Reviews for The Family You Choose
Ashenx chapter 1 . 5/28
ninjadevil2000 chapter 1 . 3/7
Omg I’m crying! This is so beautiful. Dean is such a damn good big brother. Absolutely fantastic and I loooove the conversation between dean and Bobby. Such an amazing story. Well done
theDsacrifice chapter 1 . 8/17/2019
"You know what I'd be without that kid? A cold-hearted bastard Campbell, Bobby. Or like that useless Jensen-whatever."
Great insight!
I'd never considered that, what Dean would have become without Sam's leavening. You're certainly right, he could have gone down the Campbell path if Sammy had never been born and his father died. However, if Sam was born, but died years later - if Dean took care of him as he did in the canon - then I don't think he could have gone Campbell. Too much of the sacrificing soul in him; deeply ingrained from raising Sammy and always putting his needs first.
LunaBianca chapter 1 . 4/13/2018
I adore this story. Calling out my favorite bits would basically have me outlining the whole piece. ;) The pacing is tight, dialogue snaps, and Sam's confusion is keenly visceral, with a poetry that feels like a lucid dream. I especially like his sea and fire imagery.

The trust and efficient action between Dean and Bobby - and their verbal potshots at each other - are immensely satisfying. It's perfect that Sam comes to in the car and the three men have a family moment.

Thanks for another stellar story. :)
HobbitLover4eva chapter 1 . 4/21/2016
Really gripping tag. I find it rather sad the Campbells weren't more receptive to the Winchesters. Although they did have questionable ethics i suppose, which is funny because the writers have Sam and Dean going progressively darker. You almost think they'd fit together.
I wish they'd had like, at least a couple cousins who liked them. Too bad.
Oh well, this story was a good follow-up on this episode.
Salishaventura chapter 1 . 3/25/2016
Really liked the way you wrote about Sam being drugged. That useless Jensen-whatever, that's was a good one.
Fi Suki Saki chapter 1 . 1/22/2015
Oh My Gosh ! This is Totally Awesome ! xD

"useless Jensen-whatever."

Wow... that was hurting. Being Actor who can play as you, Dean, was Awesome Actor, just so you know !

I really Love it !

So true that sometimes blood doesn't make you family, or at least in Heart status, not the physical literal status. Bobby is their more awesome Father figure (not saying John was bad, we all know John loved his sons). And Dean became the best awesome biological blood big brother is because Sam was there for him to being take care of and how Love born !
NoilyPrat chapter 1 . 11/22/2014

Love Dean coming to the rescue. Heart tender for Bobby too (hated he died in the show!)

Thanks for the story!
Nekotsuki chapter 1 . 1/29/2014
I've recently come into the SPN fandom and I have to say I spent a good week or so going through the amazing number of your oneshots. They're beautifully and warmly written and very IC and I love seeing these moments defined between the boys as well as fleshing out the canon universe with tags and what-ifs and one or either of them being in peril (Sam peril is a weak spot for me, no lie there).

I read very fast through a great deal of fiction this past fortnight and haven't dropped any reviews where I should have, so I'm sorry for that! (I was too much in devour mode, I guess.) If you're still writing I'll probably leave more as I go in future. So I guess I'm just thanking you for having such a treasure trove of wonderful stories to read, and I wanted to leave at least one note to show my appreciation. You're an excellent writer and I love your take on the SPN universe, and I'm just quietly nodding and deciding that your tags to episodes are just gonna be part of my headcanon for these guys from now on.

Hope you have a good year!
JuseaPeterson chapter 1 . 11/15/2013
I really liked this. I thought it was so good how you wrote from Sam's POV. From not quite gathering all of the stuff going on in the beginning to moments throughout the rescue and then in the car ride. I loved the talk between Bobby and Dean. I also loved how Dean knew Sam was awake. Great one-shot.
sapphireswimming chapter 1 . 9/29/2013
Awesome. Family is such a huge theme in this series, and you really showed just how family doesn't end in blood and blood doesn't always make you family. At least not family you want.

Really nice job telling the story from the point of view of someone who's drugged and doesn't know what's going on, too! That was impressive.
Indigo-Night-Wisp chapter 1 . 8/31/2013
Everything about this is just... guh.

I think it's hilarious, the increasingly-frequent quips about Jensen Ackles from... Jensen Ackles' character. :) It just figures that Dean wouldn't be impressed by his alter ego.

I love Bobby. Seriously. He's like, "Yeah... I know you boys think of me as 'Uncle Bobby,' but John and I really weren't like, brothers or anything. John was more like the family you HAVE to love, rather than the one you WANT to love."

And it's cool that, since it's all from Sam's POV and he really has no clue what's going on, everything is kind of hazy. But it's hazy without being incomprehensible or feeling like nothing got explained. (Wow, did that make ANY sense at all?)

Black Sabbath is a lullaby. *shakes head fondly* These boys...

Sooooooo sorry that this is so late. I have no idea what my problem is...
Twinchy chapter 1 . 8/27/2013
How did Bobby phrase it so eloquently in 'No Rest':"Family don't end with blood, boy!"
And even without this episode of 'warm welcome by the family' Winchester/Campbell-style, it works both ways: Family doesn't begin with blood, either...

Although I sadly have to give their cousin some credit, despite not doing it on purpose, the Winchester brothers are actually pretty well-versed in killing off entire families of those who are closest to them. :-p

Still, of course that doesn't merrit such a damnable behaviour, particularly since it was (mostly) never their immediate fault to begin with.

I loved the conversation parts Sammy caught when waking up in the 'pala listening to Bobby and Dean talking things over to some degree. *smiles happily*

Very well done, Hanna! I especially enjoyed reading this from Sammy's POV who missed lots of bits and pieces inbetween and therefore made following the action even more a challenge/fun. :-D
C1 chapter 1 . 8/23/2013
Loved it!
cherry619 chapter 1 . 8/24/2013
I love the idea about distant family members possibly coming after the Winchester's due to their family getting hurt whenever they're around. I mean, it's entirely plausible and with Samuel spreading lies and half-truths to the rest of the crazy clan you can only imagine the picture they have of their 'cousins'. Thanks for the story. Charity
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