


AU/Yaoi fic. Hope you enjoy. Review if you want. Criticize if you must, but do so out of the need to correct, not hurt.

Remember that I own nothing at all.

Goku's Point of View:

Vegeta slept for most of the day for about a week before he began to strengthen and stay awake longer. I insisted he get moved into his bedroom since my mate would be more comfortable in his own bed and there were several windows that let in warm sunshine. The IVs were gone and it felt good to see Vegeta begin to eat again, even if his food was just a tasty broth at first. My mate began to slowly get his appetite back and with lots of pushing and whining, mostly on my part, Vegeta began to gain some weight back after a couple of weeks. I knew he was getting better when the complaining started. It was music to my ears.

"I'm going to be a fat cow if you don't let me out of this bed," my Prince grumped as he shoved his hair back out of his face for the hundredth time today, "Damn hair! Hand me some scissors."

"Calm down, Llazzine," I soothed as I stroked his face, "Baby, your hair is already beginning to start spiking again. In another week it will be completely out of your face."

"I am not a baby," Vegeta growled as he crossed his arms and glared up at me from his bed.

"You are my Baby," I cooed before laughing at his look of disgust, "Okay. I'll stop teasing. I promise only ever to call you 'Baby' in private."

"Hn," Vegeta grunted as he looked at me, "Fine. Then I will only call you an 'Idiot' when you are being an idiot. Oops! That's all the time. Sorry, Kakarot. I guess 'Idiot' is the perfect pet name for you."

He ducked when I chucked a pillow at him. I wasn't offended since I knew that Vegeta was only teasing. This was my mate's way of playing. I had learned a lot about my Prince over these last three weeks. My whole world revolved around this treasure that I had discovered.

A month since the party, Vegeta was nearly fully back to his original strength level. He and I had started having light spars in the Gravity Room. It was a joy to see his lithe form moving without difficulties and his ebony hair back in its traditional upswept flame. I was surprised one day when he led me to an unused section of Capsule Corp. Vegeta pulled me down a hallway that ended at a rather familiar looking window and window seat.

"This is a real place?" I gasped out as my mate sat down and smiled up at me.

"This is my favorite place to think," Vegeta admitted as he pulled his legs up to rest his chin on his knees, "I think even in my mind that this is a place that I feel safe in."

"Llazzine, thank you for sharing this with me," I whispered as I leaned down and kissed my mate, "This is a special place for me too."

Vegeta looked at me in surprise. I traced the pale mark that symbolized the beginning of our bonding on his shoulder which had appeared when he and I had awoken in the medical wing. I had been especially shocked when Vegeta and my tail had grown back in last week. My mate admitted that the potential bonding had led to the return of our tails. He and I had waited to complete the full bonding until Vegeta was healed.

"This was the place that you said 'yes,'" I purred as I pulled Vegeta closer to steal another kiss.

Just like before, our kisses grew more and more powerful. I don't know how, but before I knew it Vegeta and I where both naked and writhing against one another as our tails pulled one another closer. I bit down in the same spot on my mate's shoulder and suckled as Vegeta whined in need and pleasure. I had now marked my claim on my Prince.

"Take me," my mate begged as he bucked his hips and I stood and braced the smaller Saiyan against the wall and gasped in pleasure as I pushed into his tight body.

Vegeta had already explained that Saiyans were not like humans. A Saiyan male did not need to be prepared like a human. I started a steady pace of love making and Vegeta moaned and cried out with each thrust as he writhed between me and the wall. His head was thrown back in pleasure as I rocked deep inside of him.

"Kakarot! Llazzine!" he moaned as his hips moved against my own.

"Mine!" I growled as I continue to ride Vegeta and he answered me with purrs and growls of need, "My mate!"

My pace grew more insistent as I rutted deep into my smaller mate. This was right. This was being Saiyan. Vegeta continued to cry my name and beg for more. He arched when my stroking hands brought on his own orgasm. I pounded him harder for several more minutes before I released deep inside of him as he screamed in pleasure.

"Beautiful," I cooed as I sat down on the window seat with Vegeta still impaled on my manhood, "I love you so much, Llazzine."

"I love you too, my mate," Vegeta gasped out as he began to arch as I grew hard once again inside of him and he began to smirk, "Now it is my turn to pleasure you."

I will never forget that first time of exploring one another's bodies. I didn't know how much I had been missing having to hold back as much as I had with Chichi. Vegeta completed me as I completed him. Now that we were fully bonded I could feel all of his emotions and so could he feel mine.

"Are you ready to tell the others?" I asked Vegeta as we cuddled together watching the sunset outside our special window once our energy had been spent.

"Of course," my mate stated with pride, "I have an honorable mate. This is something to celebrate. I never understood how this planet could make such a big deal over who mates with whom."

"Good," I admitted with a feeling of relief, "Bulma wants to have another party to celebrate your recovery. We can tell everyone then, okay?"

Vegeta looked up at me and smiled. I felt his reluctance at the thought of a party, but his joy of our bonding was shining bright in his thoughts and feelings. This was one of my proudest days. My Prince and mate now knew that he was not only needed, but loved and cherished. To top it all off, I knew that I was completely loved and cherished back. Together we would face whatever obstacles life threw at us in the future. Life was going to be very interesting from here on out.

The End.

For now.

Sequel will be called "Challenges" so stay tuned.