Fair warning this is my first fanfiction. I hope you enjoy it because I worked really hard.

Chapter 1

It's been five months since Ichigo left Japan to study abroad at a highly ranked college in America. Even though it was a temporary transfer and he did it willingly, it was hard to adjust in an entirely new country. The language barrier was difficult at first, but after a while he found it fun to speak the same language as other people from other countries in the same setting.

He doesn't really show it, but he did have a good time and he has made a lot of new friends all of them being from Japan since they were so much easier to talk to. He wasn't going to be here much longer though, only one more month. Though the study abroad program was a once in a life time experience he missed Japan.

He missed his little sisters and he'll even admit that he missed his dorky dad, but he mostly missed his best friend Rukia who helped his other best friend, Renji push him to go on this program. He kept telling himself that he only needed to endure for a little longer until he goes back to his old school and see his family and friends again and back to sharing a room with Renji.

His roommate wasn't exactly a roommate from hell, but they didn't really talk much. It was a situation where Ichigo felt like he could blame himself as much as he could blame his roommate. He considered himself more introvert and his friends were able to understand that from the first time that he met them, mostly because he admitted it outright.

He wasn't socially awkward and it wasn't like he avoided people at all cost, it's just that he enjoyed being by himself every now and then. Once he enters their room he acts as if he was alone whether his roommate is there or not. Pretending to be alone doesn't exactly make it easy for his roommate to talk to him nor does he want to talk to him.

His roommate wasn't exactly talkative either. He originally came from Germany and spoke both English and German very well. Even if they were both in the room they hardly talked. They were both together because they were both studying abroad even though they were from different countries. Even if they were roommates, that doesn't mean that they have to be friends. All they have to do is coexist.

He wanted to make the most out of the small amount of time he spent in his room usually grabbing a book (or manga), studying, or just goofing around on his laptop. Maybe it was because back at his home in Japan he never really had the luxury of being alone. His family was loud, especially his dad who worked at home. Even days where he was meant to be working he still found time to bother his only son. They lived in an emergency clinic for God's sake! Could it hurt to act a little more professional? His house was always rowdy which would explain why Ichigo treated every moment of silence as if it was gold, whether he was at school or home.

Ichigo reached to open the door to his dorm room to see it unlocked. That usually meant that his roommate was there. Even though they hardly talked Ichigo felt more at ease when his roommate wasn't in the room. He was cocky, a total pervert that liked to mess with him, and rude, but not only that he just seemed to have an uneasy atmosphere, it felt almost dangerous, it was just something that he couldn't explain. All he knew was that if he happened to get to know him better than he was sure that they wouldn't get along.

"Hey, Grimmjow." He said as he put his bag down on the chair in front of his desk.

"Hey, Ichigo I have a favor to ask. When you go out to dinner tonight can you text me when you're on your way back?"

That usually means that he's planning to have someone over... for reasons other than playing Super Smash Bros, and unless Ichigo wants to be there when he does then he better do what his roommate asked. His roommate didn't exactly have any shame and would do anything of that nature even if he was in the room, blushing furiously, wearing headphones, and pretending to be asleep. Sometimes it felt like he was doing it on purpose just to get a reaction out of him and see how far he could take it before Ichigo got tired of it. Ichigo actually went out of the way to buy his roommate headphones so he wouldn't have to deal with the crude grunts and moans that come out of his computer when he watches porn.

He eventually lost his patience for him and asked if his roommate would text him if he planned to have some 'alone time' or have anyone over. I guess it makes sense that the best way to get along with a roommate that you have nothing in common with is to set up ground rules, and they worked.

"Um, sure," Ichigo said trying to keep an open mind. It wasn't exactly written in stone that Grimmjow was bringing a girl over whenever he asked Ichigo to text him when he was planning on coming back, but knowing Grimmjow, that tended to be the case.

"Thanks." Grimmjow said with a devilish grin. Conversation over, that's usually what their conversations were like. No small talk, no heart to hearts, just a greeting or a favor. That's it. It was easier this way. He didn't have a need to learn how to cope with Grimmjow's terrible attitude or pick fights with him.

If rooming with him continued like this then they could move on with their abroad experience without having to think much about one another. Ichigo just climbed in his bed put ear buds in and started to tackle his homework. While Grimmjow messed around on his laptop, either doing the same or goofing off, what else is there to do? They were in college.

At around 7:30 Ichigo got up and headed towards the door.

"I'm leaving, do what you need to do." He said.

Grimmjow gave a sly grin. "Thanks, I'll text you when I finish." He said in a sing song voice as he grabbed his phone and started to tap away at the screen before a swoosh sound came out that signified that he sent a text message.

With that he left. They didn't really have much to say. Ichigo was planning to meet up with his friends Izuru, Shuuhei, and Renji for dinner. Apparently Uryu and Orihime were planning to come over as well, but whenever they claim they may be there it means Orihime might be there without Uryu and she tells them that something came up for him.

Just because he was an introvert didn't mean he doesn't enjoy sitting down and eating with his friends. The word had a negative connotation; people just assume that introverts were the equivalent of loners. It isn't, he doesn't mind going out as long as he got some recharge time a bit later. Dinner with some friends is enough to distract him for a little while until he is able to go back to his room and finish up the pile of homework on his desk. Becoming a doctor was rough, but it was his dream to help people. At least that's what he tells himself.

Ichigo and his friends always sat down at the same table in the back every night, at the same dining hall, at the same time, sitting in the exact same spots. It worked like clockwork. Ichigo didn't mind the everyday routine. He would rather have that then having something happen out of the ordinary that would throw everything he ever knew or believed in out the window. And it wasn't like every day was the same. Conversations varied and sometimes mutual friends that happened to be eating at the same time as them would sit down with them.

Orihime and Uryu ended up making it to dinner that night. Uryu was planning to become a doctor as well and took his studies more seriously than even Ichigo. He tended to forget to eat or sleep because he is too busy with his nose in a book to realize time pass and that it was three in the morning and all the dining halls were long closed. Orihime self-employed herself with the oh so important job of watching him like a hawk to make sure that he remembers to eat and go to bed on time.

As usual Orihime was dragging Uryu around even though he seemed reluctant as she dragged him by the arm like a rag doll. He always complied too her wishes though, she meant well and it was plain to see from any on looker. Maybe it was because he had a crush on her. It was obvious to the rest of them, but she was a bit too ditzy to realize it.

Ichigo met Orihime and Uryu, during the abroad program, everyone at that table came from Japan just like he did, but different parts with the exception of Ichigo and Renji. Orihime and Uryu apparently knew each other despite being from different prefectures of Japan.

"We were pen pals." Orihime explained. This was where their conversation brought them today. "You know when you are in elementary school you get a pen pal from a different school?"

Everyone nodded beckoning her to tell more of the story with the exception of Uryu who was looking to his side shyly. Ichigo never imagined seeing this side of Uryu; he always looked stern and cool when he was alone as opposed to Orihime who was always bubbly.

"Well, I had Uryu as mine. During the year we really hit it off. After that year we decided it would be fun if we exchanged emails and continued messaging each other. Then this abroad program was offered at both of the colleges we went to and we both decided to take it out of sheer coincidence." She said clapping her hands together in delight.

"When we emailed each other later that night you wouldn't believe how surprising it was!" The entire table looked over at Uryu, who has been quiet this entire time, which didn't help him hide his embarrassment trying to keep his reputation of always being cool and level headed.

"This was actually the first time we met in person. Five months ago, I mean. The first thing I did when I got here was email him telling him that we should meet up and now here we are, the best of friends."

The last sentence stung Ichigo. He didn't like to call Uryu a friend since he acted like he had a stick shoved so far up his butt that he could taste it, but he sympathized with the guy who was trapped in a deep hole called 'the friendzone.' Seriously, that story belonged in a romance novel, or a shoujo manga, or something. Add a bit more story in it and it would sell more than Nicholas Sparks.

Other than those two Ichigo and Renji were childhood friends that didn't meet each other in an adorable way like the two that were sitting across from them. They met in kindergarten, they shared crayons, they walked home together, friendship established.

It was Renji's idea to do the abroad program and he dragged Ichigo along for the ride and making damn sure he came along too. He complained that he never got to see Ichigo even though they went to the same elementary, middle, high school, and then college. Maybe it was because they picked different majors, Ichigo pursuing medical, while Renji was trying his hand in business, which didn't seem to fit him in Ichigo's opinion, not with Renji's tattoos and weird fashion sense.

Ichigo would rather see him continue playing rugby like he did in high school. He was really good even though it was pretty hard to play rugby professionally because there weren't a lot of windows to or he could have tried his hand in music which was something that he loved since he was a child as he usually carried around a pair of drum sticks as a good luck charm.

Sometimes Ichigo would see him drumming on walls or tables in impatience if they were planning to meet up and Ichigo was late to arrive at the meeting spot. Seriously, Renji was incredibly talented and he would probably have a chance in that business. He can be introduced to an instrument and figure it out by the end of the day and he also had the voice of an angel.

When Orihime asked them how they met there really wasn't much of a story to tell. As much as a story as Izuru and Shuuhei had. Those two became roommates, meeting each other for the first time when they got here. They became best friends and were dreading the last day of the six month program unlike Ichigo who was silently wishing for it as he craved the familiarity of Karakura University. They were inseparable it was almost as if they were dating, but that was such a cliché fanfiction plot line.

Dinner was pretty normal from then on. They sat down and talked for two hours, long after all of their food was gone. They were that group that made everyone ask, 'why do all Asians only hang out with other Asians?' Then again everyone at this damn school looked like anime characters so it wasn't very obvious that they were all from Japan.

As they parted ways Ichigo remembered to message Grimmjow that he was coming back to the room and that he hoped that Grimmjow was…finished with whatever he was doing. He was gone for hours so he hoped so, Grimmjow would sometimes text him when he was done, but that was only occasionally. Most times Ichigo would come back hours later to find Grimmjow asleep so he made sure to text Grimmjow whenever he came back so he wouldn't forget to give him the go ahead to go back to their room.

As he walked back to the dorm thoughts swirled around in his head as he was planning how best to make up for his lost time in making up his work for his Bio II class. He was basically drowning in work and he wasn't even in med school yet, he can't stress it enough, becoming a doctor is may have to pull an Uryu and stay up all night.

There was no way to tell whether or not his roommate will be wearing clothes this time, but he was mentally prepared. His roommate had an odd sense of humor that bordered on the line of sexual harassment. One day his roommate thought it would be funny if he sat on his bed stark naked and watch Ichigo's flustered reaction. Ichigo's reaction was probably the highlight of their roommate experience at this point. Ichigo wasn't that angry at him after a while, even if it was embarrassing. What was he going to do? File a Title IX case on the guy for being naked in his own room?

As he got back to the room the room itself felt hot and heavy as if the room has been locked with no air getting in or out as if all the windows were closed on a particularly humid summer day. Shit, how long did he last? Ichigo thought to himself trying to adjust to the uncomfortable atmosphere. He expected the room to smell like sweat, but instead it smelled like iron and he gave Grimmjow two hours to get things done.

It felt like they just finished and she just ran out the door. Ichigo looked over to Grimmjow's bed to see that the sheets were just replaced and instead of the old sheets being in his laundry basket, they were actually hiding in a box pushed to the side. There was a hint of brown on the sheets like drying blood that still looked a bit wet. Was she on her period or something? Ichigo thought to himself. Grimmjow didn't seem to have standards on where he is sticking it apparently even if…it was that time of the month…

Ichigo looked over at Grimmjow and he looked a little tense. His face was sweaty and his baby blue hair was all over the place, more than usual at least. The teal tattoos under his eyes were covering the dark circles that he never noticed before. He looked like he just took a shower, but from his scent, shine, and posture Ichigo knew better.

He was shaking like he was undergoing withdrawal, but he never experienced what it looked like firsthand so he didn't make any claims, even if he did have the textbook image of what withdrawal looked like. No. He wasn't going to make assumptions. Maybe it's just that he actually did have some shame after all, but if it was the case of doing a girl then why didn't he do it in her room?

She seems to have no problem with having sex even during her period. That aside Grimmjow couldn't rip his eyes off of Ichigo it even looked like his eyes dilated when he walked into the room. Kind of like how he would imagine a panther to look if it didn't find anything to eat in days, but then found a white-tailed deer taking a calm drink by the river completely unaware that he was about to be dinner. Ichigo sat on his bed and tried to ignore him, but he could still feel Grimmjow's eyes on him. He didn't want to make assumptions, but this was in college after all…

"Grimmjow? Are you okay? Ichigo asked slowly and carefully making sure to keep judgment out of his voice and show that he was actually worried for his roommate. "You know you have class tomorrow, right? Are you going to be okay?"

"Huh? Yeah, it's just that…never mind" Grimmjow said seeming to cut himself off from his own thoughts. He seemed a bit out of it, but he was directing his focus on Ichigo at the same time as if he was grasping for reality or sizing Ichigo up. Whatever it was, he couldn't help but feel intimidated by the larger and more muscular roommate whose eyes followed him everywhere he moved. He needed to get out, but make it look natural.

"Right… I'm gonna take a shower and you think about what you were planning to tell me."

Ichigo grabbed his stuff that he needed for the shower that was shared by the whole floor and threw his towel over his shoulder. He grabbed a hold of the door handle, but quickly pulled away from it. It was sticky. Ichigo looked at his hand and saw that it was stained red.

Blood? Ichigo's tanned skin instantly paled. It wasn't like he was squeamish around blood, but this scenario would have looked better in a horror movie and not real life. The girl he invited may have been on her period, but there has to be limits. Did she run out with blood on her hands? She couldn't have wiped it or anything? The sheets were already ruined more couldn't have hurt. If she didn't have time to wipe her hands then the scenario in his head could be wrong. Which begged the question, why is there blood on the door handle?

Ichigo turned back to his roommate, his face pail and his forehead covered in cold sweat, but before he could open his mouth his roommate was by his side again holding up Ichigo's hand to his face so he could examine it. He didn't even hear him get up off his bed.

"Shit." He huffed out. "I thought I did a better job on cleaning."

Ichigo looked at his roommate, his eyes were wild, but before Ichigo could process Grimmjow lifted his hand to his mouth and licked a long strip across his palm wetting the blood that dried on Ichigo's hand.

"What the hell?" Ichigo gasped trying to pry his hand away from the larger man, instead he found himself shoved against the wall with his arm above his head, while Grimmjow held him in place by his hip his mouth inches away from his roommate's neck.

"Grimmjow?" Ichigo asked frantically. It's been a long time since he felt genuinely scared, but he could have done without it. Grimmjow's eyes were huge. If his eyes were described as the cliché 'blue pools' then Grimmjow's eyes were deep enough to drown in and scarier than the bottom of the ocean. His skin was pale like he has never seen the sun before in his life. It looked like he was being possessed.

"Sorry Ichi, I'm still hungry." He said before sinking his teeth into the smaller man's soft neck.

Ichigo gasped at the sudden pain, his catty that he was bringing to the shower slipped from his hand and clattered against the floor the round bottle of shampoo rolling across the floor. He wanted to yell out, but his voice couldn't make it out of his mouth as if Grimmjow's teeth were a wall that wouldn't let Ichigo's screams go through. Ichigo felt blood trickling down his neck and Grimmjow desperately drank. He was so lost in the alluring red liquid until he realized that he's taken too much.

He pulled away to see Ichigo barely able to stand basically hanging by his right arm that was being held up by Grimmjow as Grimmjow tightened his grip on his hip to prevent him from kneeling over. His tan skin was a few shades paler, his eyes were half lidded, and he was breathing deeply taking in large amounts of air and exhaling heated breaths.

"Shit, Ichi." He said as blood tricked from the side of his mouth.

He picked up the smaller figure bridal style and carried him over to his bed. Ichigo was struggling to hold on to his consciousness. He looked at his roommate with shock, but surprisingly less fear then before he was bitten.

"What the hell?" He said shakily. "Are you some kind of vampire?"

"Yeah, I'll explain later, but I need you to stay conscious." Grimmjow quickly pulled a bottle of water from his roommate's fridge and grabbed Ichigo's washcloth that he dropped. He poured some water on it and started to clean up Ichigo's neck and hand. He grabbed two Band-Aids from his drawer and quickly cleaned and covered up the two holes that were left from his sharp canines.

"Before I forget, I guess I'll say I'm sorry. The bitch didn't supply what I paid for. Once she got scared she cut me off. I barely took a cup." Grimmjow said.

"Are you talking about the girl you were sleeping with? Was she some kind of prostitute?" Ichigo asked tiredly as he started to accept the major blood loss and the probability of passing out. Grimmjow pulled a chair closer to his bed so he could look after his nearly unconscious roommate.

"Something like that." Grimmjow gumbled. He held the bottle to Ichigo motioning him to drink, he complied. "But instead of selling sex she sells blood, but she was probably new to the job."

"I'm sorry, but I'm still trying to wrap my head around this." Ichigo was going to say more, but before he could he cringed and started to shake. He started coughing up blood. Grimmjow quickly turned him on his side so he wouldn't end up choking on it. "Hey, stay with me, Ichigo. Don't pass out"

"Is it okay, if I vomit?" Ichigo asked once his shaking calmed down a bit.

"You better not fucking puke." Grimmjow growled. "It's enough to take care of you. I don't want to clean up after you too. Blood is easier to take care of then puke."

"Whose fault is this?" Ichigo asked still sort of out of it, but not enough so that he wasn't able to be a smartass.

Grimmjow growled, he was the type that didn't like being reminded that he was in the wrong. "Stop being a hard ass, it's not like you are going to remember this anyway."

"What? You've gotta be kidding me." Ichigo's color was coming back and breath was evening out. It didn't make sense that his recovery was faster than possible, but at the moment he didn't even notice."

"Nope, you're stabilized. Good night." Grimmjow said sweetly before touching Ichigo's forehead and said a single word in German that Ichigo didn't understand.


Then everything went black.

A/N: Review and all that stuff. Even if you're from the future tell me how you like it.