Warning: Mentions of yaoi/mpreg. MAJOR OOC-NESS (Out of character, for the newbs).

Disclaimer: No, I don't own Inuyasha.

Birds chirped loudly, seeming to dance along the branches as they flitted around. Drops of morning dew fell from the leaves as the young couple walked along the dirt path back to Kaede's village. Kagome stretched a little bit, sighing contentedly.

"That was a tough exorcism yesterday. Good thing we got to stay in such a nice inn." She murmured, smiling.

"Yeah, but it would've helped to have Miroku there." Inuyasha agreed casually, hands wrapped behind his head as he walked languidly, "I guess it's tough to get out there and make more money, considering he's got three kids. Somebody's gotta watch those brats."

"Inuyasha! Stop calling kids 'brats'. It's so rude...and I mean...what if we had some children of our own? I wouldn't want you to call them that." Kagome chastised, blushing as she spoke.

The hanyou's cheeks burned as well, his ears flickering slightly. "Well, um, that's different I guess." He glanced at her almost nervously, "Do you really want kids, Kagome?"

The priestess didn't even have to think about it much, nodding. "Yep, I want at least two."

"Y-Yeah?" He raised a brow.

"Sure, don't you want any?"

His cheeks only burned more, and he tilted his head thoughtfully. "I guess so."

"You guess? That's it? Oh come on Inuyasha, give it time. You might just change your mind." She laughed, a pleasant sound to his ears. It was like the ringing of small bells, high and melodic.

It made him smirk a little bit, which was his version of a warm smile. "You're right, Kagome. For now though, can we just drop it?"

"Whatever you say. This conversation isn't over though, mister." She retorted, pulling on a fluffy ear playfully.

"Hey-!" He growled, moving out of her touch. "You know I hate that!"

"But your ears are so cute...and we're married now. As your wife, I dema-!" She began jokingly, only to be cut off.

"Fine, whatever. You can touch 'em, just don't pull so damn hard." He muttered irritably, rolling his eyes as he folded his arms.

"Yay!" She exclaimed, fondly rubbing one with the most satisfied smile he'd ever seen.

Truthfully, it felt sort of nice but he'd never admit it. In his mind, it was bad enough that he was half human, but had these ridiculous puppy ears. Everyone else seemed to think they were cute.

'Cute, my ass...' He thought, scoffing aloud.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, so shut up!"

"Don't be so rude! I don't want to have to use that word again."

Sighing, he gave her a funny look. "Speaking of that word, when the hell are you gonna remove these beads? I'm your husband, shouldn't you trust me by now?"

"Well, yes...but..." Her mind fumbled for an excuse. When she couldn't find one, she looked away slightly. "It's just that I might need it if you can't control your demon blood again or if you're being unreasonable."

"I think it's my right to be unreasonable and act how I want though." He was becoming frustrated, but withheld his temper for now because he really didn't want to face her wrath.

"Yeah, but still." She shrugged.

"Keh! Your excuses are so weak." He growled, storming away from her.

"Inuyasha! Wait!" Kagome called, sighing softly. 'I guess I upset him again. Oh well, after all the times he's upset me, I shouldn't feel bad. He'll get over it, he always does.'

She noticed another familiar young woman nearby, picking herbs with Kaede. It was Rin, looking far more grown up. It had been nearly four years since Naraku's defeat and the girl was practically a teenager. She was taller, her hips filled out a little more, and her chest was no longer completely flat.

"Kagome!" Even her voice had matured, and it never ceased to amaze the priestess. She was so used to seeing a little girl.

"Hi, Rin. Lady Kaede." Kagome replied. "What's up?"

Rin paused confusedly, until she remembered 'what's up' was Kagome's strange way of asking how one was doing.

"I'm fine. How are you?" She asked.

"I'm doing well. I-!" Kagome paused, suddenly feeling a very strong demonic aura. It felt familiar though so she didn't panic immediately.

Looking up, the three of them noticed a pale demon flying overhead, his fur rippling behind him. Rin smiled widely as he landed gracefully onto the ground, with Jaken at his heels. The young woman ran up to him excitedly with elation written all over her face.

"Rin. I trust you've been well?"

"Yes, my lord." She nodded.

He slipped his hand into his haori, pulling out a beautiful kimono for her. Silently, he handed it to her and closely watched her reaction. Rin seemed thrilled by it, clutching it to her chest. A grateful smile lit up her face.

"Thank you, Lord Sesshomaru. It's lovely." Rin examined the dark blue kimono, with light blue swirled patterns and flowers adorned onto it.

He simply nodded as a response.

Seconds later, he moved to walk forward, confusing the others. Rin daringly gripped onto his haori sleeve gently, momentarily stopping him from moving.

"Yes?" He intoned.

"Where are you going?" She asked confusedly. Rin had been hoping to spend more time talking to him, since he had indeed changed over the years. "I thought we could spend the day together, perhaps?"

"I would like nothing more, but first there is someone I must speak to." His sharp eyes glanced towards the forest, where the sacred tree resided. "It is important, Rin. You must understand."

"Yes, my lord. I'll see you later." She said with a wide smile, waving as he left. "Please don't be too long!"


Inuyasha's ears twitched at the sound of footsteps. The scent of his older brother filled his senses and he growled deeply. While the two got along much better these days, having put their dreaded past aside shortly before Naraku's defeat, he still didn't much enjoy seeing him. Glaring down at the ground, he spotted a freakishly stunning creature giving him an equally hard stare. The white hair, magenta stripes, and fur were a dead giveaway anyway even if he couldn't scent him. There was nothing inconspicuous about Sesshomaru.

"What the hell do you want, bastard?" Inuyasha grumbled tiredly. He was in no mood, no mood whatsoever for bullshit. Or a fight. He just wanted to take a nap and then go home to his wife, who was hopefully in a better mood too by now.

To his surprise, the demon lord came to him, in a flash of movement. As the leaves settled, Inuyasha stared wide-eyed at the other male who was crouched not even two feet from where he was lazily lounging.

"What the hell-?"

"We need to speak about something of importance. Although to you, it will probably sound like a threat." Sesshomaru mused, and he appeared to be mirthful, if the hanyou didn't know any better. It was hard to tell, since the faintly warm look in his eyes disappeared within mere seconds, replaced by an iciness that was all too familiar to him.

"A threat? Let me guess, you're here to kill me. That's what you wanna talk about, isn't it? How I've disgraced you by marrying a human?" He sat forward, smirking arrogantly, "Well guess what? I don't need your damn approval."

"Actually, you do. I am your older brother, I am responsible for you although I have no wish to be." The demon lord said monotonously, his eyes narrowing a fraction as though daring the boy to say something to refute that statement.

The smirk grew smaller, replaced by confusion. "What are you going on about? You ignored me my entire childhood, then threatened to kill me when you found out about Tetsusaiga, and now you're suddenly responsible for me? Give me a break, bastard! You're so full of crap."

"Perhaps." An vaguely evil smirk twisted Sesshomaru's features. It caused the hanyou to swallow a bit nervously despite himself. "However, we have been growing closer, and if I'm going to consider you my brother, then yes...I am very responsible for you, Inuyasha."

"Shut up!" Now he was pissed, a hand poised on the hilt of his sword just in case. "I'm a grown ass adult! You can't tell-!"

He was interrupted by that smirk growing wider, which was never a good thing when it came to the demon lord. It usually meant death. That, or humiliation.

"An adult?" He repeated coldly. "Perhaps in the human world, but in demon years you are still a child. Kagome is aging faster than even you are in mortal years. She is...nineteen now, and yet you are still what mortals would consider a sixteen year-old. You do realize that you will outlive her, as I will outlive Rin?"

Inuyasha had stopped listening at a certain point. "How the hell do you know Kagome's age?"

Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed, to the point where he actually looked irritated. "Simple. I am much smarter than you. I know how to use my demonic abilities to pinpoint such things and I may have overheard such conversations between her and Rin."

"You ain't smart, you're an eavesdropper..." The hanyou rolled his eyes. "Anyway, I don't understand what the hell any of this has to do with...well, anything. What did you come here to speak to me about, huh?"

It grew too silent then. The hanyou watched as the demon lord seemed to sit back, his resplendent golden eyes clouding over pensively with deep and possibly dark thoughts. It almost appeared as though he didn't know how to put his musings into words. It unnerved the smaller male, who blinked curiously at him.

"As I have mentioned..." His eyes flickered towards him, his voice quiet, "We will outlive those that we wish to protect."

"You care about-!" Inuyasha's eyes widened, unable to believe his brother was capable of such an emotion.

"Because we will, eventually you will be alone after Kagome passes." Sesshomaru continued, not fazed by the younger man's outburst.

"You're cruel as hell, you know that?" Inuyasha spat, causing the other to look at him sideways. "You came all this way, just to remind me that Kagome and any children that we might have will die before me because of my demon blood? I know that already! And I don't care if I do end up alone again!"

"Lies are not your specialty, are they?" Sesshomaru drawled, looking down suddenly, "In any case, I did not come here to merely state the obvious. I also come with a proposition, a promise if you will."

"...I'm listening."

"I am feeling particularly magnanimous today, so I will keep it short and vague as to not disturb you too much. I already know that you will hate what I'm going to tell you." Sesshomaru said, glancing up at him. Since he had both arms back now, he was able to fold them across his chest as he looked at the branches above instead.

"What is it?" Inuyasha felt nervous now, unsure of his brother's intentions.

He had his own sword now, Bakusaiga, so it couldn't be about that. Inuyasha had Kagome, and the demon lord had Rin. It was yet to be seen if he would actually take her as a mate, despite having met her at such a young age. He supposed Sesshomaru didn't care about that though and would make her his wife regardless of how he used to view her.

"The Western lands are weakening. Frankly, all demon nations are." Sesshomaru said bluntly. "Humans are beginning to become quite skilled at killing demons. And since Naraku's defeat, they have been even more eager to rid of as many as they can. Successfully, I might add."

"Yeah, meaning?" Inuyasha already knew about gunpowder, it was their main tool in ridding of youkai.

"My mother and I are very proud of the lands that our great and terrible father has left us. He left us a legacy that will disappear completely should I not find a sufficient partner to rule with or a suitable heir." He explained quietly.

"Meaning?" Inuyasha blinked several times, giving him a funny look.

"Are you actually that stupid?"

The hanyou gritted his teeth, standing up suddenly. "Hey, I don't have to take your crap anymore Sesshomaru! I've gotten a lot stronger. You might've been able to talk down to me and treat me like shit in the past, but not anymore. I dare you to insult me again. Try it!"

"Such a temper." Sesshomaru said calmly, examining his own boots instead.

Somehow, his reserved poise irritated the hanyou even further. Where was the scrawny wolf when he needed him? Kouga might've been annoying, but he was great for taking anger out on.

"So why don't you just find somebody to mate with and have a brat with? Problem solved! There's gotta be some other strong demon out there. So go find her!" Inuyasha snapped, curling his fists.

Sesshomaru also stood suddenly, taking a step back from him as he already knew his response would ignite the other's temper. "I already have. It has to be you." His words were blunt and left no room for confusion.

The younger man was frozen for a few moments, simply looking at him like he was lost in a trance. Wide golden eyes widened even further before narrowing with mirth as he let a sharp, obnoxious laugh.

"Crap, I didn't know you could be that funny!" He said, shaking his head. "That's hilarious and...gross, but we're brothers. Plus, in case you haven't noticed, I'm a man. Don't let the fluffy puppy ears and big girly eyes throw you off. I'm one hundred percent guy, okay?"


"Then why the hell would you sugges-?" Now Inuyasha was angry. It was to be expected that he get disgusted and outraged at such an idea.

"Demons are much different than humans, although similar." He interrupted evenly, turning his head to look at him again, "Our bodies can do things humans can only imagine. I trust you know that even a half demon like Naraku could create children from his own body without any help?"

"Yeah..." Inuyasha murmured faintly, nodding.

"If he could do that, do you not think it would be all too easy for two males or two females for that matter to have their own offspring?" Sesshomaru raised a brow, a no-nonsense frown marring his face.

"I guess you have a point." He relented, still queasy at the idea. "Okay, so I can accept that, but us being related would corrupt its blood."

"Perhaps...though, perhaps not. It's usually a matter of luck in those types of situations. Just like most half demons come out deformed and grotesque when humans and demons mate together...and yet you came out..." Sesshomaru paused, as though wanting to compliment him but thought better of it. He wouldn't admit he thought his little brother had come out surprisingly beautiful and had grown in strength over time.

He could remember the first time he laid eyes on his newborn form, having tracked down Izayoi's whereabouts. It had been his intention to kill the pup despite his father's wishes, to put the creature of its misery before it could grow. To his shock, he hadn't seen a monster. He'd seen a perfectly healthy puppy-eared baby, with a thick head of silver hair that unmistakably gave away his inu-youkai heritage.

"I guess I was lucky, huh?" Inuyasha mused quietly, thinking of more unfortunate half demons who were the target of even more cruelty than he had been. Jinenji crossed his mind and he frowned slightly. Still, his own life hadn't exactly been that easy either, but he'd managed.

And now here he was, standing across from his older brother without death threats and stupid insults being thrown back and forth. No fighting for once, just a conversation. However, Sesshomaru was trying to get something out of him, and he wasn't sure if he could agree to it so suddenly.

"Well, what do you say?" The cold words were faint to him, still feeling like he was in a dream.

"I need time to think about it." Inuyasha said honestly, much to the other's surprise.

"You are not angry still?"

"It's just all so weird and unexpected, but I understand that you're trying to protect what our father left to you." Inuyash murmured, his eyes narrowing morosely, "I never knew our old man, but you were lucky enough to spend time with him. I'm sure you know what he wanted for us more than I do."

'Yes, I know that he was more fond of you and your mother. That is why although bitter, I cannot ever kill you. Father's spirit would never forgive me.' The demon lord thought, watching the other pointedly.

"Take your time, then. I will not force you. It's an odd proposal, but if you are interested in joining forces when the time comes, then come to me. If not, so be it." He said sharply.

Inuyasha swallowed heavily. "But why me?" That was the important question.

"Simple. Inu youkai prefer to remain pure, our clan is very strict about who we can mate. That's why father had to leave the Western Lands entirely and give up his power to my mother when he fell in love with Izayoi." Sesshomaru explained. "Also, you have inu youkai blood running through you, if only half."

"Oh..." The hanyou still sounded dazed. "Well, alright. I guess. If that the way it's gotta be."

"Inuyasha..." He slowly reached out a hand, his brows furrowing slightly with concern.

"What happens if you don't do anything? The Western lands will have no power or something?"

"We do not have much to begin with these days. That is why I wanted to build my own empire in the past...I thought I could outdo our father. Perhaps that's not so important. I'd rather salvage what he's given to me. And since you are also a part of this family, we could rebuild it."

"...your mother is okay with this?"

"She doesn't care what I do." The words were flat and bitter. "My mother has made it clear that my life is not important to her. That I am too much like our father now."

"Keh, who cares if she's disappointed in you?" Inuyasha said, raising a fist suddenly. "She obviously doesn't know crap about you, then. If she could see clearly, she'd realize that she has no reason to be disappointed at all!"

They both paused as Inuyasha's cheeks burned madly at the realization that he'd just given him a huge compliment. The hanyou spun around, placing a hand to his suddenly throbbing temples. Now his brother would really torment him, gloating about how weak and soft he'd become.

To his surprise, the demon lord said nothing at first.

He walked forward, spinning him around gently. "Thank you."

"You're welcome?" It came out as more of a question that anything else.

"I imagine father would be proud of you. You are more like him. And while I appreciate the compliment, my mother does not approve of anyone. I am not that hurt by her, really."

"Whatever. Thanks, I guess." Inuyasha smirked, "So, this proposition, you're serious?"

"When am I ever not serious?"

"Good point..." He muttered. "Alright, fine, I'll think about it. In the meantime, I'm going home to my wife. Kagome, whom I love very much. So go find Rin or something and leave me alone already."

"Do not presume to tell me what to do...however, I will seek Rin out." The demon lord replied calmly, "And Inuyasha, that wasn't a proposition. It was a promise."

"A promise? It didn't sound anything like one!"

"The promise, is this: I will return to find you in a century. You have until then to decide."

"One hundred years..." It was such a long time, even for demons. He knew neither of them would age too much though, especially not Sesshomaru.

"You will be fully grown by then. Perhaps you will be more mature."

"Oh, put a sock in it."

Sesshomaru was disarmed by the modern phrase, not used to hearing it. "Come again?"

"Shut up. It means shut up."

The older male simply looked at him with a humorless stare, before staring towards the village. "I am leaving now."

"See you."

The conversation almost hadn't seemed real, but it was. Inuyasha watched with a slight smirk as the other took to the skies, flying back towards the village to visit his former ward.

The half demon wondered if he would ever feel comfortable enough to accept the offer laid out for him. Only time would answer his question.

I hope that you enjoyed this one-shot. If you have the time, let me know what you think! Thanks for reading!