"All stories have a beginning, middle, and end. Just not always in that order." - Jean-Luc Godard
Starship: Enterprise
Year: 2259
Final night before start of five-year mission
The entire crew has been buzzing with excitement; for it is the ship's last night in orbit before departure. By early morning tomorrow, they'll be setting out for the unknown. New places and new adventures await where no one has gone before.
The senior crew are gathered in the Captain's quarters celebrating. There's a carefree and cheerful atmosphere enveloping them all; laughter and optimism are alight with the promise of a new tomorrow.
Captain Kirk goes around pouring each of his crewmates a glass of celebratory champagne; even one for an underage Chekov, despite a disapproving gaze from Doctor McCoy. It's a special occasion, Kirk justifies. Besides, he knows the younger man has had several drinking bouts with Scotty. It's not like a small glass of Blanc de Noir is going to hurt.
The conversation amongst the seven is ebullient. They talk of what is to come; what new worlds and new experiences the future will hold once their journey begins.
"Imagine how many undiscovered planets are out there right now, just waiting to found," Uhura marvels, voice full of wonder and excitement.
"Hundreds," Scotty says, tone equally amazed. "Thousands, even."
"Yeah well, hopefully whatever ones we find have friendly indigenous species," Sulu says cautiously, "I don't think I can handle a repeat of the Palamar bear incident. I still have nightmares about that thing."
To his right, Chekov giggles.
"The Keptin bought a teddy bear and put it on Hikaru's nightstand to scare him when he woke up. To this day, I can still hear him screaming."
Everyone laughs and a mildly disgruntled Sulu shoves Chekov, causing the younger boy to spill some champagne from his glass.
"Easy, guys," Kirk chides, halting the fill of his own glass mid-pour, "the ship's been repaired for, what, less than a day? And you're going to go ahead and spill a perfectly good glass of wine on my brand new carpet."
"Don't worry, I got it," Sulu reassures the captain as he lazily tosses a hand towel he grabbed from the bathroom over the spot where the wine spilled. "There," he says, brushing his hands off proudly, "taken care of."
Kirk only rolls his eyes and goes back to pouring himself a glass.
The conversation continues on this way for sometime; lighthearted banter, quips of humor and excitement.
When there's a comfortable break in dialog, Kirk takes the glass in his hand and raises it into the air.
"A toast," he says, smiling. "It only seems fitting that we do so."
The others raise their glasses happily.
"To friendship," Scotty starts off, grinning widely. There's a gleam in his eye; one of pride and happiness for the people he's come to know. For the people he calls friends.
"To adventure," Sulu says next. He holds his head high, his eyes alight with the very prospect of the amazing journey to come.
"To not dying in space," Bones proclaims dryly. His expression appears serious, but there's a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
"To new memories," Chekov continues. He smiles brightly, heart full of happiness; of gratitude for the friends he's been able to have.
"To the pursuit of knowledge," Spock offers, taking a brief moment to glance around the room at the people with him. They smile, and he gives a courteous nod coupled with a small smile of his own in return.
"To family," Uhura says, taking Spock's hand in her own. Her warm and gentle smile fills the others with happiness and she can only feel grateful for such a wonderful life filled with the people she loves.
There's a small, comforting pause. The others look to their captain.
Kirk raises his glass up high.
"To all the big things in life," he says simply, every part of him thankful for the joys he's been given. "And to all the little ones in between."
They toast, clinking their classes together joyfully.
A new beginning is on the horizon.
A beginning filled with amazing discoveries, never-ceasing excitement, and fantastic adventures.
A beginning of a journey to where no man, where no one, has gone before.
The End
And with that, I bid you all a very fond farewell.
Until next time, have a very amazing, very fantastic day.
Thank you.