Poll: The Star Wars EU exploded in the '90s. Should I move my SW/HP semi-crossover 20 years later so the boy-whose-parents-didn't can have more material in his childhood to work with? (this will require some re-writing, but the existence of wookiepedia would mean more frequent updates) Vote Now!
Author has written 2 stories for Star Wars, Arthur C. Clarke, Harry Potter, and Mass Effect. Please copy and paste this to your status if you're constantly being asked to copy and paste things to your status by friends who copy and paste things to their status. Many people won't copy and paste this, but my true sarcastic friends will copy and paste it because they know this was copied and pasted from a dear friend in need of more stuff to copy and paste; and if you don't copy and paste it, then this means you hate Jesus, kittens, puppies, and bacon. And if you hate bacon, the terrorists win... Yes, of course the federal government can effectively regulate the entire internet. Look at the stellar job they did on ! Feel free to adopt my ideas, as I make no money off this. As a favor, PM me before doing so. I'll update when my damn muse wakes up. Just started my first fanfiction. I have readers in Australia, the UK, and China. FEEL THE RUSH!!!! A day later, three chapters are up, and to the reviewer who complained my chapters are too short, I agree. but I wanted to see that chapter dropbox to make sure I got the process right. yay, it works! Unfortunately, I've come to a flux point where I have no idea where it's going. You won't be getting three chapters in 24 hours like this. vent 27 year old right-wing "bigot", who /vent I rather enjoyed the Harry Potter series, up until the saw-that-coming "revelations" of book 7's climax. the movies, particularly PoA and GoF were a disappointment. Why are they certain it was Sirius who betrayed the Potters without the Fidelius charm involved? How does Sirius know that "the map never lies" when nowhere in the movie does it say that he made it? Instead, they add Hermione and Sirius both futily trying to get through to a transformed werewolf (Hermione's smarter than that and Sirius has too much experience with Moony to think that would work). And then they cut out the Quidditch World Cup so they could have more time for a Myrtle lap dance. And the Crouch family subplot was completely screwed up. OotP was better edited, but why abridge the prophecy? Why did Voldemort want to kill Harry as a baby when the only part that singled out a specific person didn't apply to him yet? And the dementor attack wasn't explained. list of stupid things I read in fanfiction Duel and Dual aren't the same word. A legal taxpayer of two countries has duAl citizenship. Aaron Burr killed Alex Hamilton in a duEL Thanos wants to wipe out half the life in the universe so the other half doesn't die in a population crisis (that in the real world was staved off by the rising price of raising a child, and more efficient food-production techniques). It's random in order to be "fair". First, is this half of the original population, or half the survivors after destroying their cities and burying many in the falling rubble like Xandar, Gamora's homeworld, and almost New York? Then there's the post-purge looting and riots as various religious groups try to explain it, maybe a nuclear strike or two just to settle old grudges (like the treaty of Versailles at the end of WWI was revenge for the Franco-Prussian War). Yup, 99% of the survivors are killed in the fallout from the "infinity snap", but at least they won't starve! Been dreaming about that new movie for the past two nights. This is the result. I don't know where to post challenges, so here's as good as any. Horizon Zero Dawn/Mass Effect crossover Rachni wars take place between crusades and 21st century, as opposed to the hight of the Roman empire. With this re-alignment of ME history... The signal that caused Gaia's subsidiary functions in HZD to go rogue was from Sovereign/Nazara. The idea of an AI rebuilding life is somehow anathema to the Reaper's directive to preserve life in Reaper form. (We know the reapers interfered in Galactic history with the Rachni wars anyway. "a tone from space caused our mother's songs to resonate with its own sour yellow note") The story takes place several centuries after Aloy rebuilds Gaia. Faro had succeeded in rendering Apollo inaccessible to the original iteration of Gaia, but could not destroy it. So when Gaia was rebuilt, so was Apollo. Of course, these humans have been worshipping AI for as long as their culture can remember. And many after the Apollo renaissance have befriended Gaia directly. So you can imagine how the anti-synthetic sentiments of the ME Council races would clash with such a humanity! Bonus points for humans being disgusted at the Leviathans' not taking any responsibility for their incompetent AI programming. And the poor treatment of the Quarians. I like OP humanity fics as much as the next follower of the alternate first contact war genre of ME fics, but please remember "Earth is ours no more". The AIs should have leadership roles, Gaia especially. Mass Effect first contact fics are generally fun, except for one part that never makes sense. First contact packages. Are they mp4, avi, whatever format iTunes uses? Have you tried to run a PC game on a Mac, or a Mac game on a PC? These are things humans have to deal with. Yet when two species who DID NOT KNOW THE OTHER EXISTED UNTIL FIVE MINUTES AGO meet for the first time, they instantly can tell that the signals coming from the alien ships are audio and video, and they can instantly play them. Are these spaceship's computers like Lelu Dallas from Fifth Element? (she instantly understands English enough to sound out "please help", despite absolutely zero experience with our writing system) |