Author has written 18 stories for Teen Titans, Harry Potter, 1984, Naruto, and Elder Scroll series. Real Name: ... Age: ... Nationality: ... Favorite Food: ... None of that matters, you don't really care. There is no set time for updates because I don't have a writing schedule, and all efforts to maintain a schedule have been foiled. Be warned, English is not my first language and most of what I know about its grammar is self-taught. Haven't taken an English class since I was fifteen. Jak's Apology To everyone who's read on my old stories, I am sorry. They're terrible. I know they're terrible. Truth is I used to think I was the shit. I went to college at sixteen for theoretical physics and was doing great in classes upperclassmen found hard. But that doesn't automatically make my stories good or mean I don't have to edit them because I don't make mistakes. I've made a lot of mistakes, both in my writing and in my life. I'm trying to change. I won't be deleting all my old fics, no matter how much I want to because they are a good way to keep me honest. To make sure I keep trying to change. I now laboriously plan out my stories and try to ensure quality content that you guys can enjoy and that I can be proud of. What's New With Jak: I'm currently involved in a research project on nuclear physics. It's really cool, but until it is completed sometime in 2022 I am very busy. Busy and tired. Writing something of good quality is taxing. I'm still doing it every now and then, but writing fanfic is not very high on my priority list. |
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