Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any characters involved in this story.
Warning: Beta'd by EvilDangerGamer428. boy x boy.
THIS CHAPTER HAS BEEN MODIFIED. The third chapter has been removed and I will continue writing from this chapter onwards. I decided to change the chapter because as one reviewer pointed out, it was very rushed (Thank you. Really.) I apologise to all my readers for the trouble and thank you so much for being so patient (one year is a looong time).
Where are you?
"Anges are extremely protective and possessive creatures. If their mate or their offspring is threatened the Dominant Anges protects the Submissive or the younglings, even with his/her life. Their defenses are usually their wings. They attack with their large canines and sharp claws, which grows when they are angry or threatened. If their wings or any part of the body is damaged due to any reason, it can be recovered with the help of the Submissive Anges's blood. The submissive Anges blood has healing abilities. Again, the power of the healing ability depends on how much the Anges contains Pure Anges blood.
There are the three phases of an Anges relationship. First one is the unconscious acceptance. Dominant calls out for his/her mate and when the submissive gives out a cry in reply or vice versa, this is unconscious acceptance. This type of behavior is triggered by the Anges. Second is the conscious acceptance. This is when both the Anges are aware that they are destined and the submissive accepts that the dominant is his/her mate. Third is the intimate acceptance. In this phase the submissive completely accepts the dominant and allows intercourse. This is when the submissive is completely bonded to the dominant.
The dominant Anges releases an attraction pheromones which helps in attracting his mate. However, depite his/ her attracting pheromones, in some cases the dominant Anges are refused. In these cases the Anges are likely to suicide.
Anges are extremely protective and loving with their mates. They are considered as the most intimate creatures in the demon world. They like wooing their mate with romance and intimacy."
Silence stretched through the room to an uncomfortable level. Kakashi stared into Sasuke's eyes, unable to move with shock. As Sasuke closed his eyes, Kakashi snapped back into reality and he hesitantly made his way towards the door. He had to find Sasuke's parents. He hurried his steps as he neared his destination; The Uchiha study. He knew they'd be up all night in case Sasuke needed them.
Sasuke was in pure bliss. He could feel his mate. He can hear the call from his mate. His mate's call for him. He could also feel that his mate was in great pain. All he wanted to do was hold his mate in his arms. Whisper soothing words in his ear. Stop the pain his mate was going through. Sasuke was really close to doing so when he felt a strong grip on his body by another person. The said person applied enough force to make Sasuke sit on the leather chair.
"Sasuke, my Love, you cannot go to your mate at this hour. You have to wait till sunrise." Uchiha Mikoto whispered into Sasuke's ear.
Sasuke growled deeply and turned his head to glare at his mother. How dare she come between him and his mate?! He was furious! More than furious! He just felt his mate after torturous weeks and his mother tries to stop him from going to see his destined mate? No!
As anger grew inside of Sasuke, his eyes ever so slowly turned into blood red. Sasuke shook with anger as slowly, three commas appeared around his pupil. Mikoto unconsciously loosened her grip on Sasuke but recovered rather quickly and tightened her grip on Sasuke and whispered. She knew she had to put the words as bluntly as possible so that his Anges side would understand.
"If you go to your mate now, he will die. Because of you." Sasuke widened his eyes at the direct words. He almost cried at the thought of his mate dying. His mate dying because of him, he couldn't even process it in his head. He would die immediately if his mate died. Because of him. Finally his Anges side calmed down as Sasuke continued to stare at his feet.
When Mikoto was sure Sasuke had calmed down, she continued.
"The reason you just felt your mate must be because he came into inheritance a while ago. If you go to your mate now, your Anges side will try to stop the pain your mate is going through, interrupting his wing formation. When the wing formation is interrupted, he will die. So you have to wait patiently until sunrise, when you are absolutely sure his transformation is complete."
When Mikoto finally released Sasuke, he doubled over and buried his head in his hands. Mikoto continued to rub his back trying to soothe her son.
When a rustling noise came, Sasuke slowly turned his head to the side. He saw his father's amazing wings flap twice before folding onto his back gracefully. A sting of guilt hit Sasuke as he realized that he almost attacked his mother. Sasuke hid his eyes behind his hands and let a low growl escape his mouth.
Sasuke shifted his weight and realized that a body was resting on his chest. Sasuke squinted for a while, adjusting to the light peeking through the curtains before he turned his attention to the warm body hugging him. A bright blond mop of hair rested on his chest, clearly in deep sleep. His body had a tanned look making the skin look delicious. Though his body was a smaller frame than Sasuke's, his body was packed with the right amount of muscles on the arms. Sasuke finally lifted his head trying to take a peek at his face through those large lock of blond hair. As Sasuke tilted his head more to the side, he tried not to wake him up. Sasuke was an inch away from seeing his lips when the body suddenly stirred. He rolled over to the other side and lazily put on a shirt on the ground all the while showing Sasuke his back. Sasuke eagerly checked this delicious looking blond out shamelessly with a smirk making its way from the corner of his lips.
Suddenly, the blond got up and made his way towards the door. Panic swelled up as Sasuke hesitantly covered himself with the sheet and walked towards the blond.
"Wait... Don't go! Please!"
The said blond seemed completely unaffected by Sasuke as he continued to walk towards the door.
"Naruto! Don't go! Naruto!"
This time the blonde turned around to look at Sasuke. Sasuke slowed his steps unconsciously as he slowly lost into the depth-less blue orbs. Naruto stared at Sasuke with an emotionless face before disappearing behind the door. Sasuke panicked and quickly opened the door to find a corridor with no doors. He quickly followed the corridor to find another corridor similar to the previous one. He soon started running completely forgetting he had no cloths. All his mind processed was that he had to find the blond no matter what. Sasuke turned every corner in hope that he'd be there. When he reached another dead end he fell on his knees. He buried his head in his hands.
"No... NO... NOOOO!"
"No... NO... NOOOO!"
Tightly screwed eyes opened to reveal black dilated pupils. Sweat had formed around his face making his bangs stick onto his face, his pillow slightly damp. Sasuke sat up and gasped for air gripping his sheets if it was his life.
Mikoto slammed the door open and walked quickly towards Sasuke's bed.
"Oh thank god, I thought something had happened to you!"
Mikoto held her son's head and slowly guided his head towards the crook of her neck. Once Sasuke had settled from his slight fit, Mikoto rubbed circles on Sasuke's back. Sasuke rested his hands on his mother's lap.
"Mother, I saw a dream. More like a nightmare."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Sasuke hesitated a bit and nodded. "There was a blonde boy, sleeping beside me. And then he started leaving. And... I tried to stop him but he just disappeared. I even knew his name. Naruto. I..." Sasuke felt his throat close up and swallowed the lump in his throat.
"Ah, that's your mate in your dreams, Sasuke." Mikoto chuckled and continued. "As we are a strong ancient family, even the unconscious bond between you and your mate is quite powerful. Powerful enough to let the dominant Anges see their mate via dreams. You can even faintly feel the mate, which in normal Anges it happens in the second phase. Your mate must be quite powerful as well for you to feel him this vividly."
Sasuke let a smile slip onto his handsome face and closed his eyes, remembering the blue gems that were Naruto's eyes. Soon he fell into a dream filled with his blonde. His Naruto.
Sasuke woke up from his sleep when his mother shifted slowly and laid his head on the pillow. She had stayed with him all night. Even thought he had woken up earlier, Sasuke didn't give away any clue that he was awake. When he was sure she has gone, he slowly rose from his bed and rubbed his eyes. He ran his fingers through his hair and stared out of his window. How he longed to hold his mate in his arms and never let go if possible. He turned his black ebony eyes to the completely black sky and prayed, prayed if there were a higher power, just let him have one chance to hold his mate. And never would he let go. Loose himself in those blue depthless orbs forever. Oh, how he wished time would go quickly and the sun would rise. Naruto… Naruto… Naruto…
He inhaled deeply picturing those blue eyes staring back at him as he tried to calm his nerves. He had never been this distressed in his life before. The one time he was ever close to the stress he was feeling now was when Itachi left the demon kingdom to live with his mate in human world. He had a sense of emptiness when Itachi left. Sasuke thought his life was completely shattered when he left. Nobody to play Sasuke's favorite games hide and seek with, nobody to flick his forehead and call him "foolish little brother".
Sasuke had thrown tantrums and bursts of energy through the mansion destroying nearly all of his quarters. Sasuke's mother calmly tried to explain to Sasuke why exactly Itachi had to leave and till how long. Sasuke being the stubborn self he is, didn't listen to a single word that left Mikoto's mouth and locked himself in the room for several days. Eventually, he let himself out with a snobbish aura surrounding him. Whenever Mikoto tried to talk to Sasuke about Itachi, he'd huff and do anything else but talk about Itachi. Eventually Mikoto gave up and decided to let Sasuke be his grumpy self until Itachi came back and surprised Sasuke on his own. Honestly, it was very amusing for Mikoto, Sasuke could see.
Two months later Itachi returned with his mate Kyuubi to the mansion, completely catching Sasuke off guard while he was pouting near the garden pond. All Sasuke could do was gape like a fish at Itachi and Kyuubi for a good 5 minutes while Itachi just smirked at how ridiculous his otouto looked. Sasuke finally snapped out of his gaping and rigidly walked past the duo, glaring vehemently at Itachi particularly. And the next few days were the worst, according to Sasuke.
Because the duo apparently couldn't keep their hands off each other for a minute. And god, in their bedroom, they were so fucking loud. Since Sasuke's chambers were right next to Itachi's, he had so much difficulty concentrating on anything except Kyuubi's moaning every minute of the day. Sasuke's restraint finally snapped when he heard Itachi and Kyuubi… making love so loud he swore that the whole mansion shook.
All he was trying to do was get one good night's sleep. Sasuke ripped his covers off him and stomped all the way to his father's and mother's chambers and requested he be moved to a separate wing of the mansion. Fugaku smirked at Sasuke's behavior and merely nodded while Mikoto prodded with questions which she knew the answers to. 'Why do you wanna move Sasuke? What's Itachi doing, Sasuke?' Thankfully Fugaku had saved Sasuke from Mikoto's verbal attack with a "Mikoto, stop being childish. It's time for bed." With a defeated look Mikoto turned while Sasuke took the chance and slipped away from their chambers.
When Sasuke came to the age of 16, one year after Itachi and Kyuubi's return, Sasuke was asked for an important meeting at the library. Sasuke's knee length formal robes snapped behind him as he made his way to the grand library at the center of the mansion. When he entered all of his family members, including Kyuubi by Itachi's side, were present. He'd grown to like Kyuubi over the months he spent with then because of his fiery side towards Itachi. Everything had turned normal for Sasuke but his question about why Itachi left him went unanswered. Despite his frustration he kept it at bay since his logical side told him he'd have the answer soon enough.
He paused momentarily before making him way to the comfortable red plush chair which was obviously reserved for him. He bowed slightly in greeting to his father, mother and finally, to Itachi and Kyuubi. All of them ducked their head in acknowledgement and Sasuke took a seat. Later that evening everything was answered to Sasuke. It seemed that Itachi had gone to a two month honeymoon with Kyuubi and all of this was done in secrecy because a newly mated Anges can be easily agitated and jealous by anybody other than their mate. So Mikoto and Fugaku had allowed their eldest son to choose any place as per Uchiha tradition, including the earth and the demon kingdom, as their vacation spot. Of course Itachi had chosen the best out of the best and taken Kyuubi to earth. Sasuke sputtered when he saw Itachi looking at Kyuubi in an almost affectionate way. Mikoto smiled fondly at their sons and told Sasuke with a stern face. "You will understand my dear, one day you will understand."
Sasuke just nodded, not understanding then, but now he knew exactly what his mother meant. He still haven't met his soon-to-be mate and he knew exactly what his mother meant. Hell, he knew his expression would be worse than Itachi's. He'd be damned if he can stay away from his mate for even a second. Sasuke let a bitter smile adorn his attractive face while he traced the rimming of the window with his fingers. A knock resounded through the large room as Sasuke was snapped back to reality.
"Come in." Sasuke's morning gruff voice echoed a little. A shuffle from the other side and finally appeared a lean figure standing in the doorway. Black robes hugged his lean figure showing his broad chest and the high collar hid his face well.
"Otouto. You look...terrible." Sasuke turned around and faced his bother smirking at him. He can hear the underlying tone of worry in his brother's voice.
"If you are here to taunt me then please leave. I have more important matters to attend to rather than listen to you." Itachi's smirk widened. To any other, this may seem like a fight about to start. But both knew better, Sasuke was taking comfort in their normal bickering because right now the only thing holding Sasuke from falling into insanity was this. Who was Itachi to deny? He knew this feeling of emptiness more than anything in the world. He had 6 solid hours without his mate, and here his beloved otouto, he was pretty sure it was more than 9 hours. He couldn't imagine the emotional pain Sasuke was going through.
"Hn, is that how you treat your elder brother who just came from a long trip? And rushed here to see my otouto." Itachi let out a dramatic sigh.
"Save your drama for another time Itachi."
"Well, I'm just here to inform you that sunrise is near." Sasuke's eyes snapped to the sky and he could see a hint of blue mixed with the darkness. He was so absorbed in trying to control himself from speeding like a bullet through the woods and claiming his mate that time slipped his mind completely. Anticipation grew inside his stomach like wild fire as Sasuke nervously glanced at Itachi. A slow predatory grin spread through Sasuke's features and Itachi mirrored his expression. Both the mature Anges could sense the powerful magic seeping through their skin in excitement.
"Sasuke, it's time." Was all the confirmation Sasuke needed as his wings shot out while his eyes changed from ebony to blood red, all within seconds and faded into a blur leaving cracks on the ground where he had been standing showing the brutal force he had left the room with. Itachi let out a relived sigh slowly walking out of the room towards his waiting wife.
Once reaching his room he gently pushed the door not to wake his lovable wife. A gentle smile settled on his face when he saw Kyuubi curled up in the middle of the large bed with his hand on the space of the bed Itachi was supposed to be in. His smile widened when he heard a moan of his name escape Kyuubi's mouth. Itachi's self-restraint snapped and he pounced on the unsuspecting smaller male with no intention letting his Kyuu sleep that night.
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