Reviews for My Dreams Start With You
lavi-kitsune chapter 22 . 9/26
Update. Update. Update. UPDATE PLEASE!
CannibalFrankie chapter 22 . 8/5
It felt like this story has only been updated years ago, but it hasn't been that long. I keep finding myself coming back to it mostly because you put an elemental in it that I don't see anywhere else and it's giving it a very, very modern twist to it.

I grew up in an urban household and seeing my favourite characters in a familiar setting, and not to mention my favourite pairing? Yo bruh, it's just, mind blowing and it just does things to my heart.

I just want to say thank you for writing this. This was the best thing I've read in a long ass time and I always find myself coming back to it whenever I felt like coming back to read the stories I've read long before. I would have to say you were the inspiration for me to start writing for myself on Tumblr. The casual way that you wrote the characters, in all of your fics just make them more human than everything and honestly it's a breath of fresh air.

Thank you so much for your stories and I do hope that things are going your way wherever you are

One of your biggest fans
EvilAngelofHeavenandHell chapter 22 . 7/27
And all caught up! There better be more, or someone finna get cut. Oh my lawd, this is just too good of a fic to pass up. Death threats aside from not having at least 4 more down and already here. Thank you for uploading it.
EvilAngelofHeavenandHell chapter 19 . 7/26
Goodddddamit! Muso you bastard! Y'all some straight up hoes! Damn, that right there is why I can't put thus story to reat. Been binge readin like a show off Netflix real hard since yesterday! I'm glad the baby is not who we think it is. Thank you. But in all seriousness f Muso, and I hope Kyo gets what's comin to that cross dressing tranny looking we don't know what to call it, ass, real soon.

All in all. Good plot, read, drama, despair, etc. Make this a real one. Thank you for adding your masterpiece to the wonderful collection
Guest chapter 22 . 7/1
itzatakahashi chapter 22 . 5/28
don't know if you're still writing but pls for the love of all that is holy can you find time/energy to finish this story...I only recently came across you writingsthis has been the first one I binged it has been sooo good...thx for what has been written so far...look forward to any further updates
SuperYandere chapter 22 . 3/14
I'M LOVING THIS! When will you update next?
Horselover15678 chapter 22 . 12/10/2019
I LOVE the story! I hope you continue it I would like to know what happens when they find out it was Muso that raped Inuysha and how everyone takes it.
MyVeryOwnBlah chapter 1 . 7/7/2019
Please update! We need to know!
TsundereTwin chapter 22 . 1/30/2019
OMG that was so good! I'm so ready for the night between Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha and Ryuu and Bank. Also I can just imagine the shit that's gonna go down at the Thanksgiving dinner when everyone finds out everything and they just destroy that asshole and the freaking tranny! I'm seriously looking forward to everything!

Keep up the awesome writing!
FPM chapter 22 . 1/11/2019
Guest chapter 22 . 1/4/2019
Will this ever end? I need to know what happens!
Guest chapter 22 . 12/11/2018
Yaaaaaay they finally met! So are we getting a chapter on the proper welcome cuz that’s definitely worth the read.
love crimson red ray88 chapter 22 . 12/9/2018
Omg, I thought this story was lost. Please update sooner
Guest chapter 22 . 11/25/2018
OMG YASSSSSSS! Lord knows I’ve been waiting on this story and it’s getting to the good part. I hope all of them beat Muso ass and that drama starting hoe. Sesshomaru better not mess things up! And I can’t wait to read what happens between Bankotsu and Ryuukotsusei *wiggles eyebrows* go ahead and send that next update our wayyyyyyyyyy!
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