsuya still didn't say anything, but he moved down and few branches and the two on the ground could see how red and swollen his face was from crying.
Katsuya frowned. He didn't like that they were both there. He didn't know which one he didn't want there more anyways. He just didn't want to see Bakura at all, period, and he didn't want Seto to see him like this! After Seto had left, he'd broken down, crying himself into his diluted nap that someone had rudely interrupted- he was enjoying his dream too!- and now his face looked like this.
So deciding his choked voice may only make Bakura make even more fun of him, he stood and went back up to his backpack just to purely crumple a piece of paper and throw it as hard as he could at Bakura's face and hope that the Thief would get a papercut...he didn't get a paper cut, but Katsuya had gotten a vicious 'ow!' out of him and it was a start.
Bakura didn't say anything else, but felt the damn smugness roll off Seto in heated wave. Damn, smug Light Priest.
"Puppy," Seto continued, "Come down for me, if only to piss this idiot off."
Katsuya seemed to consider it before sliding off the branch onto his feet on the ground and walking over to Seto. Seto rewardingly patted the blonde on the head and smirked at Bakura. "I believe I win."
Bakura grumbled and indignantly put his hands in his pocket. He'd expected this to be way harder, but no, Seto just had to go and be all high and mighty like. Just make it feel like he had come out here for nothing.
He hated Priests.
"Look, Katsuya," Bakura said, looking at the blonde that was vehemently glaring at him like there was no tomorrow. Geez! He was partially trying to help Katsuya with the crush problem! Doesn't he get any credit for that! Of course not! "I'm sorry. Pharaoh and I...we were trying ta make you blush—a lot—and possibly help you. We didn't—we really—Oh! Damnit! I'm going to fucking castrate him! He should be here, too!"
Katsuya studied the Thief—who was quickly going red faced and obviously was not used to giving heartfelt apologies. He smiled, chuckling a bit, and went over and hugged the male. Bakura froze before wiggling a bit and awkwardly hugging back. At least Katsuya got the main picture and was forgiving him. He wondered if it was possible to now turn Katsuya against Atemu, the Pharaoh that made no move to help clean up a mess he helped make.
Seto on the other hand...wasn't so happy. Bakura was hugging the blonde. It didn't settle right with Seto at all, but when Katsuya stepped back and smiled at him too, he saw the boy in his tight red t-shirt, black jean pants and Seto's trench coat and it all seemed a little okay in the world.
But just okay because Katsuya had just been too intimate with Bakura for Seto's liking.
Not that it should matter, Seto suddenly realized. Katsuya and him weren't even really dating or anything for Seto to be jealous of. The only thing Seto had was wet dreams and forced kisses, that did nothing to help gain a relationship with the blonde anyways.
Shits for him.
"You'll stay with me tonight," Seto stated.
Katsuya looked somewhat opened mouthed at him before promptly shutting it so Seto couldn't make a fish comment about it. Had Seto just really—? Really?
"What?" He croaked, surprised at his voice. Funny, it was no where near as hoarse as he had predicted. He expected to sound almost like an extinct dinosaur. Or maybe like a giant bird-squid attacking a ship that dare to enter its intimate and otherwise abandon domain.
"My mansion, you'll be there with me tonight."
Katsuya shot Bakura a questioning look and received a 'we decided on the way here' face and a slow nod. Well, that was nice to know! "Wha' for?"
"Because I-" Seto started, but Bakura quickly cut him off; 'Because I said so' would not fly with the blonde.
"The rest of us are at Mini-Pharaoh's and you won't go home. It's what we came up with."
Katsuya looked skeptically at the two, one glaring at the other. Him. Alone with his crush he had some fucked up kiss-buddies relationship with. Oh, that sounded like disaster! Especially since all they did was fight!...And Katsuya was developing a special fondness to the trench coat, he might just have to steal it permanently if he went there.
But...what the hey? Why not?
The Thief's and the Priest's faces...they were hilarious and had Katsuya laughing all the way to Seto's.
This was soooooooo going to be a one shot, but noooooooooo, it was getting too long so I'm making it a two shot. Sorry.