CS: Whose finally ready for the Everything and Anything Prequel? Let's see hands…yes, yes quite a lot of you. Well I'm sorry to say it's still not ready. In fact I've decided that I won't be doing a prequel, just didn't feel it. SO instead I have a story based around the love of Kairi and Sora…...HAHA! Nah, I that would just be terrible and against my morals :D This IS the Prequel of Leon and Cloud's life before Twins. I hope you all enjoy the first chapter.
Disclaimer: I do not own kingdom hearts or the usage of FF character it's all square Enix baby.
"Alright dad I'm off." Leon grabbed his bag that was slung over one of the many work benches about his step father's, Cid Highwind, Gummi Ship repair/ Item shop. It was his first day of High School not to mention month of living on Destiny Island. Originally from the hustle and bustle of Traverse town Leon transferred to the more laid back and tropical paradise with the Captain when his step mother of 5 years past away when he was but the age of 7. It was a cold winter that year, one Leon would never forget.
Cid turned from his work station, to see his son off, a cigarette between his lips and a oil infused sweat splotches upon his face, "You leavin' in that?"
Leon looked down at his first day apparel, a pair of tight denims ripped and scoffed in various places with belts and chain dripping from his waist. A tight dark blue shirt hugged against his pecks silver jewelry littering his fingers and wrist. The youth sneered he thought he looked pretty damn good, well enough to make a dazzling first impression that's for sure.
"Yeah, what's wrong with it?"
Cid arose and approached Leon pinching his thigh. Leon let out a sharp 'ow' and slapped the offending hand away, "For one, those pants are damned too tight. What the hell are you trying to prove wearin' them? To mislead others that you may or may not have a dick?"
Leon and frowned and blushed slightly at the vulgarity of his father's vocabulary. He just wouldn't understand that this was the style and what appealed to those who beckoned.
"I'm making a statement. Dad."
The captain snuffed, switching his cancer stick to the other side of his mouth, "That, what, you're an easy flamer?"
"And what's wrong with flamers?"
The two ceased their dispute to turn toward the voice behind them. There approached the ever sultry Vincent Valentine, the sole cause for the two's transfer to the small island. It was this dark mysterious angel that saved his spiraling father from utter depression and desolation. The two met on a delivery trip two years after Shera's passing. As described from the now joyous and ecstatic man, it was love at first sight. Leon met Vincent when he was 12, just three years ago in which he could only describe the strange man with one word: Vampire-esque.
The ex-Turk clad only in crimson and ebony his sable hair drowning his perfect plain skin and hiding wine colored eyes. He was ghastly beautiful yet stunningly frightening.
Vincent walked over to his lover handing him a glass of lemonade and rag to wipe his face, which the other accepted in gusto.
"What's this about Flamers?"
"Nothing, Cid's just being difficult as usual." Leon emphasized this with an eye roll.
After chugging his glass of nectar the Captain returned it to his lover's possession, re-energized to resume the previous argument. "Difficult my ass! There's no way my boy's going out there lookin like something straight from a whorehouse!"
Leon was just about to recoil when the silent listener made himself known again. His long arms wrapping around the blonde's strong neck his fingertips lazily stroking the hair on the back of his neck, "Those words are a bit strong…aren't they captain? After all this is the only kin you have."
Slyly he managed to bumped his groin against the other's the electric friction circulating all the way to the poor pilot's brain. His calloused hands stroked his seducer's hips, "He don't have to be, ya know."
Thanks to the minor distraction the young Leon was able to escape the clutches of his father's parental hold and scamper off to his classes. Leave to Vincent to pull out the whole 'let's have a baby' strategy.
Leon was a freshmen as of today, though he did not look the part. If anything to those who was not familiar with him, which was basically everyone, he looked of that of a Junior if not Senior, though his demeanor reminded one of just that. He hoped it was how people would perceive him, until they really got to know him. To be taken seriously and included with the older more mature boys rather than the derogatory freshmens' he was shrugged along with.
As the newcomer came closer into viewing of the school he saw a peculiar sight. A young blonde with hair in a Mohawk fashion and baggy clothing invisibly assaulting the air. Coming into closer contact he saw that the teen's face was littered in tribal tattoos.
Leon watched the student for a moment more before the other finally noticed him. Electric blue eyes honed in on the cool collective stormy eyes of Leon. "Hiyah!"
"Hi." Perhaps approaching the teen was a bad idea.
The mysterious blonde walked over to the burnet wiping his hand on his shirt before extending it to the other. "The name's Zell Dincht! Yours?"
Leon refrained from shaking the other's hand, finding it odd that he'd wipe it in the first place. "Leon Leonhart."
Slightly embarrassed from the rejected handshake the blonde recovered with a scratch behind the neck, "Leon, huh, cool name. So you a Freshmen too?"
Stormy sphere's lit up in shock, "Freshmen! H, how did you know that!" Was it that obvious he was in nowhere close to the upperclassmen? Zell occupied himself with more mindless punching, "I don't know, one freshmen to another I guess."
Leon folded his arms, "Right, so…what are you doing, exactly?"
"Just getting in a little training before school starts. Nothing like so aerobic exercise before sitting some boring room for seven hours." With one final uppercut he dawned Leon with a brilliant smile.
"Right…" Leon rolled his eyes. Just what he was talking about. They were in high school for goodness sakes! Middle school was behind them. They should be engaging in more sophisticated activity not imaging you're apart of DBZ! It was people like him that gave freshmen a bad name. The burnet frowned at the thought.
"So, are you new here are something? I don't remember seeing you around before." Zell asked as he took a seat upon the bricked gate that surrounded the school within, Leon, not knowing what else to do with his time and Zell being the only acquaintance thus far leaned against the wall beside him.
"I just moved here, a few months ago."
Zell nodded, "That so…Hey!"
Leon looked up to the blonde loud exclamation, "We should hangout! I mean you don't know anyone and I'm always looking for a good time!"
A good time? If Leon didn't know any better, he'd think Zell wanted to become fuck buddies.
"I don't know. I wasn't planning on hanging with underclassmen."
Zell cocked his brow, "Underclassmen? But…you ARE a underclassmen."
"To the untrained eye perhaps. When you look at me, what do you see?" He stood right in front of the boy arms crossed across his chest.
"Uh…a freshmen who wants to be a senior?" Zell tried, not completely understanding what the other was getting at.
Leon shook his chocolate locks, "No! You see a Senior! Or a Junior in the least!"
The blonde scratched the back of his neck nervously, "Er, Sorry man. But every time I look at you all I see is a freshmen. Like a said before, one freshmen to another. It's like a sixth sense security blanket I guess."
Leon frowned. Dammit if it was really that obvious there was no way Leon could even try to hang with the upperclassmen with freshmen like Zell attaching himself to him.
The tattooed faced teen chuckled at the pout Leon was displaying, "Does being a higher classmen really mean that much too you? You're gonna be one sooner or later, no point in rushing it." He jumped from his perch beside the teen.
"Is not that its just…"
Zell put a firm hand on the other's discouraged shoulder, "Look if you really want to hang with Uppermates, I could always introduce you to some of my buds."
Leon's gray eyes lit up, but quickly dimmed a smirk on his pretty lips, "That depends…are your friends anything like you are?"
The fighter laughed out, as a black impala pulled to the front of the school. Both boys looked at the tinted window, the burnet in awe the blonde in amusement.
"Speak of the devil here's some of my boys now."
The backseat door opened to reveal a sight that Leon almost fainted at the sight at. Who would have guesses such a blonde Adonis could know the knucklehead Zell?
A spiky blonde with eyes like the sky stepped from the crapped car within, a frown on his perfect features. "The last fuckin time I ride with your nasty ass Reno!" Soon after the blonde stepped out a red head step from the driver's seat, green eye dancing. "I told you I haven't cleaned this shit in forever. Warned you yo."
The mysterious teen rolled his eyes and turned to Zell, and what's this? A very attractive burnet he'd never seen before. Grey eyes looking to him with just as much interest.
"Cloud man!" Zell exclaimed glomping the tall blonde, snapping his attention away from the mysterious burnet before him. Crystal eyes sneered at the mass on his side, "Zell? The hell you doin here? Didn't I tell you to stop following me to school!"
With a shove the laughing freshmen stumbled off the upperclassmen back over to the curious Leon. "Not following, I go here."
The red head now known as Reno opened the passenger's door to reveal a darkly clad pale skinned effeminate looking male with long silver hair scaling his backside, who arose daintily leaning onto the driver's frame as he kicked the door shut behind him.
"You a Freshy now Zell?" A wicked smile curled on his lips as his eyes caught with mischievous sapphire ones. Not catching the exchange of glances Zell grinned thrusting his fist in the air enthusiastically. "Yeah Boy! Finally in the big leagues! This year's gonna rock!"
The silverette chuckled softly at the other's antics, Cloud grinned nodding to the burnet beside him.
"Oh yeah," Zell wrapped his arm around Leon's shoulders, as if a way to physically pull him into the conversation. "This here's Leon, he's new to the islands."
"Really? That's cool. You…a freshman too?" Cloud asked, gem like eyes narrowing slightly with curiosity.
Leon's heart beat a mile a second. Time seemed to freeze, stand still as his answer was awaiting the ears of the group. The next words he decided to speak would either make or break his high school fantasy he's always imagine. Would tell the truth or lie?
"He's a-"
"I'm a Junior." Gray eyes caught Zell's large blue eyes expand in shock at the fib, but ignored it. "Leon Leonhart." He extended his hand to shake with the attractive blonde whose grinned just could seem to dissipate, took it with sly gusto.
"Cloud Strife. You can skip the formalities with those two, well the red head at least. Got no class." He gestured to the odd couple behind him.
"Yeah, up yours jackass." Reno replied walking up to Leon. "Got more class in my dick than your entire body, yo."
He took a once over on Leon, emerald eyes scanning every inch before him as if trying to decipher weather the information stated was legit. A small 'ahem' was sounded from the sliver beauty on his hip, a warning to cease his staring. Reno grinned at the nervous looking 'junior', "The name's Reno and this here's Yazoo. I'll see ya later Prick, Zell, new guy.", soon walking off toward the entryway waving over his shoulder at the group.
Cloud shook his head at his so called 'friend', "Sorry about that, like I said: no class." Leon gave a small chuckle in response the sweet sound only causing Cloud's grin to tear through his cheeks."
The bell sounded and all that were still around and about started their slow retreat toward their designated classes for another long toiling day of school. The three walked together toward the building as well. Leon sandwiched between the upper-class god and the underclass denizen. Leon couldn't help but steal glances up at that gorgeous face of his. It seemed unreal that such a person could exist, let alone be a citizen of boring ole Destiny Islands. Every time he was about to get caught in the act the burnet would disengage his peeps and pretend to be interested in the many lockers lining the walls.
"Well! Best be off to class!" Zell exclaimed louder than necessary as they approached a door labeled English 1, a long crowded line of confused looking freshmen speaking to one another on if their whereabouts were corrected. Some of the girls looking up at Cloud in shy awe. Leon frowned, God how he hated freshmen.
Cloud put a fist on his hip, "Are you positive Zell? I'd hate for you to embarrass yourself on the first day."
Zell scoffed as the poor excuse for a teacher sifted through the crowd and unlocked the door, "Embarrass? What's that mean? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the word, cloudy boy."
The statement earned Zell a strange look from the man attempting to unlock the door. The blonde scratched his head nervously, "Uh, just kidding sir. I am familiar." The balding man only shook his head and entered with a large trail of freshmen following behind him.
Cloud burst out into a fit of laughter, "Good going dumbass! Looks like the teacher already hates you and the day hasn't even started yet!"
Zell gave the other blonde the finger before entering the room too.
After his tickled nerves calmed themselves Cloud turned to the new islander, "So what to do with you?"
The words came out smooth and seductive as cerulean orbs honed into intoxicating gray ones. Leon blushed, "What do you mean?"
"Your schedule. Where's your first period?" He asked throwing all dirty thoughts Leon had in mind back into the filthy gutter where they belonged. "Oh. I haven't gotten mine yet, I was suppose to go to the office first."
"Ahhh, I see. I'll take you there. I know this school like the back of my hand."
Leon smirked, "Why's that? You a teacher's pet or something?"
Cloud snorted, "Like hell I am. You have to know this school inside and out so you know the best places to skip, or smoke, or…"
He trailed at the last thought, an invitation for Leon to take. He took.
"Or…what?" He asked.
Cloud looked dead into Leon's eyes, his own hazed with a film the underclassmen was not familiar with. "To Fuck."
Leon blushed at the vulgar word disconnecting his eyes from the other, not wanting to look at the taunting grin bestowed on his lips, "Oh really? You've done that at school?"
Cloud stretched as the bell for classes rang, "Yeah, a couple times. Nothing big though, mostly head."
The two turned to find a teen who could have been the exact replica of Yazoo, if not for his short platinum hair. He grinned strangely at the blonde not even giving the burnet one iota of attention. "Who's that?" Leon sneered noting the way he looked at Cloud.
Cloud frowned, "No one. Hey, listen I'll catch up with you later. I've got to sort through some…business."
He started toward the intruding teen, before Leon stopped him, "Wait! Which way to the office?"
Cloud paused and turned to the newcomer, the sliver teen continued to only gleam at the blonde, "Just keep going straight. It's the first door on the Left, can't miss it."
Leon nodded as the two vanished around the corner. The freshmen sighed as he continued his journey onward to the office, missing the other's company and presence.
"What is it you want Kadaj, I was busy." Cloud folded his arms and frowned at the sliverette across from him. The two were wedged between a tight space outside of the school. Kadaj only giggled softly, "Busy? Picking up little boys isn't what I consider being busy."
Cloud scoffed as the sliver haired teen closed the space between them locking his lips against the other more reluctant one's. The taste of the strange teen's lips was bittersweet, a familiar taste he was acquainted with himself. When the two parted, Cloud dawned the other was a cocky grin, "Bourbon and mint…only you would come to school tipsy. And the first day at that."
Kadaj giggled as he drew lazily circles against Cloud's strong chest, "School stresses me out."
"You're hardly in school, and when you are you never do diddle shit." The blonde brushed the pestering finger off his frame and separated the distance from the two again. "Now what is it you want."
Kadaj flipped his silky hair and resumed his leaning on the wall, "I need a hit."
"Forget it."
For the first time since Cloud ran into the teen the grin fell from his pale face, replaced instead with a threatening frown. "Why the fuck not!"
"If you want a hit get it from your brother. I'm don't have any to spare."
The drunk teen crossed his arms and glared, "Liar! Yazoo was the one who told me to ask you for some. Said Reno just gave you three new bottles today! That's plenty to share."
Ferocious blue eyes turned to equally livid green ones, "Fuck you! Why the fuck should I give you anything, you fucking slut!"
Though the strong word would have probably broken most as an insult that took to heart and cause many to turn and leave in anger, Kadaj only grinned like a cat closing the space between the two yet again. Long arms wrapped around the older man's neck. "That's right, Cloudy I'm a slut. A dirty whore, whose willing to let you do whatever you want to me. Consider it my payment to you."
Cloud turned away, whether to escape the seductive teens strong aroma or provide access for the other to nip and lick his defenseless column, one could not be sure. "Why can't you just buy shit yourself?"
Kadaj crouched down to come face to face with his destination as he slowing undid Cloud's zipper, "Cause it's more fun this way."
"Leon Leonhart. Yes, here we are." The portly woman at the front desk handed the burnet a blue piece of paper equipped with his designated classes. The newcomer gave a slight nodded to the woman who continued to stare and smile at him, "Thank you." he responded politely not really sure how to end the awkward conversation with out rudely walking away.
"A freshmen are you? My, If I didn't know better I'd think you were a Junior. So mature for your age and polite." She smiled.
"Er, thanks." He nodded again before turning to leave. "Oh, wait one moment sweetie, we have a special escort to help you around for your first day."
Fuck. The last thing Leon needed right now was someone stalking his every step showing him to every little insignificant thing around the school. Not too mention it would cause everyone to know he was a freshmen, too inferior to know where the bathroom was. Just thinking about it made Leon's cheek light up in humiliation.
"No thank you I think I'll be alright."
The woman at the desk shook her head, "No, I'm afraid you have to go through the tour. It's school regulations, since you missed the tour your eight grade year, you're going to have to go through it now."
"Leon, how lovely to see you!"
Leon turned fast to find the angel to his rescue. There walking toward him was no other than Aerith Gainsbourgh, a close friend to the Leon's family who he himself consider to be like a sister to him, if not for her young age perhaps even like a motherly figure. Her long single braid swinging as green eyes stared warm heartedly at the younger male.
"Aerith!" Leon smiled receiving her warm hug in gusto, ignoring the other woman who cooed at the sight.
"Leon, I can hardly believe you're already in high school. I can't wait to show you around."
Releasing the hold on the other the newcomers face lit up in hope, "Wait, you're my escort?"
She nodded, "Yep! When I saw your name on the calling list, I just had to volunteer for the spot."
The two continued their conversation out the door into the hallway as Aerith directed Leon in the right direction. Having Aerith around actually may prove to Leon's advantage. There was no doubt in his mind that everyone knew Aerith, and her being a Senior and all it would only add to his gain. He grinned, these four years were gonna be fun.
"Ngh, God Kadja, suck it harder. You want that hit don't cha?" Cloud groaned fingers buried deep within the silky the threads crouched in front of his cock as pretty lips wrapped around the length sucking and slobbering. The younger teen moaned in response as he increased his pumping, hands fondling exposed balls as the Cloud let out another groan, climax fast approaching.
As Cloud's seed spilled into the expectants mouth, his mind couldn't help but wander to the adorable burnet he'd met that day. Pondering if he too was a drug addict that gave sex for hits like the sliver beauty before him now. His grin, turned into a slight sneer as he fixed himself and tossed the messy teen his black vial. It clinked as it hit the concrete but did not burst. Kadaj snatched it up quickly as if it was the first drop of water he'd had in eons. "Don't OD on it ya whore." He said turning to leave.
"Love you too, Cloudy."
CHAPTER 2: Escorts and Vials: END
CS: Well there you have it, Cloud's a dealer/addict and Kadaj is a addict/whore, and Leon is planning on using Aerith to his own advantage. Bet you didn't expect things to be soo, twisted. Yeah. Plz R&R!