Final chapter for this one. Thank you so much to everyone who has read and reviewed the whole way through or even just dipped in for a chapter, they truly mean the world to me.

Hope you like this last chapter.

Merlin couldn't sleep.


He knew he should be able to. He was home, he was safe and more importantly, both his mother and Arthur were safe. The knights had turned up shortly after sunrise and Merlin knew Leon well enough to know that the knight was angry with Arthur. But as their argument grew louder, Merlin had to admit that Arthur had a point. They would be in Cenred's lands no matter what, they may as well make sure it was in comfort. And when Leon had bluntly pointed out that it of course had nothing to do with the threats against Hunith, the prince had flushed and looked away.

That had been when Merlin had averted his own gaze. He knew this would never be forgotten, but also that it would never be mentioned. Uther couldn't find out and Arthur was too proud to admit what he had done once they had reached Camelot again and he had slotted firmly back into his role of Crown Prince. But Leon had let the matter drop and Merlin had dipped his head in thanks to the prince when they had next passed each other. Arthur had looked astonished, but Merlin moved on before things could get awkward.

He just wanted this to be over.

The rest of the day had passed, although Merlin had found himself bristling with tension and not daring to take his eyes of Morgana. If she signalled her sister, if she gave away where they were… It would all be for nothing. If anyone had noticed his mood, they hadn't said anything. Not to his face, anyway, for Merlin was convinced he had heard Arthur muttering something about "going through a lot" to one of the knights.

Flinging the blankets off his legs, Merlin huffed as he thought about that.

Arthur was using that as an excuse to explain why Merlin seemed to be on edge, even if he didn't know the true reasons. But Merlin knew him better than that. He wouldn't consider that he too had been through a lot, that this whole plan had been to break Arthur and Merlin had just been the one caught in the cross-fire. He had to find a way to talk to Arthur - away from the others and before they made it back to Camelot - to find out how the man was truly feeling.

But Morgana seemed to be as alert as him and she had spent the entire day glued to Arthur's side. It made watching easier – he didn't have to worry about Arthur while watching Morgana or vice versa when they were together – but he knew why she was doing it. It was clear that the threats against Hunith had pushed Merlin over the edge and she obviously was no longer sure that he would stay quiet.

Standing up, Merlin stared around his small house. This had been home for as long as he could remember, but something had changed in his thinking lately. This was just where his mother lived now; it wasn't home in the same way. That was Camelot, and Merlin found that he was eager to get back. But never did he anticipate that one day he would be staring at a crowded floor filled with knights, the king's ward and the prince. He was just a village boy and this is where destiny had led him.

But as he stared around the figures, Merlin realised there was someone missing. He couldn't see Arthur. Alarm filled him, despite knowing the prince knew how to defend himself, and Merlin carefully picked his way to the door. It felt like an accomplishment that he only managed to kick three people on the way out and cause a fourth to roll over with a mutter when he pulled the door open. The night sky was clear and Merlin found himself breathing deeply as he stepped out.

His mother had bandaged him up and forced him to eat some stew, claiming he needed his strength but his fever shouldn't come to anything more than it already had. Still, Merlin hadn't wanted to admit how uncomfortably warm he had been feeling for most of the day, but the cool night air was refreshing and helped revive him a little. But he couldn't revel in the feeling, not until he found Arthur.

Luckily, the prince hadn't gone far. He was sitting on a trunk not far from the house, sword resting over his lap and one leg propped up comfortably. Despite leaning back against another tree for support, Merlin could see the way he had angled himself to make sure he didn't catch the wounds across his back. Guilt flooded Merlin.

"Hey," he murmured softly, moving to sit on the ground so that he could lean back against the trunk that Arthur was sitting on.

"You should be asleep."

"So should you," Merlin retorted and silence fell. Arthur clearly didn't have a comeback for that. Merlin sighed, running his fingers through his hair.

"Why are you out here, Arthur?"

"Someone has to keep watch and the knights have travelled far in the last day or so while I've been sitting around. It's only fair that I take my turn."

"Sitting around?" Merlin repeated incredulously, twisting to face Arthur and then having to bite his lip to not reveal quite how much that pained him. "You do realise that you were whipped barely a day ago?"

"I think I can feel that, Merlin." Although Arthur meant his words in his usual casual way, it felt like a blow to his servant. Arthur was hurt… because of him.

"Arthur, I'm sorry," he blurted out before he could stop himself. "It's my fault, if I had just given him what he wanted…"

"He would have done it anyway, Merlin," there was a softness to Arthur's voice that Merlin wasn't used to hearing and before he knew it, the prince had slipped off the trunk and moved to sit next to him on the floor. Merlin stared at him.

"But he said he would do it until I swore loyalty." Merlin tried to ignore the way his voice seemed to waver a little at that. It had been easy to be strong while they were still in danger but now the enormity of what had happened was crashing down on him, the servant wasn't entirely sure how he was feeling. Arthur had been hurt because Merlin had refused to do what was asked of him. He wasn't sure he would ever stop feeling the guilt over that.

"He just needed an excuse and I think he wanted to punish you. He must have known the fact that you were so defiant was the reason I was able to stay quiet. He was trying to break you down so you would react more and then that would get him the information he wanted."

"I still could have pretended…" Merlin felt his voice trail off feebly. Deep down, he knew that Arthur was right. Cenred was just looking for an excuse and had used Merlin to provide that reason. As everyone liked to remind him; he was just a servant. No king would show that much interest in a servant when they had the Crown Prince of Camelot at their mercy. Still, the idea that Cenred had tried to use him against Arthur was enough to make Merlin angry.

"It wouldn't have made any difference, Merlin. Besides, you have to stop thinking like this; you're doing his work for him. It's over, we're fine." There was certainty in Arthur's voice, a tone that meant he expected Merlin to believe him whether the warlock wanted to or not. Yet there was something about that tone that gave Merlin hope.

"Will you tell your father what happened?"

"Some of it." Merlin glanced sideways at Arthur, seeing the way the tension had flooded back into his friend. Having felt the knot of guilt lessen slightly, Merlin knew it was his turn to try and help Arthur now.

"What do you mean?" He thought he knew, but he just wanted to hear Arthur say it out loud. Gaius always claimed talking through a problem made things easier. The trick with Arthur, however, was getting him to talk in the first place.

"Well, for one thing he might be led to believe the whipping happened first before Cenred realised I wouldn't talk," Arthur muttered quietly and Merlin stared at him. He knew precisely why the prince would twist the story. Even after everything, he was still trying to protect his servant, for Uther would not take kindly to hearing that Merlin's defiance had led to Arthur being hurt.

"I don't have to come back with you if you don't want me too," Merlin mumbled, staring at the floor and pretending to ignore how much even saying the words hurt. He couldn't imagine life away from Camelot now, but he also didn't want to be a weakness to Arthur like that again.

"Why wouldn't you want to come home?" The confusion in Arthur's voice, the fact that he saw Camelot as Merlin's home as much as the warlock did, made Merlin smile and he shook his head. The fact that Arthur had asked put his fears to rest; the prince wasn't going to dwell on how much of this was Merlin's fault. He should have done something sooner, should have used magic to get them out and none of this would have happened.

But he also knew that should he have been revealed and overcome, even now they would be finding a way to use either him or that knowledge against Arthur. It was bad enough that he had already been used against the prince, but Merlin knew it could have ultimately been far worse. His magic was dangerous, but Merlin couldn't help but feel the knowledge of his magic was somehow worse. Gaius was right when he said it had to be kept a guarded secret.

"You…you don't blame me?" Merlin whispered, needing to know once and for all.

"For what? Withstanding torture? Refusing to let yourself be the reason that Camelot fell? For doing what it took to survive? We're all trained in these sorts of scenarios, Merlin. That doesn't mean we can necessarily withstand them. And yet here we are, having this conversation because you have survived it."

"So did you."

"I have to."

Silence again fell between them but now more than ever, Merlin found himself appreciating quite how much responsibility rested on Arthur's shoulders. He was right; he had to survive. If he let himself be killed, then Camelot had no future. If he had knelt to save his mother, Merlin found himself wondering precisely what Arthur would have ended up doing in order to make sure he stayed alive.

"You should get some sleep," Arthur muttered. Merlin glanced at him.

"We both should."

To his surprise, Arthur nodded and let Merlin steer him back into the house.


The next morning was a flurry of activity. Another messenger had been sent to the king to inform him that his heir was safe and they were returning to Camelot immediately. The knights were bustling about getting everything packed and ready to go, but Merlin just found himself on the side lines, watching. He had tried to help; he was the servant after all. Gwen was allowed to help fold the blankets and pack the saddlebags. But Leon had simply taken it from his hands and told him to stay out of the way with a kindly expression on his face.

Judging by the smirk he could see on Arthur's face after trying to argue, Merlin had a feeling the prince had something to do with it. It was odd sitting and watching and Merlin found that he was almost itching to do something. Whenever he was with Arthur, there was always plenty to do. But as Gwen had pointed out, there was more than enough of them to handle it and he should focus on concentrating on how he was going to ride with broken ribs.

The thought had silenced him for long enough for everyone else to simply move around him and Merlin had found himself on the outskirts.

"You're going back?"

Merlin turned at the voice to see his mother watching him closely, tears in her eyes.

"You know I have to. You were the one who told me that the last time we were here."

"But you hadn't been hurt before…" Hunith whispered, a hand coming up to cup her son's face. Merlin folded his own hand around it and gently drew it away.

"Arthur needs me, Mother. You know that."

"And I need you to stay alive. Arthur may need you but so do I, Merlin. I can't bear the thought of you returning to that place for something like this to happen all over again the next time someone targets the prince."

Taking her hand, Merlin led her off to one side. He couldn't talk freely with the knights so close.

"Mother, you know I have to return. This isn't the first time I've been hurt or put in danger protecting Arthur, I won't lie to you. But it's my destiny. It's why…." Merlin glanced over at the knights, watching as Arthur seemed to be giving his orders. "It's why I can do what I can. I can't turn my back on that now, not when I'm getting through to him. You understand that, don't you?"

He knew by the way his mother cupped his cheek again that she did indeed understand. It was as if she knew her argument had been lost before it began but she had to try anyway.


Arthur's voice floated over and Merlin knew they were ready to leave.

"Promise me you will be safe?"


"I will, Mother. You know I have to go, and you know that I will take care," Merlin began edging towards the horses as he spoke, not wanting to be the reason they were all delayed. But his mother didn't let him go that easily.

"And you will visit soon, just so I know?"


"I will. I have to…" Gesturing somewhat helplessly over his shoulder, Merlin drew his hand from his mother's and awkwardly climbed up on his horse. He just about managed to hide his wince as it jostled his ribs. Smiling down at his mother with the promise that everything was going to be alright, Merlin touched his heels to his horse and trotted after Arthur. He ignored the smirk that Morgana shot his way and instead focused on catching up with his destiny.

The ride was long and hard for Merlin, but he gritted his teeth and didn't say anything. As the day wore on, he could see stiffness entering Arthur's movements and could tell the prince was also feeling their captivity. But no one wanted to stop and no one said anything. How could they stop when this pace meant they would reach Camelot by nightfall?

It might have felt like one of the longest days of Merlin's life, but the warmth that spread through his body and the smile that emerged on his face when the castle came into view made up for it.

They were home.

This time, when Merlin was ordered back to Gaius rather than helping with the horses, he didn't protest. Arthur took Morgana's arm and drew her inside and Merlin knew they were going straight to the king. He wasn't worried though. There wasn't anything Morgana could say that would be used against him, not after what had happened. Arthur had seen him be willing to be tortured if it meant keeping Camelot safe; Morgana had nothing against that. Gwen and Elyan also disappeared and Merlin suddenly found himself on his own.

Forcing his weary legs to move, he stumbled up towards Gaius' chambers. The door creaked open on his arrival and the old man spun, a relieved smile spreading across his face when he witnessed his ward standing there. Merlin grinned tiredly.

"Merlin," the relief was evident in his voice and Merlin realised that Gaius must have heard what had happened when Gwen had returned and reported to the king. It shamed Merlin that he hadn't truly thought what Gaius had been going through, waiting to hear if there was news or not.

"It's good to be home," Merlin muttered, realising that he was swaying on the spot as exhaustion caught up with him. Gaius caught his arm and quickly pushed him down onto a stool.

"What happened?"

Merlin stared up at him, almost not comprehending his words as he realised just how tired he was. But he did managed to smile.

"We won," he murmured, slumping against the table. How he managed to somehow get up the stairs to get to bed, he had no idea. His mind was foggy, his limbs uncoordinated and the pain was beginning to increase again after the movements of the day. But before long, Merlin was lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling and relishing in the feeling of contentment that was spreading through his body and numbing him to all else.

They had won.

Morgana was wrong if she thought she would ever bring down Camelot. Merlin found himself thinking back to something Arthur had said on the road; about how they were stronger because they valued friendship and loyalty above all else. Knowing that he was home and safe made Merlin realise how true that was.

His bond with Arthur had allowed them to survive this. And there was no way Morgana would ever be able to destroy that, Merlin was going to make sure of it.

With that somewhat satisfying thought running through his head, Merlin allowed himself to drift off to sleep.

Cenred wasn't defeated, not for good. But for now, they were all home and safe and destiny still seemed to be on track.

Merlin couldn't ask for more.

The end.