Disclaimer *raises eyebrows* Really? After all this, does anyone think there is any possible way I own them? No rights, no profit, blah, blah, blaaaah!

~'Decisions, Decisions'~

Thank you for all the love and support! I've missed it here on ff!

Warnings: Language, lemon, a rather brazen Sess, and some cozy fluffiness after the lemon!



Chapter 16: A Night of Sharing


Previously~ *Laying on his back with his eyes closed, Koga did not see the significant looks, subtle gestures, and silently mouthed words that Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were exchanging, including the wicked smile both brothers wore.*


Still enjoying the leftover tingles from his release, Koga groaned when he felt Inuyasha pull off of his still-hard member and move away. "Muttface?"

He heard his friend chuckle somewhere off to the side. "Open your eyes, mangy wolf. You'll like this."

He opened his eyes to see Sesshomaru crawling out of the hot spring from between his legs, moving to straddle his body on all fours. The erotic sight made Koga growl approvingly.

The youkai was so gorgeous; soft lips a bit swollen from the attention he'd given Inuyasha, golden eyes hungrily roaming his body, and the slender body and long silver hair were dripping wet.

This sight alone made Koga ready to bust another load, and he grinned seductively. "Whattcha doin', Sesshomaru?"

The older demon gave him a look that plainly said, 'Isn't it obvious?' as he moved to straddle the wolf's hips.

Seeing the passionate desire in the amber eyes, Koga gently ran his hands up the sleek thighs until his fingertips were on the curved hip markings. "Aww, were you feeling left out, pretty youkai?"

Sesshomaru nodded, giving a little pout that made Koga smile as he shifted into the perfect position. The amber eyes met his, and the other royal canine tilted his head.
Koga realized the submissive was seeking his permission for what he was planning, and he smiled reassuringly as he began tracing the sensitive hip markings with his claws. "It's alright, Sesshomaru. This what you want?"
He tilted his hips upwards to brush the slick head of his member against the older male's entrance, and Sesshomaru nodded with a soft whimper. "I want to do it, please?"

Koga was confused for a moment, then Inuyasha spoke up from his sprawled-out position several feet away. "Let him control the movement for a bit, wolf-boy."

Koga nodded in understanding; last year, Inuyasha had helped him indulge his own cycle-suppressed dominance the same way. He smiled up at the demon lord perched on top of him. "Alright honey. I'll stay still for you. Well, as long as I can, anyways."

Sesshomaru began carefully shifting his hips, and Koga growled in pleased approval as tight heat started to envelope his member. "Ahh, that's a good youkai."

Sesshomaru whimpered at the praise, sinking down until Koga was completely buried in the silky warmth. The wolf grinned as clawed hands settled on his chest and the older canine carefully rocked his hips. Koga lifted up on his elbows, watching the proud, gorgeous submissive riding his length.

The movements were on the cautious side, so he figured the lethal demon didn't have much experience being on top and riding, but still, he was doing a damn fine job. Koga gave a soft growl of pleasure when the youkai found the perfect angle and started riding him with more confidence, making sweet little moans of ecstasy.

Koga lifted one hand to the royal canine's face, letting his other fingers tease the sensitive cheek markings while he lightly dragged his clawed thumb over the soft, swollen lips. "Does muttface taste good as a human?"

Sesshomaru moaned and nodded, pressing his lips against his thumb. "So good."

Koga smirked playfully up at the older male who still rode his throbbing body like he owned it. "You gonna share?"


At the wolf's words, Sesshomaru leaned down and placed his parted lips against Koga's, still rocking his hips. Immediately, the younger male's tongue invaded his mouth, seeking traces of Inuyasha's essence.
Koga moaned into the kiss, and Sesshomaru gasped when the slim hips rolled under him, shoving the thick member deeper into his body as he came down.

His dark dominant broke the kiss, growling softly. "Ahh, damn, sorry. Can't stay still no more."
He nodded urgently, panting as he rode the wolf's rolling thrusts, the slick member pumping into his sweet spot.

Sesshomaru shivered in delight when the ookami slid a clawed hand into his hair, gently gripping a handful. The light tugging sensation sent currents of tingles through his body, causing him to moan in pleasure. Everything Koga did felt so good, just like when Inuyasha took care of him. It was as if being with them during his first submissive cycle had been written in the stars.

Just then, a flutter of discomfort interrupted his rhythm. At first, he didn't understand, but as the feeling grew stronger, he realized...His submissive side was disturbed that he was on top and in control, just like when he'd ridden his brother earlier.
Apparently, he could only be in charge for a short time before it bothered his cycle-born submissive side.

Sesshomaru froze against his will, unable to keep going in his current position. Instantly, Koga stilled under him, concerned sapphire eyes lifting to his. "Sesshomaru? What's wrong?"

He tried to answer his dominant, but only a soft whimper escaped him.

The younger demon's electric blue eyes filled with understanding as he whispered, "Your submissive side? It don't want you riding no more?"

He nodded, and Koga gave him a reassuring smile. "It's ok, I know how to calm it down."

Sesshomaru felt a strong arm wrap around his waist, and a heartbeat later, he was on his back, and the Prince of Wolves was above him, still firmly embedded in his body.

The more passive position immediately began to soothe his submissive side, and he gave a soft, thankful whine as he nuzzled under the ookami's jaw. His reward was a pleased huff of air that fanned over his ear. "You're welcome, beautiful. Glad you feel better."

He shifted under the other canine, rocking his hips invitingly. Koga lifted his head to smile down at him. "Ahh, you are feeling better, ain't ya?"
He nodded and lifted his legs to wrap them around the younger male's waist. His royal dominant began pumping into his body, not roughly, but hard enough to reassure his submissive side.

Sesshomaru moaned in pleasure, arching into the comfortingly possessive thrusts of the wolf.

Then, Koga leaned down to breathe into his ear, "I know you can't smell him, but listen. His heartbeat and breathing...so fast, so hard...he likes watching."

Sessshomaru obeyed, focusing his hearing towards Inuyasha while the dark ookami continued pumping into his sweet spot.

Oohhh..the human's heart was pounding, and he was panting raggedly, giving a tiny moan every few breaths. Knowing that his little brother was affected by watching, Sesshomaru whimpered with increased pleasure and bucked his hips against Koga, who chuckled warmly into his ear. "Oh, you like that, don't you? Knowing he's excited by watching me fuck you?"

The dirty, domineering words spiked through him, inflaming the rush he was getting from Inuyasha watching. He nodded urgently, panting and moaning at his dominant in his effort to answer. "Gods, yes! Please, Koga...wan' him to see."
The thought of Inuyasha being aroused by watching the wolf claim him thrilled Sesshomaru more than he could believe, the unexpected excitement setting every nerve on fire.

Koga seemed to understand perfectly, whispering against his ear, "Wanna give him a show?"

He nodded frantically, body burning with pleasure and anticipation.

The wolf leaned up, staying buried in him as clawed hands began caressing his thighs. He loosened his legs from around his dominant's waist, and Koga hooked his hands behind his knees.

The dark demon spread his thighs and pressed them towards his chest, leaving him open and vulnerable. Sesshomaru cooperated with the younger male's manipulation of his body, even welcoming the manhandling for all it's naughty purposes.

He gasped in pleasure when his dominant resumed pumping into him, ravishing his body with long, smooth strokes.

He heard Inuyasha's heart speed up even more, and Koga winked at him. The wolf began timing his thrusts with the watching human's pounding heart, and it swiftly sent Sesshomaru over the edge. He cried out as he came, his essence shooting over his stomach and chest while the pulsing member inside him erupted and filled him with liquid warmth.


Inuyasha was cursing his human form's recovery time to hell. Watching Koga and Sesshomaru together had been arousing as fuck, but his cock didn't seem to be getting the message.
He was only partially hard, yet he could feel the tingling pressure as though he were about to cum, and he was panting like he was the one who'd just gotten fucked.

Gods, that had been such an erotic sight, beginning to end. From the moment Sesshomaru had crawled out of the hot spring to straddle the wolf, Inuyasha had been watching from several feet away, feeling like some kind of naughty voyeur.

He had a feeling both demons had noticed, but neither had paid him any mind. Not that he minded that much; he was human right now, so it didn't seem like a big deal for the demons to focus on each other.

But damn, his body was aching badly, and human recovery time was ridiculous! He palmed himself a bit to ease the pressure, watching as his brother and best friend got into the hot spring to rinse off.

Then Koga gestured at him to join them. "C'mere, muttface."

Inuyasha crawled over to the hot spring and slipped into the warm water to sit by his brother, who leaned against him and nuzzled his neck under his hair.
He stroked the sky-silver mane as Koga addressed the youkai. "Alright, Sesshomaru. I want you to stay here with Inuyasha. Don't worry 'bout your submissive side; I ain't leaving the cave, so I'll still be close enough for you to sense. Besides, your submissive side won't hurt you if you do what your dominant says, and I say stay right here with muttface, ok?"

Inuyasha felt Sesshomaru nod his understanding as the older male snuggled up to his side, hearing a murmured, "Ok, wanna stay with otouto. Thank you, Koga."

Inuyasha smiled his own gratitude up at the ookami; not only had Koga helped the demon lord, making him feel better and bringing him pleasure, but now the wolf had given them a reason to stay close.

The demonic prince smiled back, then climbed out of the hot spring, and Inuyasha could hear him moving about the cave. He kept his eyes on Sesshomaru, though, focusing on the satisfied-looking demon as he asked gently, "Feel better?"

His brother nodded, sliding an arm around his waist. "Thank you for not leaving, Yasha."

He smiled as he kissed the Killing Perfection on the temple. "You're welcome. Hey, you know, you and Koga look really good together."

Sesshomaru gave him a shy smile as he whispered, "You, too. I liked watching him take you."

Inuyasha chuckled as he continued stroking the long ice-silver hair. "Yeah, we're totally corrupting you, big brother."

The pale demon simply shrugged, the amber eyes holding his. "I do not care. I find that I am enjoying my corruption at your hands, little brother."

Inuyasha caught his breath as the older male nuzzled his hand, keeping those golden eyes on him.
Even after everything that had happened since Koga had led him into that thicket, it still blindsided him when his proud brother offered such a display of his deeply submissive side.

At the moment, freshly fucked and curled up to his side, the lethal youkai looked vulnerable and trusting and absolutely delicious.

Inuyasha bit his lip thoughtfully; being dominated should have soothed Sesshomaru's cycle-born submissiveness, yet the demon was licking and nuzzling his hand with that look he got when he wanted to offer himself.

"Aniki, you alright?" he whispered, and saw the fine brows knit together in a confused way as his brother replied quietly. "I am very glad Koga came and was able to help, and you are pretty as a human, but I want my hanyou back. At least, my submissive side does. It...it's trying to get him back."

The older male licked his hand again with a soft whimper, and Inuyasha's heart clenched at the sad, lost sound. Wanting to comfort the warped Lord of the West, he spoke gently. "Shh, it's alright. Just a little while till sunrise, then I'll change back into a hanyou. Sesshomaru, you...you do know that it wasn't your fault that I changed, right? You didn't do anything wrong to make your dominant leave."

He knew he was right when the striped cheeks reddened, and the amber eyes slid away from his as Sesshomaru gave a deep whine. "I do know that, Yasha. You are a hanyou, so you have a human night; all half demons do. But it...it feels as if it is my fault. I should've tried harder, done better. I should never have mentioned our past, I should have listened better and been more obedient and-"

Unable to bear his brother's guilt-ridden words, Inuyasha gently laid his fingers over the soft lips, causing startled golden eyes to lift back to his. He spoke carefully willing the demon to believe him. "Sesshomaru, you have done nothing wrong. You've been doing so good, and behaving very well for me and for Koga. If your submissive side says you've been disappointing either of your dominants, the hanyou or wolf-boy, then it is lying to you. I don't wanna hear you talk like that anymore, cause you've done great and we're both proud of you. You haven't done anything wrong."

Sesshomaru watched him for a moment, obviously debating with his submissive cycle that was fucking with his mind.
Then the tense features relaxed, and Inuyasha felt the lips under his fingers curving in a smile.
Wanting to see the smile, he lowered his hand, memorizing how happy his big brother looked at the moment.

Ready to get out of the water, he glanced over his shoulder to see Koga nodding approvingly. Apparently, the wolf had heard Sesshomaru's insecurity and Inuyasha's response.

His friend smiled at him, them gestured with his hand. "C'mon, lovebirds. I think we've earned ourselves a break, don't you?"

Both brothers looked to see that their wolf companion had been hard at work; there was a pallet of furs near the small fire, and Koga had cooked the rest of the deer meat so it wouldn't spoil. The roasted meat sat between the fur pallet and the fire, as well as a pitcher of fresh water from the waterfall that shielded the three canines from the outside world.

Inuyasha smiled happily as he and Sesshomaru joined the ookami on the pallet.


End of ch16:A Night of Sharing

Alrighty, finally got this update done! I truly apologize to y'all for taking so long; it broke my heart every day that I couldn't work on this. Life sux, but I won't bore you with the details lol. Ahhh, it's good to be home :)

Next time: Ch17: Sunrise and a Fight

Later, my Awesomely Addicted Admirers! (lmao, private joke for FreakyPoet)