
By Spunky0ne


A sparring session between the most beautiful taicho and the most beastly one brings about a sinful lust that ensnares both...Kenpachi/Byakuya


Why? Byakuya wondered to himself as his agile body danced out of the sweeping path of his comrade's striking blade, Why does this man rile me so?

He looked more closely as his blade blocked Kenpachi Zaraki's and held it down so that he could focus. Blood dribbled from the tiny, precise cuts his petal blades had made on the big man's body, and ran from a long gash down one arm. Byakuya's own torso was marked with two shallow cuts and one more ran along a fine cheekbone.

I grew up the heir to the greatest of the noble clans, while this monstrosity that barely qualifies as humanoid and bears more resemblance to one of the spirit demons of the royal realm, crawled out of the depths of the lowest part of the Rukongai. I love peace, quiet and the beauty of my gardens, while this wild-eyed beast loves sharp edges, deep cuts and a struggle to the death.

"What're ya lookin' at, Kuchiki?" the beast man drawled, "I thought we were sparring."

We are nothing alike.

Look at the difference in our bodies.

Mine is pure and unspoiled. Despite even my most desperate battles, it looks like smooth porcelain, while Kenpachi's flesh is marked all over with rough scars. My reiatsu is powerful, but graceful and controlled, while his flares and flickers wildly around him, like a swaying snake. I would rather do just about anything than fight, but he lives for battle!

I don't understand him!

I don't understand why I let him get to me. A man of my position should simply tell him he is beneath me…that I will not dirty my sword by drawing his blood.


"That's an interesting look you're wearing," Kenpachi observed, pausing and rubbing a bloody spot on his chin, "Whatcha thinkin' about?"

"I'm trying to understand you."

Honesty seems the best policy, after all.

"What's to understand?" Kenpachi rumbled, narrowing his eyes, "I'm pretty simple. If there's a good fight, I'm going to be there, right in the middle of it. I don't care who the opponent is, as long as he or she isn't boring."

"So, if I read this right, then you are saying that I am not boring to you?" Byakuya asked.

He had only a moment's warning as an odd playfulness flashed in his fellow taicho's eyes, then Kenpachi's tall, lanky body moved and his sword slashed, leaving another line of blood along the line of Byakuya's fine jaw.

"Naw, you're fun."

"I am…fun?" the noble repeated, frowning in confusion, "What is fun about drawing my blood? This amuses you?"

Kenpachi landed a short distance away from him and shot him a lopsided grin.

"I like the way you move when you fight," he chuckled, "And you're so damned pretty. You even look pretty, all spattered with blood like that. In fact, you look goddamned beautiful!"

"What did you say?" Byakuya hissed softly, his power glowing around him as his reiatsu rose sharply, "I should kill you for speaking to me like that. How dare you?"

He loosed his petal blades without a word, sending them spinning around his comrade, only to watch as Kenpachi's sword flashed in response, and he slashed through all of them, then lunged at the sixth division taicho.

"I'm coming for you, princess!" he laughed as his sword slashed at Byakuya and the noble flash stepped out of the way just in time…or so he thought.

He made a sound of surprise as another cut opened up on the back of his right shoulder.

Even without the flash step, he is fast!

Byakuya couldn't help staring and could barely attend to fending off the next flurry of cuts.

So tall…like the mythical giants of the living world. His eyes are green, but when he is in the thick of fighting, they glow golden, especially when he removes his eyepatch. You would think that such a hulking body would move clumsily, but he moves with the grace of a stalking puma. He is scarred and the edge of his blade is so rough and untamed!

He is beautiful too, but in an entirely different way.

I can't take my eyes off of him, and not just because he would swoop in and kill me.

This is the dangerous beauty of Kenpachi, the only taicho among us who earned his position by killing his former taicho in front of everyone in a fair challenge battle.

"Don't call me that!" Byakuya snapped.

"It's not an insult," Kenpachi snickered as his slowly stalked the spellbound Kuchiki leader, "I know you're a man, and that doesn't make a damned bit of difference. You move with the grace of a princess. You're pretty for a man, and you smell sweet. To me, that's a princess, and me saying it is just appreciating you for what you are."

"Don't speak to me like that!" Byakuya seethed, his own reiatsu roaring around him as he attacked, "you loathsome, Rukongai cockroach!"

Kenpachi's grin widened and he fended off a fresh volley of slashes from Byakuya's blade.

"Your language, now? Not so princess-like," he snorted, "With a mouth that spouts poison like that, you'd fit right in, down where I came from. Not that you'd ever set foot there, right?"

The words caused a sudden twinge of memory in Byakuya's angry mind. He flash stepped away from Kenpachi and landed neatly on a little rise, putting his back to the eleventh division taicho.

"I have been there," he said quietly, "Do you not remember who I was married to?"

"I do," Kenpachi affirmed, "It never made sense to me, how a pretty thing like you could look at the people down in the 78th and find even one who you'd give the time of day to. Wanna tell me why you did that?"

Byakuya's mind flashed to the beautiful gardens at his manor, then he recalled the dreary, filthy environs of the low Rukongai.

"I like flowers," Byakuya explained, keeping his back to the other man.

"Flowers don't last very long down there," Kenpachi commented, his smile fading.

"And even if you save them," Byakuya added, "it's no guarantee they will survive a replanting."

He turned back and met Kenpachi's eyes directly.

"She defied logic," he said solemnly, "A flower of the Rukongai that looked more beautiful than any I had ever seen in even the most lovely gardens of the Seireitei."

"And you should know, since you own the loveliest gardens in the Seireitei," Kenpachi said, moving closer, but keeping his sword carefully lowered.

"Her stem was grimy with mud and her petals were smudged and weighted down, but even like that, the way she was able to lure me to her was…intoxicating."

Byakuya's heart skipped as his comrade stepped closer and slid his sword back into its sheath.

"You don't just see the things that are obviously beautiful," the bigger man observed, "You find beauty even in the ugly things, don't you? You know, your stuffy elders probably don't like that about you."

"What about you?" Byakuya said, sucking in a surprised breath as the words escaped him.

"Me?" Kenpachi said, closing in and standing close to Byakuya, so that the noble's sweet scent filled his senses, "You really wanna know?"

Byakuya was sure that he should be moving, flash stepping away, spouting some kind of insult and leaving the barbarian taicho looking after him, but his mind felt oddly muddled and his limbs refused to move. He held perfectly still as Kenpachi's rich, masculine scent invaded his nostrils and his heart pounded harder.

He's making me…aroused?

I'm lusting after…him?

And it was more than clear from the voracious look in the other man's eyes and the bulge that was growing between his thighs, what Kenpachi thought.

"I like you," the bigger man breathed into the noble's flushed ear, making him suck in another stinging breath, "But I think that's obvious if you look at me, isn't it, Byakuya?"

What is this?

When he said my first name, I got more aroused?

"You okay?" Kenpachi asked, remaining too close to Byakuya as he spoke.

"F-fine!" the noble snapped, forcing himself to turn away, so that he could flash step.

A strong hand wrapped around his wrist, stopping him and bringing a flash of rage to his eyes.

"Take your hands off of me!" he hissed furiously, "Kenpachi…!"

His body froze as the bigger man's face moved in close to his, and Kenpachi's rough lips clamped down on Byakuya's soft, frowning ones.

I should be angry.

I should be wanting to kill him.

I should definitely not…be kissing him back!

But there was something enthralling about the softness just inside the other man's rough mouth that reminded him that not all beauty is on the surface, and that some things have to be explored deeply to find their beautiful core. There was beauty in the feeling of roughness and softness, the taste that was a blend of richness and coppery fire. And when Kenpachi's long tongue snaked in between the noble's parted lips, tasting him, Byakuya yielded with a little, erotic sigh.

This feels good…this slow, intense devouring…this wild, unscripted feeding.

Byakuya gasped as Kenpachi's mouth suddenly released him, then he lost his breath all over again as that marauding tongue ran along one of the cuts on his face, the slick surface glowing as it released bits of healing reiatsu, slowly erasing the fine marking.

"Wh-what are you…doing?" he panted uncertainly.

"You don't wanna be marked on your face, do ya?" the bigger man rumbled in his ear, "I'm healin' it. Hold still."

I'm not in the habit of taking orders from someone of lower social standing, from someone whose name is not known for being noble, but is known for being fearsome.

Yes, Kenpachi is not noble class, but he is definitely famed among the Rukongai princes for his rustic beauty and raging power. Not a king of the wealthy royal realm, but one whose power lets him rule the ones that the beautiful people mostly fear.

"I'm surprised you listened to me, you bein' so high and mighty," Kenpachi chuckled as he ran his tongue along the cut on Byakuya's soft cheek, healing that one too, "You're a lot of fun, aren't you? D'ya know how beautiful you are right now? With that wildness coming outta you. You look more like me now."

The eleventh division taicho froze, completely enchanted as Byakuya's lovely head turned and the noble's pretty pink tongue swept along a cut on the bigger man's collarbone, releasing healing reiatsu and making the marking disappear.

"Ya don't have to do that," Kenpachi huffed softly, holding still to let Byakuya finish, "Battle scars are my trophies."

But even though he felt that way, he couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of tenderness and respect in Byakuya's graceful strokes. He quivered under the touch of those soft, searching fingers that stroked where his tongue had healed. And he marveled that the properly raised noble had begun to look so much less proper and so much more wild as he kissed, licked and slowly healed Kenpachi's rough, scarred skin.

Finally, he wrapped his big hands around the noble's white wrists and dragged him down in the long grass of the meadow where they were doing their sparring, and he laughed aloud at the way Byakuya's hands helped as he tore away their clothing.

There were much broader expanses of flesh, both perfect and white, as well as perfectly marred. And each man felt the lusty call to feed on the opposite of their own. They rolled around, attacking with fiercer kisses and sliding firmer hands along each others' bodies, following the curves and stroking sensuously. Their eyes glazed over with lust now, they met for a thrill of hard, crushing kisses, then Byakuya felt a touch on his bare thigh and spread his legs scandalously, letting the wilder man mount him and slowly, methodically penetrate him. And although he was neither a gentleman, nor a gentle one, Kenpachi worked his way into his companion's surrendered body gradually, pausing to kiss the noble's frowning lips.

"You all right."

"I should kill you for doing such a thing," Byakuya panted.

Kenpachi's hips moved and the usually stoic sixth division taicho swore. The sound of it made the bigger man's hips move again, elicing an even stronger bout of cussing from the lovely man beneath him.

"You've got some spunk, don'cha?" he laughed.

"Fuck you, you hulking beast!" the noble seethed.

He lost the ability to speak, or even to think clearly as the bigger man's hips ground solidly against his, and the feeling of penetration and deep, profound pleasure grew. And with each pounding thrust, Kenpachi's hardness impacted a place inside the reeling noble that no one had ever touched, that no one would have dared, no one except this wild, golden-eyed monster on top of him. He panted and gasped shamelessly, unable to hold back as the bigger man unleashed his full strength on the noble's sensuously writhing body.

Their reiatsu roared around them, shaking the earth beneath them, sending heavy pulses through the air and startling nearby birds into the air. Trees around then shivered, loosing swirls of lovely pink petals in a brilliant storm. And as their pleasure peaked, the quaking power exploded, flattening the grass in a wide swath around them and sending a vicious roar through the trees at the edges of the meadow.

A hard, shuddering groan escaped Byakuya's frowning lips as orgasm shook his body from head to toe and he cracked his eye open to see the ferally lovely sight of Kenpachi Zaraki, reiatsu lit and gasping, his chest heaving with hard, fast breaths and sweat sliding down his face and throat. The bigger man grinned at the noble's spellbound expression, and he bowed his head to meet Byakuya's soft lips more tenderly. They kissed several times, then Kenpachi rolled off of his companion's spent body and onto his back, looking up, into the endless blue sky and smiling widely.

"Well, that…happened," he snickered, "You know, that wasn't at all what I came here for."

"Hmm," Byakuya mused sleepily, "Did you think that it was in my head to do something like this?"

Kenpachi gave him a knowing smirk.

"Course it was," he laughed, "but you shut out your own inner voice, so at times like this, you don't have to admit that you're less like them and more like me."

He laughed harder at the scathing look the naked noble gave him.

"Don't worry. I won't tell nobody. It'll be our secret."

A secret lust for unscripted, fierce combat, for unrestrained love and feral release.

No one had better ever learn of this.

Yes, it will just be our little secret lust.

Our secret…love.

Proxyposter's note: Aaaaaaand we are DONE! Phew this was a lot to post in a day. I hope you enjoyed my packmates work - especially Spunky, the Bleach Slash Queen :) lol but no really, they are ALL super talented lovely people, please PLEASE leave them pretty reviews, reviews give us life. As mentioned before if you can please review specific chapters if you can or at least specify which chapters you liked if you are reviewing en masse.

To the Pack: It was a pleasure to work with you all on this. I am only kinda sorry Kraken-san devoured my piece... I am ready for bed, a hot chocolate and some bedtime reading :D Everyone did so well I am so proud of you. Thankyou and goodnight and please buy me a drink in the tavern for me later :) *curtsies*