Disclaimer-I do not own 'Inuyasha'. If I did, I'd sure as hell have a better computer! :)

Alrighty, people! I am attempting to post this because of numerous requests for another InuxSess. Yes I am still posting on 'New Moon Fears', but I have a lot of people wanting to see Sesshomaru as a bitch again, apparently *evil smile* That is fun to write.

As promised, I have a warning for any of my previous reviewers who may not like this one.
- I do not think you will like this one, or at least parts of it. Sesshy is totally the bitch of this story, and Inuyasha is gonna scare the living fuck out him (not hurt him, though). You're welcome to read it anyways, if you still wish to do so :) (I promise Sesshy ends up enjoying himself...)

Warnings: A seriously ooc Sesshomaru (natural dom having a sub cycle; you'd be ooc, too!) *LANGUAGE* More warnings to come in future chappies! (and I have spelled Koga like this because it's that way in the anime)

'Decisions, Decisions'

Chapter 1: Something Changed

Sesshomaru shook his head as an unfamiliar dizziness threatened to overtake him. He stopped walking and gave a soft growl under his breath.

Something was wrong.

It was fall, the time of year he usually went into heat, but something wasn't right. He felt...weak.

A couple of days ago, he'd sent his pack to the Western Castle, intending to spend the next week or so in the same manner he usually did - looking for somebody worth his time.

His whole body would burn and ache with the need to find a submissive mate and thoroughly dominate them, but of course, the aristocratic assassin had some high standards.
Too high, apparently, because in the several hundred years since he'd reached maturity, he had yet to find anyone who met them.

But this time, it felt different.

When his heat started, he usually felt extra-aggressive and even stronger than normal. Now, he felt weak and almost...passive.

The pain was different, too. Usually, it was just a burning ache to fuck someone worthy of his time into the ground. Right now, though, he had pain in his body that he did not recognize. He had never been ill, but he imagined it felt like this.

The most alarming difference was that instead of the need to find someone suitable and dominate them, he felt a different need.

He felt the need to be taken care of. Hmph, ridiculous.

Suddenly, his memory flashed; he vaguely remembered Father telling him once that dominant demons sometimes had a submissive cycle to keep them balanced. This cycle affected not just the body, but the mind, as well.

If the demon didn't find someone to submit to, they'd get sick. Really, really sick. And the stronger the demon, the worse this cycle would affect them.

Sesshomaru frowned. This was not happening. He would never submit!

Just as this thought flashed through his mind, sharp pain sizzled through every bone in his body, and he dropped to his knees when a wave of nausea made his stomach roll.

He struggled back to his feet, shaking as he realized his scent had changed.

He smelled like a pathetic submissive! And strongly, too!

Sesshomaru dug his claws into a nearby tree when his legs threatened to give out on him. His head began to pound and his muscles spasmed painfully. What kind of hell was this?!

He snarled savagely and narrowed his eyes as the late afternoon sun seemed to get impossibly brighter, like it knew his head hurt and wanted to make it worse.

Sesshomaru found himself leaning against the tree as the pain in his head pulsed with his heartbeat, causing his vision to waver, and another wave of nauseous dizziness washed over him.

This was the worst he'd ever felt, and he found himself wondering if, after all his battles, this was what was going to end his life. How ridiculously pathetic.

Suddenly, he sensed a presence approaching him swiftly.

Sesshomaru growled and lifted a clawed hand defensively as he felt demonic energy sweep the area.

He struggled to focus his eyes on a dark figure that had just appeared at the treeline, blinking rapidly in an attempt to clear his vision. He became alarmed when he realized his nose wasn't picking up any scents, at all.

Sesshomaru hissed as the dark figure stepped closer and resolved itself into Koga, the Wolf-Prince from the Northern Mountains.

The younger demon looked shocked, saying. "I don't believe it! You're Sesshomaru, Inuyasha's brother, right?"

Sesshomaru did not realize that as soon he heard his brother's name, the pounding in his head calmed to a tolerable level and he didn't feel quite so nauseous.

Koga stepped closer, and Sesshomaru started to back away, but as soon as he let go of the tree, he crumpled to the ground. Koga looked alarmed, asking anxiously. "Hey, are you ok?"

The loudness of the wolf's voice made his head pound worse, and he heard himself saying. "Shhhh." as he lifted his hands to the sides of his head so it wouldn't explode.

The demonic prince moved closer to kneel by him, and Sesshomaru growled warningly. Koga raised his eyebrows and spoke very softly. "It's ok. You're a dominant that's having a submissive cycle, aren't you?"

Sesshomaru hissed as ferociously as he could and pulled away from the wolf.

At least, he tried to. His body wouldn't cooperate, and he only succeeded in leaning away a few inches.

Koga frowned and asked gently. "First one?"

Sesshomaru didn't answer, lowering his eyes from the intense sapphire gaze of the younger demon. His pride burned; he never lowered his eyes, but he couldn't help it.

He flinched when he saw one of Koga's hands lifting towards him, then he heard the quiet voice. "It's alright, Sesshomaru. I only came here because I caught the scent of a submissive, but I didn't realize it was you. I'm not gonna try to claim you; I wanna live longer than a week from now."

Surprised and confused, Sesshomaru raised his eyes to meet electric blue and the wolf prince smiled at him. "Whoever has the audacity to try to take advantage of this, I figure you'll kill them when you're back to normal for daring to dominate you."

Sesshomaru felt a clawed hand settle on his head, gently stroking his hair. The pounding eased off at the gentle touch as Koga said quietly. "You will get sicker if you don't find someone to submit to, though. Like, really sick."

Sesshomaru nodded and whispered. "Hurt all over."

Koga gave him a small, sympathetic smile. "I know you hurt. Sesshomaru, no matter how strong you are, the submissive cycle could kill you if you don't submit." the younger demon sighed. "Inuyasha won't have any family then."

At the sound of his brother's name, Sesshomaru felt the sharp edge of the pain dull, and he found himself thinking about the hanyou.

Inuyasha was defiant and reckless, but...he was also strong, brave, and rather..attractive. He protected his pack fiercely, and Sesshomaru felt the urge to be protected, an urge he had never felt before. Inuyasha was the only person he knew that might be worth submitting to.

He whimpered at the wolf, who tilted his head. "You have somebody particular in mind?"

He nodded slowly, and after a moment, Koga's eyes widened and he whispered. "This is somebody I know, isn't it?"

Sesshomaru nodded again. The younger demon breathed. "Would this be a certain hanyou? Perhaps one that you've been really hateful towards in the past?"

Sesshomaru gave a low whine and a tiny nod. Koga stared at him for a long moment, then sighed loudly. "I don't know how well this is gonna go; you've been really shitty to him over the years. But, if you want...I'll take you to him."

Sesshomaru nodded, stopping when the movement renewed his headache's fury. Koga stood, and Sesshomaru tried to, but was unable to get past his knees. He was too weak and in too much pain to even get to his feet.

Koga crouched back next to him, wearing a speculative look. "You don't have the strength to walk, do you?"

Sesshomaru shook his head with a shame-filled whimper. The wolf took a deep breath. "Ok. I know you're too proud to get carried, but if I leave you alone to go get Mutt-face, there's no telling what kind of low-life scum might show up. You do smell really good, and if you can't even stand, you're not gonna be able to defend yourself."

Suddenly terrified of being found by anyone other than this demon or his little brother, Sesshomaru reached out to weakly grip the younger male's arm. "No. Not...alone..please."

Koga nodded. "I won't leave you alone, ok? But I do know your pride won't let me carry you, so the only option is to get some of your strength back."

Sesshomaru felt his eyes widen and he released the wolf's arm.

The darker demon frowned. "Relax, I said I'm not gonna try to claim you. I can trick your inner demon. Do you trust me?"

Sesshomaru hesitated; even though they were both royals, he barely knew this ookami with bright blue eyes. How was he supposed to trust someone he barely knew?

In spite of this, he found himself nodding. If Koga was not trustworthy, the younger demon would've already taken advantage of his weakened state. "I..I trust you, wolf-prince."

Koga leaned close and hugged him, raining gentle kisses over his forehead. Sesshomaru sighed in relief as the sick feeling began to fade, and he leaned into the embrace. One clawed hand began gently massaging the back of his neck while another stroked his hair. Sesshomaru felt the weakness in his muscles recede as the wolf made him feel safe and cared for.

Then Koga pulled away, whispering, "Come on, it won't last long." The demonic prince stood and helped him to his feet.

As Sesshomaru stood shakily to his full height, the slightly shorter demon smiled up at him and lifted one hand to scratch lightly behind his ear.

Sesshomaru leaned into the touch as the wolf spoke gently. "Good boy. You know, if you weren't so damn dangerous, I would definitely not be taking you to someone else."

Sesshomaru lowered his eyes and meekly followed Koga as he began walking.


Koga watched over his shoulder as the powerful dog demon followed him, quiet and docile.

Sesshomaru was a devastatingly gorgeous demonic specimen, and his changed scent was intensely appealing. The arrogant youkai smelled pretty damn good normally, but now...Koga shivered as the submissive scent tempted his own dominant nature.

When he shivered, he saw wide amber eyes flick up to him, then hurriedly drop back down to the ground.

Koga sighed in sympathy; normally a dominant himself, he'd had a submissive cycle last year, his own first. It was awful!
Pain, weakness, nausea...not to mention the fatal blow to pride and dignity...the list went on, and he knew the proud canine following him was miserable, physically and mentally.

When he'd had his last year, he'd been forced to explain the whole thing to Inuyasha, and his former enemy had helped him. They'd had a wild, satisfying, slightly violent week together, and when Koga's heat had passed, they didn't stay together, but they were good friends now. They often got together for a day or two, whether to hang out, hunt, or hook up.

Inuyasha was not only skilled, he was a surprisingly considerate lover. The beautiful hanyou could be tender and passionate, but if Koga was in the mood for some roughness, all he had to do was say so, and Inuyasha was only too happy to indulge him.

And while the dominant Alpha hanyou had never had a submissive cycle, he sometimes asked Koga to take him, liberate him from control or responsibility. When this happened, Koga took good care of his friend, treating him with more care and respect than he'd ever shown anybody.

Koga glanced back over his shoulder as he caught the faintest scent of tears. Sesshomaru was shaking as he walked, and there was shame in his scent.

Koga spoke softly, knowing the older demon's head still pounded. "You alright?"

Sesshomaru shook his head, still staring at the ground as though it held a secret. "Inuyasha...hates me. Might not...help me. Let me...suffer."

Koga slowed his steps until the taller male reached him, but the youkai stopped before passing him. The amber eyes lifted to his, then dropped back down.
He spoke quietly to the older canine. "I doubt it. Inuyasha has a really good heart under that attitude of his, and he doesn't like to see anyone suffer, especially if he's able to help. Besides, he doesn't hate you for the past, he's scared of you because of it."

Koga saw the disbelief that crossed the fine features of the pale demon, hearing a soft huff. "Ridiculous. Inuyasha not scared of anything."

He shrugged, not really surprised that he knew Mutt-face better than his own brother did. "Fine, don't believe me."

Immediately, an apologetic whimper burst out of Sesshomaru. "Sorry. Please...don't leave alone. Don't be...mad at me."

Koga frowned; the Lord of the West was getting worse. "This has really gotten you freaked out, huh?"

Sesshomaru hesitated, then nodded slowly as shame flooded his scent.

Koga nodded, deciding the older demon should know what he was in for before this got out of hand. "Look, Sesshomaru. You should know, the stronger a demon is, the worse this cycle is. It's affecting your thinking, and it's gonna get worse. As powerful as you are, this cycle is gonna kick your ass, my friend."

Amber eyes widened at him, and the softest little whine could be heard in the demon lord's chest.

Koga lifted one hand to rub gentle circles on the youkai's back, seeing Sesshomaru flinch, then relax into the caring attention as the fearful whine faded.

The wolf-prince spoke gently. "It's ok, I'm not mad and I'm not gonna leave you alone. I'll keep you safe until we reach your brother, ok?"

Sesshomaru nodded slowly, whispering, "Thank you."

Koga stayed right next to the taller male as they continued towards Inuyasha.


End of ch1: Something Changed

Hmmm, yes I am aware just how ooc our dear Sess is. I hope the cycle thing is a satisfactory reason; it is really messing with his mind big-time.

Is going to Inuyasha really a good idea? Guess we'll find out...

next time on 'Decisions, Decisions'

Chapter 2: Somebody to Help

In which Inuyasha gets the surprise of his life!