Just a few things first...
1 Goku did not die at the end of the Cell games and Buu happened at an earlier timeframe. Trunks and Goten were both around six and Bulla and Pan were just babies.
2 This is obviously a Trupan fic, with Goten x Marron, Bulla x Lapis (Android 17) as side parings. Don't like the ships? Don't read it.
3 The rating will go up, and some themes such as drug and alcohol abuse and physical abuse will be brought up.
4 This is my only time saying this. I do not in any shape or form, own dbz.
5 Enjoy!
One- Allies
"Trunks, can you stop pouting for one minute, please?" Bulma sighed at her ten-year-old. She massaged the bridge of her nose gently as she glared down at him slightly.
"No," Trunks grumbled, his arms crossed as he slid deeper in his seat.
It was Christmas, and CC was holding their annual "Christmas Party" and Trunks wanted to be anywhere but there. It was boring with a bunch of old people talking about things he didn't care about, and his mother made him wear a ridiculous, stuffy suit!
Bulma let out another sigh and stood up straighter. "Just don't cause any trouble," she told him before walking off to greet a guest from a CC branch at North City.
Trunks' frown deepened, his eyebrows furrowing. "Dad gets to skip this lame party," he grumbled to himself. His blue eyes glanced over to his best friend, who was sitting beside him, stuffing his face. "Can you believe this?"
"Wha?" Goten muffled between bites of food.
"We're having to stay here in this stupid party area," Trunks narrowed his eyes.
"S' not so bhad," Goten slurped on some noodles. "Tha 'ood s' so ghood!"
Trunks shook his in disbelief. "We should do something..."
"Nu-Uh," Goten wiped his mouth. "You always get me into trouble..."
"C'mon Goten! It'll just be a few harmless pranks," Trunks assured him.
"Nu-Uh," Goten shook his head determinedly.
"I want to go with you," a small voice spoke.
Trunks turned to his other side to see Pan standing beside him. He blinked slightly at her. When had she gotten there? She was a quiet one, but Trunks shouldn't have been surprised. Pan frequently followed him and Goten around. Goten would complain, but Trunks actually didn't mind it... It was weird, but he liked having her around. She was... nice.
"Why aren't you playing with Bulla?" He asked Pan curiously.
"She wanted to play dolls and I didn't," Pan shrugged. "Can I go with you, Trunks?" She asked sweetly.
"Hm..." he frowned slightly. He glanced back at Goten, seeing that his friend was shoving more chicken in his mouth and sighed. Goten wouldn't be budging from the food anytime soon. "Okay," he finally told Pan. "But you have to do as I say!"
Pan nodded quickly, a smile lighting up her face. "Okay!"
Trunks stood up from his chair and motioned for her to follow him. She was silent as she followed him out of the ballroom area where the party was being held and into the kitchen.
"Okay..." Trunks opened up the fridge and he grinned as he saw the hot sauce. "This is perfect. All we have to do is replace the cocktail sauce with this and people's mouths will be burning," he cackled.
"Can I taste it?" Pan asked Trunks curiously as she looked at the red bottle.
"No," he shook his head at her. "It's spicy, meaning it's super hot. It'll burn your tongue."
"Oh," she frowned slightly, but her frown disappeared when Trunks handed her a yogurt.
"You can eat this," he gave her a small smile, which she returned.
She watched him happily as he continued to raid the icebox. Finally, he pulled out a strange pill bottle and grinned.
"This is perfect!"
"What is it?" Pan asked curiously.
"It's laxatives," Trunks' eyes were shinning with mischief.
"What's that?" She asked in confusion.
"It makes people have to go to the bathroom really, really bad," he explained.
Pan giggled, "that's funny..."
Trunks felt his lips twitching up in a grin. He felt oddly proud for being able to make her giggle like that. "Let's put these in your bag," he told her, pointing to the little kitten backpack she was wearing.
She turned, letting him place them in there before he zipped it back up. Pan grabbed his hand, holding it as they walked back into the ballroom. Trunks, although slightly embarrassed, didn't mind it too much... It made it look like he had been taking care of her since she was still sucking on the yogurt stick.
"Well look at this," Gohan said, stepping in front of the two. He knew the two of them were quite fond of each other but it was still a little strange to see them walking around together, hand-in-hand. "What are you doing with Trunks, Panny?" He asked his daughter.
Trunks glanced down at Pan nervously, hoping she wouldn't snitch on him. She leaned her head against his arm and smiled up at her father.
"Trunks is cute, Papa," she answered simply.
Trunks felt his cheeks heating slightly. What was wrong with him?! Pan was making him blush... But she was rather cute.
"Pan is cute too," he grinned. "Come on," he told the girl, leading her towards he buffet table.
Gohan watched them go, his mouth gasped open slightly. He let out a small whine as he realized that Trunks and Pan would probably be causing him many grey hairs in the future.
Trunks made it to the buffet where the large table stretched out before him and Pan. She turned, letting him open her bag.
"Keep an eye out and make sure no one is coming," he told her as he quickly mixed in the hot sauce with the cocktail sauce. He poured the laxative into the punch bowl.
He grabbed her hand once he was finished and quickly hid them under the cloth of the dessert table. Pan was giggling and he was grinning as he leaked out of it... Any moment now...
"Trunks," she whispered. "Why did you want to pull a prank?" She asked curiously.
"Cause I don't want to be at this stupid party," he answered honestly.
"But parties are fun! We can dance!" Pan told him. "Will you dance with me?"
"Yeah, but this one is boring," he grumbled. "We'll dance at another one," he told as he peaked out of the cloth.
It didn't take long at all for the chaos to begin. Yamaha And Roshii were one of the first victims of the hot sauce, and of course, once discovering how spicy it was, they rushed to the punch bowl. Within minutes, people were gasping, fanning their mouths and rushing off to the nearest restrooms.
Trunks was actually enjoying it. People were in a frenzy and the little party would have to be shutting down any time now...
"TRUNKS VEGETA BRIEFS!" Bulma's shrill voice rung out through the ballroom.
Trunks' chuckles died in his throat and he let out a loud, audible gulp. His mother sounded pissed and she had used his middle name, which was always a very bad sign...
"Bulma-san looks angry," Pan whispered as she peaked out from under the cloth.
"Yep," Trunks nodded slowly. He was definitely gonna get grounded, there wasn't a doubt about it, but at least maybe he could hide for a bit before then. He grabbed Pan's hand and looked at her. "On the count of three were gonna run into the main house, okay?"
"Okay," Pan nodded, holding his hand tight.
"One... Two... Three...!"
The two of them booked it from under the table and into the main branch without being caught. Pan followed close behind Trunks as he flew up three flight of stairs before running down a dark hallway. It only took a few seconds before their eyes to focus and he found a closet that they climbed into.
Trunks used his advanced sight to look around the small closet. It was just a typical storage closet, filled with old blankets and mostly junk.
"How long do you think it'll take them to find us?" Pan whispered.
Trunks let out a small sigh. "If we're lucky, not until my mother calms down..." At least, that's what he was hoping, anyways.
He glanced over at her and saw that she was rubbing her arms. It was a bit chilly in the closet and he reached up, pulling an old blanket off the shelf. He wrapped it around himself before sitting down and holding an arm out to her. Pan sat down beside him, quickly leaning against him and letting the blanket cover both of them.
Pan smiled softly and rested her head against his shoulder. "I like hanging out with you..."
Trunks felt the corners of lips twitch. "I like hanging out with you too, Pan...na." He added the 'na' on a short after thought and she glanced up at him, her dark eyes wide as she tilted her head.
"Panna?" She repeated softly, and at his nod, she smiled. "I like that name..."
"Good," Trunks told her. "Because for now on, it's my name for you. Only I'm allowed to call you it, okay?"
Trunks wasn't exactly sure why he wanted to be the only one to call her that. Perhaps it was because her family already had her dubbed as 'Panny' to them, and having his own name for her made him feel special in her life. And he did want to be special to her...
"Okay!" Pan nodded, leaning back against him.
With a grin of his own, Trunks rested his head against hers. He knew that whenever they were found, he would be getting into some major trouble, yet he didn't mind. The prank hadn't been as daring as he hoped, but him and Pan worked rather well together. He enjoyed her company.
The closet was quiet as they began to feel fuzzy and warm. The more minutes that passed, the heavier their eyes grew until they both were drifting off to sleep, nestled in the blanket together.
Of course, they didn't get to sleep for long. A search party had started downstairs once Bulma couldn't find Trunks no where in sight, and Gohan remembered Pan being with him...
Goku has been the one to find them, thankfully. He woke Trunks up gently as he picked Pan up and carried her. Trunks was still groggy from the short nap as he walked with Goku back downstairs. Thankfully by then, his Mother had gotten over her anger and was more worried than anything else and he got away with just a light scolding.
As Trunks trekked up the stairs towards his room he couldn't help but think that perhaps the reason why he didn't get in that much trouble was because of Pan. Maybe she was his good luck charm...