AN: My first fanfic of Mulan! It was one of my favourite films as a kid and watching it again took me out of a two years' worth of writer's block. This story was going to have a lower rating, but it turned out to have more innuendos than I thought it would, so it's rated T just to be safe.

Also, English is not my first language; usually I write in Spanish and sometimes I translate my stories to English, but this time I wanted to try and write it directly in English, so if there are any mistakes, please tell me.

Hope you enjoy it :D

Shang's bath

"Finally! What took you so long?"

Mulan sighed as she wrapped a towel around herself. After only ten minutes of bathing she had grown tired of Mushu's constant complaining and she had got out of the lake. Well, on the bright side, she felt much cleaner now.

"You worry too much. Nobody saw me, right?"

"That doesn't mean it wasn't reckless! What if…?"

The sound of fast footsteps approaching made both woman and dragon suddenly stiffen. Mulan reacted first and quickly hide behind a tree with Khan, just in time to see Yao, Ling and Chien Po running towards the lake she just left. All three of them were totally naked.

And luckily, none noticed her. Mulan let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"That was close."

"No, that was vile" Mushu groaned. One of the men had tossed his underwear on their way to the lake and it had landed just in Mushu's face. He didn't look thrilled at all about it. "If you haven't listened to me, they would have run into you bathing, and they would have noticed a couple things."

Mulan rolled her eyes as she put her clothes on. Great, now the little red dragon lizard won't let her live that down. She'd had enough punishment with watching those three naked. She shuddered at the memory.

"I don't want to see a naked man ever again."

As she said that, she noticed several male voices coming from the camp. Looks like everyone had chosen that night to take a bath. Just her luck.

Mushu snorted.

"If you think I'm gonna bite some man's ugly butt for you, you're very wrong."

Mulan adjusted her shirt around her. She was already fully dressed, but she didn't want to run into any of her fellow soldiers, much less if they were all naked too.

"We better make a detour around the lake."

Mushu agreed as he climbed on her shoulder. They followed the lake's shore in the opposed direction of the camp, trying to be as quiet as possible through the vegetation and the muddy ground. Sadly, they weren't silent enough.

"Who's there?"

Mulan suddenly stopped. She knew that voice all too well.

"Captain?" She asked, hoping against all hope to be wrong.

"Ping? Is it you? Come here."

Mulan thought to run away for a second, but that would make things get worse for her on the long run, so she walked towards her captain's voice.

He was standing in a clearing beside the lake's shore, his imposing figure illuminated only by the moonlight. Mushu quickly hide behind her neck and Mulan fidgeted with Khan's reins, feeling awkward. Shang was shirtless, again. Why did he have to always walk around shirtless? She thought she would get used to it, but it was impossible. She tried to not ogle him.

"What are you doing here, Ping?" Shang asked. For a moment, Mulan thought she was in trouble, but he looked mostly curious, and as surprised as her to have run into each other.

"I… hum… I went to wash, and now I'm clean so I'm going to go… bye bye."

She tried to retreat, but his voice made her stop.

"Wait." When Mulan looked at him again, he seemed somewhat nervous. Shang tugged at his hair tie until it was loose. He had such a long, pretty hair… Mulan suddenly realized she wanted to run her fingers through it.

"Ping, I wanted to tell you…" He began, and stopped abruptly. Mulan tried to focus on his words as he started again. "You have improved a lot in your training, and I wanted to tell you that I'm very proud of you, and I'm glad you didn't go home when I told you to…" He paused again. "I mean, you shouldn't have disobeyed an order from a superior, but you proved I was wrong, so…" He seemed to not know how to continue, so he looked away from her to take of his shoes.

Mulan allowed herself a little smile.

"Thank you for your words, sir. And for everything; I wouldn't have been able to come this far if it weren't for your training."

Shang smiled. He had such a beautiful smile, she idly thought.

"I'm glad to hear that, I was starting to believe I was an awful captain."

"Really? For what it's worth, I think you're a great captain."

That made him smile a little again. There was a short silence, as both wondered what to say. As it seemed that they had said everything they had to say, Shang turned to the near tree where he have been leaving his clothes and took his pants off.

…Wait. What?!

Mulan felt her brain melt down as she saw her captain totally naked in front of her. He just hung his pants on a branch, as if nothing unusual was happening. He had such long, strong legs, and just like his chest, all his body was covered in hard, big muscles. Everything in him was big.

"Mulan" Mushu whispered in her ear, "you're drooling".

This snapped Mulan back to reality and she quickly turned away from her captain. He noticed the sudden movement.

"Ping? Is something wrong?"

"Eh? No, no." She realized her voice was being even more high pitched than usual and tried to compose herself. "I'm just going back to camp. Need some rest to keep up with training tomorrow."

"Are you sure you're not ill? You look flushed."

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Just a bit tired." Mulan covered her face with one hand, as she tried to not look at him, control her blush, and take a peek at him, all at the same time.

"Oh. Alright then, go get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow morning. Good night."

"Good night, Captain."

Mulan turned to leave with Khan, but before she took one last look at him above her shoulder. Shang had jumped into the cold water and now was standing in the lake, with the water at the level of his waist and tiny drops running down his perfect torso. Mulan gulped and Mushu had to remind her she was not supposed to ogle her captain.

They left the lake and came back to the camp. Mushu was the first one to talk.

"Well, that could have go much worse. Right, Mulan?"

She didn't hear him. She was too busy replaying the scene with her captain in her head.

"He took off his clothes." She managed to mumble. "He took off his clothes. He took off his clothes!"

"Didn't you say something like 'I don't want to see a naked man ever again'?"

"Eh?" Mulan finally looked at him, but she had a glazed expression on her face and Mushu doubted she had even understood him.

"Great" he commented sarcastically to Khan and Crikee. "Looks like her brain just got overheated."

By the time Mulan reached her tent, she was able to properly think again. Well, kind of. She still couldn't stop herself from remembering Shang's body again and again. Just how was she supposed to look at him from now on without thinking about THAT? Scratch that; how was she supposed to sleep with that image in her head? Maybe she should go back to the lake and take a cold, refreshing bath…

But she could run into Shang again, so that was not such a good idea.

Mulan sighed and threw a blanket over her head, trying to get some sleep. That was going to be a long night.

Unbeknownst to her, Mushu decided to pay Shang a visit and make him pay for giving his little girl such a hard time. However, he ended up overhearing his discussion with Chi-Fu and then Mushu became too busy forging a letter from the General so he forgot to annoy Shang.

As to what happened then, well, you already know.