Okay, another Sesshy-Inu story – Yeah! For those of you who've read stories by me before, this one will be similar in that it is already written, very long (at least I think it's long) and should (barring any major catastrophe) be updated on a weekly basis. Just as an FYI, as of first editing, this is 30 plus chapters – most of which are much longer than this one.

Also as an FYI, I'm posting another story (also completed). Both of them are m-preg, but very different in nature. A year or so ago, I got the idea for these two stories and couldn't decide which to write, thus, I did them both. And . . . since I don't like to start posting things until they are done . . . well, it took a bit of time to get them both written and ready to post. Again, if you've read my stories in the past, you all know I like the "happy ending" and this one will be no different. Of course there's gonna be angst and as usual, I put poor Inuyasha through the ringer, but in the end, he gets all the happiness he deserves.

Just so you know, this is an alternate universe kind of thing. Still set in the time of the Inuyasha story, but different. Kagome, Shippo, and Myoga aren't really in this one. I don't write Kagome at all, so she never really shows up in my stories except sometimes as a mention in passing, but in this story, not even that happens.

Oh, and I did mention . . . this is m-preg (eventually). If you don't like that kind of thing, I more than understand, so you have been properly warned. Also, as a second warning, this is yaoi (I'd hope you'd of figured that out with the whole m-preg thing, but one never knows :-)

So, with all that said, on with the first chapter!

Sesshomaru stared out into the vacant sea of bodies, completely bored out of his mind. Every fifty years, a Gathering for unmated youkai was held, and every fifty years, the InuYoukai prince was underwhelmed with his choices. No, underwhelmed would be too gracious a term. In point of fact, the available submissives he had to choose from appalled Sesshomaru. On the surface, many were beautiful beyond words, but should one look just the slightest bit further, they were sure to see that such facades were barely skin deep. Each and every submissive he'd encountered held innumerable flaws. Golden gaze flicking disinterestedly around the grassy field, Sesshomaru mentally catalogued the buffet of youkai spread before him, and as with most food left out in the sun too long, all were spoiled or rotten to the very core.

With his duties as representative of his father complete, the Prince of the West turned to leave, his white silken robes flowing behind him as his silvery white locks of hair swished enticingly upon a nonexistent breeze. With his back now to the ridiculous creatures littering the large field, Sesshomaru's cold voice whispered, "Come Jaken."

Nearly tripping over his small legs, Sesshomaru's toad like retainer's eyes bulged. "B-but, my p-prince . . . your father – "

"This Sesshomaru is leaving. You may come or go as you wish."

Staring wide-eyed at the graceful figure his prince struck, Jaken's beak opened and closed as his mind whirled. Lord Inu no Taisho would not be pleased to hear that his son was leaving yet another Gathering, once again unmated. Shifting his balance from foot to foot, the little kappa ground his beak in worry. Completely unsure what to do, Jaken opened his mouth to say something only to squeak in horror at the realization that his prince had already passed through a nearby line of trees. "Lord Sesshomaru!" Jumping into action, Jaken's small legs moved as quickly as possible, knowing that the InuYoukai prince would undoubtedly do just as he'd said and leave without him. And, although Jaken didn't like the repercussions that were sure to follow once Inu no Taisho learned of his son's actions, the small kappa could readily understand Sesshomaru's desire to leave this place and as such, Jaken knew, without a doubt, that he did not wish to be left behind within this vipers nest of deceitful youkai.

Had either Sesshomaru or Jaken looked behind them as they left, they would have seen the disappointed, yet calculating eyes of those eager to tie themselves to the most desired of the four lands – the West. Another mating ceremony come and gone and yet another opportunity missed. Many were beginning to believe the Heir to the Western Lands would never choose a mate and yet none could understand why, when presented with so many delectable choices, that the prince snubbed each and every youkai he was presented with. Unable to see their own fallacies, almost every powerful house within youkai society had long ago deemed it a failure on Sesshomaru's part, not that of their own offspring's intentions or inadequacies. Still, such notions did little to stop their hopes and dreams of one day digging their claws into the wealth and power that was the Western Lands.


Shoulder's stiff, Lord Inu no Taisho knelt behind his desk; body still and golden eyes narrowed on his son and heir. Only the two twitching furs draped over his shoulders indicated any of his irritation. Reaching a clawed hand forward, the InuDaiYoukai lord lifted a cup of sake from his desk, downing the contents in a single swallow. Only with the delectable burn of alcohol easing its way down his throat did the Lord of the West finally find the will to speak. "Did I not make myself clear on this matter, Sesshomaru?"

Regal as ever, Sesshomaru knelt in a similar fashion atop a tatami mat, his icy, bored exterior forever in place as he answered, "You did, father."

Annoyed that his son had inherited his mother's frosty demeanor, Inu no Taisho felt his eyebrow twitch. "And yet, here you are – returned with no prospective mate to speak of."

"Had one proven worthy, this Sesshomaru would not hesitate to obey your wishes."

Pride for his son's high standards warred heavily with Inu no Taisho's knowledge that Sesshomaru was past the age where he should have taken a mate. For far too long, the halls of the Western Palace had been without the pitter-patter of tiny feet. Sighing heavily, the Great Dog General leaned back, his heavy furs cushioning his body. "What am I to do with you, Sesshomaru?"

Feeling as if the question did not garner a response, Sesshomaru simply sat, eyes cold and flat.

With a shake of his head, Inu no Taisho felt the tendrils of his silvery hair drift over a shoulder, his eyes fixed upon a portrait of his own mate, the Lady Shayou, her frozen golden orbs captured to perfection by the artist. "I know well the responsibilities of being Heir to the Western Lands, my son. The challenges of such a position are great and you have met or exceeded my expectations at every turn. By all the gods, you excel at any and everything you touch, and yet . . . " Turning his attention fully upon his son, the Lord of the West steeled his expression. "Do you not understand the necessity of taking a mate and producing an heir? Do you not realize the level of stability such an action lends to these lands?"

Blinking once, Sesshomaru held his father's gaze, an ability held by precious few. "Am I to understand that you wish this Sesshomaru to breed with an inferior youkai? That you wish heirs even if they prove weak and inadequate?"

Clenching his fist, Inu no Taisho felt the pressure of his claws imprint deeply within the palm of his hand. "You mean to sit there and tell me there is not a single youkai of breeding age within the entirety of the world that you would consider worthy enough?"


The answer was short, decisive, and without hesitation. Blinking once, the Lord of the West took a moment to collect his thoughts. Had he been so picky when choosing Sesshomaru's mother, his own mate, Shayou? No, he had not, but then again, Inu no Taisho had not seen his mate in well over six months. Coming from a prominent line of Shiro Inu, Shayou had been an easy choice. Beautiful, intelligent, powerful and colder than the frozen North Sea, Sesshomaru's mother had done her duty and produced a pup to be proud of, a youkai that Inu no Taisho could feel confident leaving the Western Lands to. And yet, had that really been enough?

Shrugging his shoulders, Inu no Taisho thought that for him, it had been. And in that singular moment, the Lord of the West came to a stunning realization – for all the frosty lack of emotion Sesshomaru conveyed; his son needed something more. For Sesshomaru, having a mate simply for breeding wasn't enough. For all his scary as fuck power, Sesshomaru wasn't perfect, nor was he fulfilled. His son was looking for something - something more than the Lord of the West had ever sought. There was something his son actually needed, and given how achingly perfect Sesshomaru was, that something would not be easy to find - perhaps even impossible.

Looking at that stony, apathetic face, Inu no Taisho wondered (not for the first time) what his son was thinking. It seemed as if perfecting that look was the first thing Sesshomaru had set his mind to mastering and as such, it had been centuries since the Lord of the West thought he understood the full machinations behind his son's thoughts and actions. Still, the Lord of the West had to wonder if Sesshomaru realized the real reason he was having difficulty finding a mate. Was his son cognizant of the fact that he was well and truly searching for that singular thing that would make him whole – that one piece of the puzzle that would truly perfect his seemingly god-like offspring?

In the end, Inu no Taisho thought it improbable that Sesshomaru knew the real reason behind his difficulties. Or, if he did, the Lord of the West doubted his son would acknowledge such a thing, for doing so would imply that Sesshomaru was in need of something, and the Heir of the Western Lands needed nothing.

With a small smirk spreading across his lips, Inu no Taisho refilled his cup of sake, this time savoring the burn of the precious liquid as it slid down his throat. "It appears as if I must wait another fifty years to meet your mate, my son."

"Optimism does not appear to be a trait I inherited, father."

Feeling the rumble of laughter start deep within his gut, Inu no Taisho didn't fight the emotion as the booming sound of his mirth filled the room, a small upturn of lips the only show of emotion spreading across his son's face. "Indeed, it does not. Lucky for us both that I seem to have been blessed with an abundance it." Shaking his head as his laughter died down, the Lord of the West was left with a faint smile of his own. "Regardless, it is pointless to discuss this further. You have seen and rejected the available fair for this season and I will not command you to take a mate you do not deem worthy."

"That is fortunate, for both of us."

With his sake cup half raised to his lips, Inu no Taisho's eyelids lowered ever so slightly at the subtle challenge his son had just issued. Although it took no longer than the time of a single breath, the Lord of the West weighed the merits of choosing to allow Sesshomaru his slight, or teach his wayward pup that he, Inu no Taisho, was still the Lord of these sacred lands. Raising the cup to the edges of his lips, the InuDaiYoukai made his decision as he simply stated, "Indeed. You may go."

The slightly deeper bow of deference Sesshomaru made was the only indication he gave acknowledging his father's leniency. And, with a soft, "As you wish," parting from his lips, the Heir of the Western Lands rose with fluid grace, his own mokomoko swaying gently behind his regal form.

With his son finally gone from his presence, Inu no Taisho allowed a deep sigh to pass from his lips, his body hunched over with the weight of his position and age – both of which seemed to have gained traction over these past few years. Allowing only a moment's indulgence to his growing fatigue, the Lord of the West straightened before calling, "Jaken."

Within seconds, the small kappa knelt before Inu no Taisho, his beak firmly pressed to the wooden slatted floor below – the small quaking of both his limbs and voice betraying the little imp's fears that his master would take out his displeasure at the Heir of the West on him. "My l-lord?"

Ignoring the thick scent of fear radiating from his retainer, Inu no Taisho stood, his eyes trained upon the portrait of his mate. "It seems as if my son has failed yet again to take a mate, but perhaps the failure is not his but mine."

Now confused more than afraid, Jaken dared raise his bulbous eyes from the wood grain he'd just been memorizing. "My lord? I do not understand, how – "

"It is obvious the pool of available breeding youkai is lacking in . . . something. Tell me, Jaken, what were his choices like?"

Still horribly confused, Jaken raised his shoulders, still kneeling but placing more of his weight upon his hands. "T-they were the finest Lords and Ladies to be found anywhere in the four great Lands . . . youkai from impeccable houses and breeding."

Turning, the Lord of the West's golden eyes glinted in the afternoon sun, the burning power fueling that gaze silencing the miniscule kappa kneeling upon the floor. "Perhaps then, that is the problem."

Opening his pointed beak, Jaken started to question what Lord Inu no Taisho could possibly mean, but seeing those power-laced golden iris's silenced the breath upon his tongue. Redoubling his efforts, the little imp soon found the point of his beak pressing into the floor once more, waiting prostrate for his Lord to dismiss him.

Lost in thought as he was, it was several hours later when Inu no Taisho finally remembered Jaken was still within the room, bent over with his face pressed into the wooden slats of his office. As night had fallen, the Lord of the West drew himself up and began making his way towards the sliding doors separating him from his sleeping chambers. Only when his hand reached toward the door did he finally take pity upon his retainer. "Jaken, you are dismissed."

Breathing out a deep sigh of exhaustion, Jaken's body fell to the hard floor below, his soft snores filling the cool night air as he slept where he'd spent the better part of the day.


Thirteen years later . . .

Briefly pausing to readjust the young, bleeding InuHanyou draped across his back, Kouga took a moment to listen for the fluttering heartbeat indicating his burden was still in the land of the living. Satisfied that the hanyou's condition hadn't deteriorated too badly, the Heir of the Northern Wolf Tribe shifted the unconscious boy's weight before grunting, "Who'd of thought a runt like you could weigh so damn much."

Ignoring the stench of blood, along with the ever-growing scent of the poison ravaging the hanyou's body, Kouga marched forwards. "When this is over it's gonna take a week to get this shit outta my furs." With one clawed foot in front of the other, the wolf youkai kept to his journey, praying to whatever gods were listening that the human village he was heading to would at least patch the boy up before ordering the half-breed to leave.

Thinking of why he was traveling so far furrowed the young wolf's brow in anger. Kouga had always respected his alpha and father, so the feeling of shame burning in his gut at his own father's words and actions were currently burning like their own form of poison.

Until earlier today, Kouga hadn't really given much thought to half-breeds beyond his knowledge that they were weak, inferior beings. True, he'd never met one before, but if his elders said so, then it must be fact and as such, he'd never once thought to question it. But now . . . hearing a soft grunt carried on fevered breath, Kouga stopped, his nose scenting the air for a nearby stream but all his nose could scent was blood and poison. Bending low, the wolf youkai eased his burden upon the grass while reaching for the container of water at his side. With one hand, Kouga lifted the bloodied head of the hanyou while holding the container of water to the half-breed's cracked lips. "Come on now, just a little sip."

But the hanyou's fever wouldn't allow such conscious effort and instead of going down his throat, the water made pink rivulets down bruised skin. Recapping the bottle, Kouga's eyes narrowed. "Don't you fuckin' die on me runt," in response, the half-breed's head lolled dangerously to the side causing the wolf to let off a fresh wave of curses. "God's damned stuck up pricks! If they'd of just listened to reason . . . " Trailing off, Kouga's lips pursed into an angered line. Never in his life had he felt this level of shame towards his very own pack.

Steeling himself, Kouga bent over and hefted the hanyou back over his shoulder, his pace quickening as his mind seethed. Half-breed or no, the boy bleeding on his furs had risked his life to protect a couple of wayward wolf cubs. Damn hanyou had even gone and gotten his ass poisoned when they'd thought the fucking snake youkai was dead – throwing his body in front of a viperous fang so one of the cubs didn't get hit instead. At that moment, Kouga could of cared less if this boy was human or youkai, all he knew was that he'd saved their cubs – Northern Wolf Pack cubs - cubs that had absolutely no relation to the hanyou. Why anybody would do that, Kouga didn't have a fucking clue, but he was damn happy he had because the wolf prince knew, without a doubt, that none of his own tribe could have reached the cubs in time to have done anything but dig their corpses outta that snake's belly.

And what had been the hanyou's reward? Grunting out loud, Kouga sneered, "A big fat screw you". Bleeding out and poisoned, the half-breed laid on the ground in agony and Kouga's father, his alpha, had simply stood over the boy and said, "Leave the mongrel, he is of no concern to us".

No concern? Kouga didn't bloody well think so and had argued vehemently with his alpha. To the wolf prince, it was a matter of honor, if nothing else, but his father had stood steadfastly to his opinion and denied the hanyou any aid. Finally, after what Kouga considered to be far too long, he'd convinced his father to at least let him take the half-breed to a human village to see if they would take him in and offer healing aid. Although not pleased, his alpha had finally relented but refused to offer his son any aid. If Kouga wanted to do such a foolish thing, then it would be his burden to bear – alone.

It was only after his father and the rest of the party who'd been searching for the cubs left that Kouga began to fully appreciate what he'd just done as well as wondering just where in the hell he was gonna take the mutt. God's above, he'd be lucky to even live long enough upon entering a human village to tell them the plight of the hanyou. Besides, it wasn't like humans really liked half-breeds any more than youkai did. As a matter of fact, they probably hated them more, mostly because they feared them more.

By then, the mutt had been unconscious so Kouga hadn't even been able to ask him if he actually had a home. Somehow, he doubted it. Looking past the hanyou's wounds, it was easy to see that he was small in the malnourished kind of way. Either the pup was homeless or his home was a shit hole.

Shifting the deadweight of the body he carried, Kouga knew his task would have been a lot harder had the half-breed been filled out like he should have been. With a glance to the sky, the wolf prince knew he was getting close to his destination and began praying anew that the miko guarding the village still lived there. Kouga had heard tales that the Lady Kikyo was a very powerful miko, but unusually tolerant of youkai. From what he understood, she wasn't one of those, shoot first and ask questions later, kind of gals and that was what he really needed right about now.

With the end of his journey in sight, Kouga's feet pounded along the forest floor, eager to get his burden to what he hoped would be a safe haven. Noting the quickened pace of the hanyou's heartbeat, along with the increasingly rapid, yet shallow breathing, he doubted the mutt would be able to make it to another village in time.

Unable to smell anything but InuHanyou blood riddled with poison, Kouga didn't even notice the spiritual arrow pointed at his heart until a voice called out, "Hold and state ye business, Wolf."

Skidding to a stop, Kouga's head snapped up, his blue eyes narrowed upon what he thought to be a young woman dressed as a miko, her bow pulled back as her singular eye concentrated on nothing but his hammering heart. Well, at least she was actually asking questions first.

Swallowing once to catch his breath, Kouga asked, "You Lady Kikyo?"

Had he not been studying the miko so carefully, the wolf thought he would have missed the slight flinch in her one eye. "Lady Kikyo was killed by a spider youkai over seven years ago. I be her sister, Kaede."

Well shit, Kouga mentally cursed. Having your sibling slaughtered by a youkai didn't tend to instill feelings of good will towards his kind. Having no idea how to answer, Kouga shifted his weight, feeling the heated cheek of the hanyou on his back as he stated, "Uh . . . sorry to hear that."

Nodding once, Kaede had yet to lower her weapon. "I do not recall my sister ever speaking of wolves she knew, so I ask ye again, what business have ye with our village?"

Thinking he was fortunate that the miko still hadn't fired yet, Kouga tilted his head to the side and over his back, indicating the figure draped there. "I got an injured half-breed that needs a healer."

Kouga watched Kaede's eyebrow lift slightly. "And what care do ye have for such a creature?"

Steeling himself against the shame still burning a hole through his heart, Kouga answered, "Half-breed or not, the runt saved a couple of our wolf cubs and got his ass handed to him in the process."

"Sounds like wolf youkai business to me."

Yeah, it does to me too, Kouga thought. It was one thing to bear the shame of his pack's actions himself, it was another to tell a human priestess about it. Gritting his teeth, the wolf prince shook his head. "Look lady, it's either you or the grave. Just tell me now so I know if I need to start diggin' a hole."

Finally lowering her bow, Kaede's deep brown eye softened, even the black eye-patch covering her right eye seemed to ease as she motioned the wolf forwards. "Ye can bring him to my hut. I will see what can be done."

With a relieved nod of his head, Kouga began gently padding after the woman before him, ever grateful that when he met his end, he would not carry the burden of his father's dishonor with him. Whether the hanyou lived or died, he had done what he could to repay the debt his tribe owed to the half-breed who'd saved not one, but two of their cubs. Why the hanyou had done such a thing, Kouga still hadn't a clue. Hopefully one day, he'd be able to ask. Somehow, the wolf prince thought that wouldn't be the only question he'd be asking the half-breed. To be certain, his father wouldn't like it, but if the mutt lived, Kouga planned on spending a fair amount of time finding out more. Few things had ever caught his interest as much as this, because if the elders had gotten it this wrong about hanyou, then it stood to reason they were wrong about other shit as well and if Kouga was going to the be kind of kick-ass alpha he planned on, then evidently he needed to start learning how to think for himself.

Satisfied with this new train of thought, the wolf once more stated, "You better fuckin' live," over his shoulder before turning his attention once more to the miko confidently striding before him. Ever curious and wholly without tact, Kouga blurted, "So, what the fuck happened to your eye?"

First chapter down and many to come. Credit goes to Araiht for Sesshomaru's mother's name, Shayou. Araiht offered up the name a couple of years ago when I was posting the Bakusen'O story and I liked it very much. To me, that will be Sesshomaru's mother's name whenever I write about her. I hope you're still out there reading, Araiht.

I hope you can all come along for another long fan-fic ride. As always, reviews are both welcome and appreciated. I enjoy hearing what people think. I will try very hard to update this story on Sunday evenings. I also hope to post the first chapter for the second story I've written tomorrow night. No promises on that one, but I'm pretty sure that will happen.

Until Sunday . . . lunamist