24- Forever

Trunks let out a small sigh as he glanced around the doctors office. His heart was racing and he wiped his sweaty palms against his jeans. His leg started to jiggle and he let out another sigh.

A small hand grabbed one of his and Trunks watched with wide eyes as Pan placed their conjoined hands on her stomach with a gentle smile. "What has you so worried?" She asked gently.

Trunks looked at her as she rested on the examination chair. "A little bit of everything," he admitted. "I just can't help but think that something might be wrong after I gave the baby my ki."

Pan shook her head before she gave him a confident smile. "You saved our baby, Trunks."

That was something she had told him again and again over the last several days, but honestly Trunks didn't know how to feel about the situation. When he had sent his ki to Pan, that's who he intended for it to go to, but instead it went to their child. Which had been a major surprise. Apparently, the Kai's had known Pan was pregnant, that Trunks would give her some of ki, and that it would go to the baby. The Kai's had also known that the Horosha would grant Trunsk a wish and what his wish would be- a fact that Trunks would have been grateful to have known. It would have saved him the traumatic heartache when he thought Pan was dead and there was no bringing her back.

There was a gentle knock on the door before an older woman peaked her head inside. She smiled kindly at the two of them. "Hello, Mr and Mrs Brief," she greeted. "I'm Dr. Seo. It's so nice to meet you two. Are you excited?"

"Yes!" Pan answered back with a warm smile. Trunks just blinked, unsure of what to say.

"According to the earlier tests and examination the nurse did on you, Mrs. Brief, we estimate that you're about eight weeks along- so that's two months! Only 32 more weeks to go, or seven months you could say! Are you ready to see your baby?"

"Yes, please," Pan nodded with a big grin.

Dr. Seo set up the equipment as Pan rolled up her shirt. Trunks heart was pounding nervously as he watched the Doctor put the gel on Pan's stomach and set up the equipment. As of sensing his nerves, Pan have the hand of his she was holding a tight squeeze. She sent a smile, one that was telling him that everything was going to be okay.

The first thing Trunks heard was a steady, strong beat. It filled the room, drumming loud. Next, the screen popped on, and truthfully, Trunks couldn't make out much other than a grey and black blob.

"See that," Dr. Seo smiled. "That's your baby. Look at the precious thing! Its super healthy."

Trunks hadn't even realized he had been holding his breath until he released it. Every muscle in his body relaxed and he squeezed Pan's hand thankfully. Their child... It was just now really hitting him. Something that him and Pan had made together and it was healthy.

This time Trunks squeezed Pan's hand. She glanced at him, tears brimming her eyes and he lifted her hand to give it a gentle kiss.

"Here, I'll get this."

"Trunks," Pan pouted as he took the small stack of blankets from her. "It's just blankets."

"It's fine," he said with a grin as he placed them in the closet.

"You won't let me do anything," she whined. "It's not going to hurt me to help out."

"Panna, we got this," he walked over to her and kissed her forehead.

She let out a small sigh as she glanced around. Her and Trunks had found a house not too far out of West City that they both adored. It wasn't nearly as big as Brief Manor, but it was spacious for if and when they had more kids. Over the last several days they had packed and packed and packed and finally, it was time to move in. Trunks had been letting her do little to nothing.

Pan was currently four months along- almost at the halfway mark. It had been just a week ago that her and Trunks had discovered that they would be having a boy, and Trunks had been so ecstatic. Pan too, was excited over the fact that she would be having a little boy.

"What should I do then?" Pan asked Trunks.

He smirked then. "Boss Goten around. You do that well."

"Hey!" Goten said from his spot in the kitchen where he was organizing things.

"I think that's just Trunks' way of saying he thinks Goten needs supervision," Gohan teased as he walked by with a box.

"I can hear you guys!" Goten said. "I don't need supervision-" he said as he waved around a knife. "I am perfectly fine with- ouch!" He said as he accidentally bumped the knife against his other arm.

Trunks let out a heavy sigh. "You were saying?"

Pan let out a small giggle as she glanced around the house. It was coming together very nicely. The boys were putting together new furniture and moving around things. Chi-Chi and Bulma were out in the gardens to make it beautiful and Goku and Vegeta we're outside putting together a playground. Pan didn't understand why they needed one just yet since their child wouldn't be able to play it for several years, but according to Bulma, they needed one.

"Panny! Tuns!" Jisun shouted from the top of the stairs. "Mommy and Bulla said come on!"

Pan met Trunks' eyes and grinned as they headed towards the stairs. Bulla and Marron has taken it upon themselves to decorate the nursery and they had been going all out on it. She was almost a little worried about how all out they would go...

Trunks placed a hand on Pan's back as they walked up the stairs. The nursery was just a door away from her and Trunks' room and with excitement Pan opened it. She gasped before a grin took over her face.

"Wow you two," Trunks chuckled as he looked around the room.

The walls were a light grey, and painted on them were colorful dinosaurs of all kind. The crib was already set up with blue and grey blankets and a rocker was beside it. A changing table was up as well as supplies. Pan knew that it would still be months before they used any of those things, but she couldn't wait to use them!

"It's amazing!" Pan told them happily. "Thanks you two! And thank you, Jisun!" She smiled and patted her grinning niece's head.

"You're welcome!" Marron chirped with a happy grin.

"Now you two just need to decide on names," Bulla gushed with bright eyes.

"Tell that to Panna," Trunks glanced her way with a small smirk. "She's the one that cant decide."

Pan pooched her lips. "It's not my fault," she whined. "It's a name that's going to be stuck with our child forever... I want to choose wisely."

"Eh," Trunks shrugged his shoulders. "If we mess up the name of this kid, we can just try again."

"Trunks!" Pan swatted his arm but he caught her hand and laughed as he kissed her cheek.

"I'm fine with anything," he told her seriously. "Just as long as you don't let my father to convince you to naming it Vegeta Jr."

"Oh Kami, please tell me he's still not trying," Bulla scrunched up her nose.

"He's been trying since we found out it's a boy," Pan said with a sigh as she placed a hand on her stomach. "He said the 'Vegeta' legacy needed to live on."

"Yeah, and since Mom made Vegeta my second name and not my first name, he wants our kid to have it as a first," Trunks muttered.

Marron snorted, "honestly I'm not even surprised. But why don't you guys just do it to please him?"

"HA?!" Trunks' eyes widened. "You seriously want my kid to be named Vegeta?!"

"We can call him by his second name," Bulla piped in.

"You're just saying that because you know Dad will be after you if we don't do it," Trunks muttered to his sister.

"Actually, they have a point," Pan spoke up.

"Panna," Trunks whined with a pout.

She gave him a small smile. "Truthfully, I've been thinking about the name a lot, and how I wanted our first son to be named after you in some way. You're named not just after your father, but a planet as well, Trunks. A planet that our race came from," she gave her belly a small rub. "I think having the name Vegeta in the name wouldn't be bad at all, and it's like Bulla said, we can call him by his second name."

"You do know my Dad's going to gloat about this for the rest of his life, right?" Trunks muttered.

"That doesn't sound like anything out of the ordinary considering Vegeta," Pan snickered.

It had been a regular Saturday morning when it happened. Trunks had woke up first, as usual and went downstairs to get the coffee running for himself and start of breakfast. Over the last several months he had learned how to make a few things, though his skill was nowhere near Pan's- at least he was trying. He had just turned off the oven when he heard Pan's yell.

A million thoughts rushed through Trunks' head as he bolted up the stairs and as he charged into their bedroom he stopped short. Pan was standing just a few feet away from their bed. She was wearing one of his old shirts, one that would usually be too big on her, but thanks to her very round belly, it fit a little snug. She had her legs spread out and Trunks gasped when he saw the puddle by her feet.

"Trunks," she glanced up from the puddle.

"Is that-?"

"Uh-Huh," Pan nodded. "My water just broke," she told him.

"Oh god..." Trunks' eyes widened a fraction before he bolted across the room to change all while calling the family to let them know. He helped Pan changed into a dress she was so stubbornly wanting to wear before he grabbed her and the diaper bag and took off to the hospital.

Trunks had to admit that there were some perks to his celebrity status, because as soon as the staff of the hospital saw him rush in, they had grabbed Pan and put her in a VIP room quickly.

So here they were, Pan resting in the bed, feeling fine for the most part because of an epidural and their family scattered across the room, waiting and chatting.

"Pan, I will be your doctor," Goten said as he sat in the doctor's stool by the end of the bed.

"No way," she told Goten flatly.

"Yeah, I agree with Panna," Trunks frowned as he poked Goten's head. "I'm not letting you deliver my son."

"How you feeling sweetheart?" Chi-Chi asked as she moved some of Pan's hair out of the way.

"I feel okay," she said with a small smile.

Trunks couldn't have been prouder of her. Before she had the epidural, he knew her contractions were strong and hurting her, but she remembered the breathing from all the classes they had been to. But truthfully, he knew she was scared and worried. Pan had been holding his hand the whole time, and hadn't once let go. She shook even before they gave her the epidural.

"I think Papa's doing worse than me," Pan teased as she glanced at the corner to see her father head inside of it. He had the atmosphere of doom surrounding him.

Chi-Chi let out a roll of her eyes. "Your father likes to be over-dramatic, but he'll be fine," she assured Pan with a warm smile. "If you two need anything let me know," she said as she turned to walk away.

"We will, thanks Chi-Chi," Trunks told her. He sat on the bed beside Pan and squeezed her hand. "You will do amazing," he said.

"Ha..." she let out a small breath as she squeezed his hand back. "I guess all my nerves are getting to me..."

He kissed the hand of hers he was holding. "Don't be nervous, I will be by your side the whole time."

Pan gave him a smile. One that still took his breath away and made him fall in love with her even more. "You by my side is all I need," she told him softly.

"You'll do amazing," he told her truthfully. "And soon we'll have our son with us."

"Soon," she nodded with a promise.

Pan let out a peaceful sigh as she watched her son sleeping soundly between her and Trunks. He was just a week old and already, he had their whole family wrapped around his little fingers. Vegeta Toshinori Brief, or Tosh as they were already calling him, came into the world screaming like the healthy baby he was. Pan had cried and so had Trunks once the doctor placed him on her chest after the delivery.

The week following had been so wonderful. Tosh was like the part of her and Trunks' family that they didn't realize was missing. He had a headful of light lavender hair, so light that it almost looked silver but Pan knew it would darken. His eyes were dark, and Pan wondered if they would lighten up to blue like Trunks' or stay dark like hers.

"Trunks," Pan whispered to her husband who was in the other side of Tosh. He too had been staring at their child, watching as he slept peacefully. "Are you happy?" She asked him.

"The happiest," Trunks answered back with a small grin. "Everyday... I'm so thankful you flew into my office for that internship," he told her. "I'm so thankful that you fell in love with me as I did you, and that you're my wife and mother of my child."

Pan felt her heart pounding against her chest as her cheeks grew warm. They had been together for years and yet Trunks still caused her to have butterflies in her stomach. He was the one for her in every single way. She couldn't imagine life without him.

"What about you?" Trunks asked softly. "Are you happy, Panna?"

Pan didn't even have to think to answer. "The happiest," she repeated his answer back to him, and it was the complete, honest truth. "I can't wait to spend forever with you."

Trunks let out a grin. "Me either... "

The End

Just like that, another story has come and gone. Thank you so much to everyone who has enjoyed this story! It really means a lot to me! Thank you, thank you- thank you! See you next time!
