A/N: Welcome to That Poor Kid, my last installment of my Poor series. If you're a new reader, my first story of the Poor series was That Poor Sucker, feel free to read it. And the sequel to PS is That Poor Guy, which contains mpreg so if you are not into that then you don't have to read it.

I finally was able to begin the prequel because I was waiting for PS to reach both 1k+ favorites & reviews. So once I saw that goal reached, I finally confirmed that I would write the prequel.

So enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: Naruto belongs to Kishimoto

Uchiha Sasuke, a sixteen year old in his second year of high school, could remember hearing his voice. He was screaming and cheering at the competition, getting everyone around him as pumped up as he was. It was both endearing and cute. He leaned over the rails and waved one of his hands so hard that he almost dropped the banner at the part he was supposed to holding. But the loud blonde, blue-eyed idiot caught it just in time and continued to cheer.

He just wished he was cheering him on instead of…

"Yeah come on Sai! You swim that butterfly stroke or whatever that is, I don't know!" Naruto cheered, "But you keep on swimming and show those other guys that they're your bitches!"

"Uzumaki, don't use that type of language here!"

The blonde turned his head back and apologized. "Sorry sensei, I'll behave." He turned his head back and started cheering again.

"Hehe Naruto-kun you sure get fired up at these things!"

"I'm just here to cheer for Sai!"

Sasuke looked over at the boy, Sai, and clenched his fist.

Yeah, he was jealous and he could admit that. He wanted Uzumaki to cheer for him.

Even though he hadn't formally introduced himself yet.

But even so, he was at a competition representing their school and they went to the same school together. So i.e. he should be cheering for him as well.

Sai had come in first in the breaststroke part of the competition (he thought it was cute that Uzumaki called it butterfly by accident). The boy he looked quite similar to him was patted on the back and sent back up with the others that had already gone.

"Wow Sai, you were so fast!" Naruto complimented his friend as he came to his side. "You heard me cheering right?"

Sai nodded his head and put his goggles in the pocket of his jacket. "I heard you screaming for me, yes. If you let me then I could make you scream for me again when this is all over."

God, Sasuke just wanted to punch that fucker in the face sometimes.

Naruto blushed a little but punched his friend in the shoulder. "You're such a perv!"

"You are such a dickless."

"Am not! You are!"

"I beg to differ. When I wear my jammers, you can clearly see the outline of my-" Sai stopped midsentence to look at Sasuke. He noticed the expression on his face and decided to tease him. He pulled Naruto close with one arm and looked down at his friend. "Well, I could just show you later because I know how embarrassed you get in public about these things."

Sasuke was so ready to punch him.

But Naruto glared and stomped on his foot. "Yeah right, I've seen you naked because you have no decency." He pushed himself away only to accidentally bump himself against Sasuke. He immediately apologized after doing so. "Ah I'm sorry Uchiha-senpai, I didn't meant to bump into you."

The way he was called senpai by the blonde, he just loved it. He looked over at his captain who was beginning to gather up his team for the medley. He was going to be called soon but before he did he wanted to just talk to the blonde first. "It's alright. You're Uzumaki right?"

The blonde nodded and scratched the back of his head lightly. "Uh yeah. You're up next, aren't you Uchiha-senpai?"

He nodded his head and leaned off of the railing. "Make sure to cheer for me Uzumaki."

Naruto gave him an embarrassed smile but told him he would.

"Make sure to cheer loud; I want to hear your voice."


People gathered around to congratulate him, and he politely thanked them all. But he looked over the crowd around him to see that Naruto and Sai were standing off to the side. The two were just chatting with each other, Naruto occasionally punching Sai playfully in the arm or pushing him. Sasuke excused himself to go talk to the two… well actually just Naruto.

The blonde noticed his presence and gave him a big smile. "Congratulations senpai. You guys won first in the medley."

Sasuke gave him a small smile back. "Well I was happy to hear you cheer for me Uzumaki."

"Oh yes, he was cheering quite loud for you. You should have seen all excited he was." Sai commented. "He kept on going on and on about you Uchiha and how fast you were and how your body was-"

Naruto punched Sai in the gut and hissed at him to be quiet. He looked in Sasuke's direction and looked down at the ground.

"My body, Uzuzmaki?" he chuckled.

"He-He's lying Uchiha-senpai." Naruto said quietly, though the embarrassed expression on his face told him differently.

But Sasuke didn't bother to point it out.

"It's time to get on the bus!" one of the teachers announced.

Naruto pulled Sai by his arm and walked them towards the bus; Sasuke just quietly followed. But his eyes widened in surprise when he saw Sai's hand squeeze Naruto's bottom.

He hated Sai for doing that but at the same time, he was jealous.

He wanted to touch Naruto too.

The blonde just sighed and pushed Sai away. "You just lost your bus buddy you dick."

"Aw, now what's a dick without his dickless?" But Sai walked onto the bus on his own and smiled back at Naruto but said nothing else.

Sasuke came up beside Naruto, seizing this opportunity. "Then I guess I'll have to sit with you Uzumaki."

"Sure senpai, I'd like that."


There were people talking on the bus, he knew it. And not just about the event they finished, but how he had suddenly decided to make friends with underclassmen Uzumaki Naruto and how unusual it was.

But it didn't matter to Sasuke, he would let them talk for now.

"Do you need me to walk you home Uzumaki?" Sasuke asked. They were back at the campus and from that point on, it was up to the students to get home on their own. Sasuke hoisted his bag onto his shoulder and looked down at his kouhai, hoping he'd say yes.

"That'd be nice Uchiha-senpai." Naruto said with a polite smile.

"And me too senpai, walk me home too."

Sasuke growled when Sai spoke up and was about to tell him to get lost.

But Naruto spoke up first. "Are you going to sleep over today Sai?"

Sasuke was frozen after he heard that.

"Hm. My brother is gone for the next day and I don't feel like cooking for myself. So yes, I guess I will stay the night."

"Okay, but no more of those weird DVD's you brought me. The last movie you brought over to watch gave me nightmares for a fucking week." Sai and Naruto began to walk ahead. But the blonde stopped when he saw that Sasuke wasn't following. "Uchiha-senpai, aren't you coming?"

Sasuke snapped out of it and caught up. But he was still hung up how Naruto let Sai in his house even though he was clearly a pervert. He looked over at Sai who was pulling something out of his bag and handed it to Naruto. It appeared to be a notebook of some sorts. Naruto looked back at him and handed him the book. "Want to check it out senpai? Sai drew it while he on the bus. He's a really good artist!"

And it was true, Sasuke admitted it. He complimented Sai on his works as they walked together. "If you're such a good artist, why are you in the swimming club instead of the art club?"

"He got banned because he wouldn't shut that dirty mouth of his."


Sai sneered. "I was not 'banned'. I was told not to return until I cleaned up both my art and my language."

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Yeah, and that's not going to happen. You just had to draw naked bodies."

"People are so afraid and offended by their own anatomy. I was just helping them to get used to the idea of seeing these things out in open. Perhaps it's some sort of complex that makes people afraid to look at penises."

"You are really going to get punched in the mouth one day." Naruto sighed. But the notebook was given back to him and he passed it back to the owner. He looked over at Sasuke and explained that he was the one to actually make Sai join a club. "If he didn't join a club, then he would be holed up in his house the entire time. I told him to join something where he could get fresh air… and a tan because he's practically a ghost."

Sai gave the blonde a fake smile. "Well unfortunate for you the pool is indoors and I wasn't fast enough for the track team. And my complexion is just fine, you should look out more for Sasuke-kun's complexion. He looks like he burns easy."

Sasuke glared at Sai. From senpai to Sasuke-kun in just a few minutes, that guy was getting too comfortable.

And he did not burn easy.

Naruto snorted. "Please, senpai's complexion is just fine. He's fair skinned, porcelain pale. He doesn't need a tan because his complexion is good! You Sai, you look like something from a haunted house."

"You… think I have a good complexion Uzumaki?" Sasuke asked.

The blonde's face glowed red. "It was just an observation senpai! I wasn't checking you out or anything!"

Sai looked between the blonde and the Uchiha for a moment. Then he pulled Naruto to him by the waist and nuzzled his face. "When Naruto-chan was cheering for your medley race, he couldn't stop talking non-stop about how good you looked and-"

Naruto elbowed Sai on the side and screamed at him to shut up. He looked back at Sasuke, his face red and his body shaking a little bit (probably from embarrassment). "I swear I'm not creeper senpai! I was talking about your form and how it looked good, not you! Not that you don't look good senpai seeing as you have so many fans but-"

"Okay easy Uzumaki." Sasuke put up a hand to shush the babbling boy. He pats the top of his head, noticing how soft the blonde felt and couldn't help but let his hand linger there for a moment. But he took it back after realizing that he shouldn't make things too awkward between them. "But thank you though."

"For what?"

"For looking at me, cheering for me today, letting me walk you home." Sasuke gave him a gentle smile.

Naruto gave him a big smile in return. "No problem senpai!"

Sasuke stepped forward and leaned down to whisper in Naruto's ear. "Don't let Sai keeping touching your ass like that."

"Believe me, I'm always trying. But that guy has been a pervert since I first met him. I'm not sure if there's any way to get Sai to stop."

"Well, maybe that would change if your ass belonged to me instead."


"Good night Uzumaki." Sasuke walked off in the opposite direction of him. He couldn't help but slip that last part in.

Naruto waved goodbye, completely put off guard from what Sasuke had said to him. "I think… Uchiha-senpai might be a pervert…"

"Well I'm not surprised." Sai said. "His eyes would get pretty fixed on your ass sometimes. Though who could blame him." Sai's hand reached out and touched the blonde's backside. "You've been blessed with such a nice feature Naruto-kun. And I think Uchiha might have set his sights on you and your ass now."

Naruto glared at Sai but simply walked away from the hand on his bottom. His house wasn't far now and all he wanted was to eat some ramen and relax… and think about how Uchiha Sasuke actually liked him.

"All the boys love Naruto-kun's ass." Sai sang.

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Shut up Sai. Besides, I'm not sure if I even like Uchiha-senpai that much to date him!"

"Any boy that has admitted feelings to you, they've been shot down so gently by you." Sai said as they continued to walk together. "Such a little heart breaker you are."

"I do that with them because it's not fair that I don't like them as much as they like me. It's like on a scale of one to ten, the boy likes me nine or ten but I only like them at a five or six. Dating Uchiha-senpai would probably end up the same way."

"But you admit you like him?"

"…Yeah but I don't think I like him enough to date him. I get the feeling that if we did get together we wouldn't last very long. We would probably last like a month or something. Besides, I have a lot on my plate from dealing with my brother. I don't need to add a boyfriend to the mix… again."

"You never know." Sai shrugged his shoulders. "How is Kyuubi by the way?"

Naruto ran his hands down his face. "I think all the partying and studying he's doing in university is changing him. He doesn't have time to spend with me anymore."

"Are you sure you just don't have some sort of brother complex?" Sai asked. Naruto kicked him in the shin but he remained unaffected by the hit. "That's why you get Uchiha to bang your cute little ass to get Kyuubi to notice you. That'll show him."

"… Everything just always has to be about sex with you, doesn't it?" Naruto sighed and opened the gate to his house. "I doubt that Uchiha Sasuke and I will ever have sex with each other. I just can't see it happening."

A/N: So there's your first chapter. So if you need clarification some, Naruto admits that he likes Sasuke a bit but not enough to actually date him… for now.