For the Batfam Halloween Content War on tumblr. Day 2: Celebration

Stephanie's eating one of those tiny little cakes that absolutely is not enough in any way whatsoever when Tim walks into her line of sight, head craning this way and that over the crowd of people Bruce has invited into his home for yet another gala-party-thingamajig. And—dear god, the boy is short. He's on his tip toes.

"Timmy, dearest," Steph says, only a little bit mockingly, and Tim's gaze snaps to hers, eyes wide and owlish, like he hadn't even seen her standing next to the dessert table. Which. That's not that worrying, considering that Tim works on like, less than two hours of sleep a night.

Maybe Steph can get Cass to arm wrestle Tim into going to sleep instead of patrol tonight. And she can casually suggest a movie night to Dick. Dick will jump on anything that involves family bonding time, and Tim'll be out cold in no time.

"Steph?" he asks, and now he's giving her a weird look, like he hadn't even known she was here at the gala-party-thingamajig. Again, very possible. For a person who's supposed to be one of the best detectives, Tim can miss the most obvious things. He blinks a couple times, seems to accept that she's not some sleep deprived hallucination, and walks over to her. "Did you need something?"

"No," Steph says, shoving the rest of the tiny—tiny. Steph is going to have words with Alfred later—cake into her mouth. She swallows and raises an eyebrow. "Did you need something?"

Tim shrugs, head swiveling to look out over the crowd again. "I'm looking for Dick."

"He was over by Damian earlier," Steph says. "I think the brat brought his sword, and Bruce refused to deal with it. By default, it was Dick's problem."

"No, I know that," Tim says distractedly. "I was standing right there when Damian started swearing at Dick. It was hilarious."

"Yeah, you sound like it really changed your world," Steph snorts.

Tim wrinkles his nose. "That was almost an hour ago, Steph."

"Mhmm," Steph says, debating whether it'd be a good idea to stuff the brand new purse that Bruce had gotten her the other day with the entire plate of mini-cakes and how much she'd get yelled at if she was caught. "And?"

"I saw him after that, though," Tim tells her, following her gaze. He rolls her eyes when he catches on to what she's planning on doing. "You know you can literally have Alfred make you bigger portions later, right?"

"It's the principle of the thing, Timmy," Steph says sweetly.

"It is not."

"Is, too," and then Steph finally makes her decision and starts grabbing a few of everything. Because if she's going to stuff her purse, then she's going to go all the way. Maybe Cass would be willing to share with her later. If not Cass, then definitely Dick. Speaking of, "Why are you looking for Dick, anyways?"

Tim blows out a heavy breath and sort of deflates, and it has enough umph to it that Steph stops raiding the dessert table to stare at him.

"Um," she says.

Tim runs a hand down his face. "Sorry. It's just—He went to go grab something from his room. Said it was important and just left."

"And?" Steph prompts. "What's so bad about that?"

"It's been almost a half hour since I've seen him, Steph. And I've been around the room twice," Tim tells her, and he leans back against a nearby pillar. He looks exhausted—well. More exhausted than usual, and Steph has half a mind to find Dick herself and tell him to tell Tim to stop worrying. And when he talks again, his voice is small. "I've got a bad feeling about this."

Of course, it just so happens that that's when the lights go out.

Steph drops her dessert-filled purse and grabs Tim's hand, pulling him close. People start murmuring and muttering, and Steph has a feeling that Bruce's gala-party-thingamajig has gone south real fast.

"Should we grab our uniforms?" she wonders, her voice soft enough that she's sure only Tim hears her.

"No," Tim says. "We don't know if this is an attack or—"

The lights flicker. On, off. Someone screams bloody murder, and people start running for the exit as quick as they can. Someone shoulder checks Steph and she stumbles, but Tim tightens his hold on her hand and pulls her upright.

She whirls on him a second later, raising an eyebrow and shouting in order to be heard over the cacophony of panic, "You were saying?!"

"We still don't—" He stumbles forward as someone bumps into him, too, but he stays on his feet. Pity. It'd have been funny to see him faceplant. Probably not the best time, though. He pulls her closer. "We still don't know what's going on!"


Tim nods. "Bruce."

Somehow—holy shit, somehow—they make it through the throng of panicked people crowding the exits to the back of the room and over to where they can see Bruce standing with Damian, Cass, and the Commissioner. By the time they make it to them, most everyone is gone, and the lights are back to normal.

Dick's nowhere to be found, though, and Tim and Steph share a look.

Bruce is staring at them. Steph knows that there's no way he didn't catch that, but he doesn't comment on it. Yet, at least. Maybe it's because the Commissioner is still standing there, or maybe it's because they've got bigger things to worry about.

"Are you two alright?" he asks instead.

Tim nods and finally lets go of Steph's hand, and she shakes it out, flexing it a few times, too. She hadn't realized how hard Tim had been gripping it until he'd stopped, and she shoots him a concerned look he only grimaces at.

When she realizes that Bruce is still looking at her, waiting for her answer, she makes a face. "I'm fine, you big worrywart. Tim saved me from landing on my face, and I was disappointed by not seeing Tim land on his."


"I regret that it did not happen, as well," Damian says, and he sounds seriously sad about it. Sheesh. Steph had forgotten that the brat had it out for Tim.

"Come at me and you'll regret it," Tim says, not a hint of teasing in his voice.

"Like you could take me down," Damian scoffs.

Tim tenses, but backs off when Bruce clears his throat purposely, his eyes flashing dangerously. It's so unsubtle and—God, after years, Steph still can't believe Bruce Wayne can act like he does in public when all he seems to be is a big pile of brood and dad. She can see where Tim gets it from, at least. The brooding and acting part, not the dad part.

Next to Bruce, Jim Gordon sighs. "I'm going to see if I can round up a few of my men, Bruce," he says. His rake over all of them, before they meet Bruce's again. "I'll be back soon, but it's better that all of you stay together. Just in case."

Bruce smiles, and Steph wonders if it's painful for him. It certainly looks painful. "Thank you, Jim."

And with that, the Commissioner's gone, Bruce drops the smile, and it's just the five of them standing there. Nobody says anything for a few seconds, and so Steph steps up. It's like, her thing by now. She could probably major in it if she wanted to. She's surrounded by so many emotionally stunted idiots that she's got enough practical experience, after all.

Except Cass. Cass is great.

"So?" Steph says, folding her arms over her chest and raises her eyebrows. "Whatever's happening, it better be good. I lost my dessert purse for this."

Cass giggles, and Bruce pinches the bridge of his nose. Tim doesn't react much, but Damian scowls at her in confusion. It's great. So many different reactions in so few words. She should get an award.

"I don't want to know," Bruce tells her. "Did anyone see anything?"

"Dick disappeared," Tim says.

Steph elbows Tim. "You don't know that. All you said was that Dick left to get something from his room. And technically that's not seeing anything."

"It's the lack of seeing something," Tim argues.

"Grayson is probably playing a prank," Damian says, a somewhat adorable scowl on his face and—good god, does this child not know how to smile? Did he inherit Bruce's gene of feeling pain while smiling? Someone needs to teach Damian how to have fun, and soon.

Cass frowns. "I don't think so."

Well, Cass's word is law, after all. At least, it is to Steph. It's a rare occasion that Cass has been wrong—though, it has happened before, Steph's sure. She just can't remember—and Steph doesn't think now is one of those times.

Damian's scowl inches closer and closer to a worried frown. "Then where is he?"

"Kidnapped?" Tim suggests weakly.

Steph grimaces. Dick's a slippery one, especially when it comes to kidnapping. He's got acrobatic skills he can use in self-defense, curtesy of his circus roots, and it's an advantage that none of the other kids really have.

Something shatters upstairs, and the five of them freeze. And then, before Steph realizes it, Tim's darting for the stairs, the rest of them just a beat behind him. They stop at the top of the stairs, and Steph gapes at what she sees.

"I think that I'm going to be sick," she says, staring in horror at the giant puddle of blood soaking into the carpet. "Like, someone find me a toilet to throw up in, kind of sick."

"You're not," Cass tells her, and Steph sighs.

"I'm not," she agrees, but she can't take her eyes off of the puddle. "But that is still disturbing. I sleep here, Tim."

"Yeah, but you don't live here," Tim says, and Steph manages to take her eyes away from the scene in front of her to glance at him. He looks pale, and he's got that look in his eyes, where his thoughts are racing a mile minute. It's a little disconcerting, actually.

"I sleep here enough that I basically live here," Steph says.

"Enough," Bruce says, his eyes hard and unforgiving. "Cassandra, go get Jim. As of right now, this is a crime scene until we rule out otherwise."

Cass nods, and she's just about to leave when Steph hears a voice from down the hall. She frowns because—that was from Dick's room.

"You guys heard that, right?" Steph asks. "Because if you didn't, I'm out. Outtie 5000. Good-freaking-bye. Stephanie Brown has left the building and isn't coming back. All that jazz."

"I heard it," Bruce says. And Steph can only watch as he makes his way down the hall towards his son's room, Damian and Tim not even hesitating—or arguing—before following after him.

Steph shares an uneasy glance with Cass and she bites her lip. "What do you think?"

Cass doesn't speak for a moment, but then she nods her head in the direction the boys had gone, and Steph can't help but deflate in disappointment. Just a little. This is a little different than being in uniform, and she's not happy that she's doing this in a short sparkly dress Cass had picked out for her.

Cass looks at ease, though, and Steph appreciates it when her best friend holds her hand and squeezes. Steph smiles back.

"Guess we should go watch their backs, huh?"

"That's what we're here for," Cass replies, and Steph's smile grows a bit more genuine.

"Right, right," Steph breathes. And then they skirt around the puddle. "Well. Might as well get on with it, right? I can totally use my heels as a weapon, right? That's somewhat socially acceptable? Actually, don't answer that. If it comes down to it, I'm doing it anyways. Watch out, thugs, I'm armed and dangerous with heeled shoes, and I can attest that getting hit in the face with one really freaking hurts. So watch out for—"

Steph stutters to a stop, both physically and mentally. She's standing in the doorway to Dick's bedroom, but—but.

"What happened?" she whispers to Tim, who looks about as clued in as she does.

His wide eyes flick to her helplessly before they're back on Bruce, who's checking Dick's pulse. Dick, as it turns out, has been passed out on the floor of his bedroom, blood oozing sluggishly from a cut on his forehead. Bruce is trying to gently rouse him, but besides the steady up-down motions of his chest as he breathes, Dick doesn't move.

He's dead to the world.

Steph shivers at the mental image that brings up.

Damian scoffs softly, and Steph glances over at him, watches as he watches Dick with worried, but angry eyes.

From somewhere else in the manor, there's another crash, and the lights flicker again.

Bruce finally looks up, meeting each of their eyes in turn, and says, "There's someone in the house."

And yeah. Steph's done.

To be continued on Day 5