The next day Blinky was as usual in the library with Aaarrrggghh! doing sone research when he heard a single pair of footsteps approaching, human footsteps. He stood and turned to greet his visitor whom he believed to be Jim, early for training, but was surprised when Toby came into view.
"Hey, Blinky."
"Greetings, Tobias. May I ask why Master Jim isn't with you? It's very odd for you to come to Trollmarket alone." Toby and Aaarrrggghh! shared a greeting fistbump as he answered.
"Yeah, Jim's 'chest cold' got worse during the night. He wanted me to tell you that he won't be able to train today." The teen set down his backpack with a groan. "Had to get all his homework too - man they piled it on!"
"His illness has worsened?" The nagging sensation of dread that had lingered in the Troll all night twisted up into full worry.
"He's got the flu."
"Flew?" Aaarrrggghh! repeated. "Grew wings?" That got a smile from Toby.
"If only something that cool! Nah, 'flu's' short for 'influenza.' It's a sickness." Blinky was moving to look through his bookshelves as the teen continued explaining. "It's a common thing, really. Some people get it every year. Sucks though when you do."
"Hmm..." Blinky was turning pages in a newer book in his collection. "It says here that influenza causes the victim to suffer a fever, shaking chills, muscle aches, nausea, coughing - well we know about that one - as well as profound fatigue and sinus congestion or something called 'runny nose." He frowned. "It sounds dreadful! Our poor Trollhunter."
"Get better?"
"By Merlin!" Blinky's eyes were wide. "It says here that people die from it!"
"Only if something goes really, really wrong!" Toby quickly put in so they wouldn't panic. "A long time back there was a bad outbreak, but now it realty only can kill you if there's something already wrong with your immune system or you're older or stuff. And Jim's mom's a doctor, remember? She probably already has him on the right medicine." Blinky took a steadying breath, closing the book and setting it back on the shelf.
"You're right, Tobias, of course. His mother surely has everything under control, and soon enough Master Jim will be back with us training as good as ever."
"Miss him," rumbled Aaarrrgggh!. "Hope better soon."
"I'll pass on the well-wishes, big guy. He'll appreciate 'em." Blinky's brow ridges furrowed slightly in sudden thought, then he nodded quietly to himself.
"Well, I've got to drop these off at Jim's house," Toby said as he shouldered the bag again with a grunt. "Any messages you want me to pass on? Any books you want me to give to him?" This last was quite an effort on Toby's part, given his previous comment about how heavy his bag was, but Blinky appreciated the gesture; even this ill they all knew how Jim would feel about missing out on training. That's what made his choice to not even try to make an appearance all the more telling.
"No, I think Master Jim should just rest. But yes, please pass on our hopes for a speedy recovery, and that I'll see him soon."
"Got it! I'll come by tomorrow for training. See ya!" As Toby departed, Aaarrrggghh! looked at Blinky curiously.
"Planning something." Blinky chuckled at the perceptiveness of his friend.
"Truly, you know me too well. Yes I am, but I need to wait for sundown. Come, lets see if anything around Trollmarket might be able to help our ailing friend feel better."
Jim lay in his bed, groaning softly. It was late at night, by his best guess around midnight. His mom had stepped in several hours before, just prior to her leaving for work, to check up on him and make sure he had water (both on the nightstand as well as a couple of bottles in a small cooler by his bed, just in case) and all the pills that he needed to help him be comfortable while he rode out the flu. Pain pills, something for nausea, and an antiviral she'd prescribed herself (bonus on her being a doctor; he never had to go to an office for diagnosis and treatment). But given she'd 'called in' for the first part of her shift, it was quite likely that she would be arriving home late. Not that that was so much of a shock; it happened quite frequently. A part of Jim was proud that she was so good at what she did she was in such high demand, and usually he could take care of himself well enough. But right now?
Right now he was in pain and feeling wretched and honestly rather lonely. The house was just so quiet and dark save for a nightlight in the hall outside his room his mom had insisted she plug in, just in case he had to get up in a hurry so he wouldn't trip on anything. Toby had stopped by to give him his homework from school and pass on get wells from Claire, Blinky and Aaarrrggghh!, but he hadn't been able to stay. Not only did he not want to get sick, he had to get home to his Nana and help her get to a doctor's appointment of her own.
A weak cough sounded, and Jim wearily pushed himself up a bit to sip at the water before huddling back down under the covers. He was buried by two heavy blankets, but just couldn't get warm!
Ug... I wonder what time it is. Maybe I can take some more pain pills - ug, can't see the clock. Apparently when he'd tried to turn off the alarm that morning he'd spun it around, and now he had no oomph in him to turn it back. He groaned, a tremor of cold wracking his body and his muscles cramping briefly. Jim closed his eyes and shifted, trying to get comfortable.
Creaking from the stairs outside caught his attention, making him wonder if his mom had actually been let leave early, then his door opened.
"Master Jim?"
"Blinky?" Surprised, Jim raised his head as the Troll stepped in, closing the door behind him, then started to sit up only to have Blinky moving to his side and gently pushing him back down.
"No, no, Master Jim. Just relax. You need it to recover."
"I take it Toby told you?" Jim winced as he heard how hoarse his voice was. Blinky noticed too by his expression, but he only nodded and sat down on the bedside so that Jim didn't have to twist uncomfortably to see him.
"He did. I admit I was worried, so I wanted to stop by myself and see how you were." Jim smiled, though he knew he looked bad.
"I'll be fine. Mom's given me a thorough look-over, and I'm on medicine so I get over it faster." He winced as his head throbbed and shifted again, the muscles in his legs protesting now. "Can - can you see what time it is?" Blinky looked over, then picked up the alarm clock.
"Ten past midnight." Jim groaned.
"I can't take anything for another half an hour!" A bit hesitantly Blinky set the clock down and rested an upper hand on Jim's shoulder.
"The book I read said that you might be suffering some discomfort from this. Is there - anything I can do?" Jim shifted restlessly.
"Probably not, unless you found some Troll medicine I can take."
"Sadly no. What medicine we have would likely not work on you, from what I researched." Jim chuckled.
"How'd I know you would've researched this." Blinky chuckled as well, glad that the Trollhunter at least still had his sense of humor. Jim adjusted the covers again, then grimaced and shifted his legs, rolling to his back then onto his side again after a moment and curling his legs, but accidentally hitting Blnky in the lower back in the process.
"Sorry, Blinky."
"No, it's alright, Master Jim. Do whatever you need to be comfortable. I'll move if I need to."
"You're okay." The teen shuddered. "I hate having the flu."
Blinky watched him in silence for a bit as Jim pulled the covers tight to himself, closing his eyes and shivering visibly. The Troll hatred seeing his friends suffer so, even if it were from something that he would recover from.
Privately, to himself (though other Trolls likely had noticed if made no verbal comment directly to him, aside from Aaarrrggghh! whom had said so at first awareness and thus of course spoke up) Blinky viewed Jim from something of a fatherly position. He had definitely warmed quickly to the boy from their first meeting when Jim had acquired the Amulet of Merlin, but over the course of his training his fondness grew. It hadn't been until Jim's sixteenth birthday, however, when Blinky had found out about Jim's father that the emotion had really hit home. After all, the effort he had gone through to get the parts for the Vespa, then offering to help Jim build it (as his human father once had, only he failed to live up to that promise unlike Blinky) weren't something he had to do. He had wanted to, wanted to step into that role, if Jim also wanted it or felt that Blinky could fulfil it. Nothing had ever been said between them, so the Troll was still a bit on the fence on how the human felt on the topic. The best he could reason himself to do (seriously, how did one broach something like that, especially when the established relationship was as theirs was?) was to be the best mentor and trainer he could be for Jim, offering everything from advice to a listening ear when it was needed, and stand at his side through whatever life and destiny threw at the teen, as his father hadn't been strong enough of character to do.
And that was where an idea came from. Blinky had not been a child himself for a long, long time, centuries actually, but he did recall a few things, non-medical things, that helped young trolls when they were ill. And over the course of knowing Jim, Blinky had come to realize that Trolls and Humans were far more alike than many Trolls had ever thought. So perhaps - ?
As Jim gave another shudder, eyes shut against a small cough, he felt a gentle pressure on his back in two places, as Blinky rested his two left hands there and began rubbing in a firm, but gentle, circular motion. The teen's blue eyes blinked open curiously, then drifted closed again and sighed deeply.
"I apologize if I am breaking some personal boundary," Blinky started to say, thinking the reaction indicated some discomfort with the contact, but Jim shook his head.
"Nah." Though the Trollhunter had said just a word, it was all the encouragement Blinky needed to continue. Slowly, even though the layers of blankets, the Troll felt Jim's back and shoulders relax, then saw him actually stretch out a bit as he lay on his side, as if it was in fact helping. For a while they were silent aside from the sweeping pass of Blinky's hands on Jim's back, and by the evening out of the teen's breathing Blinky even began to think that he'd dozed off! Well, good – he clearly hadn't been resting well before. Thankfully, despite what some larger Trolls might say about Blinky and his less-than-warrior (or even remotely brawny) physique and small size, he not only had the general physical endurance of any Troll, but all his research and scribing had given him great hand and arm stamina; he felt like he could continue this practically until sunrise, were it needed.
At the very least, Blinky continued rubbing the Trollhunter's back until the time came that Jim said he could take more medicine, then while the lower left hand kept up the motion he gently shook Jim's shoulder with the upper.
"Huh?" Jim blinked slowly, as if he'd been unaware that he'd fallen asleep.
"I regret having to wake you, but I think you can take more medicine now. It's past one." Jim blinked again, lifting his head slightly to peer at the clock's glowing numbers, then laid back onto the pillow again.
"I think I'm fine for now." That made Blinky live up to his name and blink all six eyes in surprise; given how badly he'd been hurting for, clearly, the librarian would've thought Jim would be eager to take something for it. But he just resumed his backrub with both hands, not commenting. If what he was doing was helping that much, then who was he to argue? Jim was silent again, though his eyes remained open, then he asked quietly, "Hey, Blinky?"
"Yes, Master Jim?"
"I know I missed training today. Do you think you could... tell me what else was in that book I started on?" Blinky was touched that he was asked; even if unintended, it at least gave reason for him to remain and continue to help this remarkable human.
"I'd be delighted."
"Thanks." Jim gave another sigh, eyes closing but seeming alert at least as he murmured softly, "First time I've felt warm all day." Blinky just smiled, then began speaking from memory.
"After Kanjigar the Courageous had felled Zulkis the Bezerker, his true goal, the lair of Gunmar's general, Sungran the Sunderer, was within sight..."