![]() Author has written 45 stories for Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars, Inkheart, National Treasure, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, Merlin, Arrow, X-Men: The Movie, Flash, and Musketeers. "My task is by the power of the written word to make you hear, to make you feel-it is, before all-to make you see. That and nor more, and it is everything," -Joseph Conrad Hi, everyone! I'm Queen Yoda. I got into fan-fiction by my obsession with Star wars! Once I started reading your stories, I fell in love with the sight and decided I wanted to show you some of my talents as well. Right now, I have a few fanfic obsessions, including my newest TV love Arrow. Following at a close second is Merlin, Sherlock, Hercules: Legendary Journeys and Flash (only because of that crossover between them and Arrow). I plan on going to college for an MFA one day, so I would greatly appreciate it if I got some feedback on my stories. Right now my main problem is punctuation, grammar and wordiness so be on the look-out for that! My favorite Star Wars teams are: Anakin/Obi-wan Anakin/Ahsoka Padme/Satine Ahsoka/Obi-wan Rex/Ahsoka Rex/Anakin Obi-wan/Cody Ahsoka/Leia Skywalker! Ahsoka/Luke Skywalker! Padme/Anakin Favorite Merlin teams are: !!Arthur/Merlin bromance!! Merlin/Freya Gwen/Arthur Gaius/Alice Merlin/Aithusa Merlin/Gwaine Arthur/Knights/Merlin bromance Merlin/Lancelot bromance Favorite Arrow Teams are: !!The Entire season three arrow team!! Oliver/Felicity (Totally Olicity right now) Oliver-Arrow/ Roy-Arsenal bromance Oliver/Diggel bromance Roy/Thea (Theroy second favorite love couple) Sara/Nyssa Oliver/Slade (back when they were friends) Felicity/Laurel And here are some of my favorite quotes! “The hand that holds the quill controls history.” -Charles L. Blockson, 1933 “But that’s what makes you a writer; you keep writing until the no’s become a yes. Writers are the ones who keep writing after all the other folks quit.” -Ann Perty, 1909-1997 “Art is a moral power…Revealing to us a glimpse of the absolute ideal perfect harmony.” -Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1826-1901 “Books were my extended family.” -James M. Washington, 1948-1997 "We cannot have perfection. We have few saints. But we must have honest men or we die. We must have unselfish, far-seeing leadership or we fail.” -W.E.B Du Bois, 1868-1963 “Words are your business, boy. Not just The Word. Words are everything. The key to the rock, the answer to the question” -Ralph Ellison, 1914-1994 “You may not be responsible for getting knocked down, but you’re certainly responsible for getting back up.” -Jesse Jackson, 1941 "The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong in the broken places"-Ernest Hemingway “Disclaimer: In all of my stories, sadly, I own nothing |