Can everyone SHUT UP about Mikey being the youngest in chapter 2!
I already made my point in the comments. I said that Donnie was in worst shape, so Karai changed her mind and went with him first. With that said, I should have conveyed that better to the audience so I'm sorry. Okay this is the last chapter. I tried to take my time with this one but I'm SUPER anxious to work on 2 other stories. So here's the final chapter guys. Enjoy
It was the morning after the snow storm. Splinter, April, Casey, and the Mutanimals were laying on their cots on the floor in the living room. April woke up from her cot and sat up from her arms. She sat by her elbows, rubbed her tired blue eyes and looked around to see if anyone else was awake, but it didn't seem like anyone was. Splinter, Casey and Rockwell were sleeping on the couch. Slash and Leaterhead were sleeping on the floor, and Pete was laying on Leatherhead's back. Yep, just the way it was when she fell asleep. She smiled at the sight, but frowned when she remembered the conditions that the turtles were in.
'Hmm Maybe I should check on them.' she thought to herself. She stood up with a small blanket over her shoulder and lightly stepped around Slash to make her way to the dojo. She peeked her head into the dojo and saw that the boys were also still asleep. They all had their their normal color back expect for Donnie who had mixed colors mainly on his face and he still looked weak in cold pain.
"They awake yet?" a voice startled her
"Ahh!" she slipped in surprise and covered her mouth, worrying that she woke up the turtles, Luckily it seemed like she didn't. She sighed and looked up to see that was Casey Jones who scared her.
"Uhh. Casey!" she whispered "Don't ever sneak up on me like that again!" she got up and got close to his face
"Whoa, whoa. Easy Red. It was an accident. I was just worrying about the guys you were. I wanted to check on them."
"(sigh) I'm sorry, Casey." she leaned on the wall by her shoulder staring at the turtles "It just...things just really crazy last night. I was honestly worried the guys were gonna die."
"I know what you mean. I felt so bad for them when I saw them at that. Can you imagine being that cold?" the older boy just shivered thinking about it.
"Yeah, how long do you think it'll be before they wake up?"
Casey peeked in the door and smiled "Oh...probably not long."
She went wide eyed and peeked again to see Mikey yawning and stretching his arms in exhaustion. April smiled and lightly called for him
"Mikey?" The freckled turtle turned his head to the sound of the voice and saw his two human friends.
"Casey, April!" he said quietly. He got up, grabbed his fleece and ran over to her for a hug
"Hey, Mikey how're you feeling?" asked Casey
"Oh I feel way better." he turned around to his brothers as he took off his mittens off. "But I'm still really worried about Donnie. Splinter said it may take longer for him to heal then the rest of us." he moped as he stepped out of the dojo
"Aww, don't worry, Mikey. I'm sure he'll be up and at em before ya know it." April was trying to be optimistic "Come on why don't we get you some breakfast? you must be starving." Mikey gave a light smile and nodded as they walked into the kitchen. Mikey sat down as April put some frozen bagels in the toaster
"So how do you guys get captured?" Casey asked as he sat down with a cup of orange juice
"Casey." April scolded "You don't have to answer that, Mikey." she said as she put the bagel down in front of the young ninja
Mikey just stared blankly for a moment as he was suddenly starting to feel like he was back in that tube. He then quickly shook that feeling away. "Umm, I'd um.. I'd rather not until the others are ready to talk and we'll explain it together." he said with a meek, awkward tone as he started slouching in his seat
"That's okay. We know you guys've been through a lot." said April with a caring tone
"Yeah, just remember, dude, we're right here if you need anything. We'll get through this." Casey looked him in the eye with encouragement
Mikey opened his mouth to speak when someone else's voice came out "and we'll be right here to help each other." the voice belonged to Leonardo as he walked in with Raphael by his side
"Guys!" April walked over to them and pulled them into a hug of relief
"Hey, dudes. Are you guys feeling any better?" asked Casey standing up
"Aw man." Raph stretched his arm "I still can't believe we survived that cold, but I'm feeling a lot better"
"Me too." said Leo "I really thought it was over for us for a while there" he said sitting down "Saved again by Donnie's big brain." he said with sorrow
"You said it" sighed Mikey "We've gotta do something to help him heal faster?"
"I don't think so, Mikey" said Leo regretfully "Sensei says there's nothing else we can really do for him at this point"
Mikey got up after finishing his bagel "I'm gonna go lie down with him for a little while"
"Okay" said Raph
"We'll meet you in there when we're finished eating" Leo said as he made himself some hot tea. Mikey nodded as he walked into the dojo and sat next to resting brother. He looked at his blank, expression and scowled with sadness
"Hey Donnie. It's me...Mikey. I don't know if you can hear but I just want you to know... I miss you. I won't let you get sick, and we're all right here for you. But I'm not sure what we can do while you're out cold. Please wake up soon bro, we need you." he said gently. Suddenly, he heard a small moan from his brother. He saw that Donnie's eyes began to flutter open as he slowly turned his head towards Mikey
"(gasp) Donnie?"
"Hi..hi Mikey." he said with a very hoarse voice as he tried to sit up
Mikey leaped with joy and gave the green genius a hug "Donnie!"
"Mikey, keep it down. The others are still-" Raph came in followed by Leo and saw Donnie sitting up and having a cute, little smile
"Donnie!" they all ran to him and gave him a group hug "How are you feeling, Bro?" Raph asked with a hand on his shoulder while April and Casey watched from the doorway
"I-I guess I'm lit-little better now ahh-ah choo. (sniff) What I don't get is how can you guys be happy to see me."
"What the heck are you taking about? It's great to see you're awake." said Mikey with a happy but confused tone
"but I caused this. If I hadn't dragged us out of the lair, none of this would have happened" he said with guilt as he rubbed his gloved hands together
"No, Donnie." Leo said with a stern leader like voice "I should have been more aware of our surroundings and-
"No Leo, you don't get it! I was the one who talked us into leaving. If anyone should have been frozen.." he pulled his knees to his chest "it should have been me."
"Yame!" the voice startled everyone. They turned around to see Master Splinter walking into the Dojo. All the boys excluding Donnie about to go sensei as they moved to give Splinter space The rodent kneeled down in front of his son as Donnie appeared to be hiding his face in his legs and releasing a few tears out of fear and guilt
"Donatello" he lightly pulled his face up to look him in the eye "how do you feel that could possibly cause you to think such nonsense?" he asked gently
"(sigh) it's just... (sniff) I don't understand, Master." he started as he wiped his tears "I endangered your family I almost got them killed. My own brothers. How can you possibly not be angry with me?"
Splinter glared at him them pulled him into a hug "Donatello, I would never stop loving any of you for making a mistake no matter what the mistake was" he pulled away and kept his hands on his shoulder "even if you were the cause of this incident, you made amends for it by reaching out to your allies for help. You quite literally used your brilliant mind to rescue your brothers and pulled them out of danger, and for that my son I am proud of you"
"Yeah Donnie, we don't blame you for anything that's happened, and none of us would have thought about contacting Rockwell" said Leo with an encouraging tone
"We all should of been more careful, and we've been captured before. We've gotten through it with our heads held high and We'll will get through this one" said Raph
"Together!" smiled Mikey. Donnie looked to see all of his brother smiling at him. This caused him to give him a tearful smile
"Thank you guys,(sob) thank you so much"
"Come here bro." said Leo as all the turtles and Splinter got together and gave Donnie just what he needed. A big ,warm, cozy group hug.
Hy guys thank you so much for reading and making this my most popular story to date.
I have a lot of upcoming school projects so I'll be on a little 'hiatus' let's us and the next thing I post will be chapter 4 of Alternatively so I hope you're a Monkey Team fan
The next Ninja Turtles story will be called Rat King's Revenge that's all I can say for now. Let's just say I'm gonna have fun writing my 2nd favorite villain. Seriously why doesn't the Rat King have more stories? Fanfic writers get on that. Thanks for reading, have a good Thanksgiving, see you next time with Monkey Team. God bless