I do not own Naruto. I didn't earn money to write this story. Masashi Kishimoto created Naruto.

Warning for some gross descriptions, I suggest not reading while you are eating, or if you have a weak stomach. I had a few delays in writing this story and the plot is not finished yet. I want to get this story finished. I can't say when the next chapter will be out though.

Zombie Love

Chapter 24: Set the Trap

Tsunade frowned. Shikamaru and Jiraiya were pouring over scrolls and directing the other shinobi who were clearing an area for the trap. Shikamaru had his head buried in a book, but he was on alert. Jiraiya started unrolling a giant scroll. It was blank but that would be changing soon. He had a large pot of ink and an enormous brush. He looked at the copy of the scroll, "So Uchiha drew this? He's good…Even if this is only a copy. Maybe…"

"Maybe what?" Tsunade asked in a gruff voice, "You'll take him under your tutelage and drag him off to all those hot springs?"

"Huh?" The man had the gall to act innocent. He rubbed his chin in thought, "It hadn't occurred to me…but hey with his looks the women would flock to us."

Tsunade growled, "As far as the Uchiha is concerned he is still a prisoner and in my custody."

"Well then where is he?" The man pointed out.

"Never mind that! Would you get that thing ready? We still need to gather the others," The Hokage ordered.

Shikamaru sighed, "So troublesome."

The two sannin looked at him and asked, "What?"

"What's so troublesome?" The young man pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed again, "We need a holy man to bless the sutras. Even if they are perfect copies of the original they will do no good with out some form of pure spiritual power."

"Well then we must find a monk or a priest or priestess," Tsunade frowned.

Shikamaru nodded and stood, "What a drag. I'll go find one…If I can."

"Fine," Tsunade said, "Be careful out there kid…And hurry back!"

Shikamaru was already walking away, but they could hear him grumbling to himself as he went…

…Konohamaru hoisted Sasuke none too gently as he climbed the side of the monument. It had not taken long to figure out everybody was going there. He was able to easily bypass most of the throngs of risen plague victims. They seemed slightly deterred by the climb. Some stayed at the base milling around a few more aggressive ones were trying to climb the vertical face.

None seemed to think of going around to the more sloped face of the mountain, but if they did there were ninja stationed to cut them down. Konohamaru had taken the sloping winding path, and paid no mind to where his elbows went. If they dug painfully into the side of his main romantic rival that was more than fine with him.

"Watch yourself pest," Sasuke growled a warning as the younger boy's elbow dug into his side.

"Hey you're lucky I don't leave you here to fend for yourself," Konohamaru complained, "I should be with Naruto not babysitting a blind bastard like you."

"Hn," Sasuke snorted, "You would just get in his way."

"Oh that's it," The boy dropped Sasuke on the sloping hill, "Find your own way to safety."

He was about to leave Sasuke when a noise caught his attention. Konohamaru turned around. Sasuke turned toward the noise. An outcropping of shrubs rustled in the wind. Sasuke was tense. He realized that something was missing and relaxed for a second. Kaede was missing she must have been gotten left behind and had tracked them down.

Konohamaru didn't relax though. He bushes whispered as something crawled out. "SSsssaaaassuuukkkkeee," The thing hisses quietly.

"Sakura-san?" Konohamaru gasped. The pink haired kunoichi was crawling out of the bushes she looked up and hissed angrily. Her eyes were dull and her throat was speckled with pustules (a clear sign of the plague). She didn't look dead though. She was taking shallow breaths.

"I need you Sasukkkkkeeee," She moaned and lurched forward coughing. Sakura vomited a mixture of blood and bile. Konohamaru nearly puked as well. Sasuke seemed to have stayed calm and was slowly getting to his feet. Sakura crawled through her own sick mess toward him with a grim smile on her face and vomit dripping from her chin.

"Sasuke please stay," She tried to stand up as well, "Sasuke I think I'm dying." She stumbled. Her breathing was labored. She gagged but continued to speak, "P-Please s-stay with me. I-I left the hospital when I heard the explosion."

Despite his standoffish appearance of Sasuke was shocked and even a bit saddened. Sakura was dying. She was already starting to act like a zombie and yet she was coherent. He heard her vomit and smelled the vile odor of decay in it. He nearly wretched but his façade held…until she touched him…

…Sakura was trying so hard her body hurt all over and she felt sick but he had to leave the hospital. She knew Sasuke was vulnerable out there and she wanted to help him. She had awakened when an explosion caused the hospital to tremble. She got up and walked out. In the chaos she had slipped away and no one was the wiser. She was just another plague victim now. But she wasn't going to dwell on it She would find Sasuke and then nothing else mattered.

Sakura's head was hurting and her stomach was churning. She felt hungry and nauseated at the same time. Her body felt numb, but she pushed on. Then she saw everybody was going toward the Hokage monument. It made sense to take the high ground. Sakura trudged through the streets and up the hill. Her knees gave out on her and she felt weak so she crawled on hands and knees.

She caught up with Sasuke. He was talking and she followed his soothing baritone. He was sitting he looked a bit banged up and his eyes were bandaged but he was still beautiful as ever. She crawled through a nettle bush. Her hair snagged and was pulled she was dirty and her clothes were torn. She started to stand up when she felt a strong wave of nausea. She was only slightly horrified to see the blood in her vomit. Se crawled forward and began to push up. Sasuke stood as well he took a step back but she didn't take notice. Sakura coughed and heaved as she took an unsteady step toward Sasuke she reached out to him and he recoiled his face twisted into one of disgust. Sakura felt her heart break once again.

"Sasuke," She looked at her feet. They were bare. When had she lost her sandals? Her shoulders shook. She chuckled and looked up, "I lost my sandals." She began to cackle. Her laughs started to sound crazed before she dissolved into tears. She sunk to the ground once more. Sakura sobbed, "I just wanted your love. It's all I ever wanted." She snapped her head up and glared past him her eyes were flat and lifeless. Sakura slumped forward coughing. She passed out…

Konohamaru watched the strange events unfold. He was unable to speak once he uttered her name. His anger at Sasuke was put to the back of his mind as he watched the stoic man's mask break. Sakura was a mess. When she passed out Ko reached for Sasuke's arm. The man gasped and tried to jerk away.

"It's only me. She's fainted. I think…" Konohamaru whispered. He was sure she was still alive, her torso rose and fell as she breathed. She may smother laying face down like that but he wondered if it would be a mercy to let her die unconscious. "Lets go…before she…"

Sasuke didn't budge.

"Come on Uchiha!" Konohamaru was starting to remember his anger.

"I can't" Sasuke sighed, "Naruto wouldn't leave her like this."

"I'm not carrying her she's-"

"I'll carry her you just have to lead me," Sasuke cut him off, "She's not dead yet. She still has a chance."

Konohamaru threw up his hand. He knew it was the right thing to do. He knew Naruto would be angry, not just angry but disappointed and sad if he had let the girl die alone like that.

"Fine I'll carry her…You'd not make it up the mountain in this state…Here," Konohamaru opened his pouch and produced a coil of ninja wire. He tied one end around himself and the other end around Sasuke's waist. "Hope one of us doesn't fall we might get cut in half," He commented gruffly.

Sasuke nodded and waited as the younger man wrapped the ill young woman in a blanket. Lucky he had his camping gear packed away in storage scrolls. He hoisted the girl. Sakura had tears running down her cheeks and she was shivering violently. He felt pity for the girl she was annoying and snotty but nobody should have to suffer like this. The trio continued up the mountain…