Author has written 12 stories for Lab Rats, 2012, Lab Rats: Elite Force, Thundermans, Henry Danger, and Knight Squad. "superhumans are humans too." ~ the rats strike back, lab rats hey, people of earth and beyond, i'm umana, i'm here, and i'm queer. i'm a sixteen-year-old bisexual disaster, a huffleclaw, an INFP, and hopefully one day, a writer. some things about me you may or may not care to know: i'm totally obsessed with all things disney and nickelodeon. i love books, writing, and tv shows i'm too old for, i hate sports and tomatoes, and my dreams are way too big for a 5-foot tall body. i play the cello and i'm on my school's debate team; i can't go anywhere without my headphones and i'm allergic to five different things. and my fandoms have taken over my life. favorite shows: anything disney, but in particular lab rats/elite force, mighty med, girl meets world, and wizards of waverly place; anything nick and especially the thundermans, knight squad, henry danger, big time rush, icarly, and victorious; fuller house, alexa and katie, the arrowverse shows, young justice, miraculous ladybug, and voltron: legendary defender. favorite movies: literally anything MCU or DC, especially spider-man: homecoming, black panther, and wonder woman. i also love the descendants movies, now you see me, the greatest showman, la la land, crazy rich asians, and the kingsman movies favorite books: percy jackson, harry potter, the mortal instruments, and the maze runner series. favorite ships: i have way too many but the ones i'm likely to write for here are chase x kaz, arc x ciara, charlotte x henry, riley x farkle, bree x skylar, max x allison, and charlotte x henry x jasper and that's all you need to know about me! thanks for dropping by! i hope you like what i have to offer :) find me on tumblr: @max-thunderman and ao3: @whatsupdanger |