Hey guys! I'm so excited to be finally uploading one of my KevEdd fanfics. I hope you guys like it! Sorry that the first chapter is so short. I wrote a lot so I figured it would just make sense to separate the pov's. I have the second part all written up and ready to be edited. Also, this story and my other KevEdd fanfic can be found on my deviant art profile username: WickedPsychoZombie so you can check that if you want. I plan to put my other story here on fanficdotnet when I get the chance. Hope you enjoy!

Summary: KevEdd. Kevin stumbles upon a homeless Double D. Fixated on the boy, Kevin takes matters into his own hands.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot of this story and the side Characters Judy & Casandra.

Eddward whimpered as he reached over the dirty rim of the dented trash can, a lump forming in his throat as his gloved hand dared reach in, fingers sifting through the disgusting throw outs. The smell was a mix of something mouthwatering but looking worse than the sight of vomit. He grimaces when his fingers touch something wet and the feel of its squishy consistency smothered over his knuckles. Even with a glove it was hard to get over the fact that he was sifting through garbage. If it wasn't for the persistent grumble of his belly, he would happily gone another night without a meal. But there was only so much his tiny and exhausted body could take before it shut down on him. It was hard to maintain a healthy body while starving and homeless.

Having lost his job Eddward couldn't pay his rent and was forced to the streets. All of his belongings except for a few essentials like his wallet and beanie had been confiscated by the landlord who had shoved the door in his face when Eddward tried to reason with him. This was the city after all. Manhattan was a concrete jungle of skyscrapers and blaring car horns, a far cry from the sweet suburban living of his old home in Peach Creek. Oh how he missed those days. Back then he had a home to live in with a fridge filled to the brim with succulent fruits. He was surrounded by friends and people he knew. Here Eddward was on his own.

When he moved to attend a prestigious university in Brooklyn he had a nasty falling out with his parents. They cut him off immediately but thankfully the scholarship he had received for his perfect record of attendance and AP studies had paid the majority of his bills. Half way through his first semester, however, Edd started to doubt the credibility of the college offices. A counselor had called him in for an emergency meeting and much to his horror all of his school records were gone. All of his credits earn through summer ROP sessions and every outstanding grade he had earned in high school was nowhere to be found. He was outraged and raised hell about it but the counselor had his hands tied. The board of education had a unanimous vote on the matter and by default Eddward was kicked out of the university. It was around that time when his internship at a computer software company came to an end and the job he had been promised was given to someone else. Somehow word of his sudden downward spiral caught the ear of the manager and just like that Eddward's life was turned right on its head.

Instead of looming over a computer screen drafting his term paper he now spends his hours wandering the cold city streets with his thoughts for company and not a penny to pinch. He couldn't remember the last time he had a decent meal. Many restless nights on park benches and being chased off for loitering around public areas made it hard to decipher the difference in days. Thankfully he hadn't yet lost his mind. He needed to find a way to get back on his feet. He couldn't bring himself to face his parents. He wanted to prove to them that he could become something worthwhile in New York but doing so was obviously proving difficult. Had he imagined how he would have ended up, Eddward might not have left Peach Creek to begin with. But here he was and now that he had burned that bridge he had to find a way of moving forward.

He learned a tad further into the can, wincing as the thin edge dug into his waist. He picked out a closed styrofoam box and with his other hand opened the box. Inside was a half-eaten sandwich with a few garlic fries remaining. Checking to make sure there weren't any bugs or mix of trash in it, he set his find aside and continue to dig. He tossed out an apple core and disregarded the MacDonald's cup of fantana that hit suddenly hit his hand when a thoughtless man tossed it into the waste receptacle. The sticky fluid spilled all over and Eddward sighed. The orange liquid was everywhere and he had no doubt that whatever he could have found to make up for his meal was now soggy and useless. He sighed. Oh well, a half of a chicken sandwich and a couple of fries would do just fine. Compared to the nonexistent meal he had the last two nights this was, figuratively speaking of course, a feast served on a gleaming silver platter.

Hey guys I hope you like it so far. Second part will be coming super soon. Like maybe uploaded in just a few hours. We'll see how far along I get in editing. I'm not looking for perfection but let me know what you guys think. :)