Disclaimer: For the last time, I don't own Naruto or anything related to it!

A/N: Well, this is it. I'm not writing anymore to this fic, its at an end! Man, that makes me sad. Sorry for the late update too. Please enjoy and review.

Warnings: Nothing much but an ending.

"Y-you can't just throw me out there and expect that I just do it" Naruto literally hissed at his boyfriend.

In return he got a small smile that would've stopped his heart if it had been beating. He had to get use to this vampire thing quick, seeing everything so clear wasn't as great as it seemed. "You've done this before, remember?" Sasuke reminded him.

"But not at school!" The blonde growled.

"Done!" Kiba declared, slamming his hand down on the table on his return, Nara following behind. He beamed. "And no one died. You gonna do it, Naruto? Or are you too chicken?"

"I am not chicken!"

"Then hop to it, dobe" Sasuke was very amused at the blondes hesitation.

The two of them, along with Kiba, Shikamaru, Neji, and Gaara had transferred schools. Actually, they weren't even in Konoha anymore, now it was Kumo home of the Bolts.

They had had to leave Konoha because three newly made vampires having to attend a high school, that each of their boyfriends had graduated was not a good idea. And since the three boyfriends had graduated, they were expected to go on with their lives at college or with careers, especially with the kind of people they were. Wouldn't it be strange if they hung around town, forever keeping tabs on a blonde, redhead, and dog lover?

The only issue they had was Kiba's family and Naruto's godfather. Both companies were promised that their respective family member would have nothing but the best care and protection possible. As for visitation, they would cross that bridge when they came to it. Gaara had told his siblings he was leaving, and that was that.

Plus, every now and then they had to move due to the fact Shikamaru was not aging and his bestfriends were happy to move with him. Every year or so they would circle back around.

"Don't worry so much about it, Naruto. It's not as bad as you think" Shikamaru offered a reassuring smile before yawning and having a seat. "Man, why does senior year have to be so boring"

"Yeah! It's fun!" Kiba sneered at his blonde friend. "Especially, if you start to lose control-"

"Kiba, please" Sasuke turned his glare to the dog lover, who put on an innocent face.

"Sorry, he must have forgot his training" The lazy vamp leaned over to his boyfriend and whispered something, making said boyfriend turn red.

"Hehe, just kidding, Naruto. Good luck"

"C'mon. I'll go with you" Gaara volunteered, breaking his mouth away from the Hyuuga's. Apparently, becoming a bloodsucker had only made the redhead even more sex craved than before. He stood from the groups table and Naruto trudged behind him.

The blonde mumbled his disapproval. He was suppose to find something to eat, amongst one of the students here. It was a lesson in self control and ability to feed in public without giving it away. And Naruto was not happy about doing it. "Hey, Gaara. How'd you do this?"

They exited the cafeteria. "Well... I picked someone who was average. Who didn't have fangirls surrounding him. He was just minding his business and I came over and turned on the Influence, and he felt no pain so I didn't feel so bad. He had some wicked eyebrows though, if I recall"

"Did you ask his name?"

"Lee, I think"

Naruto let his blue eyes roam over the plaza of students and groaned. "I don't want to do this"

"You're hungry, right?"


"Then drink up!" Gaara nudged him with his elbow, nodding. "You know this isn't just a lesson in control"

"Well, what else is it?" The youngest vamp asked.

"This is Sasuke's way of trusting you to fend for yourself. If you can do this, he won't have to follow you everywhere in case you decide to turn into a murderer. That's probably why he didn't come with you. Neji did the same thing to me"

That hadn't even occured to the blonde. "I would've never thought of it like that" He smiled.

"And that's because you never think. But, I suppose that's why I became your friend" Gaara sighed. Then he returned the smile. "I'll be watching from afar"

Naruto started out into the group of humans, looking for someone ordinary. When the six of them had transferred to this school, they had quickly gained fame, mainly because of their unearthly appeal due to their vampiric powers. Sadly, that was quite the opposite of what the blonde wanted. Naruto had only been a vampire for 5 months, he didn't want to hurt anyone and-


A blonde eyebrow twitched and he spun around slowly to find none other than Sai, flashing his ever present fake smile. "What do you want, I'm busy!"

"You actually have a life? Hm, where's Emo-kun?"

Instantly, Naruto knew he was referring to Sasuke. And mentally he noted Sai was lucky that the Uchiha was not present, his boyfriend hated the artist. Sasuke had planned out many ways to kill him, mainly because Sai often hit on his blonde and talked about said blondes penis frequently. "He's busy too"

"Busy finding a boyfriend with a penis?"

Without replying, the new vamp started off again. But the artist trailed him, making small talk even though his companion wasn't contributing. "What are you busy doing anyway?"

"If you must know... I'm looking for a study partner. Sasuke already has so much on his plate I don't want to ask him to help me out" At least most of it was true. He was looking for someone and Sasuke did have a lot to do all the time.

"Well, I can help you out"

Then it occurred to him. Why didn't he use Sai? Yes, Sasuke would probably be mad, but Sai was the perfect candidate. He was bad at making friends, he wasn't loud, he didn't bring attention to himself. Naruto turned to face him abruptly, taking a deep breath. "O-okay. Let's go over here and plan this out"

In the next moment, Naruto was debating whether or not he was really going to drink from Sai. For once the artist was being caring. But one thought of Kiba's teasing face hardened his resolve. He thought back to how he first found out about Sasuke, trying to mimick the moves he'd used. He sighed before intensifying his gaze. Sai straightened up immediately. "Sai"

"Yes... Naruto?" The dark haired males eyes were glazed over.

"I need... A different favor from you" The blonde reached up and stroked the pale mans cheek. "Just relax and this'll be quick" Sai's eyes fluttered and his shoulders slacked as Naruto leaned toward him. Blue eyes looked around to make sure they were alone, vaguely he remembered Gaara, before bearing his fangs and sinking them in.

It was true, this wasn't his first time drinking from a human, he couldn't think of what number this was though. The sensation was mind blowing, but according to Sasuke, any human the Uchiha drank from now, couldn't begin to measure up to what Naruto had been. The description Sasuke gave him really made the blonde think he was missing out.

"There, done! Now, you won't remember any of this and we're gonna go back to fighting with each other" Naruto let his voice control the humans mind. This was one of the powers he enjoyed the most.

"Hey, you two! Cut that out, hn"

The blonde jumped and quickly, actually too fast, moved away from the artist and looked to see a teach coming toward them. Instantly, Naruto panicked. But then, he saw who is was. Deidara was making his way toward them, hands on his hips, smirking at them. "Deidara senei, you scared me" The blonde relaxed.

"Well, I should have! No PDA in the quad, Naruto-kun. That's not very nice for everyone who has to watch, hn" The older blonde vampire wagged his finger.

Sai was dazed. "I-I have to... Go" He stumbled away but gradually regained his posture. He turned to look at the duet of blonde males but shook his head and went on his way.

"So, Naruto-kun, how'd you do, hn" Deidara dropped his act.

"Fine, no one but you said anything" Naruto smiled and wiped his mouth. Deidara and Itachi had decided to travel to Kumo alongside the group, seeing as the Uchiha's were unable to seperate Naruto and Deidara. After experiencing Madara at his finest, the blondes had begged their respective brother to stay together. Even Itachi had scraped up a teaching job.

"That's so good! But I have to go, my break is almost up" The older vamp shrugged. "Itachi gets upset if we run out of time and get caught, hn"

-Line Break-

"I-is it weird that you feel kinda warm?" Naruto asked, his breathing harsh.

"Well, nothing is cold to us anymore" Sasuke rested his forehead against a tan one. He ran a hand down his dobe's whiskered cheek. "So, I guess not"

Naruto nodded, then he sighed as the pale man pulled out and laid down beside him. The blonde settled onto a pale chest. "Teme?" The Uchiha grunted. "It's just that..."

"Spit it out, dobe" Sasuke said, but his voice was soft.

"I been thinking...I'm not aging anymore" Blue eyes met dark ones. "But you are"

"Naruto... That doesn't matter, as long as we still–"

"But how long is that?" He sat up, untangling their naked bodies. "I'm going to have to sit back and watch you get old, then what happens when you die?"

Sasuke was silent, thinking before he spoke. His blonde was seriously pouting. "There are ways to keep myself young and stop the aging"


"I'll have to find a human that can serve that purpose. As Madara did" The pale vampire let his hand make small circles on his boyfriends back. "Nothing is impossible for a vampire"

"You're going to use a human?" Naruto was shocked. How could Sasuke do that? After all they'd been through over that.

"Not against their will of course. That'd be inhumane" The Uchiha reached for his love's hand to kiss it, mumbling his words.

"I'm worried about what's going to happen to us, all of us" He was thinking about all his friends. "What did Madara do to Sakura?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, he's died but she was still trying to kill me"

Sasuke froze to think about this. "I suppose it's because either hes not ompletely dead and technically neither are you, I guess that's why she's still insane. It's all very complicated, which is why she's no longer with us. I do feel bad for Kakashi though, he's so loyal to her"

"Could you do that to me? Give me a command before you die, so I won't kill myself?"

Now the older vamp frowned, his careless attitude gone. "You will do no such thing. And I'm not doing that to you"

Naruto hissed. "And why not! It's perfect, Sasuke. Because I don't know what I would do without you, I probably will kill myself"

"You'll have Gaara and Kiba to worry about, and your godfather. Be fair to them" Sasuke's words were sharp but his face was understanding. "And like I said, as soon as we graduate again, we'll find a human so this will never have to come up in conversation again. I'll always be with you, dobe"

The blonde hated this logic but gave up, he did like having the teme around. He returned to the pale chest. "Is that all we're going to do after we graduate?"

"Are you asking if I'd marry you?"

The younger vampire squeaked and re-sat up. "Shut up! No! I wasn't even talking about that"

"We would have to do a lot of planning. You'd have to meet my family properly, though Itachi will be fine with it. Of course, we'd have to deal with whomever my family wants me to marry now-"

"I said shut up!" Naruto was sure if he could blush, he would be. "There's no way I'd marry you, not with the way you act"

"Well, I have all eternity to propose and find ways to make you say yes. Or I could make you" Sasuke mused, grabbing tan shoulders and pulling Naruto back down. "Hn, now that I think of it... I can make you do a lot of things" The blonde could hear the smirk in the Uchiha's voice.

"You suck, Sasuke" Naruto shook his head, smiling.

"Thank you"

A/N: Well, that's all fokes! Hope the end was up to your standards and if it's not, feel free to tell me. Please review for this! And look forward to seeing more SasuNaru from me in the future.
