Author's Note: Hey guys I've decided to pick back up this story. Was rereading it and thought it would be a shame to let such a good story such as this go to waste. So, I'm re-editing and adding new chapters. I felt that the main characters didn't get much time for character development and interactions with each other so that's what I'm gonna do this rounds. So past reviewers, thank you for reading my story and taking your time to review and new readers, please enjoy!
Warning: This fiction includes some pretty serious yaoi scenes, that is, boy on boy action. It will also include the use of explicit language and, in later chapters, explicit violence (maybe in the form of torture). If you have an aversion to such things please do not proceed to read any further!
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters. If I did, I would have had Sasuke and Naruto humping like hot bunnies all night long yeah! XD
Undeniable Lust
It was a dark cold night. Hardly anything stirred. However within a prominent office painted in shadows, a brewing conflict was about to take flight.
"Sir, they have infiltrated our office in Kyushu. They are demanding five million yen in cash and for us to stop all activity," the tall menacing head bodyguard reported to the back of the chair belonging to his boss.
"Hn, what are the casualties?" a calm velvety baritone sounded in the room, commanding authority.
"Five of our men are dead. The rest are held captive at the office, including some women and children who had come in to pay off some of their debt," the other ten and equally dangerous bodyguards shifted restlessly as their head spoke. They were more than ready to take action.
"Who was it again that has taken our Kyushu office hostage?" the boss finally swirled around in his chair, his dark eyes flashing dangerously.
"Sir, they call themselves Tornado. They are a yakuza group that has just formed recently and has been quite active. They attacked 'our' Korean and Chinese alliance four months ago and since then had become quiet. Master Shioon and Master Li did not call for an all out punishment on them because what they had stolen were only minor to them. Besides, how would it look if the Korean and Chinese mafia started taking arms and running around in the streets of Japan trying to find a third rate group?"
The boss grunted in agreement.
"I suppose they took that as a free pass to do whatever they wanted," the head bodyguard named Jurou ended.
"That's where they are wrong. It was not our business if the Korean and Chinese mafia gets attacked. I have long been telling the old man to put an end to that useless alliance. Well, whatever. All I know is that this Tornado is going to regret raising their fangs against us. I will wipe them out of existence," the boss, Sasuke Uchiha, stood gracing the room with a deadly smirk.
An involuntary shudder passed through the room.
"Should I contact the chief and inform him of this incident?" Jurou inquired as he watched his boss roll his powerful shoulders.
"No need to bother the old man with something so trivial. I, personally, will take care of this problem before the night is over. Get me thirty of my best men inclusive of the ones in this room. Also do a search on all the bases this Tornado have. Ten of you will come with me to Kyushu and the other twenty will sub-divide and destroy all the bases and do a clean wipe," Sasuke reached under his desk for his shoulder holster.
"It's best to crush cockroaches before they breed and take over the entire place," Sasuke's deadly handsome face held only ice with a slight touch of disgust. There was going to be a blood bath tonight. He looked out the window at the full moon as he secured his trusty Glock G17 at his right holster at his shoulders and a custom-made Woodsman model that he fondly called Exterminator at his left.
It was time to do his business transaction. He whipped around, his dark clothes fluttering elegantly around him. He headed for the door with his bodyguards in black not far behind.
Whhhhoooo! That was the first entry. I hope you guys find it interesting. Hey, if it holds promise plz review! Teehee :3