Moriah: Hi, everyone! I am new to Naruto fanfiction.

Harry & Yugi: Why are you doing Naruto? You still have Yugioh and Harry Potter to do.

Moriah: There is nothing wrong with expanding my writing. I just want to try a Naru story.

Harry: Well, I am sure that people are going to like it. Morie-chan owns nothing. Please review! First story, so please be nice.

Summary: After confessing his love for his best friend, Sakura, his heart shatters when she rejects him. That same night, he meets a mysterious stranger, who ignites something in him that he's never felt before. Who is the stranger and why won't he leave him alone? But then again, Naruto doesn't want him to.

Chapter 1

Pacing around the grass, a male waited nervously for someone.

The male had short spiky blond hair that put the sun to shame, bright blue eyes that looked as if they were pulled strait from the sky, and tanned skin that would put a tanning booth to shame. He was wearing a orange shirt, blue jeans and black shoes.

'How am I going to tell her? How am I going to tell her?' he kepting thinking over and over again in his head.

The male had been planning this for weeks and as the moment nearered, he wasn't sure if would be able to say it or not.

For years he had a crush on his best friend, but said nothing. Now that he was sixteen, he was ready to tell her his feelings. He just hope that she felt the same.

"Naruto!" he heard someone yell, running over to him. "Sorry I am late." a female voice was heard as she neared the male, making him stop his pacing.

Naruto gave a smile despite his nervousness. "So what did you want to tell me?" she asked.

Looking at her, his eyes almost melted. The girl had shoulder-length pink hair, glisening pale skin from the sun, and beautiful green eyes. She was wearing a pink shirt with pink jeans that hung to her body perfectly and white shoes.

"What did you want to tell me?" she asked, snapping him out of the daze he was in as he looked at her.

"Well, I wanted to tell you..." he didn't think he could go through with it. He wanted to, but a part of him didn't think he could. He was just to... afraid.

Sakura nodded, trying to think of what the other could he trying to say. "Tell me what?"

Naruto sighed before speaking again, getting his nerves under control once again. "I wanted to you that"

All he heard was silence. Sakura didn't say anything.

"Naruto," she began softly, putting her arm on his shoulders in a comforting way. "That is really sweet, but I think of you as friend. I love you too, but only in a friend way."

The blonde could feel his eyes getting watery with unshed tears. He looked at his best friend and nodded. He could see the look of hurt she had, for upsetting him.

"Are you okay?" she asked, worried. She didn't want him to stop talking to her.

Naruto nodded, before walking backwards, away from the hand, as tears started running down his cheeks.

"Naruto?" she asked, more worried that her best friend hated her for her reaction. Looking into his eyes, she could see his heart shatter as more tears ran down his face.

"I'm... sorry.." he said, having trouble talking because his body started to shake. "for wasting you time..." he said before running off.

"Naruto!" the pink haired girl called after him. "Naruto, please come back!" she would have ran after him, but everyone in the school knew you couldn't catch Naruto Uzumaki. He ran too fast.

The blonde ran off the school grounds, towards his favorite thinking spot. After five mintues of running, he came to a lake.

The lake was a beautiful clear blue, covered with different colors and shapes of rocks, shimmering as the water washed over them.

He stopped running and walked over to a brown rock with sparkles on it. Sitting on it, he put his head in his hands as he continued to cry.

"Why did I even think I had a chance with her? I should have known that she wouldn't think of me that way." he said to himself.

"Now how I am going to react when I see her? How am I going to react when I'm around her?" he questioned. "How will she react when she's around me? Will it be different? Or will she act the same?"

Eventually, the blonde cried himself to sleep.

Waking up hours later, he saw that the sky was now a bluish black and the water shimmered under the moonlight and stars.

'Pretty.' he thought, getting up off the rock.

You would think that his back would hurt because of how hard the surface of the rock was, but after you sleep on it alot, you get use to the feeling.

"I should get home." he said aloud as he started walking out of the woods.

After walking for 10 minutes, he was on the side walk, passing by a store.

Hearing a beeping noise, he reached into his pocket to see that his black cell phone read: 5 Missed Calls.

Flipping it open, he looked into his missed calls and saw that Sakura had called 4 times and his friend Kiba once.

"I don't want to talk to Sakura right now." he said. "I couldn't talk to her even if I wanted to. I don't even know what to say." he said, before he felt something hard hit him and fell to the ground.

"Gomen." he said, sitting up from the ground. "I wasn't looking where I was going."

"It's quite alright." he heard a deep voice respond back, making him look up.

He saw the most hottest guy in his life standing in front of him. But of course he was straight so the hot part didn't make sense.

The guy had black hair and deep onyx eyes, so deep you could lose yourself in them.

The stranger held out his hand for the blonde to take. Reaching his left hand out, he grabbed the others hand, feeling the hand was a little cold. Naruto decided not to ask, even though he was really curious, but decided to look over the guy more as his feet touched the ground again.

He had pale skin and was wearing black tight shirt that clung to his body and to his muscles in the right way, black pants that hugged his hips and black shoes.

Naruto guess the male's favorite color was black.

"I am really sorry. I should have been paying attention to where I was going." the deep voice said, snapping the blonde of his musing of the other.

"No, it was my fault. Bumping into people is what I am known for." Naruto chuckled. "I am really sorry. Are you okay?"

The black haired male smiled. "I'm fine. I am more worried about you."

The way he said that, made Naruto blush. 'Why the hell am I blushing?' he questioned himself.

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha. It's nice to meet you." the male, now known as Sasuke said, his hand out.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki. It's nice to meet you too." the blonde took the hand and shook it, before pulling away.

"The pleasure is all mine." he said, with a hint of seduction in it, but the blonde didn't catch it. The black haired male look up at the blonde. "Why are you crying?"

Naruto looked at the male confused. 'Crying? I was crying?' he thought, before the answer came back to him.

"It's a long story." he answered.

Moriah: Please tell me how you like the first chapter. If I get enough reviews, I will start on the second chapter.

Naruto: Morie-chan doesn't mind advise, just don't be mean. She is really sensitive.

Moriah: Yes I am really sensitive. I cry easily. So please make sure that you review.

Until the next time I update...