
Warning: SasuNaru, KakaIru, maybe mpreg (idk), yaoi, Shonen-ai, & other couples

By: Naruto7771

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto but I do own the rights to my imagination.

Chapter 8: Quarrel and The Great Announcment

The two were now settled in there room, and Sasuke had no idea what he was going to say to his crew. The raven was improvising everything, he didn't mind though, he also didn't mind that the two were alone.

"'Suke...Sasuke." The raven suddenly heard his name being called and looked over at Naruto, who was living in reality.

"Yes?" Sasuke replied blandly.

"I was just thinking, what do you think the baby's going to be?" Naruto asked curiously, looking down at his feet.

Sasuke's eyebrows arched, "Isn't it still a really early to tell?"

Naruto shrugged, still looking down, "Maybe."

The raven didn't like how the blonde was staring at the floor. He wanted Naruto to look at his face. Closing the gap between them, Sasuke grabbed the blonde's chin and brought it close to his own. The blonde's cheeks heated, causing him to become even more embarrassed. However, the eye contact was inevitable. And so was they let each other's breaths become one. Warm lips lightly touched each other, at first, but the heat of the moment grabbed the two lovers and shook them. They were intertwined in each other's grasps. Kissing franticly like young virgins didn't seem to be enough.

In a matter of seconds the two were in the bed, nude. The blonde was laying while the Raven was on top of him. The two bodies had yet to connect, the Uzumaki was making whale noises.

"Beg for it." The Uchiha said his demeanor a bit on the mysterious side.

"Sasu, I want you." Naruto whimpered.

Sasuke smirked, he felt like the king of the world. His member then penetrated the blonde easily, letting the boy feel all of him, all at once. Grabbing Naruto's hair with both hands, he kissed his panting, eye-squinted, blonde pregnant boy. He tilted his head up and down a bit to let the boy get the full extent of his kiss and when his lungs started to burn, he released. The raven's eyes turned back to look at Naruto and the boy looked like all he wanted was more. The blonde's nipples were no longer plump, his member was entirely aroused, so the Raven took the opportunity to start thrusting. Sasuke, then, let his hand softly glide on the boy's erection, allowing his to produce a multitude of moans. Knowing the end result, Naruto came quickly, all over his chest and abdomen, when his lover unexpectedly pressed on his slit. Knowing he could have held out longer but chose not to, Sasuke came right after Naruto.

When Sasuke took the time to lay next to Naruto, the blonde, staring up at the ceiling, said to Sasuke, "This felt different from last time."

The Raven grabbed his lover's hand and said, "Different how? Different good? Or different bad?"

"Well last time when you walk touch me it was like rain droplets on my skin, it was soft and felt good. But now it was like a rain storm. Every touch was intense, yet I liked it and I don't know why. It was like I wanted to be shocked by your lighting." Naruto said and smiled.

The Raven thought about what it could be and then said, "It's probably the baby. I mean the baby does make its mother's body more sensitive to touch."

Naruto smiled, let his eyes wander to Sasuke's face, and said, "The I guess it's the baby, for now."

Sasuke moved his lips closer to Naruto's face and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek. Using his weak hands and knees and feet, the raven got up. "Take a bath." Sasuke said, "I'll go announce to my crew the news."

Sasuke walked over to the dresser and opened other got out a robe, two new navy blue suites, two white button shirts, pants the same color as the suites and two threw the clothes onto the bed but took the robe and tossed it to his lover.

"You can come and go to the bathroom in that." Sasuke said causing Naruto to blush.

Sasuke then turned around and returned to his dresser. This time he returned his a pair of polished black dress shoes and two paired of socks.

"I'll polish your shoes later." Sasuke said and started to change into his formal attire.

"You look spiffy." Naruto said, while wearing his robe, when Sasuke was all dressed.

"And you look very sexy so I suggest you leave before we end up on the bed again." Sasuke said, while questioning himself wether he had been serious about it or not.

But Naruto had taken it seriously and left the room in a heartbeat, this caused Sasuke to smirk at himself. But when the Raven finished tying his laces, he left the room and headed for the main entrance.

"Sasuke." The young Uchiha stopped in his tracks and looked back when he heard his father's voice call out to him. He wanted to groan so badly but Sasuke knew he couldn't because his father had welcomed him and Naruto into the Uchiha home after so many years of being gone.

"Yes Father?" Sasuke replied as politely as he could.

"How is everything? Is it to your liking?" Fugaku asked.

Sasuke nodded.

"Wait until your mother gets home, she'll be happy to see you." Fugaku said.

Before Fugaku could say another word Sasuke said, "I saw her out at sea and I ran into Itachi."

Fugaku became livid then, "So that's where that boy's been! I had my suspicions but I didn't think he'd actually run off like..." Fugaku then stopped and looked at his youngest son, "What did your brother say to you Sasuke?"

"Why should it matter? He's happy and he's walking around and not in bed all the time." Sasuke said and gave a small smile.

Fugaku stiffened and decided to change the subject. He said, "Your spouse, the heir to the thrown of the Land of Uzumaki."

"What about him?" Sasuke questioned, he feel himself getting a bit harsher in his speech.

"He looks like very well-educated, very prestigious, young man. How old is he?" Fugaku asked.

Sasuke was on the verge of laughter. But the Raven answered, "He's almost sixteen and father you don't know the first thing about Naruto."

"Don't I?" He asked.

Sasuke shook his head, "No you don't."

"Why a baby so young then and how? Don't take me for a fool, Sasuke." Fugaku asked.

Sasuke grit his teeth and spat out, "Why does it matter? Why does any of this matter! Naruto is a good, kind spouse and he's carrying your future grandchild. Can't you just be happy with that?"

"Now that your through with your tantrum are your going to answer my questions?" Fugaku said seriously.

Sasuke rolled his eyes and muttered, "I'll answer all your question when mother gets home." After that was said, Sasuke left out the main entrance and headed towards the small port town, where his crew would be.

(Time Lapse)

When Iruka awoke he was resting against a palm tree. His eyes fluttered open to see a strange land, or at least, a land that wasn't his homeland. As the brunette gazed around, wide-eyed, he managed to stand up and started to take a look around.

Ten minutes went by and suddenly he saw someone he recognized. It was two of the Captain's pirates. When Iraka approached them, with caution, they smiled at him and greeted him.

"We never formally introduced ourselves, did we?" The brunette said offering his hand, "My name is Yamato, and I'm the medic of the ship. This is Kakashi, Sasuke's second-in-command."

Iruka shook his hand then asked, "My name is Iruka. Do you by any chance know where we are?"

"Sasuke's homeland, I believe." Yamato answered.

"I thought he-" Iruka started.

Before Iruka could finish, Kakashi interrupted him."Apparently, there's a man traveling here that can help Naruto control his power. Plus, Sasuke's father is the king and his mother is the queen. The two wouldn't reject, probably, there only heir to the throne left."

"Only heir? I thought there were two Uchiha heirs." Iruka said.

"Sasuke is the youngest. He has an older brother, Itachi, but the boy is severely ill. He might not live for much longer." Kakashi said.

Wanting to change the subject, Iruka said, "Where is he anyways, your Captain?"

"He'll be back soon. He was taking care of some business. Naruto went with him." Yamato replied.

Kakashi sensed something then, turned around, and smirked. "It's nice to see you again all dressed up fancy, Prince Sasuke."

Sasuke walked into the sandy, palm tree filled opening, where the other three stood. He smirked back at Kakashi. "It's nice to see your awake, Naruto's caretaker."

Iruka could believe what he was seeing. The Captain was no longer a pirate but now a nicely dressed prince."It's Iruka, sir."

"I don't need the formalities. Kakashi, let's go I have an announce to make." Sasuke said.

"So you're staying I presume?" Yamato asked.

Sasuke nodded and said, "My father is letting Naruto and I stay at his home. I'm sure if Kakashi and Iruka come, he will allow them to stay as well. Father enjoys having Kakashi around after all. I know a place where the crew can stay if you all want to enjoy this small vacation after one last mission."

Kakashi smirked and then said, "So you had a quarrel with your father, then? I believe Naruto is at home right?"

Sasuke nodded, "He was getting ready to bathe when I left him...I did quarrel with my father a bit, but he's asking too much of me too fast. We've never had the best relationship but he wanted to know everything. And I'm not sure I'm willing to give him all that information. I told him I'd tell him when mother arrived."

"A smart reply, but that means you are just avoiding the topic for a later time. The problem will come up again." Kakashi said.

"I know, but I'd rather talk when my mother is around. She's a bit more understanding and doesn't yell and threaten as much." Sasuke said and then continued, "Let's go tell the crew then...our great announcement."

A/N: I'm really really really sorry I haven't posted anything in a long time! DX The college semester got really busy with homework and studying and now the holidays got me busy too. So I finally found time yesterday to write all of this so I hope you all enjoy this chapter! :) I'm going to try to publish more this semester, that's my goal so cross your fingers that I do :3