A/N: Hey, everyone. I have a little one-shot for you all.

I can't remember off the top of my head which episode this is from, but it's the time Zatch, Kio, Brago and Sheri got thrown into a different world, one in between the human and Mamodo worlds, where the Mamodo world had thrown all their criminals. They had to form an alliance to escape. This story came from a tiny scene at the end of the arc.

I don't own any of the dialogue you recognize.

Be the reason someone smiles today! :)

It's silent in the car, its occupants pensive and lost in thought. The driver knows better than to say a word, and Sherry is caught in reflection. Neither Sherry's far away wondering nor Brago's surly silence are unusual, and the driver braces himself for a long ride.

Sherry is musing over the events in the other world. The alliance between Brago and Zatch, Kio's surprising down-to-earthness, everyone putting their differences aside to come up with a plan. Sherry couldn't help but be impressed by Kio, even though he was a rival. His quick thinking, his drive, his faith in Zatch, it was amazing. He had come so far since the night they'd met.

He reminds her of Koko, she realizes, a little wistfully. Something in their spirits, something other people couldn't understand, but was nonetheless entirely pure, made them alike.

"Sherry." Brago's voice broke into her thoughts suddenly, and she glanced over, surprised. He hadn't said a word since returning to their world, and he rarely engaged in conversation during travel.

"Yes, Brago?" She returned, as evenly as she could. He hadn't turned as he spoke, gaze still locked on the scenery outside.

"Never mind... It's nothing," he answered quietly, his equivalent of muttering. Rare hesitation colored his voice. Apprehension.

Brago's words took Sherry back through time, to before they'd come to an understanding, before their partnership had settled


"You could have at least apologized!" Sherry snapped, slamming the door behind them. Brago had gotten bored during their visit to town, and had nearly burned down a building to illustrate that point.

Brago snarled in response. His words dripped with scorn. "Apologize? Apologies are worthless. They are nothing."


Sherry smiles a tiny smile. Brago understood that he had hurt her by pushing her aside, back in the other world. He'd had a good reason, she would be the first to admit that, but it didn't erase the helplessness she'd felt. Brago made her feel useless, something no one had done since her mother. But that wasn't the surprising part, no, the surprise was that he had understood, and had evidently cared enough to apologize, in his own way. It warmed her heart.

"Very well, then," she returned, repressing her sudden joy. She knew it would only embarrass him if she said more. She knew he would know she understood what he'd meant. Thank you.

The smile stayed on her lips for the rest of the day.