Reviews for Instinct
hkamran80 chapter 1 . 7/23
Wow! I love the way you wrote this fic! It's amazing how you made them real! You truly brought the characters to life!
noctisluxys chapter 1 . 3/12
It was painfully beautiful, Tim has the right to speak his mind and to be cruelly honest and Dick desired the impossible.
spark chapter 1 . 7/30/2019
omigod. I think I just found the best author on this site, no joke. I love it!
DogsAreTheBest312 chapter 1 . 7/7/2019
Amazing! Love how you characterized all of them. The Batfam is really dysfunctional and messed up, but at the end of the day they do what they need to do.
kiragecko chapter 1 . 6/5/2019
This is beautiful!
I’ve never seen anyone write such an accurate and in character fight between Dick and Bruce! The way you made it snowball was amazingly natural. And I connected so much with Tim. That inner narrative is so pointed and cruel when it escapes.
SubRosa7 chapter 1 . 2/27/2019
This is a great look at Tim!
BulletProofDustBunny chapter 1 . 2/25/2019
This was very well written :)
moonshadow2012 chapter 1 . 12/4/2018
This was great. Your writing is fluid, your characterization is fantastic, and your story really captures the essence of the bat family in that, sometimes, it's not really how a family should be. (But none are.) I appreciate that you had Tim stand up for Dick, too. I always wonder why no one seems to bring up the fact that Bruce has hit Dick before. And Damian's tiny "he wouldn't really do that, right?" just broke my heart.

You made me feel, and I love it even though at the same time I hate it because it HURTS, DUDE.
RenesmeVivio chapter 1 . 8/1/2018

The feels, the emotions, the burden, father's fears, son's thoughts, brothers' reactions... all in all it was dramatically lovely.

I cried silently with a sad face. I wanted to cry harder for Tim, for Dick or maybe for Bruce and Damian and even Jason.
This family got a lot really but hey family still a family no matter what happy, angry, sad they are, they still together in some point or another.

I liked how you bond the characters together. I liked how you express the inner thoughts of our baby bird's mind. I loved the interaction of Dickie to his siblings.

The love that they really need actually. I think Tim is right whenever I think of Bruce ways ... yup he has difficulties to show his real love towards his children. He loved them yes but can't send it right.
Dick your elder son can help you with that, he's a man of action who likes to express feelings for the ones he loves.

After all YOU ARE Batman's legacy Dick. Robins ARE YOUR legacy as well so they NEED YOU BIG BROTHER TOO (even if they didn't say it or show it).
They just need you to hug them tightly, kiss on their foreheads, say soothing words, and show a looooot of love.

Anyways back to you dear author, you deliver the honest messages from them to us readers. Ahhhhhh I love how you reflect their sorrow in depth cause it's struck me soooo haaaard in my tiny heart.

Well done my friend you deserve a trophy and Alfred's cookies.
Sorry for the long stupid emotional comment. I'll shut up for now and cry in the corner for a while

(Wished Jay was there in the fic. At least he's survived the drama or else he will shoot somebody Teehee. And Alfred mmmm yeah he's shopping so he's saved as well haha. Cass is the only one who is safe from all the Wayne's drama haha way to go girl) ... alright alright I'll stop bye !

B.W.BunnyAndRaven-Chan chapter 1 . 6/22/2018
You've finally gotten me to adore Tim. I've wanted to for so long, but for some reason, it just wasn't happening. Thank you so much.
Anna Keen chapter 1 . 5/6/2018
Damian does love his siblings really. Perhaps a story into that would be nice.
The BatThing chapter 1 . 10/8/2017
JarOfIdeas chapter 1 . 9/3/2017
I'm new, so i cant tell if u did an accurate job of potraying all of them, but one thing i can tell is that u did an amazing job at conveying the feelings. Dang. I've read about Tim in wikia, and most fics, he's mostly written as the boy who has pricks for parents. Mostly neglecting him, and well. The smartest Robin. So the impact on him and the reason why he was so angry at the fact Dick chose Damian as Robin was so... Sounding. I've read many times how Bruce is emotionally constipated and Dick the extrovert guy who loves hugs (lol). It's like oil and water. But, dunno, also sounds like the crocodile and the plover. Needs eachother. And wll, like what happened, it wouldn't be a surprise if the both of them argue. But seriously tho, is it like that too in the comics? i wish theres a comic series of them where it centers in their familial relationship. The cheque and penthouse thing sounds like bruce would do and woah, that's just like a slap. I felt bad for dick. Tim is really the smartest among them ey? I wish i can write them as well as you goshhh
TotalAlaskan chapter 1 . 8/14/2017
Wow that was amazing. Sorry for such an unimpressive review, but I don't really know what else to say. Amazing pretty much sums it up (though it is certainly an understatement).
kalmaegi chapter 1 . 7/24/2017
Fights are ugly. And with Tim's background, it's no wonder he broke down and told the blunt truth over this family's mess of issues. He was there for years. Gosh. If there's one thing I can't help but grimace at, it's Dick and Bruce's miscommunication turned arguments. Their different backgrounds and way of expressing are too different to not clash. Bruce just doesn't get it but he tries. Dick wants more than that.
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