![]() Author has written 48 stories for Merlin, Lab Rats, 2012, Teen Titans, Wolfblood, Young Justice, Best Friends Whenever, Mighty Med, Wizards vs. Aliens, Lost & Found Music Studios, Zatch Bell, Phineas and Ferb, Lab Rats: Elite Force, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir, Girl Meets World, Batman, Sonic Underground, Lord of the Rings, Misc. Cartoons, and Power Rangers. Hi there, people of the interwebs! If you have sanity left, leave now, before it all gets evaporated by my strangeness. Only insane oddballs left? *looks around to be sure* Good! Enjoy your visit to the strange, strange place known as *camera zooms in for a dramatic close-up* My head! If you really want to read through all my weirdness, be my guest. If you just want to read my stories, feel free to skip past it all down to the bottom. Enjoy, regardless of what you do. Y'all can call me Moontery, or MM, or M, or whatever mashup of my name you create. I also answer to 'Hey, you!". :) My username, MoonlightMystery13.3, comes from my perpetual irritation at TV shows and movies making the moon nearly constantly full. Merlin is one of the worst offenders in this, and is, in fact, where I first truly took note of the irritation. Then, when I was looking for it, I realized it was everywhere. I also love taking pictures of the moon in odd places and ways. Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction site! I own nothing in my stories that you recognize. All the shows, books, and characters belong to their respective owners. I don't live here, I just like to play here. :) Info on Story Updates: Lost: I'm terribly sorry, I really have no idea when Lost is getting updated. It's drifted to the back of my mind, but I might try to work on it eventually. Temporarily on hiatus. Thinking: Desperately needs to be revised, and a bit rewritten. Maybe it's not so glaringly obvious to people who aren't me, but because it originally was going to have a sequel, there are a whole bunch of little loose ends. I'll try to do something about it over the summer. I will also have a couple missing scenes/ bits, finally. Come Home: Will probably not be continued, but there is slight hope. Lab Rats Playlist Shuffle: Working on now! Shards of Affection: Tea Time arc- I have a couple more already written, and I'll try to get that wrapped up some time in the near future. Bits: Undated weekly, at least until I run out of pieces that I already have written. RANDOM OTHER THINGS Y'ALL MIGHT WANT TO KNOW:
MY PET PEEVES 1. Shows over using humor, and valuing laughs over continuity or character integrity. 2. People chewing with their mouths open. 3. When people assume that because I'm smart, I will, therefore, do group projects for them. Or when they expect me to let them copy answers when they talk all class and I worked. Ha, no. 4. When I try to walk away from an upsetting situation and some idiot follows me, trying to continue arguing their point. 5. People who interrupt my rants to interject something completely unrelated and meaningless. People who interrupt in general. 6. People who get upset when I correct their grammar. It's your language, you should know how to speak it. Literally, (and yes, actually literally) you speak it every day, (not everyday) so do it right. 7. When people assume something is easy without doing it, such as chess, writing, singing, or a plethora of other things. 8. Characters that only exist for comic relief. 9. Characters that only exist to get killed off. 10. Characters that only exist as a love interest. 11. When people assume that just because I'm smart, I don't have problems. 12. People who assume love only means romance, and romance is sex. That's irritating. 13. Ships that make no sense whatsoever. 14. When I go above and beyond what my teacher asked for, and get points taken off for it because I "didn't follow the directions". Really? 15. Assigned poetry that has to be done, even if it ends up sounding dull, soulless, and almost painful. 16. When people bully each other under the guise of "joking around". 17. People who always have to be in a relationship, and take them far too casually. Like when someone dates someone for a week just to have a date over Valentine's Day. 18. How people shy away from anything that has anything to do with God or religion. We can talk about it civilly, even if we disagree. How are we supposed to learn about what the people around us think if we never communicate? 19. When people hate on fanfiction. It's hard enough to write using one's own characters. Trying to realistically portray other people's characters is a struggle. But I don't have to tell you guys that. :) 20. Tailgaters, and packs of cars driving too close together. Those are accidents waiting to happen. Oh, and people who don't wear seatbelts, bicycle helmets, and other basic safety gear. 21. People who assume people can't have friendships without anything else going on. 22. When people are constantly negative. No one needs that around them, not even the negative people themselves. 23. Classes that are simultaneously a huge amount of work AND mind-numbing boring. Grr 24. When people are mean to animals. Just. No. 25. Cynics. I shouldn't have to explain why I care about people, even if I've never met the, and probably never will, and why each and every human has worth. Dear World, Friendship, am I right? Friendship is a beautiful thing that you seem to have forgotten. Just good, old fashioned, genuine friendship. The kind of friendship where you and another person know each other better than anyone else. The kind where you don't have to say a word to have a conversation, or even see them to know how they're feeling. True, glorious friendship seems to be dismissed, or laughed off, or quietly longed for. It seems the stuff of legend, something that only fools search for. It's not. Really, it isn't. Friendship is real. It is not an outdated idea. Friendship is worth fighting for. People spend their lives searching for someone who understands them, someone who loves and supports them, no matter what. Everyone seems to think that person has to be your romantic match, your true love. That's not true. You can be friends. I refuse to say "just" friends, because that implies friendship is beneath romance. Romance is also beautiful, and not all love is romantic. True love doesn't have to be between to people in a romantic relationship. True means real. Real love can, and often is, the love between friends. Good friends, best friends. When you have a best friend, you are never alone. Even if they aren’t with you in person, you know they’re with you in thought. They understand you like no one else does. They’re the only one you trust with your most intimate confidences, and they treasure them more than you ever could. Your best friend gives you the courage to do the right thing, and are even prouder than you are over your accomplishments. It goes both ways, too. You think about them all the time, mentally (and sometimes really) shop for them, and absent-mindedly talk to them when they’re not there. You worry about them, know when something’s wrong with them, and dig gently until you get to the bottom of it. You care more for them than you ever thought you could for one person. You’re there to hold them when they cry, even if it’s just over text. You would do anything for them. But back to love. When people really care about each other, society looks at them, and simply assumes they're a couple. That's actually really irritating. It, again, implies people can't have beautiful, purely platonic relationships. Not everything is about sex, okay? Seriously, what with that fixation, world? But I digress. That's a different letter. Love doesn't have to be romantic. People /can/ have life long, incredibly close relationships that don't involve romance or sex. You, world, are ship happy. There are two people who care about each other, and know each other incredibly well. Are they a couple? They might be, but don't just assume that they are. That's irritating, both in fiction and reality. Not /everyone/ in a show has to be shipped with someone else, okay? They can live their lives without the drama that inevitably follows. Give them good, real friends, and see how that works out. And the reader/watcher, y'all let them be friends. There is no reason to ship right and left. Half the random ships out there don't even make sense! So, this Dear World letter boils down to two points. 1. Friendship is frickin' awesome, don't hate on it or ignore it. 2. Look before you ship. There's nothing wrong with being single, or having beautiful, amazing friendships. 'Til next time, World, MM13.3 When You're in The Mood For... Merlin Drabbles: Beyond Words, By ErinNovelist Camelot's Wonders, By OneDarkandStormyNight Everyday Destiny, By Searchingforangels Fractions, By llLethall Glimpses, By caldera32 Moments, By Emachinescat One Hundred, By Ultra-Geek The Warlock and the Prince, in 100 words, By Princess Angel Rose My Favorites (A Work In Progress): Avatar: The Last Airbender: Not You, Ultra-Geek Avengers: A Very Good Team, Qweb Batman: Empty Nest, paganpunk2 Honorable mention: Footprint In the Snow, AlsoI'mBatman Chronicles of Narnia: Sempiterna Belligerence, Calanthiel of Mirkwood Danny Phantom: Phantom's Sketchbook, AkoyaMizuno Honorable Mentions: Playground Philosophy, and its sequel, Fuzzy Logic, Epona Harper. Drake and Josh: Just Breathe, remy-areyousrs Honorable Mention: The Epitome of Cool, pinkhearts97 Harry Potter: Morning Mercies, Runey9 Honorable mention: Phases, CaptainOzone Hawaii 5-0: Any of Qweb's fics! Ace in the Hole, if you make me pick one. Lab Rats: In Your Time of Need, Pink-Libra-Girl Honorable Mention: Your Wings Were Ready, My Heart Was Not, TheEliteLabRatsLover Lab Rats: Elite Force: Skinny, and Over the City Lights, both by TheSkyWriter Honorable Mention: True Reflections TheSkyWriter Lone Ranger: The Lone Ranger, Closet Scrawler Lost&Found Music Studios: Anytime, 1DR5AandADA Magnificent Seven: Cold Nights, Cheryl W Merlin: (There are a lot for Merlin, simply because I read a lot of it. *sheepish grin*) Bound Together, caldera32 Prphisized series, CaptainOzone Machinations of a Puddle, pingipenguin Neckerchief Chronicles, caldera32 None Goes His Way Alone, KCS The Voice In the Dream, OneDarkandStormyNight This Is the Hunting Ground, Aminoo Through Other Eyes, Ocean Mint Leaves We Like It This Way, Kitty O What's In A Name PoisoningPigeonsinthePark X Marks the Man, Kitty O Merlin & Sherlock Crossover: High Standards, Drag0nst0rm Mighty Med: Eye of the Hurricane, EmeraldTulip Honorable Mention: Masks, EmeraldTulip Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir: Not a Bit, Fourteen Hours, and On Three, all by CaptainOzone Honorable Mention: If You Give a Kwami a Cracker, PFTones3482 My Babysitter's a Vampire: My Best Friend, and Soul Protector, both by JustMe133 Honorable Mention: The Piano Player, TheSkyWriter Psych&Merlin crossover: A (Fake) Psychic and a (Real) Warlock Walk Into a Bar Rise of the Guardians: Unbroken, carmins01 Sherlock: (Ditto for Sherlock. I just read a lot of it. :D) A Messy Business (and its sequels! :D), KCS Mistaken Identities series, chappysmom Defining John Watson, StillWaters1 Dying From Exit Wounds, Bundibird Front Row Seat, charlock221 Listening Too Late, StillWaters1 NotSoSecret Communication, chappysmom Once Upon A Time: A Sherlock Fairytale, The Original Geek Out of the Mouths of Babes, xfphile Wood Work series, chappysmom System Restart, Radon65 What She Saw, Stillwaters1 Sherlock Holmes: A Case of Annoyance, KCS Collecting Strays, and its sequel, Collecting Strays: Of Trust and Vices Greater Love Trilogy, KCS, and Tiger, Tiger, and What We Have To Fear. Star Trek: 2009: Ain't Nobody Messing With My Clique, Ultra-Geek Castor and Pollux, Paralelsky Starsky and Hutch: (And S&H... *feels like a broken record*) Colors, and its companion piece, Music, both by Cruelest Sea Contact, KHutchinson Fading Into Technicolor, wuemsel Killing Me Softly, Storms and Elevators, Nicky Gabriel Lazarus, StillWaters1 Partnerhood, kaye22 See Ya, Nash Carter The Amazing Starsky, Hutchie Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction site! I own nothing in my stories that you recognize. All the shows, books, and characters belong to their respective owners. I don't live here, I just like to play here. :) Notice: I have a Mayterm class right now, so I might be a little slow in updating stories, or answering PM's. Thanks for your understanding! 3 Just in case no one's reminded you today, you are amazing, you are powerful, you are beautiful, and you are loved. You are more than enough. :) |