Reviews for Foot Fetish
KisaItas chapter 1 . 10/1/2015
This was lovely and hot and I love how domestic you made it!

And wow I loved the scenes where you had them tickle eachother, so cute!

Your descriptions are excellent. Great job.:)
tsukinowa chapter 1 . 9/11/2015
I don't even like feet but wow that was hot...It was nice to read a fluffy KisaIta where the dynamic of their relationship is still retained...loved Itachi always getting what he wanted but Kisame always physically coming out on top, that's my favourite kind of KisaIta.
'Shut the FUGAKU up already' was genius :D
Night-Being chapter 1 . 8/27/2015
Wow, I can't believe this has only one review so far. You did a great job here! The description and characterization of their relationship was very nice and fluffy. It's always a relief to see Itachi in a happy environment and with a person who loves him, which was Kisame here. KisaIta FTW! :) This pairing needs more love!

I adore how you've depicted Kisame, he felt very much IC to me. And you also described him precisely - as the big, strong and manly man that he is! :) I loved the thought of Kisame being madly in love with Itachi, and Itachi loving him back. It was so light-hearted and romantic.

And the foot fetish! Wow! Let me tell you, that was some steamy stuff! I've never really thought about feet before, but you've def stirred my imagination and made those perverted gears spin. Great job! :)
TheSlyMistress chapter 1 . 7/23/2015
Damn! Omg! First off can't believe you wrote smut let alone a foot fetish! Great and happy KisaIta week! Wow! In shcok! Great smut.