Warning: Yaoi. Mpreg.

Disclaimer: No, I don't own Inuyasha.

The following afternoon, the half demon anxiously looked around and frowned. His friends were supposed to be here by now. There was also the ever looming threat of mortals who were shooting them all down in order to make way for a new, pure modern world. The world that Kagome lived in.

He felt antsy, his eyes flickering nervously at the foliage. Every so often, he sniffed to try to see if he could scent gunpowder, relaxing when he sensed nothing. Tsukina whimpered as she looked around, rubbing at her eyes. Because they were still waiting outside for them, the pup hadn't taken her nap yet. It was obvious she wasn't pleased about it.

Her eyes fluttered shut, laying her head onto her father's shoulder. "Papa..." She whimpered.

"Papa?" That was what she called Sesshomaru. "What about me? Dad? C'mon, say dad." He insisted.

She whined, tiredly gazing around. "Papa."

"Seriously, kid?" Inuyasha held her closely, smiling down at his daughter.

Sesshomaru approached them, his expression neutral as ever. "Have they still not come?"

"Do you see them anywhere?"

He narrowed his eyes. "In any case, it is good we celebrated earlier. I had a feeling they might not arrive on time."

"Why's that?"

"The palace is hard to find, after all."

Ears lowered a bit. "Oh, yeah. Right."


The minutes passed, soon turning into an hour. Just as he was about to give up, he turned when he saw Hachi carrying Miroku, Sango, and their children. To his utter surprise and displeasure, Kouga and his family were also seated atop the transformed raccoon demon.

"Damn it, are you serious? That wolf didn't die?" He griped, his eyes widening furiously. Although, a small part of him was relieved that he had made it through the human rebellion after all this time. He didn't completely hate the guy. It was more mild annoyance at this point.

"That wolf." The sharp, unsettlingly cold tone of the demon lord made the hanyou look at him curiously. He hadn't heard his brother sound that pissed in a very long time.

"You guys got bad blood?"

"We did. It is no longer of consequence." He assured him, his tone quiet and even now. Sesshomaru didn't feel like explaining that technically Kouga's wolves had killed Rin years ago. While the wolf leader himself did not slaughter her, it still didn't sit well with him. However, the wolf seemed to have changed.

The wind picked up as Hachi descended. The two brothers stepped back as the others hopped off, the raccoon popping back to his usual size.

"Thank you, Hachi." The monk smiled politely, setting his staff on the ground.

"No problem, master." The demon replied, nodding.

Inuyasha was too caught up taking in their appearances to speak right away. It had only been about three years since he'd left, but already they looked so different. More mature and grown up, the lines of age barely noticeable but still present. He couldn't believe how grown the monk and slayer's kids were either in such a short span of time.

"Man, humans age fast." Inuyasha murmured under his breath. It was almost easy to forget - his mother had died young, Kikyo had as well, and Kagome had left. The only human he'd witness grow old was Kaede.

"It would be wise not to say that louder." Sesshomaru told him, smirking amusedly.

Kouga and Ayame were exactly as he remembered them. Their little one was a perfect blend with his bright red hair and blue eyes. He looked to be only a bit older than Tsukina.

"Long time no see, pup." Kouga smirked. "I see the rumors were true."

"W-Whatever. What the hell does that mean?"

The wolf leader only blinked as though amazed by his denseness. His sharp blue eyes glanced between him and Sesshomaru, before his brow rose slightly as he folded his arms tightly.

Inuyasha caught on, his face burning slightly. "Yeah, well-!"

"Relax. I don't give a crap." Kouga waved him off, understanding as a demon these things did sometimes happen. Rarely, but nonetheless. "It's good to see you."

Ayame nodded, smiling widely.

"Yeah, you too." He relented, before turning to his human friends. "It's great to see you guys also. It's weird though... having everyone here."

Sango nodded quickly. "It almost feels like old times, though distinctly different."

It was quiet for a long time. It felt a bit awkward, although they were glad to finally see one another.

"Well, where are the festivities anyway? I'm starving!" Kouga complained gruffly.


After dinner, the wolf found the hanyou sitting in the fields by himself brooding. His typical snarl was present, his ears flickering wildly. Kouga tilted his head curiously as he folded his arms, squatting next to him.

"What the hell is the matter with you? Everyone's wondering where you are." He muttered gruffly.

Golden eyes narrowed. "Nothing." His tone was edgy.

"Right, nothing." The wolf leader rolled his eyes heavily, sighing. "Still moody as ever, I see. Not much has changed."

"Yeah, and you still stink and are dumber than a bag of rocks." The hanyou retorted, smirking. "We can go back and forth all night, but I ain't really in the mood for talking right now."

Kouga smirked. "I'm stupid? You're the one who's sitting here while your mate and daughter are celebrating her birthday. Isn't this supposed to be a good day for you, Inuyasha?"

The hanyou turned to him. It was rare the wolf actually used his name without adding some vacuous insult.

Shrugging, he sighed. "I dunno. Yeah, I guess. It's just...hell, never mind."

"Not that I give a damn, but you don't seem happy." Kouga glanced at him expectantly, waiting for a reply.

The half demon didn't know how to respond. He was happy and yet he had never felt quite this agitated. He did love Sesshomaru and Tsukina, but there was this sensation within him. It was irony at its absolute finest. After finally getting the things he wanted most - love, acceptance, a family...it all seemed droll now. He wondered if he ever really wanted it in the first place. After getting used to being hated and alone, his mind craved it. Masochistic for certain, but he almost missed the struggles he used to face. They kept him sharp, alive, and in his own world. A world that no one could enter but him.

"I'm...not, I guess."

"Quit guessing. Either you know or you don't, mutt." The other griped.

"Why the hell do you care?"

"We're not friends, but we've fought together. So we're comrades and that's gotta count for something." Kouga figured, shrugging. "I mean, if we really hated each other we'd both be injured or worse by now."

"Good point...still, I'm done talking to you. Get outta here." He replied rudely, narrowing his eyes at the other male.

"Damn, fine." Kouga scoffed, raising a brow. "You know, I used to think you two deserved each other. But now I'm thinking that Sesshomaru deserves better. Your attitude is still rotten. Who wants to put up with you all the time? No wonder Kagome left."

With that, he left the hanyou to sit there by himself. Inuyasha watched him leave with wistful eyes, regretting his words but making no move to apologize. It was too hard to try to explain the conflicting views he had. That he was damaged goods.

He had been trying to keep up the facade that he was truly content in this relationship, but maybe the wolf was right. The demon lord might have had no personality, but underneath it all he wasn't such a bad person. He was calm, intelligent, good with children and highly skilled in battle.

And what was he?

Inuyasha scoffed, smirking wryly. Really, truthfully, he was nothing. A half breed with an even less desirable attitude. Nothing could change that.


Sliding open the door to his bedroom, he paused by the doorway as Sesshomaru regarded him almost curiously.

"I feel inclined to ask where you have been, but I see you are unharmed."

Inuyasha sighed, nodding. "I've been, um, out. Thinking. About our life...and..."

The demon lord didn't like his tone. It sounded both hesitant and oddly defeated at once. "What is it, Inuyasha?"

The hanyou sat down across from him silently. Narrowing his eyes, he resolved himself to speak the words that he had always wanted to say to someone. He had sort of tried with Kagome, but she had always reassured him that he was good as he was, despite her acting otherwise.

"I can't do this anymore." He said honestly. "I want to be happy, and I've had some amazing experiences here but-!"

"Silence." The other held his hand up. "Of all times, why her birthday?"

Inuyasha paused as that information hit him again. "Right...I know...but I gotta say this now. It can't wait, I'm sorry."

"You-!" He looked visibly pissed which was never a good sign. "When I wanted to leave, do you know what I did Inuyasha?"

The hanyou closed his eyes, sighing deeply as he nodded.

"Yes, you do. Perhaps you should consider being more mature." Sesshomaru murmured icily.

He folded his arms, glaring heatedly. "That's just it! I'm not mature, at all. I'm not you."

Sesshomaru looked like he was deep in thought for several moments, considering the wall instead. "What exactly are you telling me, then? After all of this tribulation, you still wish to leave?"

"I finally realize what I truly want. I do want to be alone." The half demon said quietly, the recognition of these conflicting emotions finally hitting him.

Yes, he did want it. He had been fine on his own until Kikyo had first come along and swayed his entire life. Half breeds weren't supposed to have normal lives, he was certain of it.

"Interesting time to come to that conclusion." Sesshomaru's jaw tensed angrily.

"I know it's bad timing. Things like this usually are." Inuyasha let out an anxious sigh, shrugging. "I'm sorry, I don't know what else to tell you."

"Well, it was indeed nice while it lasted." The demon lord regarded him pointedly. "I should ask: was it I that drove you to this point?"

Inuyasha frowned. "I've always been like this...but yeah, it is your fault. You knew you had a half breed brother and instead of killing me off like you should've, you pussy-footed around. I guess you're softer than you think you are."

Poison whips wrapped around his arms, burning into his flesh as he was yanked forward roughly. Growling, he looked up at the entirely neutral expression above him. Sesshomaru pulled him up, his poison claws lingering dangerously close to the veins in his throat.

"This?" He asked quietly, digging his claws in enough to draw blood, but not to do any real damage. "Would you prefer death?"

"I said I wanted to be alone. Although you should've killed me, you had way too many chances." Inuyasha snarled, coughing loudly as the poison entered his bloodstream. It was wasn't enough to kill him though. It still hurt like hell.

"...fool." It was barely a whisper, yet held such conviction behind it. It almost sounded like pity to him.

Inuyasha pushed him back roughly. "You don't get it. Sesshomaru, you're..." He swallowed heavily, not liking the fact that he was about to get incredibly sentimental. "You're strong and beautiful, if living here has taught me anything it's that you deserve somebody better than me. I'm not offering much here and you know it."

"No." Sesshomaru looked about ready to actually sigh for once. "You are indeed a fool. I am happy with you. I presumed everything was fine, but I suppose even I can be wrong."

Inuyasha swallowed thickly again. The bastard might've been cold and cruel in the past, but he had changed over the years. Living with him, learning to love him, and witnessing Tsukina's birth had drastically altered his view of his brother. The dark memories of the past almost seemed like some terrible dream now. Like it didn't matter anymore.

Still, the half demon didn't want to be a burden to anyone. He needed to be alone. For as much as the world around him had changed, he was still very much the same. If only the older man could see it, that he shouldn't want somebody like him. It should be like the past - with vicious insults, cruel actions, and indifference.

"You have been through much in such a short life." Sesshomaru said, snapping him out of his thoughts. "I know that feeling this...content must be foreign to you."

"...yeah? But what does-?"

The demon lord actually gripped his face, meeting his eyes directly. He kissed him gently, yet lingered near his lips.

"Stay." He murmured, though it did not sound like begging. His tone was cold and resolute as it ever was, yet his expression was more vulnerable. His features were relaxed, normally sharp eyes softened with a strange intensity that the hanyou didn't understand. He liked it though for some reason, it made him feel truly loved for once.

"I don't know if I should." He replied gruffly, shrugging a bit. "I meant what I said earlier."

"I cannot stop you. Do as you please." The words cut into him with their terseness.

The room grew thick with tension. It was so quiet that they could hear even the creaking of the floorboards and windows. Tsukina's laughter could be heard down the hallway as the others entertained her and watched the child, letting her play with their own children. The silence went on for a long time as they contemplated their past and their uncertain futures. It seemed at some point, both of them had wanted to part from the other for very different reasons. Solitude was something they had both sought. Perhaps they were both damaged.

Sesshomaru finally looked up at the other. It was clear to him then that they needed one another, even if was only as brothers. It tore at his pride but he could freely admit it now.

"We should not give up yet. It would be quite wise to give it more time." The demon lord suggested calmly.

Inuyasha couldn't disagree. As usual, the other was right. "Yeah...still..."

The other man offered him a very rare smile, before it disappeared within seconds. He moved closer to the younger man, gripping his hand. The half demon looked down at their entwined hands, squeezing slightly as he smirked crookedly.


The years passed peacefully. Although a bit mundane, Inuyasha found himself settling into domestic life as did Sesshomaru. They focused on bringing up their daughter, making sure she had the best of everything. Or at least, they tried. The little one grew up before their eyes - too fast for either of their liking.

On the balcony, Inuyasha held his five-year old daughter in his arms. The wind blew across their faces, the night sky littered with shining stars. The moon was full, its eerie glow casting dim light across the landscape. Looking down at his pup fondly, he smirked when he noticed her mouth stretch in a wide yawn. Tsukina rubbed at her eyes sleepily, but refused to go to bed yet. Normally, the hanyou would've made her anyway despite her protests.

Tonight was different though.

Sharp yells of pain could be heard from inside the palace. Growls and pants of agony soon followed. Inuyasha could hear everything despite not being in the room. This time around, he opted to wait outside. He couldn't stand seeing Sesshomaru that way, seeing him in that much pain.

The pup sighed heavily. "Is it over yet?" She asked curiously, turning her big eyes up towards him.

Smoothing her bangs back, he shook his head. "The healer is gonna tell us when it's over. Why don't you just go to bed, huh? You'll see the baby when you wake up."

"No!" She screamed, whining loudly. "Besides, papa's bleedin'. I can smell it all the way from here. Does it mean he's gonna die?"

Inuyasha frowned, clutching her more tightly as his eyes narrowed. "He's gonna be okay. Don't worry, Tsuki."


"My lord!" A solider burst outside, bowing slightly before glancing behind him. The healer came towards him with a grim expression.

"How is he?" Inuyasha asked, setting his daughter down.

The healer smiled a little, closing her eyes. "He's quite well. Exhausted, but well. As for the child, he's very healthy."

Inuyasha's heart constricted suddenly, not hearing her correctly. "It's a boy?"

He knew most people would've been thrilled at the prospect of having a son, but it made him feel oddly indifferent unlike when Tsukina was born. Although things were great between he and Sesshomaru now, it didn't erase his memories of being abused by males during his childhood. He wasn't even sure if he knew how to be a father to a boy, or what the hell to do with one other than teach him how to fight.

"You seem unhappy." The healer noticed.

Snapping out of his trance, he shook his head. "No, I'm fine. Can I see them now?"

"Pwease?" Tsukina added, smiling widely at the older woman.

"Well, alright, but be quiet."


Inuyasha followed her inside the room, holding Tsukina in his arms. She was honestly big enough to walk on her own, but he could tell the girl was exhausted. It was way past her bedtime, nearly midnight now.

"Papa." She smiled sleepily, squirming excitedly as the hanyou set her down on the futon.

Sesshomaru held the bundle up for her to see, tilting his head towards her. "This is your little brother. Do you want to hold him?"

"Yes!" She exclaimed, before her ears slicked back as the demon lord shushed her quietly.

"You must be quiet around the pup, too much noise will upset him." Sesshomaru explained, and she nodded with such a determined look he was almost inclined to chuckle at just how much she resembled Inuyasha at that moment. Though truthfully, she was his double. The girl was a miniature version of the demon lord, excluding the puppy ears.

"He's so squishy." She decided happily, petting his hair. "I like him, what's his name?"

Inuyasha leaned in, taken by the tiny child. He didn't look much like either of them, surprisingly. It was hard to tell who he looked like just yet, unlike their daughter. His hair was an odd color too - not silver, but rather a dark grey color. The stripes were smooth like Sesshomaru's, but blue instead of magenta. He had the crescent moon as well and there was hint of gold peeking through his squinted gaze.

"His name is Yusuke."

The half demon took the boy from her arms, admiring his son. Taking a small hand, he smirked a little as the baby yawned widely.

"He's a cute kid, reminds me of someone else though." Inuyasha didn't realize he'd said that aloud, blushing slightly when he noticed the other male nodding his agreement.

"We will see who he favors as he grows older, I suppose..." The demon lord took his son back into his arms, holding him tightly against his chest.

Inuyasha smirked down at the girl who had fallen asleep on the bed, brushing back her bangs. He hoisted her onto his chest gently. As he looked down at the older male, he gestured to the door.

"I'll take her to bed, then come back to check on you." His eyes landed on the pup, "And I'll watch Yusuke for now."

Sesshomaru only nodded, his gaze slightly more gentle than usual.

The half demon walked down the hallway with a faint hint of a grin, wondering what the future had in store for their family.

Please review if you have the time.

His name is pronounced like Sasuke, but with a 'Yu'. Also, thanks to everyone who supported this story!

That's it, hope you enjoyed! :]