![]() Author has written 8 stories for Dragon Ball Z, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Name:DBZloverPNK Sex: Female Age:24 Hobbies: Reading, writing, playing my video games, playing with my dog, and singing (even though I ain't good at it lol) and watching movies. Likes: Happy endings in stories, laughing, romantic stories, fluffy stories, animals, reading, video games, honest people, nice people, batman, TMNT(OH YEAH!!), and people that appreciate things in life. Dislikes: Death in a story, no happy endings, rape(Oh...no...I may read it but...not my fav. Y_Y), mean people, dishonest people, people who are ignorant, the couple in the story break up, abuse to animals, abuse to children, and crying. Fav Couple: RaphxLeo--From TMNT--Got to watching TMNT movie and saw Raph and Leo together and...bam! I fell in love with this couple! If ya'll don't like it...then don't read my stories! :) KisaIta--From Naruto--One of my most faved couples! Gotta love them! :D SasuNaru--From Naruto--Gotta admit they are cute together :) NaruSasu--I crossed over to the Naruto being seme side. I read a lot of stories of them like that I LOVE them! So now their one of my favs! :D NejiGaa--From Naruto--Their pretty cute! Gaara is cute as the uke to me! :) Jonatello--From TMNT--If you don't know what that is it's Casey and Donatello. I got into them when I read a story with as a couple and I LOVE them! They are cute! :D MikeyxDonnie--From TMNT--I've always saw Mikey as the uke to Donnie and I actually like the idea of Donnie being uke to Mikey. DonniexMikey--From TMNT--Yeah I like them like this too lol. DonniexApril--From TMNT--Their pretty cute together but I still like the TCEST better :) MamoruxUsagi--From Sailor Moon--I LOVE them! They are SO cute together! GokuxVegeta--From DBZ--I LOVE them as well! This was my first yaoi couple that got me into yaoi. That's where my name came from! :) PiccoloxGohan--From DBZ--LOVE them too! You gotta admit there's something there! CaseyxApril--From TMNT--They're pretty cute together. Sometimes I like them and sometimes I don't. DarrenxGinger--From As Told By Ginger--I'll always believe Darren and Ginger belong together. They are so cute and loveable together. TrunksxPan--From DBZ & DBGT--I LOVE these two! They are so cute! I love Pan because she doesn't try to like all the other girls. Just normal tomboy! :) Less Fav Couple: SasuSaku--From Naruto--NO! Just...No! I'm sorry but I like Sakura in certain stories but I DO NOT like her with Sasuke at all! ItaKisa--From Naruto--NO!!!! Itachi is TOO cute to be the seme! Sorry Tachi! ; OrionxGinger--From As Told By Ginger--Orion is cool but I just don't like him with Ginger. Just don't see them together. RaphxMonaLisa--From TMNT--I like them a little bit...but not a LOT...I still prefer RaphxLeo. LeoxVenus--From TMNT--I have nothing against Venus but I just don't really care for her to be with Leo. Like I said, RaphxLeo :) TrunksxMarron--From DBZ & DBGT--Sorry...but Marron is sorta like a spoiled brat to me. And I really don't like her so...yeah. Usgai with anyone but Mamoru--From Sailor Moon--I don't like Usgai with anyone else but Mamoru. I just don't like it one bit! Mamoru with anyone but Usgai--From Sailor Moon--Same with Usagi; I don't like him with anyone else but her. It broke my heart when they broke up. Y_Y Thought I'd let ya'll know a little bit more about me. I also want to let you know I WON'T be updating any DBZ stories. I'll leave them on here, but I won't be updating on them. Sorry. Also I've come up with some story ideas I plan to write after I get through with Pain so keep your eyes peeled. You can also find me on dA as DragonBallZFan101 or YouTube as DBZloverPNK. There won't be some videos for a while though. _; But I have some videos on there if you want to look at them but don't expect any new ones for a bit... Anyway take care and hope ya'll continue reading and supporting my stories. Means a lot to. :) PNK Productions ~*~Peace Out~*~ |