
It was like their confessions to each other had opened up a whole new chapter to their relationship. They had obviously been affectionate towards one another before, but now it really felt like they were slowly building something solid that was meant to carry them both as far into the future as they could possibly go.

Kakashi was 'mission safe' for at least a week to recover from his injuries, although Iruka had poked around the mission's desk and gotten word that there weren't any missions of the copy-nin's calibre on the roster for a while. During his recovery time, Kakashi made sure to milk his 'life threatening injuries' for all they were worth.

"Maaa...Iruka. So much pain..."

"Kakashi, your wound is completely sealed. I know perfectly well that you are capable of reaching the book on your own."

" makes me feel so much better when you do it."

An exasperated sigh. "That worked the first three times, but it is NOT working now."



A pout. "Irruuukkkaa..."


A frown. "You're really not going to get it?"

"NO, Kakashi."

"But you're not doing anything..."

"I'm making LUNCH."

"The book is near the kitchen."

"The book is right across from you."

"Right across is an underestimation. I am aghast at your visual analysis skills; what are you teaching those children?"

"Criticizing my teaching skills is not going to help you get that book."

And so on.

They fell into a comfortable routine with each other that felt so natural neither one really realized when it happened. They just gravitated towards one another, and their affinity to be together gradually increased as their relationship developed. Thanks to Iruka, they also spent a considerable amount of time in public together. This raised absolutely no eyebrows since everyone's natural inclination was to assume they were good friends and nothing more. Had Iruka been a woman, people would have been ragging on them about what their relationship was long ago. As it stood, his friends just wanted to know how the heck the chuunin had become so close with the copy-nin.

"Well, we were on that mission together; I handed in my mission report RIGHT to you, Izumo."

"Well, YAH. But I've been on a mission with Kakashi-san and he doesn't wanna hang out with me."

Iruka laughed. "Are you jealous?"

"Yah, kinda!"

The academy sensei laughed again. "Why don't you just try to talk to him? He won't bite."

Kotetsu took this moment to bud in. "Izumo, you couldn't hold a pigeon's interest, let alone Kakashi-san."

"Well, I'm good enough for YOU, aren't I?"

"Think about what you just said." Kotetsu deadpanned.

Iruka couldn't help but laugh. He knew Kakashi so well by this point that his 'star power' had completely faded. The chuunin remembered when he himself was amazed that Kakashi wanted to be around him, so he knew how his friends felt; but knowing the copy-nin how he now knew him, he realized that attitude was counter productive and utterly unnecessary.

"If you two really want to get to know Kakashi, why don't you join us tonight? We're planning on going to the Shaky Shinobi around 9 o'clock. Gai will be there as well." Iruka offered happily.

They stared, amazed.

"So you're just buddy buddy with all the jounin now, eh? Must be nice!"

Iruka shook his head at Izumo. "I wouldn't say that, but I do know a few of them. They're just...people, like us. Except far more talented." He explained with a smile. "I bet you would know more of them if you had a reason to."

"Well. I know Ebisu, but I feel like he doesn't count."

Kotetus laughed loudly, slapping his knee. "Poor Ebisu! He's a great guy, really. Really."

There was a slight pause, and then Izumo and Kotetsu were laughing again.

Iruka tried REALLY hard not to laugh with them, and just barely managed it. Poor Ebisu indeed...


When Iruka came home that day, he had something nagging at the back of his mind that he couldn't get rid of. He had been talking about his and Kakashi's relationship all day...but at the same time, he hadn't. Should he be telling people they were 'together'? They had to at SOME point. They couldn't hide it forever. And to be honest, he didn't really want to. He had no idea how people would react, just seemed like their relationship could only go so far in secret. If they REALLY wanted to be together, they couldn't hide.

He was about to start on dinner when he heard a knock at the window. He smiled and opened it for his love.

"Don't you dare; I'm taking you out tonight. We'll eat dinner at the Shaky Shinobi before the others get there." Kakashi demanded from his spot on the window ledge.

Iruka smiled and held his hands up in surrender, away from any threatening kitchen utensils. "I'm all yours."

On the walk to the restaurant, Iruka decided to breech the subject that had been bothering him for the last hour.

"Kakashi. I was exactly do you want to approach...ah...potentially telling people about our relationship?"

The jounin looked to Iruka in mild surprise. "Do we have to?"

"Well...not necessarily, but it feels wrong to go out of our way to hide it. I know you're a private person and so am I, but people are genuinely curious as to how we've gotten so close, and always saying 'oh, we really bonded on the mission' feels deceitful even if it is technically true."

Kakashi nodded lightly in understanding. After a moment of thought, he shrugged. "It doesn't matter to me, Iruka. Gai already knows, and Ten-err, Yamato doesn't pry; although if he asked I would enjoy telling him just to see the look on his face. There's really no one else who I speak to, so it's up to you."

Iruka smiled lightly. It made him feel a little better to know that if he did want to say something, he could.

After arriving at the restaurant they had a long, comfortable dinner together before Gai showed up with Genma.

"It is impossible to accomplish this; no one would believe you!"

"PFT, just because I don't run laps around Konoha on my hands while balancing a stack of books on one foot doesn't mean I don't have tricks up my sleeve, Gai." Genma retorted, crossing his arms. "You have no idea what I can do with my senbon."

"Judging by your drunken displays, I have a FAIRLY good idea what you can do with them."

Genma had the dignity to blush brilliantly.

Gai noticed the couple at that moment and waved to them; Genma was thankful for the distraction from their current conversation and turned his attention to them as well.

Iruka and Kakashi settled their bill and the four shinobi sat together at the bar. Iruka spoke to Genma, as he rarely had the opportunity to do so, and Gai and Kakashi fell into a friendly argument about who had better chakra control (obviously initiated by Gai).

A couple of hours later, Izumo and Kotetsu very timidly entered the bar. They noticed the row of intimidating jounin, plus Iruka, and looked like they were considering leaving. However, Iruka caught sight of them and waved them over enthusiastically. They glanced at each other before advancing.

"Hey, you two!" The academy sensei greeted with a smile. "Come and have a seat."

"You can have mine." Genma offered, standing. "I have a bone to pick with Gai, anyway."

The green clad jounin leaned back with a threatening frown to eye Genma as he walked over. Izumo and Kotetsu sat down, waving to the bartender for a drink.

"Man, I've barely ever seen these guys out before." Izumo commented, surprised. "What the heck have you done to them?"

Iruka laughed, scratching the scar on his nose in embarrassment. "I don't really think it's because of me...I HAVE gotten Kakashi to come out more, though."

"You shouldn't take credit for things when I'm not around to argue."

The three chuunin glanced up to watch Kakashi walk over and stand at Iruka's shoulder. The two other chuunin nodded in greeting.

"Hey, Kakashi-san" They resounded in unison.

Kakashi smiled at them, his eye curving up pleasantly. "Yo. Tsunade-sama let you off the hook long enough to have a drink?"

They both sighed sadly in response.

"Yaaaah...she's been REAL rough on us lately. I mean, it makes sense; the village kinda got creamed. But I'm getting Super Muscles just from carrying stacks of paper around." Kotetsu took that moment to pull up his sleeve and flex. "Look at that! I'm ripped."

Izumo rolled his eyes and Kakashi just smiled.

"Oi!" Genma rang in. "Don't talk about being ripped around Gai or he'll never let you hear the end of it."


"Oh, Kakashi-san" Izumo leaned forward. "How yah healin' up after that mission with that crazy missing-nin? I saw you in the hospital wing and it looked pretty messy."

Kakashi shrugged lazily. "Maa. I didn't even remember getting hurt."

Izumo blinked. "Uh...really? Cause it was like...your entire body." He gestured wildly to show what he meant.

Kakashi looked confused. "Oh? Huh. I guess I barely felt it."

Iruka shook his head but Izumo and Kotetsu were utterly lost as to what to think. Iruka decided he should help and shoved the copy-nin playfully. "Don't listen to him –he's been whining about it all week."

Kakashi looked betrayed. He pouted slightly. "Hey..."

Izumo and Kotetsu looked surprised. They relaxed a little at Iruka's casual nature around Kakashi and the jounin's admittance of defeat.

"Geeze, Kakashi-san, you sure can pull a convincing face." Kotetsu eventually replied.

"The mask sure helps, though." Izumo quipped. "Bet that's why you sport it, huh? No one can figure out what the heck is going on."

Kakashi suddenly looked serious. He leaned in close to the two chuunin. "Do you guys want to know...the real reason I wear the mask?"

They looked at each other. They looked back at Kakashi, their eyebrows raised.

"Oh, do you have a hideous deformity?" Kotetsu retorted with obvious sarcasm.

"Nope. That's just a rumour."

They leaned in slightly, not expecting him to rule that option out so soon.

"Fine, what's the 'real reason?'" Izumo asked, attempting to sound flippant but his eyes gleamed despite his tone.

"Well..." Kakashi's eye seemed to dazzle with lightning like intensity. The two chuunin couldn't help it; they leaned in even closer.

Kakashi gripped the top of his mask and yanked it down, revealing his face in all its handsome, unmarred glory. He grinned wolfishly.

Kotetsu and Izumo yelled and fell out of their chairs, their arms flailing. The whole bar turned to look at the commotion, but Kakashi had lifted his mask back up and was just hanging out, hands in his pockets, looking bored.

The two chuunin slowly stood and righted their stools, sitting on them without taking their astounded eyes off of the copy-nin.

"Holy SHIT. Did you really just do that!?" Kotetsu was openly gawking, but he couldn't help it. Kakashi never showed his face to anyone, and he just...ripped his mask down like it was nothing.

Izumo was speechless.

Kakashi blinked. "Do what?"

The two chuunin were silent, having no idea how to respond.

"Really, you guys need to relax; you're going to stress yourselves into an early grave." Kakashi added casually, before turning back to Iruka with a smile.

The academy sensei was also staring at Kakashi in shock; but his expression was laced with obvious concern. It had surprised Iruka just as much as his friends that his lover had been so flippant about showing his face. He didn't know if this meant Kakashi was changing even more then he suspected, or if he never really cared about it in the first place.

"Kakashi..." Iruka whispered, his gaze changing to a questioning one.

In answer, the jounin just smiled down at his lover, gently tweaking the chuunin's nose in a playful gesture that let Iruka know that nothing serious was happening. Iruka couldn't help but flash a smile in return.

When he looked away from the copy-nin he blushed furiously at the questioning glances Izumo and Kotetsu were sending him; he guessed the little moment between he and Kakashi had been a lot more openly intimate then he'd thought.

The rest of the night went RELATIVELY without incident. At one point Gai insisted he bench press both Izumo and Kotetsu on top of the bar, but the mortified chuunin insisted that their seats were plenty comfortable and they'd rather stay there. The jounin seemed to pick up from Kakashi how fun it was to torment the poor Hokage assistants and riddled them with filthy, inside jokes and insinuation about taking them on dangerous A-class missions and letting them fend for themselves.

By the end of the night, the jounin looked thoroughly entertained and the two guest chuunin looked like they would think twice about hanging out with the 'elite' of their kind again.

"IZUMO-SAN! Will you not partake in an arm wrestling match with me!?"

"Ah...G-Gai-san...I don't think that's a good idea..."


"I'm fine where I am, thanks so much..."


"AH! Please, God no, I just want to drink my beer..."

"Run Izumo! I'll distract him while you make a break for it!" Kotetsu leaped in front of his friend and flailed his arms at Gai. Izumo looked like he took a moment to think about it; then he actually tossed money at the bar tender and bolted out of the joint. The jounin laughed and Kotetsu bowed for his performance then promptly ran after his friend.

Iruka had his head in his hands. He would bet money his chuunin companions weren't going to be asking to come out again.

"Excuse me for a moment." He called politely to his amused jounin friends before slipping off his stool and following the chuunin outside. He made it just in time to catch them before they made their final decision to actually bolt and basically run from their comrades.

"Ah...sorry about that." He said to them with a nervous chuckle, scratching his scar with embarrassment. "They have an interesting sense of humour."

Izumo sighed. "It's alright; really, I should have expected it. I never understand what the heck Gai-san is saying when he talks to me at the missions desk, Kakashi-san is known to mess with people more then he actually speaks to them, and Genma-san...well, he's Genma."

Iruka laughed, unable to deny any of it.

"Man, Iruka, how the heck do you stick around those guys with your dignity intact? Do you have some kind of Jounin Socializing Secret? If so, SHARE!" Kotetsu looked slightly stricken by the end of his request.

Iruka actually took a moment to think about it. Gai-san treated everyone the same way; you just had to get to know him to actually catch glimpses of his serious moments. Kakashi...well. Kakashi was a whole other story. You REALLY had to get to know Kakashi and unfortunately, not many people had or would have the pleasure of doing that. Genma was pretty much the same as Gai; once you got used to him he was just another quirky jounin.

"No, honestly; no secrets. You really just have to get to know them. They're...well. They're wonderful; all of them."

Kotetsu and Izumo seemed taken aback by the blatant sincerity in Iruka's voice. They both looked slightly shamed.

"Well, I guess that makes sense." Kotetsu muttered. Something seemed to come back to him because he jerked out of his funk and eyed Iruka suspiciously. "So...speaking of 'wonderful jounin'; you and Kakashi seem especially...close, eh?"

Iruka remained composed, amazingly, but inside his head was swimming. This was pretty much the 'moment' he'd been thinking of. However, now that it was here, he suddenly felt stubborn about taking it. He realized he did NOT want to deal with the inevitable fall out a revelation of their relationship would cause. He didn't really care if the jounin knew, because they were the most discreet group of people you could ever meet. They naturally never spoke of other people's business because secrecy was so thoroughly integrated into their everyday lives.

However...most chuunin were not like that at all, especially ones who spent most of their time in the village. Iruka also knew, for a fact, that Kotetsu and Izumo were not like that. He really liked his chuunin friends, but if he told them about his relationship with Kakashi, it was pretty much guaranteed that the entire village would know in a week. Max.

"Yes, we are. He IS...well, hard to get close to at first, but once you break the ice he's an amazing person. I am incredibly grateful that I have been fortunate enough to get close to him; I hope for both your benefits that you are able to do the same."

Kotetsu and Izumo looked shocked at Iruka's genuine answer. They also seemed slightly cowed and definitely satiated. Izumo nodded lightly while Kotetsu still seemed mildly surprised.

"Ah...yah, well, I believe that; hard to be respected by everyone if you don't deserve it, right?" Izumo added sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "Anyway, we better get going. We've still got a LOT of work to do tomorrow and it's getting late. Thanks for inviting us out, Iruka; the three of us should go for drinks soon! It's been too long."

"Yah man!" Kotetsu chimed in, suddenly perking up. "I didn't know you hit the bars so often, . We'll show you how to REALLY party; it ain't just the jounin's who can do it!"

Iruka laughed pleasantly, smiling at the two friends. "I agree, and I'd love to."

When they said their goodbyes and the two best friends had leapt away, Iruka turned to go back into the bar –but smacked into something hard, but soft.

"Ah- Kakashi!" He gasped, looking up at the jounin in shock. "I don't know WHY I'm surprised that I didn't sense you there. Did you just leave?"

"Nope. I've been listening." The jounin admitted without shame.

Iruka turned completely red. "O-oh..." was all he could say. He didn't know why he was embarrassed; everything he said to his friends he would easily say to Kakashi's face.

The jounin was smiling warmly down at Iruka. "I see you changed your mind about revealing our darkest secrets to your friends?"

"Ah, yes..." Iruka looked down, still slightly embarrassed. "I just. I don't know...It's not that I'm ashamed or anything, I just...I didn't want to deal with it. I think you're starting to rub off on me."

Kakashi laughed happily. "My plan is working..."

Iruka shoved him lightly. "Kakashi..."

"In all seriousness." The jounin continued. "You owe no one any explanations. For example; Asuma and I spoke more often than people thought and he didn't tell me about his and Kurenai's relationship until they had been dating for months. I knew about it, as did most people, but he didn't tell me. So, why should you feel obliged?"

Kakashi always had a way of making Iruka feel better, and this time was no exception. He leaned his chest against the taller mans and resisted the urge to rest his head on the jounin's shoulder. Instead, he looked up at him and smiled.

"Yes, of course you're right. I just...well, I don't know. I feel this frustrating urge to do the "right" thing all the time. I thought maybe that was the right thing, but I think it really is whatever is most comfortable for us."

Kakashi's eye smile was brighter than ever. "Remember, I don't care; so whatever you want to do, you can do. If anyone bugs us about it, I'll just kill them."

Iruka raised an eyebrow at Kakashi and the jounin just smiled away. For some reason, the academy sensei could not tell if his lover was joking or not. He continued to stare hoping for some kind of give away, but Kakashi was a mask of innocence.


"No, Iruka."

"UGH. HOW do you DO that?"

Kakashi laughed. "Sorry, but I'm not comfortable divulging that information. I'll tell you when I'm ready."

The jounin received a punch to the shoulder as a comeback.


They returned to the bar to find the two remaining jounin had not missed their company.

"I'm TELLING you, that is effing IMPOSSIBLE!"

"It is only impossible to the weak willed! I, however, have the stamina and strength to see it through! YOU WILL NEVER PROSPER IF YOU DO NOT REACH FOR THE STARS!"

"Your damn HEAD is in the stars. I swear, how have you survived this long?"

"BECAUSE!" Gai shot out of his chair, sending it flying backwards. Genma could immediately see that he had made a terrible mistake.

"I AM THE DYNAMIC DREAM!" He thrust his hip to the right, and a dolphin popped into existence and swam across a crescent wave into the moonlight. "THE ULTIMATE HARD WORKER!" His hip popped to the left and a baby was born in an instant.

"I AM..!" He seemed to wind up for something big and Iruka had the strong, self-preserving urge to leave immediately.


Gai threw both of his arms in the air and a massive fissure formed beneath him, practically splitting the bar in half. Everyone in the facility screamed and ducked under their tables. A sky appeared in the ceiling of the building and a blinding sun descended from it and illuminated the posing ninja from behind. Sparkles seemed to appear out of nowhere and swirled around him in a flurry of shininess. Angels swooped down from the heavens and plucked at their harps beside him. Dragons twirled around his legs.

Iruka was clinging to Kakashi, who was apparently used to even this calibre of ridiculousness and was standing on top of the bar gazing at Gai with his usual bored expression.

The green clad ninja finally took a look around the Shaky Shinobi to see how his conversation companion had dealt with the answer to his question.

Genma was gone; he had booked it as soon as the angels appeared.

Gai was beside himself.


Gai wound up and then blasted out of the building, shattering all of the glasses and cups lined on the shelves behind him. Iruka could not believe the amount of damage he had caused just by shouting his proclamations to the establishment. Gai was like some kind of bazaar, unhinged demi-god of lunacy.

When the patrons of the demolished bar finally felt safe enough to leave the safety of their covers they got the hell out of there faster than the chuunin had ever seen civilians run. In no time at all, they were the only ones left.

Kakashi seemed to sigh in defeat, as if he knew what was coming next, and shuffled around in his pockets for his wallet. Iruka gave him a questioning look.

"This happens all the time; I'm going to pay for the damages."

Iruka was about to protest, but Kakashi placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry. Gai always pays me back, and I get to see him punish himself as compensation. It's worth it."

"But, Kakashi...he made a huge mess. You have enough money to pay for all of this?"

The jounin smiled lightly. "It's not like I had much else to spend it on until recently, Iruka."

The academy sensei wasn't sure how to respond to that, so he just smiled at his love and watched him deal with the distraught bar owner with far too much practice then the chuunin wanted to think about.


They arrived at Kakashi's place with a giant, whole hearted sigh of relief; they had begun to alternate between their apartments when neighbours started asking uncomfortable questions they didn't feel like answering.

Kakashi had been amazed the owner of the bar was even upset at this point; Gai had totally demolished his place twice already and had wrecked several others in his long career as an overzealous shinobi.

Iruka sat on the copy-nins bed and leaned against the wall, reflecting on their night. "I wonder if Gai ever found Genma; it's not like he can avoid him forever."

Kakashi tossed his vest into his closet with a 'hmm'. Iruka continued. "I had no idea Gai caused actual damage to Konoha on a relatively frequent basis; how is he still allowed in those restaurants?"

The jounin joined his love on the bed after he'd stripped himself of his blue standard top and mask and left his mesh undershirt. "Well, they don't end up suffering any expenses from it, and Gai brings them enough business to compensate.'s almost a part of living in this village. They just kind of accept it."

Iruka scrunched his nose up; that sounded weird and wrong. Kakashi grinned and leaned forward. "Gai terrifies them; they don't want to risk his wrath. He IS capable of completely putting them out of business with very little effort."

Iruka just levelled Kakashi with an unimpressed look, which earned a bigger grin from the jounin. "Well. Which story do you dislike less? You can accept that one."

Iruka sighed. "Kakashi...which one is true?"

"They both are." He answered simply. "The fact is that Gai is a respected shinobi who always cleans up after his colossal messes; the other fact is that he is a dangerous shinobi capable of colossal messes." He shrugged.

Iruka stared at him in awe. "Do...people really think Gai would hurt them on purpose?"

"Some of them simply don't rule it out; it's not easy facing so much power when you have none of your own."

Iruka looked down, reflecting on Kakashi's words. He felt naive admitting it to himself, but he had never thought of that before. All the Konoha ninja he knew were honourable and fought to defend their village and everyone in it; he never considered the villagers would be scared of any of them just because they were strong.

Kakashi lightly grasped Iruka's chin and tilted his head up so they were facing each other. "No frowning on my bed."

At first Iruka smiled. Then, he suddenly got the overwhelming urge to cause shit. He grinned at Kakashi and smoothly slid off the bed.

"Here. Now I can frown."

Kakashi's eyes narrowed. "Ah. So it's like that, is it?"

"It is."

The jounin regarded Iruka steadily for a second more before he, quick as a flash, propped himself up against the wall and kicked the bed out from under him, sending it crashing against Iruka's legs. The chuunin squawked and fell sideways, landing on the bed. Kakashi kneeled over him with his infamous eye smile.

"There. Back on the bed; back to my rules."

Iruka glared and leaped up, jumping off –to land on the bed. He blinked in confusion.

Kakashi stood on the floor, his leg still extended from when he kicked the bed once again. He was still smiling.

"I could do this all night."

Iruka figured there had to be SOME way he could outsmart Kakashi. Clearly, the jounin was ridiculously faster than him –his love had proven this on dozens of occasions, most of them not innocent and involving copious foreplay.

He put his hands together and formed the signs for a shadow clone. His copy popped into life beside him and leaped off the bed in one direction at the same time Iruka leaped in the other.

He landed on the bed. He looked to the side and noticed his shadow clone, utterly confused, had landed on the bed too. They both looked ahead to see two Kakashi's with their hands in their pockets, smiling down at them innocently.


When did he...

Okay. He could still do this.

Iruka's shadow clone leaped forward to tackle both Kakashi's, as they were so close together, and Iruka jumped to the side as fast as he could, seeing the hardwood floor so close and tantalizing...

He landed on the bed.


Kakashi's shadow clone had Iruka's shadow clone in a headlock, and real Kakashi still had his foot propped up on the bed from when he'd kicked it under Iruka.

The chuunin bowed his head; he didn't know WHY he insisted on initiating these challenges with Kakashi when their skill levels were so brazenly different.

"Dispel your shadow clone."

Iruka looked up with a blink. Both Kakashi's were looking at him while his shadow clone squirmed around unsuccessfully.

Iruka stuck up his nose. "Nope."

Kakashi wilted slightly. "Come on..."

"Nope. Why don't you dispel it? You've already trapped me."

Kakashi sighed. "I can't. That's like...hitting you."

Iruka wasn't expecting that. It definitely melted his defiant attitude. "'s not me."

"But it looks exactly like you..." Kakashi turned to the trapped clone and poked it in the ribs lightly. 'Iruka' laughed and kicked at him. "See? He has your ticklish spots."

Well, real Iruka thought that was the damn sweetest thing ever. Resolve effectively blown away, he clasped his hands together and his clone 'poofed' away in an instant.

"Really, Kakashi, sometimes it amazes me how sweet you can-AHH!"

Both Kakashi's had leaped forward blindingly fast and pinned Iruka to the bed. He gaped up at them.

"I take it back! You are not sweet –what is this?"

"You started it, Iruka." Kakashi purred. "Whatever happens next, you have only yourself to blame."

Iruka actually felt real fear. "Wh-what?"

"You know what I've ALWAYS wanted to do?" Clone Kakashi asked as Real Kakashi nipped at his ear. The clone slowly dragged his hands down Iruka's chest as he spoke. "I've always wanted to have you completely and hopelessly at my mercy. Sometimes I think about all the other things I could be doing to make you scream while I take you; I figure this is the best way to accomplish my goal."

Iruka was frozen to the spot, the conflicting emotions of desperate want and uncertainty playing with each other in his mind. Part of him was positively thrilled, and the rest had no idea how he was supposed to handle TWO Kakashi' was enough, really!

"K-Kakashi, I...I don't know about this..." He whispered, gazing up at his love with wide eyes.

The jounin's response was to smile, teeth gleaming like a predator, and slowly dip down to place a soft kiss on Iruka's lips. "We'll see what you don't know in about five minutes."

The clone slipped his hands under Iruka's shirt and pushed it all the way up, dragging his nails lightly along the chuunin's skin as he went; Iruka couldn't help a shudder in response. He felt Kakashi tilting his head up so their eyes locked.

His expression was soft, and it calmed Iruka. They kissed, gently and slowly. The chuunin felt Kakashi tugging at his bunched up shirt and he lifted his arms. The shirt came off, and not a second later he squeaked and jumped slightly. Clone Kakashi was placing soft, electric kisses down his chest.

He knew it was Kakashi, and that Kakashi had created him, but for some reason it felt almost like cheating; feeling another pair of lips on him when he knew his love wasn't the one kissing him just felt that foreign. He looked back up at the jounin with his uncertainty and Kakashi simply levelled him with a smouldering gaze. The copy-nin gripped the bottom of his own shirt, keeping his eyes on Iruka, and pulled it off. The chuunin watched his lovers muscles flex with his movements, his shoulders and ribs expanding as he tugged the fabric over his toned forearms. It was moments like these that Kakashi's sexiness really amazed Iruka. His want suddenly engulfed him and when Kakashi swooped back down for a kiss the chuunin opened his arms to him and wrapped them around his back, running his nails over his skin as they kissed heatedly. Iruka couldn't help moaning into Kakashi's mouth; he suddenly wanted him so badly that every taste and touch went straight to his groin.

He gasped when he felt the clone yank his pants off. Kakashi quickly straddled Iruka's stomach, blocking his view of the jutsu's ministrations. The chuunin had no time to argue as Kakashi began sucking on his neck and his head fell back in response.


The clone had grasped his cock and was licking trails up and down his shaft. Iruka's hips bucked in surprise and he moaned softly. The chuunin glanced up at Kakashi, his eyes asking if this was ok. The jounin's response was to kiss Iruka hungrily, then pull away and growl.

"I swear; I will never get sick of you looking at me like that. No matter what I do to you, no matter how many times I take you, you still manage to look innocent." He tilted Iruka's head to the side and licked a trail up his exposed neck.

"It makes me want to dirty you." The copy-nin whispered into the chuunin's ear.

Iruka moaned loudly as the clone took his entire length into his mouth. Kakashi scraped his teeth down the chuunin's chest and lightly bit his nipples. Iruka gasped and arched his back. He grasped Kakashi's wrist and pulled his hand up so he could trail his tongue around his fingers, staring down at the jounin with lust laden eyes.

Kakashi watched Iruka silently, but the clone sucked and licked him as its mouth worked its way up and down the chuunin's length and Iruka was moaning and bucking again, his head tilting back from the copy-nins hand. Kakashi kissed his neck and his chest and his jaw. He ran his nails over the chuunins skin and Iruka buried his head in the crook of Kakashi's neck, wanting to cling to his lover. The jounin wouldn't have it and tilted Iruka's head back. He brought their faces so close together their noses were touching.

"Do you like it?"


They kissed again, their mouths open and their tongues clashing, Iruka keening into Kakashi's lips as the clone continued to suck on him.

"Mmm...this is what I'm talking about; you're completely mine. And no matter what I do, you'll always look at me that way..." he kissed under Iruka's jaw, then gestured behind him and the clone stopped.

Before Iruka could protest, Kakashi was shifting down his body. The clone had stepped out of the way and placed something in the jounin's hand. Iruka felt a hard, gripping shiver run through his body when he realized it was lube. "Kakashi..." He moaned, their gazes locked as Kakashi prepped himself; he didn't even realize the jounin had taken his pants off.

"Iruka...when I take you, I want you to close your eyes and keep them closed."

The chuunin looked to the side; the clone was kneeling beside him, hands on his hips, grinning wickedly at Iruka. It reminded him of the time when Kakashi's clone had almost kissed him while the jounin was gone; they really were exactly like their casters. He glanced back at Kakashi and the look he gave the copy-nin told him he'd happily comply.

His hips were lifted and positioned and then Kakashi penetrated him, slowly and deliberately; he knew exactly where Iruka felt it the most, exactly where he'd be screaming the copy-nin's name in no time. The chuunin bit his lip and held Kakashi's smouldering gaze for another moment before he closed his eyes and relaxed his muscles, melting into the bed.

He felt Kakashi begin to move inside of him and his breath quickened. He gripped the sheets as the pace increased, moaning lightly and rocking his hips along with the jounin's movements.

He felt someone hold his hips steady and a warm mouth closed over the head of his penis. His eyes almost flew open but he remembered what he told Kakashi and squeezed them shut.

"Haaa! Oh...Kakashi..." He groaned loudly as a tongue swept around the base of his length. He knew it must be the clone and understood why Kakashi made him close his eyes; he didn't know why, but seeing two Kakashi's threw him off.

The jounin's thrusts went faster and faster and harder and harder, and the mouth on his length sucked him in completely, swirling its tongue all around him. Iruka couldn't believe how overwhelmed he was; he had never felt such intense pleasure. It was so much sensation all at once, and he was wound up so tight, he didn't think he'd actually be able to finish.


"Yes, this is what I wanted..." The jounin's voice purred in his ear, and Iruka almost opened his eyes again in shock; there couldn't be a THIRD clone. Soft kisses trailed down his cheek and around his jaw, a gentle hand tilting his head up.

"Who do you belong to, Iruka?"

"Oh, God..." The chuunin moaned, instinctively reaching up and gripping the strong body above him. He felt thick muscle and soft skin; exactly what he was used to. He tried to curl into the warm body above him but arms pushed his shoulders down and pinned him to the bed. He whimpered and squirmed.

"KAKASHI...Please, please stop...It's...AHH,'s...too much..."

In response, he was pushed up into the headboard with the strength of the jounin's thrusts, and the copy-nin pounded into him as the clone hovering over his hips sucked and moved his mouth up and down his length completely unperturbed.


Iruka's head banged against the wood as it fell back, and he squirmed and pushed against the arms holding him down. There was a clawing, raging, burning build up of pleasure in his abdomen and he couldn't release it, couldn't hold anyone or cling to anything.

"Who do you belong to?"


There was another soft kiss to his cheek before two consecutive 'poofs' and the warmth on his cock and the hands on his shoulders disappeared. He groaned loudly and his eyes finally flew open. He saw Kakashi holding his head with his eyes screwed closed as the clone's memories flooded him. A couple of seconds later, he emitted a low, deep, sexy moan, louder than anything Iruka had ever heard from him. The jounin opened his eyes and they were hard with primal lust. He bent over Iruka so far that their chests almost rubbed together and fucked the chuunin senselessly, gripping the headboard and leaning his weight on it.

Iruka clung to Kakashi's back and screamed into his neck. He heard the jounin moaning and panting and thought very vaguely that he had never seen the copy-nin so riled up. Finally, his vision swam and something in his abdomen snapped and he was flooded with overwhelming waves of pleasure. He screamed his release and continued to cling to his love, his whole body shaking.

He heard Kakashi moan loudly and felt the jounin gripping his sides as he came. They both stayed trapped in each other's embrace, their breath still jagged and quick. Once they had calmed down enough for conversation Kakashi rolled onto his side and pulled Iruka with him. The chuunin was red with embarrassment and couldn't bring himself to look up into the copy-nins eyes.

"Are you alright, Iruka?"

The academy sensei just nodded his head quickly and Kakashi chuckled. "I'm sorry...if it was a little much; I've wanted to do that for a while."

Iruka finally glanced up to see Kakashi's eyes full of affection.

"No, it wasn't too much. was...I just can't believe we did that."

Kakashi grinned. "Oh...that's nothing. I have TONES of ideas."

Iruka gaped. "R-really?"

"Oh, yes. I HAVE been reading Icha-Icha for a while now; you can't read those books and not want to try some of it out."

Iruka couldn't help continuing to gape, but he also felt...excited. Part of him REALLY wanted to try whatever filthy scenario's Kakashi could cook up. He wanted to satisfy every one of his fantasies. Sometimes Iruka couldn't believe how incredibly sexual the copy-nin was.

"...Okay." He concluded with a smile.

Kakashi leaned down and kissed him. "I'm glad you said that, because I wasn't joking when I suggested having you on your desk; I'm thinking during sparring practice, when the kids are outside..."

Iruka sputtered. "UMMM, Kakashi, I don't think so."

"It's too late, you said ok."

"I said "OK" to the general concept of playing out your sexual fantasies. We are NOT having sex while school is still in session! Think of the children!"

"It'll be a great lesson for them."

"I'm not even going to consider it."

"Come ooooonnnn..."



They slept until Iruka's alarm woke them both; it was a school day and the chuunin had to get ready for work. The academy sensei yawned loudly and rubbed at his eyes; he still couldn't believe the things he got up to on a school night, but this was the affect Kakashi had on him. A big part of him liked it, although he had been very resistant at first. It made him feel...well, a little reckless, which was a big change from his by-the-book lifestyle before he'd been with the jounin. He found a little bit of 'couldn't care less' in his life really enriched it.

They were NOT having sex on his desk, though. Kakashi could whine all he wanted.

Iruka slowly got his things together, showered and pulled on his clothes. Kakashi dutifully made the academy sensei his tea, popped a bun in his mouth and tied up his hair while the chuunin had his breakfast. Another thing that still amazed Iruka about Kakashi was how doting he could be; he really enjoyed caring for another person. It made Iruka truly happy that he allowed the jounin to express that part of his personality, especially since it seemed to make the copy-nin happy as well.

Once he was ready, he stood before the door to Kakashi's apartment with a blissful smile on his face.

"Well, I'm off. Thanks for breakfast, as usual. I have a lot of marking to get done tonight, but tomorrow I'll come over straight from work, okay?"

Kakashi nodded and saluted him mockingly. Iruka smacked his arm lightly with his book bag.

"I'm going to be bored today, so I'll drop by to visit you at lunch time."

Iruka gave him a warning eyebrow raise and Kakashi waved him off. "No antics, I promise."

The chuunin smiled. "Alright, I look forward to it."

Kakashi leaned down and they kissed, soft and lingering.

"Have a good day." The jounin whispered with a smile.

Iruka blushed; he really enjoyed domestic moments like this, but they made him so giddy he could hardly look at his lover.

"Thanks..." He paused, his blush intensifying. "...Love you."

Kakashi's smile bloomed till his entire face was glowing.

"Love you, too."



PHEW. Man...what a ride. I had no idea this fic would end up being 21 chapters, but I really enjoyed writing it and I thank each and every one of you who read and reviewed. I am definitely going to be writing more stories, and I already have a KakaIru one shot in mind. I left the ending of this fic pretty, because shit in Naruto gets INTENSE after Pein and It's going to take another 20 chapters to try and incorporate their relationship into it.

...Huh. That might not be a bad idea for a story.

Speaking of stories, if anyone here doesn't read the it. DO IT!

Oh. Just got ANOTHER idea. Mwahahaha. Man, I hope I actually have time to write. I was all pumped about being done school 'cause it meant free time, but i've actually been twice as busy x.x

ANYWAY, stand by! :D Hope you liked this chapter!