Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece. I am merely a fan who wishes to try to test out their writing skills.

Author's Note: I was attempting to write some more for my other works and looking into doing some fan fictions on other pairings, as requested by some people, but the thought for this story line came upon me and I just suddenly had a desire to write. This is a little different to my usual style and more 'angst' as they call it. It is another ZoNa fan fiction I'm afraid, but I really couldn't help myself. I hope you like it.


Chapter 1

"We need to hurry and find the others" the green haired swordsman called out, blocking an onslaught of gunfire that headed their way with the speed of lightning. His swords bounced back the metal shards and his quick foot work formed small clouds of dust around his feet.

"Don't you think I know that!" the blond cook snapped back, his back turned to his comrade while he struggled to kick the oncoming enemies out of his way, "damn it, they just keep coming!" he complained, jumping up into the air and landing a deafening blow to a pile of men at his feet. The snapping of bones shook through the room.

"I can smell something!" Chopper pitched in, landing several sharp blows of his own on the head of a man, sending him into his allies and forming a pile up against the wall. He panted hard, trying to suck in some breathes while he had a brief moment to himself. They had been at this for what seemed like hours.

"What is it?" Sanji called out, forming a blast with his feet and knocking the wind out of the enemies in the room. That was the last of them for at least another few minutes. The sound of an alarm though continued to ring loudly through the place, shaking the ground and sending drumming sensations through their ears. It was like a fire alarm went off, blocking the ability to think, forcing you to shout and driving you insane whilst already in a panicked state.

Zoro used haki to travel through his blades and then proceeded to cut two slashes in the walls of the corridor their enemy had come from. The area shook as rock and ash fell down, blocking the entrance, "that should hold them for now" he stated, spinning around to look at his partners in crime, "where are they Chopper?" he asked.

Chopper shrank back down to his usual size and ran across the room. He pressed himself against a stone wall, sniffed a few times and fell backwards in shock and horror.

"What is it?" Sanji repeated his question, picking up on the now obvious anxiety of the little doctor. It wasn't helping his nerves.

"Blood…and lots of it" Chopper stated. Sanji and Zoro shared a look of concern between them for an instant before the cook bent down to grab the reindeer by the scruff of his fur and shake him.

"Whose is it?" he demanded to know but Chopper was not able to answer and closed his eyes, desperate to fight back the tears.

"There they are, over here!" the sound of an enemies voice bellowed through the corridor before them.

"Damn it!" Sanji chastised, dropping Chopper and turning to face the onslaught.

"We haven't got time for this!" Zoro snapped, "Chopper, are they through here?" he pointed to the wall with his sword and the doctor nodded but his facial expression showed that he feared what lay on the other side and the colour started to drain from his face. Zoro couldn't hold back any more, you better be alive! He called out in his mind, refusing to allow his own fears to rule him. With one angry sweep of his blades he cut through the stone and entered the dark room ahead.

For a moment time slowed down to a snail like pace. Chopper gasped in horror and Zoro looked on with the feeling of remorse filling his being.

"Sorry I couldn't welcome you guys in a more super like fashion" the sad voice of the cyborg spoke out from the darkened room that stank of blood.

"I've had enough of this!" Sanji screamed in anger, kicking down the corridor and caving the walls in. They were now trapped inside. The shouts of their enemy droned on in the background and the siren seemed to fade like a heart beat behind their ears, blocking out all other senses. As Sanji turned to look at what his friends both stared at his anger was replaced with fear.

"What have they done to you?" Zoro asked, being the first to find the ability to speak but with a dryness to his mouth and sadness to his tone.

"Isn't it obvious?" the cyborg asked back, trying to feign a smile that did not reach his eyes. Who could blame him when their enemy had torn him a part. Franky's torso and head were positioned on some kind of makeshift shelf facing them, like a piece of junk in a storage room. Blood stains were splattered across the walls and floor and as their eyes looked around the dark and damp room they could see the extent of the damage that had been done. Franky's limbs had been detached from his body and scattered around the room in pieces, his weapons dismantled and what remained of him as a man exposed. You didn't need to have the nose of an animal to get the intense hit of bodily fluid mixed with oil and machines.

The building shook and snapped the swordsman out of his stupor. Zoro knew they had no time to waste and it was no good to their friend to stare at him in such an undignified fashion. He needed to move forward and they needed to get out of here. "Can you put yourself back together?" he asked, scanning the area and picking up one of his friends arms, holding it out to him.

Franky nodded, "but not here" he confirmed. Off course he was going to need some help, not to mention time and space to get what was needed.

"Right" Zoro felt a new found sense of hope. It wasn't all lost yet, they could fix this. He turned to the others and barked orders at them, "search the area, find what you can, we are taking him with us, every nut and bolt!"

Chopper jumped, "yes" he confirmed, snapping out of his daze and morphing into his larger form to help collect Franky's body parts. They managed to find a small cart and rope which they used to secure everything together in a pile.

Sanji and Zoro helped lift Franky's body into the cart as gently as they could. As they did so the ceiling above them shook and they all looked up.

"Do you think Luffy and the others are alright?" Chopper asked.

"They better be" Zoro remarked, jaw clenched. They had split into two teams. One as a rescue team to try to find their friends and one as a defence team to secure the area and help form an escape route. That team was being led by Luffy. He just hope the guy didn't lose the plot and run off on his own like usual.

"Franky, where are Usopp and Nami?" Sanji asked the man beneath them. Franky averted his gaze from the sharp eyes of the cook and Sanji's face became forlorn.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't protect them" the older man confessed, he was already ridden with so much guilt. "We fought them off as long as we could but they hit us when we were weak and split us up" he explained, "I don't know where they are".

"We have to find them!" Sanji snapped, looking up at Zoro with a determined expression. Zoro glanced from the cook to Chopper and then to Franky. If Franky was in this condition he dreaded to think what would have happened to their two friends. He knew Luffy would never forgive them if they didn't at least try to find them but at the same time he was also aware that they too were surrounded, weakened and divided.

"Sanji where are you going?!" Chopper shouted in worry.

"To find Nami!" Sanji called back, kicking a hole into the wall next to them and trying to find a way out of this maze.

"You can't go alone" Zoro called out, stopping the man with his words, "look what they have already done" he pointed out, watching Sanji's back stiffen. The cook knew he was right, as much as he hated to admit it, but now wasn't the time to argue. Zoro turned to look at the doctor, "Chopper, can you sniff them out?" he asked.

Chopper nodded, "I will try" he confessed, strapping the rope of the cart and Franky's left over's around his waist as he led the way ahead.


A sea of black and red. It was all Usopp could see as his consciousness slowly came round and his head became aware of the glaring banging that rang through his being. Slowly, a little at a time, he tried to move but to no avail. His body felt numb from shock and loss of blood. He had had this sensation before but never to such a degree. The fact he was still breathing was a surprise in itself. He couldn't move and he found himself not wanting to through shear fear that this nightmare would start over again like it had on so many occasions. He dared not to open his eyes or indicate to their enemy that he had any life left inside of him. They had repeatedly tortured him in and out of consciousness, waiting to give him some recovery time before starting again. The reason why? He did not know. They never once asked him a question and never once gave into his pleas. Every night he had cried until tears stopped coming and every moment he could he begged the gods that Luffy would come to the rescue, until he eventually decided to stop wasting his breathe.

Yet the noise of a siren ringing through his prison made his alert mind slowly aware that something was going on. "Hey, what are you still doing in here, the master has demanded that all men help find and defeat the tress passers!" a man shouted to whoever was in the room with him.

Usopp remained motionless, could it be? Have they finally come? He wondered, no, don't get your hopes up too much Usopp. He warned himself. He had been filled with hope before and knew where that had led to as he was forced to watch the ones that tried to save him suffer before his eyes. He grimaced, tears threatening to expose his alertness and forced himself to hold his breathe as hard as he could, ignoring the tightness in his chest and over whelming pressure that pressed down on his lungs as a result of broken bones.

"I don't think so" a familiar voice called out. Zoro?! Usopp's heart skipped a beat and his head turned a small fraction towards the sound of his friend's voice.

"I'm going to take you all to hell!" Sanji's deep and threatening tone shot through the commotion. Usopp opened his eyes and blinked several times at the light that now filled the room. Upon seeing the familiar figures before him he could no longer stop the overwhelming relief that filled him and water expelled through every possible point in his facial features, making it difficult for him to breathe.

"Usopp!" Chopper's scared voice called out, running ahead and examining his friend closely as the other two disposed of the men that had been guarding the room with a finesse that could scare the cruellest of men. Seeing their friend broken and bleeding, hanging from chains in the centre of the room, flesh exposed and brutal marks both old and new covering his body was enough to send them insane.

Zoro was lost for words when his eye gazed upon the broken figure of their sharp shooter. He had been hoping Usopp would be able to help Franky but it was evident that he too was in no fit shape. In fact, if anything, he was worse off. Silently Zoro cut down the chains that bound his friend and caught him in one arm as he fell to the ground. "Can you stand?" Zoro asked, he had no time for emotion. Emotions would get them in trouble and he needed to remain in control in order for them to get out of this situation. Yet feeling his friends' body, shaking and cold nearly lead him to the brink of despair.

"I'm sorry Zoro" Usopp whispered, his voice croaking. It was evident he could not move at all, his body dropping into dead weight. Zoro swallowed the anger that threatened to release itself and instead positioned him self to support Usopp onto his back.

"Chopper help me out" Zoro ordered, snapping the reindeer again out of his frenzied state. Chopper positioned Usopp's arms around Zoro, untying the man's head scarf to wrap around his wrists and keep them in place. He then used Zoro's waist band to tie around Usopp's waist to keep his legs around him and stop him from falling off, whilst at the same time allowing the swordsman freedom to still use his weapons.

"If this…." Sanji started, looking from Franky to Usopp, he couldn't quite finish what he was going to say and looked at the swordsman. Zoro knew what Sanji was thinking without having to hear the words from his mouth. If this is what they did to these two then what state would Nami be in? Zoro didn't want to think about it, all he could focus on at that moment was one thing at a time. Right now it was finding her and getting them all out and back to the Sunny. He had to hope that Nami was able to use her wits to somehow get herself out of harms way. She would sell her soul to the devil if she needed to. He knew from their time on Skypiea that Nami would turn over to the enemies side just so long as she could find a way to get close to them and defeat them. It was her style, logic over physical strength. Damn I hope that's the case, he told himself, You better be safe Nami! He shouted in his mind.

"Nami" Usopp spoke her name and caught his friends' attention. "She…." He started but was unable to finish what he was going to say. Being so close to Zoro however meant that the swordsman could hear the clenching of the man's teeth.

"Where is she?" Sanji demanded more than asked.

"Nearby" Usopp replied.

"Are you sure?" Zoro asked. He felt a slight nod of the head against him.

"I could hear her" the sharp shooter finished. Upon hearing the man's words Sanji immediately lost his cool. If Usopp could hear her then that meant that she was screaming or crying, neither of which were a good sign. He ran out of the room and down the corridor.

"NAMI!" Sanji bellowed, his voice becoming louder than the siren and drawing more attention to them. Chopper soon followed pulling Franky behind him with Zoro falling in to take the back of the line.

"NAMMMMIII WHERE ARE YOU?!" Sanji continued to shout, "If anyone has hurt her I will kill them!" he promised.

"Damn it, SHUT UP YOU MORON!" Zoro yelled back, following close behind, "does he want to draw everyone to us?" he muttered under his breathe for no one but Usopp to hear. As they turned a bend though he ran into a frozen Chopper and practically tripped over the remains of the cyborg.

"Hey kid, what is it?" the cyborg asked, concerned for the little man's sudden halt.

Zoro studied the little man and watched his being tremble.

"Nami" Usopp mumbled against the man's ear. Zoro could feel every nerve end in his being as his body became even more alert from the adrenaline cursing through his veins.

"Where?" Sanji snapped, Chopper raised a shaking hoof and pointed to the door to their right. Whatever he could smell or hear was enough to nearly destroy him. Chopper crouched to the ground and cupped his face in his hooves. "Stop them!" he pleaded.

Sanji didn't need to be asked twice. Fear threatened to consume him at the sight of their little friend and he knew that whatever scene was beyond that door he would hate it. Nami! He screamed her name in the depths of his soul, I'll save you he promised. The others watched as Sanji blasted the door down with a single kick. Zoro gently placed Usopp on the ground and pulled out his swords, following the cook. The sight before them caused both men to finally see red.

It hurts, Nami kept repeating those words through her mind with every breathe, just focus on the pain, she ordered herself. It was the only way she could bring herself to keep being reminded that she was alive and this was real. Nami was a survivor and she knew from years of pain that the only way to make it go away was to fight it head on. Pain was something she feared more than anything. It was something she had tried for years to avoid as it did nothing but make her recognise her own weaknesses. Yet at the same time it was pain that made her stronger and forced her to fight harder. She knew that if anyone else was in her position they wouldn't give up, they would rather die before giving into these monsters. That's it. Get angry. Get stubborn, she told herself. Don't let them win. Don't let them break you…after all they will come soon. They always do. It was her chant. She couldn't give up, wouldn't give up, not so long as she could breathe. Not so long as she knew her friends were nearby and also suffering. She had to fight with what little strength she had. Luffy would come get them. He had to.

"NAAAMMMMIIIII!" the familiar voice echoed through the darkness and sent a bolt of light through her being.

"Sanji!" she panted, opening her eyes and completely forgetting her situation for a moment.

A hand grasped her neck and immediately silenced her. It was a fool's error, speaking and trying to draw their attention to her whereabouts. She bit her tongue into silence as the pressure around her throat tightened, squeezing air from her lungs. The warm stale breathe of her enemy leant into her and breathed into her face, "you will say no man's name but mine" he threatened, forcing himself in her once more.

Sanji's voice called her name again and she knew it was no longer a dream. No! she screamed in her mind. Not again, I won't let you do this again! For the first time in what seemed like a long time Nami found the strength to fight. They were here, they were finally here. She reached her hands up to the one around her throat and tried to dig her nails into it. The creep that called himself Dom grinned widely, "oh so now you show some spirit…I think I'm going to enjoy this more". He let go of her neck, forcing her to take in gasps of air before hitting her across the face. Nami's eyes widened in horror as he proceeded to pick her up and forced her onto her front.

NO! Nami called out in her mind, God no, not again. I don't want them to see this! Desperate she tried to crawl away from him and reached out to whatever she could get her hands on but he pulled her back and ripped the remainder of her shroud off her. She felt hands grab her waist and couldn't stop the cry that came from her mouth. Spinning around she threw the clump of dirt she had in her hand in her attackers face, catching him off guard for a moment.

"You bitch!" Dom shouted, as he tried to remove the much from his eyes. Nami managed to wriggle free from him and made an attempt to run to the door and bang on it. "Stop her!" he shouted. It was in that moment Nami suddenly realised she was not alone with the man. Two more approached her and grabbed her arms, pulling her away from the door and pinning her to the ground, face in the dirt. Nami braced herself and closed her eyes tightly, trying to wrestle free but too weak to succeed. Please, hurry she begged in her mind. Sanji was close, she knew he was there, where the hell was he?!

It was in that moment the door to her prison burst open and she finally felt like the gods had heard her prayer. The silhouettes of the straw hat pirates' cook gleamed into the room and Nami instantly closed her eyes in both relief and shame. I can't look, she realised. She couldn't bear to see the look on his face when he saw. She couldn't bear it. Yet she didn't have to for much longer. She could feel the hands holding her down let go as they went to see to their 'interruption'. The moment her hands were free she crawled out of the way and watched as Sanji kicked the two that had held her into oblivion.

A pair of hands reached down and grabbed her by the hair, pulling her to her feet. "Not so fast" Dom spat, placing a knife to her throat and using her as a shield. Sanji stopped in his tracks and looked at her, horror on his face and anger in his eyes. Nami winced. It was the look she was hoping to avoid.

"Let her go you bastard!" Sanji warned.

Nami could feel Dom snarl and grin. It was an expression she knew oh too well and one she would rather forget. "She has a good body this one" Dom sneered, tracing his tongue against her cheek.

Sanji glanced at her and grimaced, "Keep your filthy hands off her!" Sanji warned. Dom sneered, pressing the knife into her neck and down her chest, forming a light stream of blood. "She tastes good too" he sneered.

Sanji looked at the blank expression on Nami's face and how she stared at the ground before her, looking like a helpless rag doll. "What the hell did you do to her?" he demanded, but Nami knew full well he wouldn't want to know the answer to that question.

"Well as you asked so nicely…." Dom was cut off short as a sword cut down his back, forcing him to let Nami go. She stumbled to the ground and looked back at the dark figure that stood above the now crouching Dom.

"Zoro!" Nami whispered the name of the ominous shadow that walked into her line of vision and instantly felt relief. He stared into her eyes and did not remove his gaze from hers. Not once did he glance at her body and not once did he grimace. His look was something she didn't expect. It was almost cold in nature and yet somehow she was grateful to him for it.

"Nami, what do you want me to do to him?" he asked coldly.

"What the hell?!" Sanji protested, "Isn't it obvious?". Zoro's glare in his direction forced him to silence and he looked down at the now shivering red head.

Nami embraced herself and watched as the man that tormented her started to make his way up from the ground, clasping hold of his knife. He was going to try to attack Zoro from behind and she could feel herself wanting to warn him yet at the same time noticed his complete indifference to the situation.

"Nami" Zoro's voice caught her attention and she snapped out of the fear, hurt and pain. She was being given a life line. He was giving her a choice. It was his way of offering her his strength to do what she couldn't. She glanced at the bastard in front of her and all the emotions she had piled inside felt like venom on her tongue.

"Do it" she ordered. Zoro nodded and in the blink of an eye spun around swiped his sword in a single motion, cutting the man's head clean off before he managed to raise his arm for an attack. Dom's head rolled onto the ground and landed in front of Nami. His body made a thud sound as it fell and blood pooled out, swarming around her feet. She sat starring into the widened dead eyes of the man she hated the most in the world. Well, one of them, at least. It was hard to know how she should have felt in that moment. Pleasure? Revenge? Justice? Perhaps, but none of those seemed to come to mind. Instead she was blank…empty.

Sanji couldn't stand and watch Nami lost to her thoughts any longer as the bastards blood surrounded and stained her. He kicked the head out of her line of vision. "Nami!" Sanji called out to her and crouched down to look at her. He took off his suit jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders, protecting her modesty as much as he could. The sudden warmth made her flinch and she shot a glance up towards him before her eyes blinked in recognition as to who it was.

"Sanji" she spoke his name softly as if it was a dream. He nodded and gulped down the tears from seeing her in this condition.

The sound of metal retracting into it's sheath drew their attention and they looked up at the swordsman. "Can you walk?" Zoro's voice was cold and stern but succeeded in snapping Nami out of her demeanour. She placed her hands on Sanji's arms and used his strength to help her to stand up.

"Yes" she stated. It wasn't entirely true. Her body felt like it would give way and she couldn't stop trembling. Her knees wanted to buckle but she wouldn't allow them to. She couldn't. She couldn't allow them to see her weak. Weakness meant the enemy had won and she refused to let them win. She had to be strong.

"Good" Zoro turned and left the room without giving them a second look.

"Jerk" Sanji spat, placing an arm around Nami and helping her to hobble behind.

"Nami-sis!" Franky's voice caught her immediate attention and she looked down at what she could see of him. Her eyes widened in horror and she fought back the tears that threatened to stop her from breathing.

Franky noticed the young woman's state of affair and realised that she probably had it worse off than any of them. "It's nothing a few tools can't fix" he tried to reassure her. He was pretty low about his state of affair and felt guilty for not being able to protect her or Usopp. Seeing her look at him with such sorrowful eyes was painful.

"Nami!" Chopper flew himself into her arms and she could feel him shaking. "I'm glad you are okay" he sniffed. Okay…Nami repeated the word in her mind. She was alive that was for sure, but was she truly okay? She shook the negative thought out of her mind and gently put Chopper down. She wasn't in the mood for comfort but didn't have the heart to tell him.

"I'm fine thanks to you all" she commented, smiling faintly. She was happy to see them. She just wished it was different. Zoro glanced over at the woman and witnessed the fake smile she gave them. The fact she felt she needed to be brave right now ticked him off to no end. Yet at the same time there was no point in dawdling, it would only get them killed. Instead he turned his attention to Usopp.

"Hey Usopp!" the voice of the swordsman drew Nami away from Chopper to her left and she gasped at what she saw. Usopp was laying on the ground covered in blood and bent out of shape. Zoro was trying to shake him gently but he would not stir. "Usopp!" she exclaimed, trying to move to his side but being stopped by the cook.

"He passed out" Chopper announced, "but he is okay" he tried to reassure them. There's that word again, Nami realised. For some reason hearing it made her want to vomit. It isn't okay, it won't be okay, she realised.

"Help me to carry him" Zoro requested Chopper again to help place Usopp back on his back after dropping him to rescue Nami. It was shallow but he could feel the breath of the man on his neck and knew he was alive. It was reassuring for now. "Sanji carry Nami" he ordered without taking a second glance their way as he started to walk along the corridor.

"Hey I don't take orders from you!" Sanji snapped.

"I can walk!" Nami tried to protest, wobbling slightly. Zoro's single eye glared at them in a way that felt like they were in the presence of a demon lord and they immediately gave in. Sanji positioned himself in front of Nami and crouched down on one knee with his back turned to her. Nami glared up at the swordsman and he could tell she was in turmoil about it.

The area shook from the sound of several explosions and Zoro sighed and walked up to them, looking her straight in the eye, "We haven't got time, you will slow us down". His words were harsh but true. Nami hated more than anything to be weak and be a burden. He knew that and rubbing salt into the wound wasn't going to help but this was reality. It was cruel and it was unkind but it was necessary to their survival and their growth.

"Nami-san please" Sanji looked up at her pleadingly and she bit down on her tongue, swallowing the blood from her mouth. She hated to do this but she knew she had no choice and lowered herself down onto Sanji's back. When she felt his hands on her thighs she flinched and stiffened.

"Use this" Zoro ordered, handing the cook one of his swords at having seen her reaction to the blond man. Sanji took the item and placed it under Nami to hold her in place. At least this way she was in control and wouldn't have to feel hands on her again. Nami looked ahead at the back of the sharpshooter and the man carrying him.

"Zoro" she called out his name and he paused to look at her.

"Look Nami, if you want to take your anger out on someone I'll happily be your punch bag, but right now we have to get out of here" he stated. The rest of them blinked and looked at each other. "What?" he snapped.

"I don't think that is what she was getting at" Franky spoke up. Zoro looked at him and then to the red head.

"You are going the wrong way" she pointed out. She couldn't help but secretly be grateful for his directionally challenged state of embarrassment in that moment as it helped remove attention away from her.


"Hey!" Luffy's voice bellowed as he waved to his friends for a second before blocking several cannon fires that came their way and pinging them back towards the prison that lay behind them, resulting in a series of explosions.

"Their safe!" Brook sung out, cutting his way through a group of enemies with a new found sense of strength at seeing his comrades coming out of the now crumbling building block.

"Quick we must get back to the Sunny" Robin announced, breaking several men's bones and snapping their necks. "This way" she made a gap in the line of men to help their friends get through. Her giant feet and hands protruded from the ground and stamped a path out for them.

"What took you guys so long?" Luffy asked as he started to run beside them. He was about to go in himself and see to the leader, but upon seeing the expressions on his friends faces and the state they were in he stopped in his tracks. Anger drove through his body and he ran towards the way they had come with the intention to destroy everything in his way.

Brook reached out a hand and grasped his captain's shoulder, pulling him backwards. "It would not be wise to go back there" he offered, "your crew needs you close by captain".

Luffy stopped in his tracks and grimaced, tightening his fists and gritting his teeth. "I WILL GET YOU FOR THIS!" he shouted with all of his might, so the whole island could hear him, "DO YOU HEAR ME?! I WILL DESTROY ALL OF YOU!"

Nami heard their captain bellow out a word of warning and tilted her head so it rested in the crevice of Sanji's neck as they ran towards safety. "Are you alright Nami-san?" Sanji asked. He knew it was a stupid question but he felt like he needed to say something as he felt the dampness of her cold tears flowing down his neck.

"Just keep running" Nami whispered pleadingly. Sanji continued to run on in silence.


Author's Note: Well…I was aiming for something that was darker than my previous works, hopefully this has come across so far. Please let me know your thoughts and please review.