Title: My Dream Starts With You

Disclaimer: I own nada and make nada. Inuyasha and crew belong to someone else.

Pairings: Sesshomaru/Inuyasha, Naraku/Koga, a few mentions of others.

Rating: M

Warnings: Heavy angst, violence, G, deception, adult content, homosexual relations only, urban blend, out of character attitudes. If none of these appeal to you, seek another plot elsewhere.

Summary: Football's always been Sesshomaru's passion. The smell of the field, the scream of the crowd, the beat of the moment. He loved every minute of it. There was only one other passion he held dear; knowing Inuyasha was in the crowd to cheer him on. However, on the night of the playoffs, Inuyasha didn't show.

Author's Rant: Hurricane Isaac kicked my ass for a while but I'm recovered and hopefully back in the mix of updates. This story's different from my usual style. The feel of speech is slightly urban and more southern. None of that fluffy wuffy stuff. Enjoy. ^_^

Prologue: Decisions

University of Alabama was in immaculate thrill tonight. Crimson and white bleed all over the parking lots, mixed in the crowds and painted faces. It was the fight of the year, the match of the season, the prepared ultimate showdown between the two rivaling colleges of the country.

Auburn University vs. University of Alabama on their home turf. Red and white blanketed the Jordan Hare Stadium like a Dexter murder scene. Fans were screaming, and presenting their proud school colors overhead. Auburn's crew took up the other half of the stadium, completely dividing the place in navy and orange streamers, paints, war eagle symbols and audible shouts of vengeance for last year's defeat.

The bedlam commotion rattled inside the Alabama locker room like a set of loose keys. Everyone in offense and defense position was ready to start the lineup. In the back corner was the Alabama's Linebacker, Naraku Espada, getting the hype built up with salty trash talk and adding the extra boost was the team's safety, Hoshiyomi.

"Who run this?"

"Ba-ma!" The team shouted.

"Who dish the ass whoopings?"


"We ready!"


"We ready!"




Hoshiyomi walked in the middle, tossing a towel over his shoulder, "Yo, yo, yo,yo check this out. Auburn out there stretching and prepping like some got'damn ballerinas. What we say about that Naraku?"

Naraku hoped up on the bench, shirtless and hair a shaggy flash of black on his shoulders, "We say we need to remind them that football ain't a contract sport. It's a battle. We collided, divided and fuck up ankles and legs and arms," He hoped off grinning better than a great white. "But hey, hey, hey listen up. Coach says winning ain't everything," He paused. "But shit, I'm tryin' to get laid and losing ain't gonna get me some ass!"


Hoshiyomi held up his hand and started sniffing the air, "Hold up, hold up, hold up, ya'll," He dragged in a long dramatic sniff. "Hm, damn what's that smell? You smell that?"

Naraku smiled even wider, "Yeah, yeah I smell it. Ya'll smell that too?


"I smell, I smell, I smell—"

"PUSSIES!" The team chorused together.

Sesshomaru stood to the back, scouring around inside his locker for something to tie his hair back when the team's running back smacked the side of his door. The dog demon's hazel eyes turned liquid gold as he glared down his counsin for trying to catch him off guard.

"Who you staring at like that, son?" Grunted Naraku. He dropped the half-naked act for a red and white striped sleeveless Under Armor shirt, and his pants and cleats.

Sesshomaru went back to scavenging through his locker. "You, that's who. Move," He closed the door shut and sat on the bench. "You got an extra hair tie?"

"Naw, gave the last one to Hoshiyomi. If his stupid ass trip again Coach said he's gonna warm the bench for the rest of next year," Naraku sucked his teeth, rocking his neck from side to side. "You nervous?"

"Hell no," Said Sesshomaru. "What I got to be nervous about?"

"Tanaki Goki is out there scouting that's why. We play our cards right, we both gonna be rocking the Saints next year," Sesshomaru wished Naraku would lose that stupid grin. It made him think about the cat who ate the canary with extra A1 sauce. "Annnnnd I heard Tsukuyomaru's got it out for you for laying his ass out last year."

"So? Like I give a damn about his feelin's."

The response was a cold shut down of I'm not in the mood to talk. Naraku gave Sesshomaru a funny look before he lightly popped him on the back of the head, "What's got your drawers shitty?"

"Nothing," Sesshomaru stood after he tied on his cleats and stuffed his pads inside his pants.

"Ah, come on man. That's what cousins are for right? What's eating you," The spider demon asked. Then decided to solve the mystery on his own. "You and Inuyasha got into it again, didn't you?"

"Nothing, alright? Just drop it," Sesshomaru's attitude dripped slower than snow fall and twice as cold.

"Hey, whatever. Its whatever," Hell, Naraku knew when to take a hint. "You just better not let it get you caught up on the field I know that much—acting all pissed and shit over some ass. Man pu-lease," Naraku returned back to his side of the locker room to finish putting on his gear.

Naraku didn't understand. No, Naraku understood enough to call it crazy for his cousin to be acting this way. Sesshomaru didn't expect him too. What he went through earlier was no doubt going to rain on his parade and dampen half the school's faith in him. Sesshomaru wanted to blame all his troubles, all his anger and all his lack of focus on one nineteen year old sophomore named Inuyasha.

Gorgeous son of a bitch, walking on two mile legs and enough hair to sew a quilt. If it wasn't for Inuyasha being as fine as he was, Sesshomaru would . . . he would—God why was the boy so hard to deal with sometimes? The bastard hanyou had to go and ruin this special night with his attitude.

What was one little word anyway? All he had to say was yes and he fucks it up with a no. Sesshomaru hadn't ever felt so rejected in his life. They'd been dating for three, long, long, long years, and knew each other even longer. What more was there besides making it permanent?

Sesshomaru wanted to get married. Inuyasha wasn't ready. The hanyou was claiming some B.S. about his freedom and studies getting compromised if he got married too soon. Wasn't that some of the craziest whiplash shit you'd ever heard. Didn't Inuyasha understand how lucky he was to be with Sesshomaru? Sesshomaru had men and women flocking to his dorm room and his locker for autographs and a taste of what he was only and faithfully keeping for Inuyasha.

Just thinking about the argument pissed him off all over again.



"No. I said no," Inuyasha gripped the side of his hip, tilting his head to the side in a way Sesshomaru thought would make him back off the subject. "Why are you making things so complicated? What's wrong with the way things are?"

Sesshomaru gave him a stupid glare, "What's wrong with—you're not serious. I want permanency and commitment, Inuyasha. I'm aiming for the big leagues and I want you as my husband not my play boy."

"I understand all that but what about what I want? I'm not ready. I only have two years left for school, why can't we put off the engagement until then? I'm not going to date anyone else while you're away. I only want you."

"You say that shit now but what about in the long haul? Like I want you hanging around in the house with some other Alpha and—" Lord help him, if Sesshomaru ever caught Inuyasha with another demon he'd set the whole world ablaze. Sesshomaru shook the murderous thoughts away to focus on the attitude-rearing hanyou. "How do you think I feel knowing that I'm in training camp and you're off free to do whatever you want? Cameras and journalists will be stalking you and I need some assurance that when I come home, I won't see you on the front page doin' something stupid. I want the world to see you as Inuyasha Espada, not Inuyasha Shikon. I don't believe in that shacking up shit."

"Ok, Ok, whoa," Inuyasha cackled like a banshee, flipping his right hand up and down like swatting at a fIy. "So I'm the unfaithful one? Correct me if I'm wrong, 'cause I'll drink your bath water if I am, but who was it that got caught walking out of Trinity Lockhart's dormroom last year?"

Low blow. He didn't have to do that. Sesshomaru wanted so bad to roll his eyes but held the gesture back in case he'd make the situation worse, "You didn't have to go there."

"Right and you didn't either, but I'm not gonna stop going to school just to please you. What the hell you take me for huh? It's obvious you don't respect me enough that I want to have as much of an education as you."

"You don't need school. I'm liable for first draft pick babe. I'll make more than you ever could on some little degree."

"There's no guarantee you'll always be there Sesshomaru. I'll need to take care of myself if that time comes. I can't rely on you for everything."

Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed paper thin, "You're sayin' that like you know we're gonna break up. Is that how you see our future?"

"No . . . but I'm being realistic. You getting drafted. Great for you Sess, but shit that's when the real stuff might drive us apart. You talkin' about getting married already and me dropping out of school? I don't know what's gonna go through your head when you get a taste of the limelight. I gotta look out for number one when your dick's looking for the next number two."

"And you really think I'm going to waste my time with all those groupies? You're the one I want to marry. Sluts and hoes are a dime a dozen. You? You're that one in a million. So just say yes. Please?" Sesshomaru had worked his way up to Inuyasha, arms carefully winding around his waist. "Please, don't make me beg," He buried his nose and sniffed in all of Inuyasha's fresh shower scent.

Inuyasha let himself get tugged into the embrace as he dropped his forehead on his boyfriend's shoulder, "Just give me some time," He lifted his head, trying to meet Sesshomaru's eyes." If you love me as much as you say, you'll wait for me. No matter how long I take."

The night shouldn't have ended like that. Inuyasha never gave his answer and they both left with nothing more then bird kisses on the cheek. Sesshomaru drove back to his side of the school, heated.

Trying to play him for a fool. Of course Sesshomaru loved him. What kind of shit was that? If Sesshomaru loved Inuyasha, he'd wait? Inuyasha didn't know what he wanted. Sesshomaru was on the top ten list for first draft pick and sure to sign a contract with enough stacks to put down IHOP. Wasn't that enough? Security, commitment, and endless pleasure.

Sesshomaru sighed and rolled his neck from side to side. He needed to get a grip.

He hated getting worked up before a game. It caused cramps. They were going up against Auburn tonight and he needed to train all his anger out on the other team. Besides there was one thing he could count on about Inuyasha, even if the boy wasn't loyal about the marriage thing.

He was going to be in the front row, near the rail with his friends cheering Sesshomaru on. Inuyasha was always the first of fans to be there. And that was enough to pump Sesshomaru up for action tonight.

This should've been the night he was out celebrating his boyfriend's big night. Inuyasha should've been out there. He should've gone. Instead the hanyou had taken to destroying his bed, smashing the mirrors inside his bedroom, ripping off the wall papers and wrecking the rest of the dorm. Everything was torn to shreds but even as he walked back into the bathroom minutes later, nothing had changed.

"Shit," He hissed and choked. "Shit, shit shit!"

Inuyasha swallowed the sour bile, leaning all of his weight on the side of the bathroom sink as if it could take away his woes . . . his regrets. He was a quivering wreck, hair matted on the side of his face from dried tears, hands shaking so bad he thought he was going into shock. No matter how many times he stared at the white stick, the lines were there clear as sunshine.

There were two of them. Bright blue parallel figures hovering inside the oval glass.

There were so many emotions running through his mind, in his head, in his heart. This couldn't be happening. It was wrong. This was all wrong.

"FUCK!" Inuyasha rammed his fist into the mirror, bursting glass shards all around his feet. The pain was a numb ache but nothing compared the shallow agony flaming the pits of his stomach. It hurt so much. His body trembled worse than his hands. Inuyasha curled into a tight ball on the floor, gripping the floor mats between his fingers. "Sesshomaru," He groaned. Even saying his man's name hurt. Inuyasha hiccupped, sobbed, and cried for the third time that night, unable to control the wild urge in his head.

He had no choice. This couldn't happen. He wasn't ready for it. Inuyasha wasn't ready.

Oh God, if Sesshomaru found out—he'd kill him.

Inuyasha's shivers turned into massive quakes. He shoved his fist into his mouth as a gurgling sob erupted from his throat. "Ouch," He wheezed as the tight squeeze on his heart clenched like a vise. He couldn't stay here. The damage was done. There was no way to reverse what was done. Inuyasha felt the queasy disgust come back as hot as acidic poison and crawled pitifully to the toilet bowl, emptying out the sweaty shame and terrible guilt.

It wasn't enough to change how he felt. It just made him feel hollow. Inuyasha stood on legs made of jelly and walked without aim to the phone. His fingers stopped shaking just long enough to dial the seven digit numbers.

The phone rang. Inuyasha held his breath until the line picked up.

"Hey. . ." He rubbed under his nose and closed his eyes tight. "I need a ride."

TBC: Sooooo . . . shall we see what happens next?