6 years after I started pursuing my dream of publishing my own, original work, I've finally sold my book. This is the 4th novel I've written, rewritten when it failed to sell on its first round of submission to editors. It's been the cause of many frustrated tears, but I'm so happy to finally be able to share it with you.
Here's the official announcement that dropped on my 21st birthday:
"Eliza Swift at Albert Whitman has acquired Joan He's Descendant of the Crane, a debut YA fantasy novel pitched as a Chinese-inspired Game of Thrones. In a world where magic is forbidden, a young princess searches for her father's assassin, but must fight against the intrigue and suspicion that besets her own court. Publication is set for spring 2019; John Cusick at Folio Jr./Folio Literary Management did the deal for world English rights."
In Spring 2019 (because traditional publishing takes a longggg time) you'll be able to find it in bookstores like Barnes and Noble and order it off Amazon. The exact publication date is still unknown, but to stay updated you can subscribe to my newsletter on my website at joanhewrites . com
You can also add the book on Goodreads. Just go to the Goodreads website and search DESCENDANT OF THE CRANE. It would absolutely mean the world to me.
Thank you so much for all the support you've given me over the years. I frequently reference my time in fanfic because it was honestly what got me into writing. All the encouragement is what kept me going, rejection through rejection. I hope you'll be as excited about being able to hold a real book of mine as much as I am 3