A/N: Yay! My first fic! I had a bunch of these written out on paper and decided to finally type one up so all you wonderful people can read it and wonder why I still write like a 6th grader (jk… I hope). So without further ado…

"Ya want ta go on a date?"

Rin looked up from his manga, startled. A red-faced Ryuji was standing in front of his seat. "Huh? Rin asked. "When, with who?"

"With me o'course," Ryuji muttered, now extremely embarrassed and deeply regretting asking out the dense idiot now sitting in front of him. "Whenever's okay with ya."

"Why?" Rin looked confused. "Should I ask the others to join us? I mean, ya don't normally want to hang out with me. You feeling alright?"

"I'm trying ta ask ya out here!" Ryuji finally exploded. "Can't ya tell?"

Rin gazed at him with wide eyes. "I-" He was interrupted by the classroom door creaking open.

"Is that you I hear shouting, Suguro-kun?" asked Yukio as he stepped into the room. He was greeted by a glare from the beat-red boy. "Oh and nii-san. You're up early."

Rin grinned, pulling out the hairclip Ryuji had given him. "I thought I would do some studying for the test you're giving."

Yukio looked at him worriedly. "Nii-san, are you feeling alright? Did you eat something funny? You can tell me if something's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong! Ya told me that I could go on the next mission with ya if I passed," Rin said, scowling. "Have ya forgotten already?" Ryuji couldn't help but think that he looked totally adorable, with his tail twitching in irritation and his face slightly red. That pout was one of the reasons he was constantly bothering Rin so much.

Yukio's chuckling brought him back to reality. "Well then good luck nii-san. I hope you studied hard. Though I wonder how that manga under your textbook constitutes as studying." Rin's face reddened again and he opened his mouth to say something, but the other students began filling into the classroom, and Yukio walked to his desk. Ryuji, with a glance at Rin, walked to his usual seat as well. Rin watched him go, a curious expression of his face.

Ryuji was heading back to his dorm after his usual morning jog. Rin hadn't mentioned the awkward invitation again, or even talked much to Ryuji at all for the rest of the day. He decided to let it go and act as if nothing happened until-if- Rin brought it up again. When he got to the dorm however, it appeared that would no longer be necessary.

Rin stood there with a huge grin of his face and his tail wagging happily behind him. He was wearing a blue t-shirt (which Ryuji couldn't help but notice was a bit tight) and jeans (which also just so happened to be tighter than Ryuji's self control might allow for), with a large belt and an open grey sweater. He waved, and Ryuji knew his face was getting red again, the thought only making him blush harder.

"O-Okumura! What're ya doin' here?" he stuttered. It couldn't be that Rin was here because of what he had said the day before, could it?

Rin's smile slipped a bit. "I thought we had a date today. Do my clothes look weird?" He started looking a little nervous. "I've never been asked out before so I wasn't really sure…" he trailed off.

"Ya look fine," Ryuji mumbled. "Actually, ya look kinda good. 'Course, a little bit of a heads up woulda been nice. I've got ta take a shower now, so ya can wait in my room if ya don't mind Shima bein' there."

Rin's smile had come back full force by Ryuji's second sentence, and he cheerfully followed the taller boy to his room, where Shima lay snoring in one bed. Rin took a seat on Ryuji's bed.

"Feel free ta wake Shima up if ya want," Ryuji muttered, still embarrassed. It seemed as if he was going to have a permanent blush until this whole ordeal was over. "Or ya can get into my manga or somethin'."

Rin glanced up and his smile seemed to get even brighter, if that were possible. "Thanks, Bon," he said, and immediately grabbed one of the books off the top of the stack.

Ryuji was about to complain about being called Bon, before deciding that it would be okay, at least for their date. He stepped into the bathroom and shut the door, stripping off his sweaty clothes. He turned the water to warm, and relaxed against the smooth wall, his thoughts turning to Rin.

He was amazed the younger boy had decided to come, and wondered if he had fully grasped Ryuji's intentions. After all, it had come completely out of the blue. Ryuji's thoughts drifted towards what might happen if Rin had realized what he meant, and it soon became necessary to turn the water down to cold. He didn't particularly want Rin to hear his name moaned out in a way that would make it very obvious what Ryuji had meant. He didn't spend much longer in the shower, and soon left the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

He found Rin chatting with Shima, who had gotten up sometime during his shower. Rin glanced at him when he exited the foggy bathroom, and Ryuji didn't miss the way Rin's eyes followed the water droplets down his tan, muscular chest and stomach into the towel. His earlier thoughts started resurfacing, but he quickly pushed them away, turning to his closet.

He would have just grabbed the first things he saw, but a glance back at Rin's outfit changed his mind. Instead he settled on a black tank-top and dark jeans. He was about to go put the clothes on when he heard an incredulous shout from Shima.

"No way! Bon asked you out? Are you sure he was feeling okay?"

Rin frowned, remembering. "Well, his face was really red… kinda like he had a fever. But he seemed okay so maybe he was just bored. Do ya want to join us?"

Ryuji glanced back at Rin and Shima. Shima looked apologetic. "Rin, you sure you realized what Bon was asking you? I mean, I would go along to keep him from jumping you, but your flames should take care of that on their own." He chuckled nervously.

Ryuji's face flamed and he hurried to get dressed before Shima could say anything else weird. He would have to deal with Shima later, as punching him in front of Rin would probably give away that jumping Rin was definitely a possibility. He slipped all eight of his usual earrings in with practiced fingers, but he fumbled a bit with the two new ones he had recently gotten. He gelled his hair up and out of his eyes quickly and stepped out of the bathroom.

"Oi! Let's go Okumura," he called after walking to the door. Rin got up from the bed and moved to follow him.

Shima looked up. "Oh Bon. Could you come here for a second?" Ryuji gestured for Rin to continue without him before walking back to Shima and glaring. Shima, for his part, seemed undaunted. "Well this is a surprise. I didn't think you had it in you. And on top of that, Okumura may be cute and all, but he's still a guy like us Bon." Ryuji's glare could have scared a dragon. Shima began to wilt.

"N-not that there's a problem with that," he said nervously, "but uh, I always thought you liked, uh," he broke off and mimed large boobs with his hands.

Ryuji gave a contemptuous snort. "Don't confuse me you, ya disgustin' perv." He left before Shima had a chance to reply and found Rin waiting for him by the door. Rin wrapped his tail around Ryuji's arm and beamed up at him as he asked, "So where are we going?"

Ryuji mentally smacked himself. He had known there was something he still needed to figure out.

First off, yes, more earrings. The more piercing the better. My taste in guys scares my friends.

A/N: Yay! Its done! The first chapter is up! Tell me what you think! *Turns in the big, sparkly eyes.* Also, invisible cookies for everyone who read this! They are an excellent diet food, though not quite as satisfactory as a real cookie. But at least you can pick the flavor.