Avatar the Last Airbender
I don't own Avatar. I am a big fan though, this is just my story of what happened with Aang. I'm not a writer, but I love Kataang. I hope to continue this, even if my reviews suck, I am expecting to get criticism. We start off when Aang is all Blue and Ozai is Red all over...enjoy.
Aang could feel that he was losing. Even though he was able to be back in the Avatar state once more, this was something completely different. He knew taking away someone's bending was going to be the hardest thing he would ever have to do, but he didn't think it would be this impossible. He could feel the strong evil inside of Ozai, how it had built up in his chi, and was now bending Aang to his will. Darkness was taking Aang, and the world around him was fading away faster than he expected. He knew if he didn't fight back, everything that he and his friends fought for will have been for nothing, but it was too strong. Aang knew he had a good soul and even a love able heart, and he remembered Katara telling him on the day of Black Sun, "We've been through a lot together, and I've seen you grow up so much. Your not that goofy kid I met in the ice. What I am trying to say Aang, is, I am really proud of you." If only she could see him now...she would be disgusted at him right now, not that she wasn't already after what happened on Ember Island. He knew he shouldn't have pressed her, but he wanted to feel the softness of her lips once more. Even if it was his last time to be with her, he promised himself that no matter if she didn't want him, he would not let her live in a world where Ozai would kill every last bender...just like he did with Monk Gyatso and the other Air Nomads.
It was in that instant Aang realized he might not ever be able to see Katara again, and that he would never tell her how sorry he was. He knew he would take an arrow for her, but the fear was so strong in Aang that it was blinding him from doing his duty...not just as the Avatar but as a friend to Katara. In that moment something inside of Aang snapped, he no longer cared if he lived or died, just as long as Katara and everyone else could live to see the comet fly by as if nothing had happened. He then made a promise to himself and Yue "If I live through this, and see Katara, I will never pursue her again." That was when Aang looked down at Ozai, and with everything that was good inside of him, he fought back. He could feel his heart beating fast, sweat pouring down on his body, and as tired as he was, his heart screamed "No!" It was like fighting against a tidal wave, gasping for air, but it keeps knocking you down. He saw a small light before being consumed by Ozai's evil. Aang screamed,"Katara!" and that was when Aang's chi turned on Ozai. Aang could see the blue turning on Ozai's body, and when there was no more energy bending left, Aang let go. Ozai fell instantly, as Aang staggered to stay on his feet. Aang was sucking in air, as if he hadn't been breathing the entire time, he could feel the sweat stinging on his lower where new cuts had been formed. While barely able to stand on his two feet, Ozai tried to get up, but failed miserably as he fell back hard on the ground.
"What...what did you do to me?" Aang took a deep breath and said, "I took away your fire bending. You can't use it to hurt or harm anyone else ever again." Aang knew Ozai wouldn't be able to get up, and with what little strength he himself had, he needed to put out the fires all around him. He inhaled and exhaled, and entered into the Avatar state...as a fully realized Avatar. He brought the water up, took out every last bit of flames around him, and returned the water back to where it belonged. In that instant, Aang fell to his knees, still gasping for air, and as he placed his hands on the rocks, he could see his hands bleeding. As he looked at himself more closely he could see burn marks all over himself, and deep enough cuts that would end up becoming a scars. Aang wasn't aware of a fire nation blimp approaching, nor did he care. He did what he needed to do, and now if they wanted to kill him, then so be it.
But what he didn't expect to hear was Sokka's voice screaming with enthusiasm "You did it! You should have seen yourself, it was amazing!" Sokka started to make a lot of funny noises and weird faces, in which Aang could only smile at his best friend. It was Suki's turn to speak, "So...did you...you know...finish the job?" Before Aang spoke, Ozai spoke for himself, "I'm still alive." Even with his bending gone, he still sounded just as dark and evil. Sukki was caught off guard by the comment; they were even more surprised by Aang's response. "I found out there was another way to defeat him, so I took away his bending." "Whoa," said Toph, "who taught you that?" "A giant Lion Turtle" said Aang with a little bit more air inside of him. After the gang taunted the "Phoenix King" a little bit more, they headed back to the ship. Suki and Toph took Ozai to a cell, and came back for Aang, who had fallen to the ground with his eyes shut. He finally did it...he mastered the Avatar state at such a young age in about 7 months, defeated the Fire Lord without killing him, and saved the most important person in his life, Katara. The thought of her was intoxicating to Aang, he could remember the smell of the ocean on her, the way her eyes sparkled in the moon, how beautiful her chocolate hair looked when it was down, and that her lips were so soft, that it felt like kissing silk. But Aang remember the promise that he made to himself and felt a tear run down his face, as he passed out on the rocks. He didn't even realize that Toph and Sukki had dragged him back onto the ship, where Suki tended to his wounds, and Toph walked back to Sokka.
Toph walked in, sat down and listened to the silence of the room, while Sokka steered. She could tell Sokka was in pain after the jump they had made when Suki rescued them, but he would not show it in front of her, that she knew for sure.
After some time of silence Sokka continued to steer and embraced the silence that was surrounding them both. He just couldn't believe that it was over with, that the war would finally end. After months of restlessness, yelling, fighting, running, sleeping in the dirt, eating weird food, and even the pain of losing people, had finally paid off. He still couldn't believe Aang didn't kill Ozai, but he knew that if he did, Aang would no longer be the best friend he had grown to respect.
Toph couldn't stand the silence any more. "Can you believe Twinkle Toes actually did it?" said Toph in a loud voice that echoed in the metal room. She always knew Aang could do it, but he doubted himself too much when it came to fighting...as well as earth bending.
"Yea," said Sokka, "who would have ever guessed Aang could pull of the impossible on such a pure evil guy?" It was a rhetorical question, and Toph knew he was in deep thought, but she was trying to get the courage to thank Sokka for what he did up there. Hanging onto her for life, while he was hurting, and even though she was blind, she felt Sokka's pulse racing...she knew if she was going down, than so was he.
"I know right?" Toph said with a crooked smile, "Guess I can't ever duel Aang in earth bending again!"
This made Sokka smile, he knew she would NEVER back down from a fight, even if someone else had the ability to "energy bend," she would fight to the death and never give up...and she had proved that by teaching herself to metal bend. "I doubt 'The Blind Bandit' would back down from a fight with the Avatar." He heard Toph softly laugh at his own humor, and he too smiled at himself and continued," And besides, I'm sure he's ready for another rematch with you after everything he has learned. You taught him how to be tough, and solid, just like you. And I admire that about you Toph"
Toph blushed a little bit, she and Sokka never had much of a moment like this...well except when she was hanging onto dear life with him, but it was kind of nice to see Sokka on his happy side. "Sokka...um, about what happened back there...I, just, wanted to say..." but before she could say it, Sokka jumped in and said with a smile, "Your welcome Toph." That was one thing Sokka and Toph could understand about each other. They were both stubborn people who never wanted to ask for any sort of help, admit they were wrong, or would never be grateful out loud to those who would help them...especially when they needed it most. Sokka wanted to keep that tradition alive with them. Toph then said "Actually what I was going say was the hour before we fight a huge army, you might want to shower first. I could smell you a mile away, and I bet that's why those soldiers ran away." She crossed her arms and smiled at how quick she was with her sarcastic remarks, and only heard Sokka laugh. "And the moments gone" said Sokka to himself. Toph then heard stealthy footsteps in the hall, and knew it was Suki. "Well I'm heading to bed, try to stay a little focused flying tonight, we don't want to crash", said Toph, and with that she walked away.
Sokka didn't quite understand what she meant by not crashing. It was pretty much impossible to do when flying a huge blimp, but he instead shrugged it off and continued flying. After a few minute he felt warm arms around his waist, and a light head leaning on his shoulders. Suki was so comfortable hanging onto Sokka, and she knew she was falling hard for this guy who went from being a total arrogant meat eating jerk, to a brave and loving warrior...who still liked meat probably more than her. But she was going to change that eventually in her evil little plan. She laughed at the thought, and heard the echo of the man in front of her as he turned it head sideways and said "What?" Suki then got on her tip toes and whispered in a seductive voice, "Nothing", and with that she started kissing his neck up and down, and then she began suck on his earlobe. Sokka's eyes went into the back of his head, as he inhaled and exhaled with much difficulty, and when she giggled, it made it harder for Sokka to resist. After a couple of seconds, Sokka couldn't take it any more. He turned around, grabbed her face and kissed her softly, which didn't last too much longer, as Suki decided to brush her tongue against Sokka's lips, hoping for him to take the bait. In which he did without hesitation, they battled it out, neither of them willing to break apart for air. Sokka brought his hands down from her face to hips and pulled her even closer to him, Suki wrapped her arms around his neck as they continued to suck the life out of each other. They would have continued longer, but they soon heard a loud screeching sound of rock and metal. Sokka let go of Suki regrettably, and turned around to see that they were colliding sideways against a canyon rock. Sokka quickly took the steering wheel and brought them back on course. It was right then, that Sokka heard a small giggle, not from Suki, but from Toph. He didn't know how Toph did it, but she managed, and he would get her back tomorrow. Sokka made sure that there was nothing else out there to hit before he turned around to see the girl he'd fallen in love with. Suki only smiled at him, and instead of going back to making out again, she kissed him softly and whispered in his ear "I love you, but I want to stay alive a little bit longer if you don't mind." She kissed him one more time, with a little bit more passion. She then broke away, and whispered a smile into his mouth "good night." Suki walked out in a daze, happy she could celebrate it with the one man she loved.
As Sokka watched her leave, a part of him agonized over running with her into his room and sleeping with his arms around her. But unfortunately that would have to wait until they got back to the Fire Nation, hoping to find out that Katara and Zuko were okay. Sokka had truly missed his baby sister, who was always there for him, and loved him for just who he was, and of course nagged him to death everyday. He even missed Zuko, who wasn't always the talker, but had gotten him closer since he helped rescue his dad from the Boiling Rock. It's funny how things turn out sometimes, he thought to himself, enemies becoming friends, first crushes turning into the moon spirit, traveling to the spirit world, riding a 10 ton flying bison, becoming a Master Swordsman, having the woman he loves by his side and having a best friend who is the Avatar..."Man!", Sokka said to himself, "I need some meat, I'm starting to act like Katara." He laughed at the thought of him being like his sister, and then he looked back down the hall where Aang's room was, and back in the night sky, wishing to the stars for his best friend to be okay.
Aang kept twisting and turning in his bunk...or at least that's where he thought he was. The bed was much softer than the one he had been sleeping on in the blimp, and there were even pillows all around him. He opened his eyes a little, hoping to find Katara at his side, but it was instead just a servant girl who was putting fresh towels on the chair. Aang looked down to see he was still sweating a lot, even the sheet were a little wet from where his back and neck were. He didn't quite understand why he felt so sick, but he knew it was most likely because he hadn't eaten for three days straight since he left Ember Island, and the stress only made it worse for him not to eat. Lost in his own thoughts, he realized he was alone again. Even with the grumbling of his stomach, he knew he was too weak to even try to eat food, but it was the thought of Katara that kept him in bed. He started to tear up again on that stupid promise he made, and regretted it with all of his heart, and yet he would keep it. Yue helped save him when he was going to give up in that ocean, but she was there to guide him back to Katara, even when he ran from her. The thought of that was comforting, but not enough to stop the tears from flowing quietly. His eyes began to get heavier and heavier, and he was soon fast asleep, with only his promise to keep for the rest of his life.
Figured I should have a cliff hanger sorda, please give me advice on how to make it better, like I said this is my first story, don't expect much. Sorry no Kataang here really, but if I'm reviewed it'll be there, promise. Thanks, review please.