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![]() Author has written 25 stories for Inuyasha, and Bleach. Hello, SesshomaruFreak here! I may be changing my Penname. I will warn y'all :) I am extremely weird. You have been warned! Also check out my pack's works - timewaster123456789, TheDrunkenWerewolf, Ganymede Lullaby, Dreadful Virtue. Just be aware that the pack corrupts and Heir infects. Embrace the disease. Also see TheFoxPack for works from all of us. SpunkyOne and Sariniste have excellent work as well- personal faves :) X~X Timewaster123456789 [Bleach, Harry potter, gen/character study] TheDrunkenWerewolf [Ai/Gin and some other stuff] Ganymede Lullaby [DBZ, Bleach] Salazar Marvolo [Ichigo/Shinji, Ichigo/Urahara and others] Spunky0ne [Bleach, Yuri on ice and others] HisagiKuchiki [General bleach, some yaoi] Tropicallight [Pokemon, CID] Henka-Chan [Various manga works including Bleach and Inuyasha] misscalculated68 [Ren/Bya] Fractoluminescence [one piece, bleach] dude4anime1 [Bleach various yaoi pairings, humor] RenjiMichaelisMustang [Bya/Ren] Also check out The fox pack for more collaborative works. ~X~ I can also be found at AFF and Ao3 as SesshomaruFreak, tumblr as yaoihime, FetLife as Yaoihime and a few other places that I need to double-check my pennames lol I also tend to cuss like a fucking sailor *shrugs* Sorry if I offend, but it is part of SesshomaruFreak, people! I am an avid reader of EVERYTHING, have been a reader my whole life. I am female, turning 31 this year. I have a deep love for good anime, and from this love has sprung an obsession for YAOI! I do not like narrow-minded, prejudiced people. Racism has never made sense to me, and I cannot stand people that make a huge fuss over 2 guys (or 2 girls) being together. Everybody deserves to find love, and I don't think it should matter if they find it with someone of the same gender. I highly dislike anyone who makes fun of people with disabilities, especially mental. My little sister is intellectually disabled, and God help anyone I ever catch making fun of her. Use of the word 'retard' does not bug me as long as it is not directed at someone that is actually disabled (yeah I am weird, I know) Being a life-long reader and the fact that English was always my best subject, I tend to be annoyed by grammatical/spelling/sentence structure errors. Don't get me wrong, I understand the occasional mess-up, totally cool. But when I cannot even read a fic because it is a travesty of errors, that bugs me just a bit. If I have an error in my writing, there is a good chance it was on purpose, I was in too big a hurry, or my keyboard/computer was being an ass. But I have seen fics, and I know you've seen them too, that look like the author was not even trying. I actually enjoy catching errors on official documents, like "Ha! You went to college, and used 'your' instead of 'you're'!" I am a Libra, my favorite colors are black and blue, silver and gold, and the jeweltones like ruby or emerald, and when it comes to anime guys, I have a thing for long hair, neat eye/hair colors, and a slightly scary weakness for claws, fangs, wings, markings/tattoos, power, and the ability to kill. (if you didn't already think I was weird, that probably did it) Favorite Anime: 'Inuyasha' My favorite always and forever, this was my first anime, and I discovered it soon after my father passed away. It was basically what got me through that. The first episode I saw was Sesshomaru finding out Tetsusaiga protects Inuyasha's soul. 'Bleach' omg love this one, and it has come close to matching 'Inuyasha' in terms of my animelove :) Hot guys (and girls), action, mystery, powers,...what's not to love? 'Naruto' Still behind on this one a bit, I'm at episode 250. 'Dragonball Z' my EX-husband's first anime, definitely his fave. It is because of him that I got into this one. One of the few anime I can watch without going yaoi in my mind. Well, used to be able to not go yaoi...that has changed lol (raise your hand if you think Goku and Vegeta might be interesting ;) There are quite a few more that I have watched and enjoyed, these are just my faves! I'm sure I'll mention more; I do tend to ramble! 'Fairy Tail' 'Black Butler'/Kuro..Kurijus..yeah, I don't know the name for this lol! 'High School DXD' 'Rosario Vampire' 'Fullmetal Alchemist' 'Fave Characters in General' 'Inuyasha' Sesshomaru, Kirara, Sango 'Bleach' Byakuya, Renji, Shuuhei, Toshiro, Tatsuke, Kiske Urahara, Yororichi 'Naruto' Sasuke, Kakashi 'DBZ' Vegeta, Piccolo On the anime subject, I just discovered that I share a birthday with one Naruto Uzamaki! Oct 10! Ain't that freakin' awesome? I have several friends who are 'Naruto' fans, yet they all neglected to tell me of this! btw This totally makes Naruto a Libra :) Alright, on to the good stuff! I am a freakin' rabid yaoi fangirl! Seriously..I will bite somebody. Yaoi is..it's..there's no perfect way to describe it. It's a beautiful fucking thing, whether a demon and his half-demon brother, or a soul reaper captain and his lieutenant. (Top two pairings in my mind, guess who lol) No matter what other anime I watch and love, 'Inuyasha' will always be top dog. I mean, dang! 'Inuyasha' has been my first in everything! It was my first anime, Sesshomaru was my first anime crush (yes, Lord Sesshomaru!) and Sesshomaru/Inuyasha was the very first yaoi pairing I discovered. To this day, it is my favorite pairing. I got it bad, like the best disease ever! I cannot watch an anime without looking for the hot guys, then mentally shipping them together. 'YAOI-worthy Guys' (this is my opinion, please don't kill me if I leave someone out) 'INUYASHA' Sesshomaru (of course! Have you SEEN this pretty son-of-a-gun? Or heard his voice? Dear sweet heavens...) Inuyasha Koga Miroku 'BLEACH' Byakuya Kuchiki (if anyone has noticed, yes I apparently have a 'type'. I can't be the only one who's noticed the attitude similarities between Byakuya and Sesshomaru...) Renji Abarai (long hair and those wicked-yummy tattoos) Shuuhei Hisagi (with his badass-ness) Ichigo Kurosaki Toshiro Hitsugaya (little slice of cutie-pie) Actually there are a lot of yaoi-yummy guys in this show. I decided to stick with the top 5, cause there are too many! 'Black Butler' Sebastian Ciel Undertaker Grell Of course, this is not a complete list of yaoi-worthy guys in anime, but I could go on and on, and my fingers would cramp up from typing! I do love to read fics, and I actually have several notebooks (right next to me) in which I have written 15 or so SesshomaruxInuyasha and InuyashaxSesshomaru fics. I also plan to write some for 'Bleach' I now have a few started for Bleach- Renji and Byakuya being the main pairing, 'Black Butler', 'Vampire Knight', "Fullmetal Alchemist", and whatever else catches my eye and embeds itself in my brain! Alright, I think that about sums it up. Like I said, this will probably get edited as more stuff comes to mind. Goodness, this is a lot of info! Consider all above lists incomplete :) Love, SesshomaruFreak :) |
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