"Eddie, wake up." Venom coaxed from inside the man's head.

Slowly Eddie peeled his eyes open and took a look around the room from his supine position on his bed, quickly noticing a bag on the side table that hadn't been there before. Which meant, unless this was like Toy Story and he somehow managed to lie back down in the exact same position as earlier, then Venom went out by himself. "Who did you use?" He asked on a tired sigh.

"Just some rats." Venom answered easily enough that Eddie felt inclined to believe him, despite how physically impossible it sounded.

He gave a nod of approval. "What's in the bag?"

"The usual. Plus some medicine to make you feel better. And some chicken nuggets." Venom answered while he pressed a cold compress to the sick man's heated forehead.

"You didn't have to do that." Eddie said as he leaned into the jet black hand.

"I wanted to." Venom replied truthfully.

"Oh right, because if I die, you die." Eddie said grumpily.

"You know that's not why." The Symbiote said somewhat reproachfully.

"Yeah sorry, I'm just really feeling like crap." He flopped onto his side, letting out a small whine at the discomfort the movement caused.

"That's why I'm going to let you eat the tater tots and Nutella separately."

"But you love the combination." Eddie pointed out.

"I can have it when you're feeling better." Venom then reached out and started gently massaging Eddie's stomach.

"Oh, that feels nice." Eddie breathed out, making those tiny little groaning noises Venom found so endearing.

"I'm sorry I caused this." Venom eventualed, sounding upset with himself. "It's just, when something says not to eat it, I really want to eat it."

"Well, I can't say I haven't been tempted to eat silica gel packets myself at at least one point—just maybe not a whole box—, apology accepted. Especially since you got sweet and sour sauce; the only good McNugget dipping sauce."

"Glad to hear it. Now it's time to take the weird pink liquid."