![]() Author has written 24 stories for Rise of the Guardians, Harry Potter, Merlin, Sherlock, Star Trek: 2009, Doctor Who, Chronicles of Narnia, and Radio Dramas. Hey all! It's been awhile! Like... a long while. I'm really sorry about that, but I sort of fell out of my own writing for a time. A few quick life updates: I am now officially going to college for Spanish and Creative Writing! This means that I'm busy, of course, but since my classes are now more focused on writing, you may (hopefully) see me around more often. It's just past Christmas and I've got a small list of Christmas/Winter holiday-themed fics in various states of completion. I plan to get those out within the month, since I've actually got a decently-sized Christmas break now. Candlenights Bonus for The Adventure Zone has been posted, and at the moment I'm working on a Sherlock thing for New Years. There are two more fics in progress. Besides that, I'll probably rework some old fics between classwork, but I've got a few new Sherlock ideas in the works that I'm very excited about. More details later. Other accounts: AO3: Soleil_the_Storyteller -I only have Candlenights Bonus posted there at the moment, but I will post new stories as they're written and old ones as they're updated. I don't plan on transferring exclusively to AO3, but rather use that account in tandem with this one. Whichever one you use is up to personal preference. The reason the username is different is because I really like Soleil_the_Storyteller (it's based off of one of my DnD characters), but I couldn't give up Sherlock's 2nd Blogger. So I'm using both. :) Collab fanfiction account: BloggerOfmyWords -This account is primarily the home of the Influence series, a Young Justice fic that I write with my friend, Zin. In a nutshell, we made an OC each (Ren and Autumn- Zin actually made 2, the third one is named Sol), threw them into the world, gave them their own subplots, and overall messed around with the world. We've done our best to avoid Mary Sue-dom (since we started this when we were 14 and have left editing to a minimum, there's still some in the earlier chapters, but it's gotten waaaay better), and while we occasionally do a chapter that directly affects a specific episode, our main focus is on background events, original missions, and Ren and Autumn's subplots. Most of the major canon remains the same. We've officially started working on it again. We're working on the second installment and are editing some of the major mistakes in the first dozen or so chapters. For now, I recommend sticking to Flight of Mind (season one) and Feathered Shadows (our take on the 5-year gap between seasons). Zin is currently editing When Shadows Meet the Mind (how her character's parents and, ultimately, Ren, got to Earth) to fit some of the changes she made to Ren's backstory. Erstwhile Impressions (Ren and Autumn's backstories) needs... work. From both of us. It's one of the earliest things we wrote, and has not been edited at all since. It's basically not canon at this point. We occasionally write and post oneshots that deal with the Influence-verse, but don't fit in the story. As far as I'm aware, those go on our separate accounts- Autumn-centric ones here and on my DeviantArt, Ren-centric ones on Zin's DeviantArt (Zinniia). DeviantArt: Sherlocks2ndBlogger -Occasional fanart and fancrafts. There's some oneshots there that I need to post over here, but when it comes to writing, it's not much different than this account. I don't use it very often, but feel free to take a look if you want. I plan to start posting there as I do here, but right now, it's pretty much inactive. Instagram: Loomies.Crafts -This account is almost entirely crafts- some of which are fancrafts- and WIPs. I mostly knit, but there's a little bit of cross stitch, a handful of dream catchers, the occasional drawing, and sometimes I'll throw out a cosplay. I'm considering starting to do sneak peeks of my writing, too. Warning: I am a very slow updater. Most of my stories are on hiatus, in large part because I want to edit them. However, there will be stories, especially oneshot collections, that I'll just continue and leave the early chapters as is. Expect a serious writing style shift in those. If I forget a disclaimer in a chapter, cause I know I'll slip up eventually, all I own are my OCs/plot lines/made-up settings and anything else you recognize belongs to their respective owner(s). -Em |