This is the final chapter. I hope you enjoy the resolution. Thank you for reading and sending reviews. It does make writing much more enjoyable.
The Court of Miracles
Chapter Eleven
"He has a concussion, multiple abrasions and damaged knee ligaments," the physician reported. "Most of his injuries will recover without my intervention but the knee is worrying."
"What's the prognosis?" Treville asked.
"Uncertain. Even if it heals he will be left with a weakness."
"It will heal," Athos said, unwilling to contemplate any other outcome.
"I've splinted it to keep it immobile. He's to stay in bed and not put any weight on it. I will reassess his condition in two weeks."
"He won't like it," Porthos said.
"I don't care if he likes it or not. If he doesn't follow my orders he will be permanently crippled. Give him this every four hours. It will help with the pain." He handed a bottle to Athos. "He will be drowsy for a while. I had to give him laudanum while I worked on his leg. Make sure you check on him every few hours for the rest of the day. His concussion isn't severe but we can't take chances."
"We won't leave his side," Athos said.
"Thank you, Doctor." Treville led the way out of his office.
When Athos, Porthos and d'Artagnan entered Aramis' room he looked at them blearily. "It's bad, isn't it?"
"The key to your recovery is rest," Athos said firmly. "You must do everything the physician says."
Aramis licked dry lips. "What if I don't recover?"
"Don't say that," d'Artagnan protested.
"The ligaments are torn. If I was a horse you'd shoot me."
"Not funny," Porthos growled.
"I was simply stating a fact."
"You're too damned stubborn not to heal."
"That's true, Porthos. Besides, who would keep you out of trouble if I couldn't walk?"
"Well we won't have to find out, will we?"
Aramis' eyelids began to droop as the effort of communicating became too much for him. He could still feel the after-effects of the laudanum dulling his senses and making him sleepy. "I will stay positive," he mumbled. "Thank you."
"I'm bored." Aramis was propped up in bed with his leg resting on a pillow. "When can I get up?"
"Maybe tomorrow," Athos said. He carried a bowl of warm water to the table by the bedside then wrung out a washcloth and handed it to Aramis.
"You said that yesterday." Aramis used the cloth to wash his arms. After dunking it in the water again he turned his attention to his neck and chest. He accepted the towel that Athos held out and dried himself. He hated being an invalid and would have given anything to have a hot bath. Unfortunately that was out of the question until the splint was removed.
"Yes, well, the physician doesn't think you're ready yet."
"What does he know?" Aramis muttered ungraciously.
"A great deal more than you and I."
"I'm tired of being in this room. Can't you at least help me to go and sit outside?"
"No. Stop asking." Athos handed over a clean shirt which Aramis pulled over his head.
Aramis gave an aggrieved sigh. "At least tell me what's going on. What happened to the Cardinal's plan to clear the Court?"
"It seems the people were ready when the Red Guard attacked. There was a lot of debate about how his plans became known. Obviously we didn't say anything. It was not one of the Cardinal's most notable successes. The King is displeased."
"I'm glad. I felt sorry for them. They didn't deserve what he did to them."
"Neither did you deserve the treatment you received."
"They were desperate. I wish I could have stayed to help more."
"You're the one who realised that they'd been poisoned and gave them a cure. It's more than anyone else did. Besides you're too forgiving."
"Maybe so but bearing a grudge does no-one any good. Are you sure I can't get out of bed?" he asked hopefully.
"You're not going to give up, are you?"
"Would you? It's been nearly three weeks, Athos."
Athos couldn't ignore the naked plea in Aramis' dark eyes. "Very well. You can sit in the chair by the window."
"Thank you, my friend."
It was hard to move with his leg splinted but Aramis was delighted to find that the pain had reduced to a dull ache. He leaned heavily on Athos to avoid taking too much weight on his knee. After he sat in the chair Athos fetched a stool for his leg to keep it elevated.
"Not too long," Athos warned.
Aramis smiled contentedly and looked out the window. It was a simple pleasure to see the blue sky. "It's nearly Spring. I miss being able to ride and I miss our nights out." He leaned back. "How's Porthos?"
"He still feels guilty. He blames himself for what happened."
"Nonetheless he knows you were only targeted because of his association with the Court." Athos poured a cup of wine for each of them.
"I should speak to him but I have the impression he is avoiding being alone with me." Aramis savoured the wine. For the first couple of weeks he had been limited in what he could drink because of the pain medication.
"He's been avoiding all of us."
"Will you ask him to come and see me? Surely he won't ignore a direct request."
"I will do what I can."
It was growing dark and Aramis was back in bed before Porthos arrived looking apprehensive.
"Athos said you wanted to talk to me."
"You make it sound like a punishment. What is the harm in two friends talking?"
"How's your knee?" Porthos asked, avoiding the question.
"Improving every day. Will you light the candles for me?" Aramis watched Porthos walk around the room doing as he had been bid. "You have too much on your conscience, my friend. I bear you no ill-will."
"It's my fault you lie in that bed."
"Really? I thought you were one of my saviours."
"You know what I mean." Porthos returned to the bedside and crossed his arms.
"I know that you blame yourself without reason. Is it your fault that you were raised in the Court? Did you ask to be taken back there after you were falsely accused of murder? Were you the one who killed Charon? No, my dear Porthos, none of what happened lies on your head."
"How can you say that? I left you there to suffer."
"You had no choice. If you had tried to rescue me they would have killed you."
"It still feels wrong."
"What can I say to make you feel better?"
"Nothing," Porthos said stubbornly.
"Let us examine the facts. It is likely I was chosen because I killed Charon. That was none of your doing. I was hurt because I was uncooperative and tried to escape. Was that your fault? I am here safe because you, Athos and d'Artagnan came for me. You need to accept this."
"I know you don't blame me…"
"And I won't allow you to blame yourself. If I can forgive what happened so can you."
"I'll try," Porthos said grudgingly.
"That's a step forward. Tell me, have you heard from Flea since the Red Guards' attack?"
"I doubt that I will hear from her again."
"So, you don't know if she lives?"
"She's a survivor."
"You won't seek her out?"
"No, there is nothin' between us now."
"That is a shame. You were friends for a long time. I should like to know that she is alright." He knew that he was manipulating his friend but didn't care. Porthos and Flea had a connection even if neither would admit it.
"I suppose I could find out."
Aramis smiled. "Yes."
"Do you need anything?"
"I have all I need. I have my brothers." He held out his hand and Porthos grasped it firmly.
"Brothers," he said.
The End.